A Nundu for A Pet

Magical Creature

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"Harry." His aunt found her voice to speak. Shaking fearfully, she gulped loudly as she helped her son stand up.

"What is that thing?" Her voice cracked like an egg, looking at him for the first time with genuine fear. Harry had never seen her like that before, but he could understand why his uncle was unconscious on the ground. His chest rising and lowering was a sign that he was still alive. Dudley was hiding behind Petunia, his big, chubby legs shaking; he looked on the verge of collapsing again.

Harry remembered when he had been in a very similar position not long ago; the frying pan had hit his head; thankfully, his uncle didn't have good aim, but Harry still remembered the pain; it hadn't gotten away for two weeks, he had found himself hiding in the cupboard, locking the door until Petunia told his uncle that the food was ready.

"She's my friend, Itisa." Harry eventually answered as he rubbed her chin with his index finger; his 'cat' purred in delight and let out a roar upon hearing her name; it was her way of saying that she liked the name and agreed with Harry calling her a friend.

"A friend!!" His aunt shrieked; for a brief moment, she glared at Harry and Itisa, but that was more than enough for his friend to let out a roar as a warning for her to keep her distance; his aunt was startled, stepping away, her face went pale as a groan was heard from Vernon who stirred up, his head moving around in confusion.

I guess peace can only last so long; Harry thought as his uncle reached up, using the nearby table as support to stand up on his feet; the moment his eyes landed on Harry, his face turned red, and his veins looked ready to burst, as did his head.

"YOU!!" His uncle shouted in fury, but as he seemed ready to throw himself at Harry like an elephant, somehow, his aunt got in front of him, stopping him from anything reckless.

"Vernon, calm down." "CALM DOWN. THAT FREAK ANIMAL!!" He shouted even more, and the whole house shook with his voice, echoing from the ceiling to the floor. Itisa let out a roar; this one sounded much more threatening; her ticks came out instantly, but not the ones around her legs, so they wouldn't poke Harry's shoulder.

"Harry, go to your room," Petunia told him, looking back at him for a brief moment; while Harry wanted to ignore her, he knew his uncle was furious, and Harry knew he was scary when he was mad, and he didn't want his only friend to be at the receiving end of his wrath.

"Come on, Itisa." Harry spoke warmly, almost childishly; she gave a warning look towards Petunia and Vernon before following Harry inside his little 'room.'

His uncle didn't even wait until he fully closed the door to start shouting words like: "I want the Freak out of this House. That Freak Animal almost killed me." His uncle shouted.

It was not the first time he had heard similar words. He remembered when his clothes became too small for him, they tried to delay it, but one day, the teacher complained, and his 'lovely' relatives were forced in a way to buy him new clothes. The same night, Harry found it difficult to sleep, his uncle ranting that it was one thing to keep him inside the House and another to spend money on him.

The same night, Harry had enough and tried to run away, but he quickly realized he had no idea where he was going; he didn't know how to survive on his own. But the same night, Harry had learned that he could talk to snakes.

Meow. Harry escaped his thoughts as his new friend looked around the cupboard. Itisa seemed curious as she jumped on top of a shelf where he kept his many books. His relatives loved telling him that all the studying was for nothing, but Harry never had any friends or toys. At first, he had found the thought of reading annoying, but eventually, the books became the toys for him. Something he could get himself lost in for hours.

"Do you like my cupboard— little room?" Harry asked enthusiastically as his cat explored more of the place; she jumped higher, reaching the highest shelf, and her golden eyes looked around the place as if searching for something else to jump onto.

Harry knew his little 'room' wasn't an ideal place for Itisa, but he figured he could sneak outside once the nights came; he could feed her again and play with her.

"Come here," Harry said sweetly. Itisa jumped down from the shelf to his legs; he still couldn't understand how she could grow in size, regrow ticks, her teeth grow larger, and her fur change color. Harry knew he didn't know everything about animals. Usually, he read about medicine and mathematics, and learning a foreign language, like French, was something he enjoyed, too.

