A Nundu for A Pet


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Chapter 9 (The Language of Magic), Chapter 10 (A Letter from Hogwarts), Chapter 11 (A Nundu Core), Chapter 12 (Talismans and The Sorting Hat), Chapter 13 (First Week, Talisman, and Snakes), Chapter 14 (New Friends and A Troll), and Chapter 15 (A Thunder Bird) are already available for Patrons.


"My name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." The old man introduced himself, his eyes twinkling and a gentle smile on his face, but Harry did not return the smile; instead, he almost froze for a moment.

In front of him was the man responsible for the Dursleys raising him, the man who should have handed him to a proper family, the man who should have done much more for him but instead just dumped him into the Dursleys' doorstep, and just left without a care in the world.

Harry still remembered what Professor Minerva had told him about that night. They had just left him with nothing but a piece of paper to explain why there was suddenly a baby on their doorstep. Harry could almost imagine Aunt Petunia screaming upon opening the door and seeing a basket on the doorstep with a baby inside and a piece of paper lying on top to explain everything.

"Why are you here?" Harry demanded, trying to sound firm as he took small steps to stand between the old man and Itisa, the latter was already glaring at the old Professor, and she didn't seem to like his presence.

"There's no need for that tone, Mister Potter. I'm not here to cause any problems; I'm just here to talk," the old man said calmly as he strode further into the room. He turned around, closing the door, before turning back to face Harry, who was watching him carefully. His entire body was tense, almost expecting him to attack him.

"I don't want to talk with you. Leave, and Itisa doesn't like your presence," Harry said right away, clenching his jaw in anger. As if feeling his emotions running high, Itisa let out a quiet roar, causing the room to shake, before jumping down from the bed. She grew in size—now she was the size of a fully grown tiger, even bigger than Harry himself. However, he still stood before her, wanting to protect her from the old man.

"Fascinating," Dumbledore said with a hint of awe at the sight of the Nundu, and Harry noticed something that he didn't like one bit, unlike Tod, his daughter, and Professor Minerva. Professor Dumbledore wasn't afraid, despite Itisa growing in size and showing clear signs of hostility. The old Professor was the first to show no fear in his eyes; if anything, he looked slightly amused by the sight of the Nundu.

Harry remembered Minerva telling him that Voldemort only feared Dumbledore. He swallowed thickly, fearing that perhaps he was strong enough to kill Itisa if he wanted to.

"What are you looking at?" Harry questioned when he noticed the old Professor had yet to leave; instead, he kept looking at Itisa as if he knew her.

His voice made the old Professor escape his stupor; he blinked and started stroking his long beard. "Forgive an old man for his curiosity. I might be old, but I have seen many things. This is my third time seeing a Nundu, and looking at them is fascinating." Harry almost gasped upon hearing that as his left arm was resting on top of Itisa's back, her spikes had grown around her belly, and her eyes had turned green as she watched Dumbledore's every single move.

"Third time! I thought... I thought Nundus are the most dangerous magical animals." Harry questioned with a hint of disbelief.

"Oh, they are, Harry. But I have walked this earth for far longer than you. I have seen many things, including Nundus. They might be dangerous but beautiful in their own way. It's no wonder some wizards and witches in Africa refer to Nundus as 'Magic made Flash' and given a soul. It's no wonder why they are so unpredictable and dangerous. Magic that is not properly controlled can cause little accidents." Harry still didn't like having this man anywhere near Itisa; he wondered how he knew where he lived right now, how he knew that Itisa was with him because Dumbledore hadn't looked caught off guard when he had seen her.

'Did Minerva tell him everything?' Harry wondered, feeling as if a knot was growing on his belly. He wondered if the Tonks had told the old Professor where he lived, or maybe it was Minerva; Harry didn't know, but he felt his blood boil, and Itisa let out a low growl from deep within her throat, suddenly her belly seemed as if blue flames were growing inside her, deep within her throat, red smoke accumulated, her talons grew, the sharp tip dragging through the wooden floor, letting out a creaking sound.

