A Pervert's World

Chapter 107: Work begins at the farms

"Ahh...." With a low growl Ryu dumped the bulit up semen from his balls directly to Lyla's womb. From her face he could tell that she wanted to engage in another round thus he consoled her "Don't worry aunt Lyla. Let me first get over with my work, then we will play once again." "Thank you master!!" She happily responded. He commanded his milkladies to get together as it was time for their morning milking. "Listen up. From now on only Lyla will have the permission to talk in human speech to me. If any of you want to convey anything to me then you need to get prior permission for that. Understood?" "Moooo..." All of them responded in a single tone. "Good. Let's begin then. Seperate yourselves in two groups." They did as told, evenly separating themselves. "Now the first group will lie down with open legs and the second group will lick their pussies just like what you saw me do to Lyla." Ryu loved watching the puzzlement in their eyes. Once again Rose took the lead in voicing her opinion "Mooo!" Getting his permission to speak she put forth her thoughts "Forgive us master but this is the first time all of us doing it. So, I am not sure if we could do it that well."

Ryu displayed a good natured smile "Haha no one asked you to do it well. I know this is your first time so let me show you once again. Lyla can you do it with one of them too?" With a "Yes, master" the black haired beauty got her face between the legs of one of the woman as she began lapping her pussy up with her long tongue. Rose was watching all this when suddenly Ryu grabbed her legs and forced her on her back. His fingers and tongue began assaulting her pussy making her break into moans within the next few minutes. For half an hour the large hall was filled with loud sensual moans mature women.

*Psshhhh* *Psshhhh* Long jets of milk striked down on the large container under Tessa. Ryu's fingers were holding onto her nipples as he exerted pressure on each one rythmically. Glancing at the smile on the face of the girl getting milked, Lyla was awe struck. Tessa was clearly enjoying the process. Having experienced the divine skills of the little boy she knew the girl was not at all faking it. The thing that made her curious was why their body had such a response to his actions. She can see that he was not doing something amazing. It was just a normal milking session with an added excercise of massaging the udders before proceeding with the milking. 'Does our arousal have anything to do with the increased capacity?' She quickly denied that. The first time she was milked by him, she was not at all aroused yet she ended up producing much more than her daily quota. 'There must be something special about the boy himself'. She came to the conclusion. Deciding to check with granny later about it she engaged him in a short chat.

"How is your mage training going on little Ry.. I mean master." He gave a good natured smile, letting her know how his practice was going and how he had managed to gain some control over the faculties of the plant life. "It's amazing master. You really did surprise us with your performance during the Awakening ceremony. I just hope you could look after my little girl a bit." Her words reminded him about the sweet big-chested girl that took care of him when he had passed out after his interaction with the Krypto vines. "Sure, Aunt. That's nothing to remind me about. She is like a sister to me and we have even interacted during our classes at the farm." "Ohh.. I am relieved to hear that. You see, that girl is talented but she is clumsy so please look after her. I just don't want her to be taken advantage of." Ryu grinned "Haha.. You underestimate her aunt. Anyhow leave that to me." He could only laugh at Lyla's naivety, placing her daughter straight in the hands of the predator. "Next!" He called out for the next lady to milk.

**That evening**

Rick has enjoyed a long bath with the ladies and after milking them once again, decided to take his leave for the day. He found his way to granny's room, finding Amelia resting in the bed there. His mother was the only occupant there. Granny must have been busy with her work, thinking till here he closed on the sleeping milf. Checking on her pussy lips that were shut tightly. He put a finger inside her warm tunnel finding it gripping his digit. He nodded in satisfaction. His hands roamed all across her body before resting on her red luscious lips. Gazing down at her innocent face he was reminded of the previous night when she had effectively volunteered to be the party whore. Sighing at himself, he was aware that he had let loose his emotions. This was not exactly something that he can control. It's like telling people from his previous world not to marry. It was just how the society functioned here. It was not at all humiliating for the women of this soy to sell their bodies. Rather for some of them like his own mother it was actually a preferred way in which they could boost their income.

Thus, he should not be disappointed in her. It was too much to ask her to change her habits just because he found them uncomfortable. He was the one who was dragged in this world not the other way round, so he should be the one to adapt to the new beliefs and traditions. With a deep breath he dropped all his grievances with her. He connected the leash to her collar and tugged on it lightly "Wake up mom. It's time to leave for home." After a few light slaps to her face she opened her eyes, looking at the chain in her boy's hands attached to the collar on her neck. Getting up she pulled Ryu in a hug "What happened mom?" He was confused by this sudden show of love. "Nothing, Ryu. Mother just had a bad dream that's all." "How is your health mom? Are you feeling pain?" Amelia knew he was concerned about her taking on all those men so she giggled lightly. "Haha.. No my little boy. Mother is fine now. The medicine the chief provided was truly great. I feel even better than prior to that day." "Good to hear that mom. Let's go. It's evening already." "Hmm.." Amelia dropped on her limbs choosing to walk behind him.