But Harry was sure that he had never heard of animals being able to do what Itisa did, and he still remembered the way his uncle was thrown across the room like a sack of potatoes; the man was big enough to be mistaken for an elephant, but Harry still remembered the way he was thrown as if he weighed nothing.

Harry hadn't seen anything; his cat hadn't moved any of her paws, and his uncle had been thrown as if by magic, as if an invisible force had pushed him away.

What else can she do? Harry asked himself; he was curious, and he wanted to know more; outside of his little 'room,' he could still hear his uncle shouting at the top of his lungs; for someone like him, when he wanted to scream, he was like a megaphone and had iron lungs.

Thankfully, Harry noticed that their voices came from upstairs, so he carefully walked up to the door; he opened the door of his cupboard and the moment it was opened wide enough, Itisa somehow squeezed herself through the opening as if she had no bones, or maybe her bones were way elastic.

Harry didn't know as they walked into the kitchen; the dining table was full of leftover food, a half-eaten sandwich. He didn't know anything about raising a cat, but he knew they loved milk and rats. At least that's what the funny stories said on the TV.

Opening the fridge, he found the milk; Itisa was busy exploring the whole place; he looked up to see her walking on the ceiling, her body upside down; her eyes met his before letting out another 'meow' as if walking on the ceiling upside down was totally normal.

"Hi, can you teach me how to do that?" Harry greeted back, trying to understand how his new friend could walk on the ceiling; for a moment, he thought that sharp fangs were helping her to walk on walls, but the ceiling wasn't made of wood; it was made of concrete. Second, her fangs weren't there. It seemed his new friend could make all her weapons retreat back into her body when she didn't feel threatened.

Harry filled a plate with milk and placed it on the dining table; as he sat down and ate a sandwich, Itisa jumped down before she started drinking the milk, but while she did that, Harry couldn't help but feel even more confused.

Despite her size, Itisa isn't that heavy, but why the plate barely reacted to her jump? Harry thought in confusion. When she had jumped from the ceiling to the table, it hadn't moved, despite a sudden new weight added, and her speed would make her landing more impactful and heavier. Not even the plate full of milk had moved and hadn't caused small ripples to form on the surface of the milk as if Itisa weighed nothing at that moment.

If she could make her body weigh nothing for a brief moment, then she would be able to sneak on someone without them ever noticing, Harry thought, realizing that Itisa could be very stealthy if she wanted to.

"You are quite strange," Harry said, causing the cat to stop drinking milk before looking up at him as he petted her cute little head. "But you're beautiful. How did you throw my uncle like that?" Harry asked; he almost expected an answer, but Itisa let out another 'Meow' before she started drinking milk again.

"How can you do those things?" Harry asked in confusion; as he stroked her spine, he still remembered how she grew larger, as big as a fully grown dog. He wondered if she could grow larger than that. He knew his uncle would never let this slide, and from the shouting he was still hearing upstairs, he knew his uncle would punish him.

As long as he doesn't punish Itisa, Harry thought, not wanting to see his uncle throwing a pan at her, he knew how much it could hurt.

"Itisa, can you grow again?" Harry asked excitedly; she looked at him; he could swear that she could somehow understand every word he said. Upon drinking the last bit of milk, Itisa jumped on the floor. Her fur grew darker as her body grew in size, and he quickly noticed that her ticks weren't coming out; she kept growing until she was the size of a fully grown dog, and her fur had turned a dark shade.

"Wow!" Harry didn't know what else to say. He stroked her fur, but this time, he quickly noticed her fur felt sharper against his skin, like he was touching thousands of tiny blades. But he was certain that he would have cut his hand if Itisa didn't like it, and from the way she was purring, he knew she liked his attention.

"H-Harry." The voice pulled him out of his thoughts; he looked up at the middle of the staircase that led to the second floor; there sat Dudley, who was sitting on the stairs, his hands gripping the wooden railings of the staircase; he swallowed as Itisa let out a sound similar to that of a lion. Harry saw her fangs were out, scratching the floor easily, but he didn't want her to hurt him.