"Please, Harry, can you calm your little friend? There's no need for anything... unpleasant to happen to anyone." Harry didn't want to listen to him, but he knew he still needed to keep Itisa's identity a secret. He knew he wasn't strong enough to protect her on his own, so he quickly started stroking her back, turning to face his dear friend.

"Shhh, good girl. Calm down, Itisa. You are a good girl, shhh." He spoke with a childish voice as he stroked her fur slowly. The blue flames on her belly faded away, and the spikes sank into her skin, but she kept her eyes glued to the old man, who seemed amazed by what had just happened before him. Harry noticed something else when Itisa got angry. Dumbledore had gotten hold of his wand, and Harry couldn't feel that there was something off about that wand.

"The second time I saw a Nundu was with an old student, and since you are reading his book." Dumbledore peeked over Harry's shoulders at the book lying on top of his bed; he could read the name of the author that was written on the book in big, bold letters. "Newt Scamander. I was in Africa for personal business, and we happened to meet. Unlike yours, we encountered a Nundu; his fur was as white as snow. Sadly, we were forced to retreat when he used the Black Breath. The sky itself turned dark. Nundus are quite fierce creatures." Dumbledore went on, a strange look on his face, but Harry couldn't quite understand what the old man was feeling.

"What about the first time?" Harry asked a little curiously.

"Ahh, I think it's better I not talk about it. It wasn't pleasant," and I don't think Ariana would have liked me bringing up an old friend, Dumbledore answered with a hint of melancholy. His eyes seemed foggy for a brief moment. The words about Ariana were whispers, but Harry still heard every word he said.

Harry didn't know who this Ariana was but understood the old Professor didn't want to talk about this first encounter.

"How did you find me?" Harry finally asked as he stopped stroking Itisa, looking back at Dumbledore.

Harry reminded himself that he needed to calm his head. He wasn't like the pig Vernon, who could lose his cool, almost like flipping a switch. Harry remembered that he needed to keep a level head. Itisa was more important than his anger. If they found out who she was, it would be over for her. Harry reminded himself that, taking deep breaths and feeling much better again.

"Can I sit?" Harry reluctantly nodded. The old man smiled before walking over to the sofa and sitting down.

"Professor Minverva told me nothing if that was what you were thinking, Harry." Dumbledore chuckled at Harry's expression.

"Belive it or not. I might be her Headmaster, but she would never tell me about you, but if you want to know who told me, well, let's say a friend of mine told me that he saw Minerva at the Diagon Alley with a little kid, and I already knew that you no longer lived with your aunt, so I just put two and two together." Harry frowned deeply.

He wondered who this 'friend' of Dumbledore was who told him about him, but there was no way for him to know. He felt a flood of relived life washing over him, knowing that Minerva hadn't betrayed his trust. But Harry decided to ask the most important question.

"Why are you here?" Harry questioned with wariness in his voice, knowing Dumbledore had the political power to do something to him if he wanted to. All it would take was for him to blurt out that there's a Nundu in Leaky Cauldron, and Harry knew the Ministry would believe him and everything would be over, but at the same time, Harry reminded himself what Minerva told him about Nundus.

They were known as violent creatures, and their black breath supposedly could destroy an entire place and make it uninhabitable. Harry never wanted to use Itisa like that, but he knew he could use that threat as a lost resort against Dumbledore if he tried to force him to do something.

"Harry, you must return to your family-" "I'm not going back there." Harry interrupted forcefully, quite loudly; Itisa snarled at the old Professor, who showed a slight grimace before straightening himself up and stroking his beard.

"Harry, I understand you don't want to be there, but you must understand that it's much safer for you." Harry let out a bitter laugh, looking at the old man as if he had just gone mad. His face turned red with anger, and Itisa growled. She, too, seemed angry with Dumbledore, who still sat and showed no sign of fear in his eyes.

"Safer! Do you know how they treated me? For eight years, or maybe you just didn't care. You dropped me there as a baby and never looked back. You never cared, so why should I listen to a single word you say?" Harry almost screamed in anger, trying to keep his emotions in check, reminding himself that he should keep calm, but he was only eight years old, and right now, he felt like getting angry with the old man who dropped him at the Dursleys for no good reason.

