A new world’s F*tanari Messiah


After Lilith recovered from her bout of grief, she thought more about her magic, and plans for using it. So, the main strategist will probably be Milo. I should figure out what he would do if I told him I had magic. “What’s Milo’s deal? He mentioned a promise, and favors from knights. He also seems to have a different attitude than everyone else.”

    “Milo arrived in the village about five years ago,” Amelia said. “Apparently, he used to be one of the Royal Knights. According to him, he started to hate his life in the Knights. So he left, ended up here, and, as gratitude to the village for letting him stay, declared that he would protect them. He’s practically as strong as the entire village-combined. A few years back, there was a huge Ashpaw roaming the village. He ended up bringing the creature down single-handedly, but a few people had already been killed by that point-including our parents. He doesn’t show it, but that incident’s been weighing on him ever since.”

    “Oh. So, if he thought I was a threat to the village, he’d…”

    “Kill you, probably. On the other hand, though, if you can get him to trust you, your position in the village is practically guaranteed.”

    “Alright. I think I’m going to risk it, then. Maybe not tell him everything, just that I have magic.”

    “Come back safely, please.”

    “I will.” Quickly kissing Amelia, Lillith stood up, before stopping. “I have no idea where Milo lives.”

    “The house with the red door and basement.”

    “Thanks.” Leaving Amelia’s house, Lilith walked through the town, mostly empty. Guess most people are working in their houses or the fields. Soon enough, seeing a house with a deep red door and that raised floor above a layer of stone some houses had, she walked up to it and knocked on the door. “Hello? Milo?”

    Milo’s voice came from outside. “Who is it?”

    “Lilith. I’m the priestess. I have something I want to talk about concerning the raid on the goblin camp.”

    After a moment, the door opened, Milo looking down imposingly at her. “Come inside,” he said, turning back and walking into the house’s main room. “What did you want to discuss?”

    Okay. No turning back. “I can do magic.”

    Milo’s eyes widened imperceptibly, then narrowed. His voice took on an edge. “Explain.”

    Holding out her hand, Lilith cast [Holy Shield], the golden aura surrounding her in a sphere. “I can do magic. I haven’t trained much- right now, I just have this shield and some healing magic, but-”

    “What family are you from?”

    “Uh…. that’s the other part. I’m… not a noble.”

    “What are you, then?”

    Well, he hasn’t killed me… yet. That counts for something. “An emissary of a goddess. I said I was a priestess, and that is true. Just not for Claria.”

    “For one of the monster gods, then?”

    “No. I don’t… think so? Let me explain. Far away from here, I was on the verge of death when a figure calling themselves a goddess appeared in front of me. She called herself Medenta. She asked me to spread good across the land. When I agreed, she sent me here, my body healed. Soon after that, I was captured by the goblins, managed to escape with some of the magic Medenta gave me, and made my way here. I want you to know that I am on your side-this village’s side. I like these people, and want to help protect them from the goblins.”

    “And you’re telling me this, why?”

    “I think my magic could help in the raid, and I thought if I told you, it’d help in strategy.”

    “Understood. How much can you heal, and how fast?”

    “I don’t know the exact amount, I haven’t exactly had the opportunity to test it.”

    “Understood.” Taking out his knife, Milo slashed open his palm. “Heal it.”

    Shaken for a moment, Lilith touched Milo’s hand, casting [Healing Touch]. The wound knit up, and when Milo removed the blood, the wound was gone. “How many times can you do that in quick succession?”

    “About seven times, but that should improve over time. I’ve only had these powers for, at best, two days. When I first got here, it was only one time.”

    “That’s quite an improvement rate. Most nobles need years of training and practice to attain powerful magics; that is, if they care about magic.”

    “Most don’t?”

    “Most nobles care about little else than enjoying their comfortable lifestyles. It’s a rare few who practice magic seriously; rarer still those who do it for reasons other than to just prove they can.”

    Okay, there’s some history there. “Okay. Are we going to tell anyone else about my powers?”

    “I’ll tell a few people who I’m sure can be trusted for now, and once the raid finishes we’ll discuss it with the townspeople. Have you told anyone else?”

    “Well, Amelia knows.”

    “Kass’s sister? Interesting. Anyway, do your best to practice your healing magic. If you learn any more powers, inform me so I can figure out how to strategize around them.”

    “Got it.” Feeling as though a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, Lilith walked back to Amelia’s house.

    “How’d it go?”

    “Pretty well. I told him about my healing magic, a little about Medenta…”

    “Did you tell him about the…”

    “The being from another world and the fact that I have a dick between my legs? No, no I did not. On the plus side, I think we might be able to make you an Acolyte.”

    “I’d like that. Want to do some more embroidery?”

    “Yes, please. I think I’m getting better at it.”

    “Okay. So, is the thorn stitch…”

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