"Don't worry, Dudley, she won't hurt you," Harry said calmly, placing his hand on her head as if she could read his intentions. The fangs retreated back on her body, as did her ticks, but she wasn't shrinking to her original size. Dudley didn't seem like he felt less scared of her; if anything, what Itisa made him gulp as he backed away until his back was against the wall.

Harry never remembered him being so afraid; despite the harsh words, despite how much they hurt, he felt bad.

"H-Harry, what is she?" Dudley asked, his voice cracking once again.

Harry knew what she meant, and he had no answer to that; what Itisa was able to do wasn't something an animal was supposed to be able to do, so he couldn't blame him for being afraid and wary of her, but not Harry. She was his friend, and he would never be afraid of her.

Suddenly, the shouting of his uncle stopped, and the sound of a door opening reached the first floor. Harry quickly told her to stand behind him; if his uncle tried to throw another pan, then he would protect her, but it seemed Itisa didn't want to listen to him, at least not this time.

She stood beside him as her ticks grew back, her eyes turned as dark as an abyss. His uncle and aunt appeared; Harry was ready to defend her; his uncle's face was red, as red as blood, while his aunt seemed unusually calmer than him but kept a close eye on Itisa, who let out a low growl, a warning to them both.

But Itisa's warning didn't sit well with his uncle, who suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I WILL KILL THAT ANIMAL FREAK, AND YOU FREAK WILL STAY IN THE CUPBOARD FOR TWO WEEKS UNTIL." "Vernon!" His aunt suddenly raised her voice, causing his uncle to shut his mouth. Harry was taken aback; he had never heard his aunt act like that, but he knew she wasn't on his side; she was simply more wary and not as stupid as Vernon.

"Harry, did you find the creature in the park?" She questioned, but it was more like stating the obvious; as she and Vernon reached the foot of the staircase, he watched as his uncle neared himself to the frying pan on the table. Harry's hand reached down, caressing her fur to calm her down.

"Yes, and I won't let you kick her out." The thought of being alone again, Harry knew he had known her only for half a day, but she was his first real friend. Sure, she was a 'cat,' but he didn't want to be alone again. If they kicked her out, then he would go with her. Being alone... No.

"You Don't Make the Rules Here Freak!!" His uncle suddenly shouted, gripping the handle of the pan.

Harry knew that; he almost wanted to say that Itisa would make him fly again if he tried anything, but he didn't want that; she was his friend, not his weapon. He didn't want her to think that he only cared for her because she could somehow make people fly. He still didn't know what happened but didn't want it to happen again.

"Harry, did you saw anyone leaving 'your friend' there?" His aunt questioned warily, completely ignoring what Vernon said.

Harry remembered the disappearing man; whoever he had been, he must have been the one to leave Itisa in the park. He remembered his clothes; they were as if straight out of medieval times. Harry wouldn't have been surprised if the man had been an actor.

But he knew they would think of him as more of a freak if he told them that a man left her in the park and then disappeared without a trace, like a ghost.

"I found her in the park, I didn't see anyone nearby. I gave her milk and brought her home."

"Well, she's not staying. I Want That Freak Animal-" "ROAR!"

The entire House shook as if an earthquake had just happened; the plates fell down from the table, shattering on the floor. Harry almost lost his footing but kept his balance as he gripped the nearby door, but the same wasn't for his uncle, who tripped, and the pan he had been holding fell on his head; his aunt gripped the wooden railings of the staircase, keeping herself from falling, while Dudley kept himself hidden behind her.

Harry's eyes widened slightly; Itisa was furious, baring her large teeth, with red breath building up in her throat. He didn't know what the breath was, but suddenly, everything in his body told him that the breath was dangerous.

Itisa opened her mouth wide as if ready to unleash the red breath from her mouth, but Harry hugged her; her ticks retreated on their own right away; she didn't want to hurt him as he hugged her. Harry knew she was angry.

"Hey, we are both alright. Itisa, calm down." Harry almost pleaded he didn't know what she had wanted to do to them, but he knew it was something very dangerous. She closed her mouth, her features slowly returning to normal, and eventually, she was back to her usual appearance. She licked his face before jumping on his shoulder, looking at his relatives warily.