"Believe me, Harry, I would have never done that if it wasn't the only way to keep you safe. As long as you are with your family, as long as you are near your aunt. Voldemort's dark wizards still left cannot touch you, Harry. If you had been anywhere else, they would have tried to find you and avenge their fallen master." Harry looked at Dumbledore with a narrowed gaze; he didn't know what he was talking about; as long as he remembered, he never remembered seeing anyone suspicious.

"There's never been anyone out there who tried to kill me." Harry retorted firmly as he caressed Itisa's fur.

"Exactly, because the Blood Wards make sure they cannot touch you, as long as you are with your aunt. You are safe, and you need to return back there. It's not safe for you here, sooner or later. They will find you, and when that happens, we cannot protect you forever." Dumbledore reasoned with a calm voice, but Harry didn't care to listen.

He didn't want to return to that stupid house; he never wanted to go back there. The Dursley always treated him like shit, and even after Itisa became a part of his life, they still always made sure to use words to hurt him, he always tried to hide how much it hurt with his words, insults, and everything, but it did hurt, and having no friends hurt even more.

Harry couldn't tell if Dumbledore was lying to him. Perhaps he wasn't lying, perhaps he was telling the truth. Harry didn't know the answer, but he didn't want to return there. He didn't know what a 'Blood Ward' was, but it sounded like a spell for protection.

"I don't need whatever protection 'Blood Wards' offer me. I have Itisa with me, she's all the protection I need." Harry said with a confident smile. She let out a roar of agreement before licking his face as if to tell Dumbledore that Harry would be safe, but the old man didn't seem to agree as he finally stood up from his chair, his right hand hiding behind his cloak, Harry tensed, expecting him to use his wand.

"And you are okay with using your...friend as protection. What is more important, Harry? From what I see, you are not bothered with your friend being put in danger just so you can keep living in an environment that you like rather than go back to your family, and that way, both you and Itisa are safe. Nundus are powerful, but they are not invincible. Sooner or later, too many Dark Wizards might attack, and it doesn't have to be them. If the Wizarding World finds out about your little friend, do you really think they will just stay put and allow you to keep Itisa around? Trust me, even if I was on your side and tried to convince them that Itisa is tame and would never hurt anyone, they all would laugh on my face. Nundus are dangerous, and Itisa would be seen as just another dangerous Nundu, except this one would be in the middle of Britain. Before you can even blink, you will have everyone against you. Harry, it's much better for you to return back home." Dumbledore spoke calmly, sounding like a worried grandfather.

Harry looked down at his feet, almost in shame. Was he really willing to use Itisa like that? Would it be alright for her to always protect him, and what if people found out about her true identity while she was protecting him? Harry knew he wasn't powerful enough to protect her by himself; he knew deep down that he was still weak. Itisa was the one with power, not him. He was simply lucky enough, that's all. Harry felt his eyes burning, and suddenly, a deep sound came from deep within his throat.

What should I Do? Should I just go back to them to keep Itisa safe, too? Would Minerva be able to keep me safe? No, it would put her in danger, too. Harry didn't know what to do anymore; he felt his head pulsating as if it would suddenly burst open.

Harry heard Itisa let out a soft whimper, her nose nuzzled against his face, trying to make him look up at her, but he ignored her as he felt his eyes burn even more. She let out a louder whimper, licking his face, but Harry again refused to look up. Deep in thought when he heard a voice.


.........' Do not cry, Harry. Do not fear. I will always protect you.'.........


Harry's eyes shot up, and he looked straight at Itisa, who looked back at him with tenderness. His mouth opened and closed several times before he placed his hand on top of her head, caressing her soft fur.

"Was that you? Itisa, did you just talk to me?" Harry asked excitedly, but Itisa licked his face once again before walking around him, stopping when her body was around his back. Her head faced Dumbledore with a look of anger.