The mother and son pair reached home to find Jeff at home. The family had dinner and Ryu had to satisfy his sister with a belly full of his cum before she took her leave from his room. Now he had all ten of his Virgo plants fully matured and ready to produce fruit at their full capacity. Only thing left was for to focus on the short Tura tree. It was still the size of a bush but he was positive that with proper care he can get it to mature. Also regarding his cultivation level, he was now very close to breaking through to the Junior mage level. Once he does that surely his capabilities would take a leap. For now he was going to rest after exhaustingly cultivating for the next hour.

**Next day. At the farm.**

Jeff left Ryu at the entrance of the plantation. He was walking towards Mr. Lyod's residence when someone placed an arm around his shoulders. "Hey kid! How are you doing?" It's was none other than the silver haired apprentice of Mr. Lyod. "I am good sister Sophia. Hope you are good too." He could feel her chest pushing onto his arms but knowing her it was just how she interacted with others. She sighed a little "Huh.. it's all because of you. I didn't have any rest these few days. Thanks to a certain someone." "Hmm.. Why do I feel like the someone you are talking about is me?" "Haha" She refused to answer him as they reached their destination. Ryu met with his friends while Sophia visited Mr. Lyod in his hut. As he interacted with Kyro and others, he could feel the gazes of the children on them. It was a mix of both awe and hostility. It was nothing surprising as their group actually produced two exterminators as well as the other two received good evaluation. Most of them were in awe of them while the nobel ones are the only ones with hostility in their eyes. He chose to ignore them since they can't do anything to him.

"Ignore those jerks. All they can do is bark. They got no guts." Jake said with a snort. Ryu agreed with him. "Haha that's for sure. So, how is everyone's cultivation going on?" Now that the topic was changed all of them explained what they achieved these last few days. Kira and Kyro were at the 4th level of the mortal realm while Jake, just like him was on the 5th level. "You must be working hard on your cultivation Ryu?" Kira made her assessment. "Haha you can say that. But I still can't outpace Jake. Anyhow, the skills you displayed that day Kira, was nothing short of impressive." The big chested girl blushed at this praise while his remarks intrigued the other two boys and they began nagging her to fill them on it. Ryu saw the girl was integrating good with his group as evident from the happy face, with which she explained how her skills worked. Listening to her talk he mulled over the fact if he could share Emily's cultivation technique with her. He decided against that. Kyro was family so it was not a big deal but he had to get her permission of he want to proliferate her technique any further than that. 'I will check with grandma once I make a visit to her place next time.'

*Clap**Clap* "Enough chatter kids!! Get ready for the day now. Arrange yourselves, we will begin our set of daily excercises." After quarter of an hour Mr. Lyod got out of his hut with his apprentice. Sophia passes a sneaky wink towards Ryu before taking her leave. As his students sat crossed-legged in a meditative posture, Lyod found the green haired boy once again in the crowd. It was a big disappointment for him when Chief Eric had informed him that he was not able to secure a patronage for him from the noble families of the capital. But Lyod can't give up on him like this. This was the first guy he found that made him believe that there was a chance for them to win against the detestable vines. He had to train the boy so that he could get into one of the magic schools of the capital. Only then can he explore the extent of his talent. Also, just now Sophia told him an excellent piece of news.

One of the most powerful water mage in the empire had decided to teach him. Just this fact affirmed his belief that he was not alone in spotting the talent in him. Previously, even though he knew Emily was his grandmother he had no hope with her. It was a well known fact that the mage has effectively given up on this generation of kids. 'Haha Even Emily would have been shocked to find such a talent right in her lineage.' He smiled happily as he began instructing the kids on their cultivation techniques.

Once they were done with their cultivating hours, it was time of their first assignments in the farm. Lyod had already assigned their rankings to them. "All the scouts will form a team of two to venture in the outer section of the plantation. No one is supposed to go in alone. Ryu with Kira and Jake with Kyro will form the exterminating teams. Anyone who finds any suspicious vegetation need to inform either to these two teams or if you want, you can inform here too." The children nodded in understanding and he continued "Kira and Kyro, you guys are not exterminators yet, remember. I have paired you up with those guys to watch and learn with them." Listening to this the pair got excited as they dropped their heads to thank him "We thank master Lyod." "All the scouts can disperse now. Rest of you can remain here. I will assign you your tasks. Ryu and Kira, follow me." Kira was unsure but Ryu held her hands as he walked towards master Lyod. She blushed at his straight forward actions but let him pull her along.

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