"Harry, how about you go outside for a minute or two." His aunt suggested, and despite what just happened, she didn't sound as furious as he expected her to be, but nonetheless, he decided that it would be better for both him and Itisa to go outside for a moment until his uncle calmed down, if that even happened.

Wearing his small sweater, he walked outside. The autumn breeze sent a shiver down his small body; he expected any of the neighbors to be outside at this time; the sun was hiding behind the roof of the next House; it was getting dark, and the leaves covered the earth in brown and yellow. It was the time, after all. Harry sneezed; not the first he had been outside, not the last, but now he had a friend. He wasn't alone anymore.

"Welcome to our neighborhood, Itisa," Harry said with sarcasm dripping from his voice as he spread his arms, pointing at the houses around them. He looked forward to one particular house near his.

"Miss Figg is not here. She has many cats; perhaps you can make friends." Harry suggested, but with the face that Itisa made and how she bared her teeth, he thought she didn't like cats that much.

Harry and Itisa began walking. As they kept walking, Harry and Itisa played catch and ran after one another to see who could run faster. Harry didn't remember the last time he had smiled like this, and his laughter echoed throughout the neighborhood.

Eventually, they reached the end of the neighborhood; he turned around and started walking back, knowing it had been at least an hour since he left his relative's home.

Her roar made the house shake. How? Harry wondered throughout the whole walk back. He couldn't find an answer, and since the neighbors hadn't called the police or anyone, it meant their House had been the only one affected by whatever caused the House to shake.

As they returned back, Harry felt a sudden change; despite his sweater, he felt the cold on his skin since walking outside, but right now, the sun had fallen on the horizon, no more light, yet he felt no cold.

Harry took a deep breath; the air felt warm, and his throat didn't burn; he looked down at Itisa; she kept pace with him; he patted his right shoulder with his hand. Itisa jumped on his shoulder, her golden eyes looking right at his emerald eyes.

"How can you do those things?" Harry wondered out loud, but the only answer he received was a 'meow' sound. Harry chuckled in amusement until he felt it.


Someone was watching him; he quickly turned to his left, and down there, hiding in the grass, was a snake; dark-brown eyes looked back at Harry. He expected Itisa to try to attack but remained on his shoulder and simply looked at the approaching snake with wariness.

Harry kneeled as the snake, who stopped two feet away from him; his skin was a mix of gold and red, with a black tip in the end.

"Why are you here, are you lost?" Harry asked in snake language, hissing as he spoke. He almost expected Itisa to get angry, but instead, she simply looked at him strangely before looking at the snake.

The snake didn't say anything; he looked at him in the eyes before crawling away. Almost in haste, Harry didn't try to chase him; he knew animals didn't like it when someone chased them. His eyes felt familiar, He thought as the snake disappeared.

Soon, Harry found himself in front of the entrance of his House, and to his surprise, his clothes weren't left outside.

He walked up to the door before walking inside. His relatives were eating dinner, and they turned to look at him the moment he entered; all their eyes said the same thing: they were all angry with him; his aunt looked at him the same way he always did whenever it was his birthday.

"You know if you glare hard enough. I might actually disappear." Harry said almost sarcastically. He had learned long ago that his relatives didn't care if he acted like a good boy or not. He had tried, but none of them ever said anything, not even a thank you, and their way of treating him never changed.

"Wouldn't that be something, perhaps you will go away just like your drunk parents." His uncle spat the words with venom; a red cut was on top of his forehead from the pan that had fallen on his face.

Harry stiffened; he swallowed. Hard. Tears formed behind his eyes, but he refused to let them out; he would never let his uncle see him cry; he wouldn't let him win.

"You must have thought hard to come up with that insult. But be careful, your brain might explode; it is not used to actual thinking beyond which sweet I will eat today." Harry said without hesitation and not a hint of regret.

His uncle turned red, but Harry was already inside his cupboard before he could scream like usual.