"I'm not returning." Harry suddenly clamined, with a newfound strength in his voice, his eyes looking up at the old Professor with determination. Dumbledore's lips twitched. He didn't seem pleased, but he seemed concerned, too.

"Harry, you need to listen to me. It's much safer for you and Itisa to return. You should protect her if the others find out." "They won't." Harry interrupted determinedly, stepping forward and standing between Itisa and Dumbledore.

"You are right, I have to protect Itisa, and I will protect her, but returning back to Dursley will not fix anything. They were already at the end of their wits with me as was I, especially that fat pig, returning will only increase the chances of Itisa getting too angry and doing something that will alarm the entire Wizarding Community of the United Kingdom. I will not return back, Professor. I'm a Wizard, and will live here, where I'm not called a Freak for being a Wizard, where I'm not insulted. I will stay where I belong, where I'm happier than I ever was with the Dursleys. Not that you ever cared about my wellbeing in the first place. You seem to care much more how to make me feel selfish for simply wanting a normal life." Harry finished, his green eyes glittering as he spoke, his voice reeking of venom.

"Harry." Dumbledore said, sounding a little frustrated. His eyes looked down at something hidden behind his robes before looking back at Harry; a sigh of defeat escaped his mouth.

"You are putting your friend at risk for your own selfish desires. I'm sorry that you have to live like this, but you have to understand that you are in danger. Your friend will always be in danger too." Dumbledore said brusquely, but Harry cared not to listen.

He already decided that if there was really a group of dark wizards searching for him even eight years after Voldemort's disappearance, then he knew he needed to keep moving and not stay in one place for long. If he did that, then he could keep Itisa safe, but first, he needed to talk with Minerva. He was certain that she knew where he could go so he could be safe.

"No, I appreciate your concern, Professor Dumbledore, but I'm not going back there unless you force me to," Harry said with a hint of warning. Itisa quickly growled loudly.

"I would never do that." Dumbledore quickly said with a small look of anger on his face; he started stroking his long white beard once again before letting out a sigh of defeat.

"Very well, Mister Potter. You can stay here if you want, but I need to tell you that the road you have taken is a dangerous one. People are still hunting you down, and they will continue to do so. I need you to understand that you don't even have a wand yet, if needed you cannot protect yourself right now, and you will have to rely on others." Dumbledore reminded him, sounding concerned.

"I understand, Professor, but I have Itisa with me. We are Safe; as long as we are together, nothing will harm us." Harry said with a smile as he stroked Itisa's fur, which meowed in delight. He chuckled when he noticed something.

Dumbledore's eyes suddenly looked grief-stricken. His eyes turned red for a brief moment as he murmured something under his breath, but Harry heard him nonetheless.

"Just like Ariana."

Harry wondered who this 'Ariana' was, but before he could ask, the old Professor cleared his throat and straightened himself up.

"I see that I cannot change your mind, so be it. Mister Potter, if you want a place to stay, then I can suggest you can stay with the Tonks. Ted Tonks works in the Ministry, and Andromeda Tonks is a powerful witch, they will be able to take care of you if it comes to that, and their house is surrounded by security wards, but there is something else I need to ask you, and I would appreciate it if you were honest with me."

Harry scoffed; the man deserved none but still motioned for Dumbledore to continue.

"I heard that you can speak with snakes. Is that true?" Harry narrowed his gaze. He only talked with snakes when he was alone, at the park, when he found Itisa and three other times. He never talked with Snakes in public.

"How do you know that?" Harry immediately demanded, his green eyes flaring up with suspicion and anger.

"A friend told me, but you do not need to be suspicious. I just need to check something. Would you mind speaking it right now? I would like to hear it." Dumbledore requested with a pleasant smile, but Harry didn't like it one bit. Why did he want to hear it? Surely, he must have heard people speaking 'Parseltongue' before him; he was much older than him.


"Trust me, Harry. I just need to hear it once, and if you speak it I will give you a few books from Hogwarts to help you prepare for the future." Dumbledore offered, striding forward, but stopping the moment, Itisa let out a growl, a clear warning for him to stop and not get closer.

Harry was still suspicious of him, but the thought of having books from Hogwarts sounded like a perfect opportunity; he wanted to read more to get stronger. He might not have a wand yet to practice his spells, but reading the books would surely give him a small edge. It wouldn't be the same as having a wand, but it would be something.

"Alright," Harry said with a small shrug. Before closing his eyes, he thought of speaking it and opened his mouth. "Who are you?" Harry groaned; that wasn't the language.

"I take it you have spoken it only when a snake was near you. Try to imagine that one is in front of you right now, and try again." Dumbledore suggested. Harry still wasn't sure why the old Professor was trying to help him, but he did what he said since it made sense.

He imagined the snake he had seen back at the park in front of him.




"Stop right there. Do not get a step closer," Harry hissed, warming the air. His voice echoed throughout the room, creaking and splintering the wooden walls, cracking the windows, and shaking the glass violently.

"Keep talking, Harry." Dumbledore urged him as he pulled out his wand and cast a shield around him; Harry continued, still not understanding why he wanted him to speak that language.

"I do not know what you want, but I will protect those I love. Itisa is my friend, and I will protect her." Harry hissed more loudly. Suddenly, the magical barrier around Dumbledore cracked like glass, its cracks widening the more Harry spoke the Parseltongue. Suddenly, Itisa let out a loud meow, shaking her head around before trying to close her ears as Harry kept talking in Parseltongue.

The more he spoke, the warmer it got; Itisa started shaking her head as if a hive of bees were flying around her.

His eyes changed, slit like a snake; the pupil reached from the top to the bottom of his eyes, and his green eyes glittered with a sudden green hue.

Harry suddenly could hear...everything around him; he could hear people talking downstairs, and his body felt calm, too calm. He was no longer afraid. He was no longer angry. He was...strange. He could hear someone downstairs talking about the taxes, someone else talking about Quidditch, a woman saying inappropriate things about her husband, another saying how her husband's co... Harry stopped listening to that one. The snake outside the building suddenly turned his head, slowly approaching the building; the owls nearby hooted loudly, flipping their wings inside their cages, trying to escape.

Suddenly, he felt too many noises in his head; he shook his head from one side to another, a headache, his head throbbed, and the pain grew. His head felt like it was splitting in half, his forehead exploded with pain where his scar was, and he sank on his knees, gripping his forehead tightly.


' "Step Away, foolish woman."

"Not Harry. Please Not Him."

"Avada Kedavra." A laugh was heard, and someone fell on the floor.

"Now, it's your turn. Too bad you can't show fear like your filthy mudblood mother. Now. Avada Kedavra——Aaaaahhhhhaha!!...What is..." '

"Harry, Harry." Harry gasped, his eyes opened wide. He looked up at the ceiling when Itisa's face appeared before him; he felt Itisa nudging him softly with her nose, looking at him with concern.

"Itisa," Harry asked with a hazy expression, feeling slightly confused as he slowly rose back to his feet. He quickly threw his arm around Itisa and hugged her close, already feeling much better, but as he looked up, he saw Dumbledore looking at him with a hint of amazement and disbelief.

"Harry," Dumbledore said carefully, his wand in his hand, a strange thing; Harry could feel it, the wand, as if it was alive somehow.

"How can you speak that language?" Dumbledore questioned as he observed Harry, but the boy furrowed his brow in confusion.

"I simply spoke Parseltongue, like you told me to," Harry said with a shrug of his shoulders, not understanding why the old Professor was making that face. Hearing so many different people at the same time and the screams in his head, he wondered who was talking in his head and who was screaming.

"Harry, that wasn't Parseltongue, while it might sound similar, the language you spoke was one only spoken by Merlin's sister."

"Merlin's Sister! He had a sister!!" Harry asked in growing disbelief as the old Headmaster slowly nodded in confirmation.

"Some say she could speak the language of All Creatures." Dumbledore reaffirmed, still looking shocked.

Harry gasped. He couldn't understand why he would be able to speak that language, and he was sure he was speaking the same language as always. At the same time, he wondered if Itisa could understand him now. He turned to look at her, but she simply arched an eyebrow before shaking her head, much to his disappointment.