Harry heard his uncle scream like usual, and his aunt tried to calm him down. He wondered why. His aunt had never tried to calm his uncle before, so why now? Perhaps she was too scared of Itisa. Harry didn't know, but as he lay on his bed, she licked his face, much to his amusement. Suddenly, he heard a low growl emitting from her mouth.

He looked at her eyes; he quickly noticed that she was looking at the scar on his forehead. "Is just a scar," Harry said, but Itisa kept growling, looking at the scar. He wondered why; it was just a simple scar.

Itisa looked back at Harry before looking back at the scar; every time she looked at the scar, she growled, baring her teeth. Harry wondered what was wrong; when she suddenly opened her mouth, purple breath accumulated in her throat, and she suddenly released a tiny bit. Harry watched as the purple breath entered his nose, but nothing happened.

Harry wondered what she did, but now, she licked his cheek once again before jumping on top of the shelf near his bed, resting her head on her paws.

Harry didn't know what she just did with the purple breath, but he didn't feel any different, so he just shrugged his shoulders and laid down on his bed; his emerald eyes looked up at Itisa, who was sleeping quietly.

"I'm so glad I found you Itisa. No matter what happens, we will always be together." Harry promised, caressing her fur; the cat purred. Soon, Harry drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a couple of strangers he had never seen before, but one thing stood out about them.

All four of them were wearing different colors. One is all red. One is all blue. One was all yellow, and the last one was wearing all black.

One Month Later - Professor McGonagall

I wish I'm wrong, she thought as she knocked on the door. She heard someone walking towards the door, and before long, the door cracked open, a familiar face peeking through the opening.

"Professer McGonagall?" Nymphadora asked as she peeked over the small opening of the door. The old professor smiled at the student.

"Good to see you, Nymphadora." The girl looked mildly annoyed that she used the full name. Everyone knew the girl wasn't fond of her full name. McGonagall didn't know why; she thought her name was beautiful.

"Are your parents he-" "Nymphadora, who is at the door?" Andromeda's voice came from inside the House, followed by approaching footsteps; the door was fully opened by Andromeda, who looked at her professor in confusion before stepping aside.

"Please, come in." She invited.

McGonagall walked inside before stepping into the living room; as she suspected, Ted was inside; she smiled kindly at him and turned to face Andromeda. "I'm sorry for the visit at such a late hour, but I would like to speak with you and Ted if it is not a problem."

"Of course. Nymphadora, go to your room." "I Hate That Name!" The girl shouted angrily before running upstairs, her hair turning bright red. McGonagall almost wanted to scold her, but she quickly remembered that they weren't in Hogwarts right now, and this was her home. Her parents were right there; they would scold her if they thought she should be scolded.

Soon, Andromeda prepared a cup of tea and a few cookies for her. Minerva accepted it with a smile; she took a small sip from the tea; she already felt better, but even the tea didn't help to forget what she had heard about Harry Potter.

"Your tea is as good as always, Ted." Minerva smiled as Andromeda cleared her throat, with Ted sitting beside her.

"Minerva, did Nymphadora do something in the school?" She inquired, knowing her daughter loved to cause trouble.

"No, no. Your daughter hasn't done anything this time." Minerva quickly eased their worries as she put down the cup of tea on the table.

"What is it then, Minerva?" Andromeda asked, a little anxious, knowing the old professor would never go to their House at such a late hour if it wasn't anything important.

"Ted, I would appreciate it if you could visit a place for me." Minerva requested. She knew she could do it herself; she remembered that bloody neighborhood but didn't want to draw attention. Ted was a muggle-born, so he could perhaps do it without drawing attention from anyone.

"A Place? Where? and Why?"

"Number Four, Privet Drive, located in the Surrey town of Little Whinging. There's a house there. I want you to check it for me. Since you are Muggleborn, you can do that without drawing attention, I would do it myself, but I can't do that during the night, and during the day. I'm supposed to be at Hogwarts."

"Check what?" Ted asked, sounding confused. He didn't understand what was so special about this particular neighborhood.

"We left him there. I want you to check the House and tell me if you see anything unusual."

"Who did you left?"

"Harry Potter."

Question: In which House you think Harry should be?

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