"What is that language?" Harry asked earnestly, wondering if Dumbledore knew more about it, but the old Professor shook his head, much to his disappointment.

"I'm afraid I cannot help you here. That language has never appeared ever before. That's why it's considered a myth amongst everyone, and since Merlin himself was a much more powerful wizard and a legend, many don't even knew he had a sister, and that language was forgotten with time, only a few books mentioned it, but they all mention it as a myth, as something that never existed."

"What is it called?"

"I'm afraid I don't know; as I said, that language is considered a myth, and no books can help you." Harry couldn't help but feel disappointed; he wondered what one could do with this ability, mayhaps he could talk with Itisa; that was something he wanted to do above all; it would be incredible to be able to speak with her, but if the language existing was considered a myth, then how was he supposed even to learn everything, the only way he could think of was through trial and error.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and before Harry could tell whoever not to enter, the door cracked open, and Minerva stepped inside. Her face went white the moment she saw Dumbledore.

"Albus!" Minerva's voice was strained, her jaw clenched as she glared at her Headmaster.

"Minerva, what a good surprise to see you here," Dumbledore said with a smile, but the old woman didn't return the smile. She quickly looked at Harry to check if he was alright. Upon seeing Itisa with him, she turned to face her old Headmaster.

"How did you know he was here?" Minerva demanded, closing the door behind her and stepping deeper into the room. She walked up to Harry, who seemed a little shaken, and wondered what had happened to him. Thankfully, Itisa did not try to stop her from approaching Harry. Instead, she kept her eyes on Dumbledore.

"That is not important right now, but I was leaving. Minerva, I want to speak with you privately once you come back to Hogwarts. Harry, as I promised. I will bring you a few books, including one about Parseltongue, it might help." Harry didn't smile at the old man as he left. Harry didn't care what Dumbledore wanted.

He still remembered he was solely responsible for leaving him with the Dursleys, and only a few moments ago, he was trying to convince him that returning to them was the better option. Harry didn't trust the old man; at the very least, Minerva was trying to make up for not doing anything. The old man tried to convince him that returning and living with his aunt was what he should do, even using Itisa to manipulate him.

"Harry, what did he say?" When Harry kept quiet, she grew more concerned. She quickly used a spell to check if Harry was under the effect of any spell; when the wand's tip flashed green, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Harry, did he hurt you?" Minerva asked, now even more concerned. Harry sat on the edge of his bed before telling her everything that happened. Once he was done, she was fuming.

Hearing that Dumbledore tried to convince a young boy that he should live with his abusive relatives made her turn red with anger. She was tempted to go to Dumbledore and slap him as hard as she could, but hearing that the Blood Wards could not protect him from here was concerning. Minerva knew a few solutions, and she needed to deal with that first, so she slowly walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder softly.

"Harry, I know you are not fond of them for attacking Itisa, but I think you should stay with the Tonks for a while until I sort a few things. They have protection spells around their house. You should be safe there for a while." Minerva said softly, almost sounding like a concerned grandmother.

Minerva knew a few much safer places where Harry could stay, but the problem was the fear that they recognized what Itisa was. She even thought of sending Harry to Amelia Bones; she had a niece of Harry's age after all, but someone like Amelia would see right through Itisa, and while she was a good woman, she wasn't one to leave things to pure luck, someone like her would never agree to keep a Nundu around her niece in the hopes that the Nundu might not use the Black Breath. The most likely scenario. She would have the Nundu sent back to Africa. Minerva couldn't take that risk.

Minerva noticed that Itisa was watching her, but she didn't seem as wary this time. Minerva would have never imagined being this close to a Nundu.

Despite Itisa's lack of wariness, she found it difficult not to be a little wary around the Nundu. She reminded herself what could happen if the Black Breath was used, and she shuddered at the thought.

"Harry, what do you think?" The boy remained silent. He didn't seem to like the thought of leaving this room before looking at Itisa.

"What do you say, Itisa. Do you want to have an adventure?" Harry asked teasingly, caressing her head.

Itisa made a face as if it were to say. 'Sure, as long as they don't attack me.' Harry quickly looked back at Minerva and nodded eagerly.

"We agree."

"Excellent. Within a week, we can go there until I fix a few things." Harry accepted that. A part of him was excited at the thought of living with a magical family, and he remembered the man's daughter was only a few years older than him. They could be friends.

He was still wary of them; they had attacked Itisa after all, and he knew she would not be happy to see them again, but if it was just an honest mistake from this Ted Tonks, then Harry could forgive them as long as they never betrayed his trust.

Harry was still wary of Minerva, too, but so far, she had shown no signs of being untrustworthy, so he decided to trust her, but he reminded himself to stay on guard.

Harry only had so much trust left in his heart; he didn't want to experience betrayal ever again; slowly, he looked up at her.

"Professor Minerva, when I spoke Parseltongue, I heard screams, and people speaking-" Harry swallowed thickly. "I think I heard my mother before...he killed her. I-I heard him scream too." Harry said with a quiet voice, wavering a little.

Minerva kneeled to his level, looking at him with sadness. "I'm really sorry for what happened to your parents, Harry. They were both good people. Your father—" Minerva stopped and giggled with a shake of her head before continuing. "He was a troublemaker— you have no idea how many detentions he had with me. One time, he and... a friend of his pulled a prank, the entire Great Hall was slippery, and almost every student and teacher slipped, falling on their faces." Minerva told him with a chuckle of amusement. Harry chuckled along, trying to imagine his father doing something like that; he noticed she didn't name his father's friend; he wondered why but decided that wasn't important for now.

"What about my mom?" Harry asked with a small voice. Minerva smiled bitterly, her eyes red with tears almost spilling. She slowly sat beside him. She gave Itisa a small look to see if she was alright with her, but the Nundu jumped on top of the bed, licking Harry's cheek tenderly before resting her head on his lap. Harry quickly started caressing her beautiful head.

"You are the best girl, Itisa." Harry cooed, and she meowed as if agreeing with him. He turned to look at her, and Minerva continued with her little story.

"Your mother had a gift with Runes, Harry. She was smart and rarely got detention, but she wasn't an angel either. One time, she got angry with the Divination's Professor. While we never found proof against her. For the next month, Professor Trelawney smelled like feces for a whole month. No matter what we did, the smell never disappeared until one month passed, and the whole month, your mother walked around the castle looking smug, as if telling everyone. 'I did it, and you cannot blame it on me.'" Harry burst out laughing upon hearing that; he really wished he could talk to her and get to know her.

Looking down at Itisa, he could not believe that almost three months had passed since she entered his life.


"Another one." A woman's voice was heard booming throughout the office, talking with a hint of weariness as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Yes, same thing. Reports of Earthquakes, and magic around the air like smoke. Some lose their consciousness from the power of this magic, but this magic is strange. It's wild." An even more grumpy voice was heard across the table, this one belonging to a male.

"How long has this been happening, Alastor?" the woman asked, looking at the man sitting across her desk.

Alastor's face was covered with scars, and a chunk of his nose was missing. He had dark grey, grizzled hair. He also had a wooden leg that was described as having a clawed foot.

His eyes were small and dark, while the other was a vivid, electric blue magical eye that moved around independently from his normal eye, giving him the nickname of "Mad-Eye Moody" or simply "Mad-Eye."

"Almost three months now. Whoever is doing all these Earthquakes is good at hiding their tracks." Mad-Eye said grumpily, looking pissed with himself for not catching whoever was casting these spells. At first, regular Aurors had been sent to catch whoever was doing magic, but after not catching them for almost three months now, and after it happened today again, Amelia decided to send their best Auror to capture this Wizard or Witch, and much to her surprise, even Mad Eye Moody didn't know who was behind this.

Amelia Bones had a square-jawed witch with close-cropped grey hair and a monocle.

Suddenly, an idea bloomed in her head like a flower. "What if it's not neither a Wizard or a Witch?"

"What then?"

"A Magical Creature."

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