A Pervert's World

Chapter 125: Ron the miserable

**Heavy tearsports ahead. Please tread carefully** (A pun on my usual watersports warnings lol)

"Ahemm.. little Ryu. Are you sure you want to have sex with me? Is it because I am too old? If it is I can return the fruits if you want." It's been 10 minutes already. She has tried everything. She sucked. She licked. She rubbed. But the cock in her hand refused to get up. Now she was running out of ideas. She can only blame it on her age, in such a situation. "No, aunt. You are so beautiful. I really want to do it. Please continue for some more time." Dorothea frowned but having no other choice she put it back in her mouth and used her hands to caress his balls. Kira can feel something was wrong here but it wasn't her place to butt in. 5 more minutes passed with no progress. "huu.." Dorothea dropped the piece of meat from her mouth and got up. "You don't need to push it little Ryu. It's fine. I won't feel bad about it. I might not be at the same level as the other women you had been before. So no need to feel bad about it. Let's stop this."

"That is not it, aunt. I am not sure why this is happening today. Let's try one more thing before we quit." She nodded. She can give another try if he really wanted. It didn't look like the boy was lying to her. "Sure Ryu. What do you have in your mind. We will try that." "Thanks. Then how about you lay down with me for a bit and we can talk." "Talk?" Dorothea thought she heard wrong. "Yes, we can talk. You see, I like to know about the woman I am fucking. The more I know the better the stimulation I get. I think, I am not getting an erection because I know so little about you. So, what do you say?" Dorothea giggled "You sure got a peculiar taste in women, little Ryu haha. Let's do it then." She dropped down on the bed and extended her hand for Ryu to follow her. Kira was awkwardly sitting to the side of the bed. What was going on here? She can only watch from the side.

Ryu climbed in the bed laying beside the mature beauty. She felt so weak and fragile in his arms. Using his hands he squeezed her breasts before suckling on her nipples. He kept switching between both her jugs, biting in them from time to time. "How do you like it, aunt?" She didn't take any time responding "It feels very good Ryu. Please keep going." But Ryu sat back up before sliding his fingers in her vagina "haha is that so aunt? Then why are you so dry?" For the first time Dorothea panicked. She moved her gaze away from him "I am enjoying it little Ryu. I just didn't get much wet naturally." She herself can feel how bad her excuse was but she just hoped Ryu would move on. But alas, he was not. He fell back down "Then let's talk about something else." Dorothea was relieved but his next words made her heart pound in her chest "Let's talk about your bad habit of lying." She hurriedly countered "Lying? Why would I lie to you Ryu?"

"Ohh.. is that so? Then why had Mr. Ron gone to visit some other village? Was there any specific task?" Her agitated reaction told him what he needed to know. This woman had been lying about her husband from the start. Ryu had already known that from her expressions whenever Sophia brought him into the conversation. But he didn't had any reason to expose her but now he can confirm that something had must have happened to her husband and this poor woman was trying to hide it from Sophia. It wasn't easy to guess looking at how close she was with her. She must have desired not to burden the girl with her problems.

"It's just a deal for some suaro. Why do you ask that?" Ryu sighed heavily. 'Why do I have to do all this? I am just a kid afterall. Fuck this..' He got up and putting his legs on either side of hers he sat on her chest. "Why do you think I can't get it up, aunt?" He placed his thick member on her face. "And don't give me those excuses thay you are not pretty or whatever. You know that's bullshit. Now think and tell me." Dorothea had no idea how to answer him. "It's because of your eyes you idiot woman. You think no one will notice your grief if you crack a few jokes and laugh at them? Now it's better if you come clean on this matter otherwise you already know what I am about to do." Listening to him Dorothea was feeling like her heart will jump out of her chest and once it came to his last words she visibly panicked "Please! Don't do that. Don't tell this to her. She has some big day ahead of her. I will never feel alright if she isn't able to give her best and fails at something just because of some rag tag villagers."

"Pretty sure she doesn't think of you like that. Now if you don't mind. I would like to hear the truth. If he is sick or injured we might be able to help you out without even letting big sis Sophia know about it." He removed his cock from over her face but kept sitting in her chest. To the side Kira was too stunned to hear all this. Dorothea smiled wryly "Haha.. you are very smart little Ryu. You really got everything right. It's just one thing where you got wrong. That is, it's too late now. Ron is gone already." Ryu was not expecting this turn of events. The worst case scenario he had anticipated was of Ron being sick injured and Dorothea in need of some resources for his treatment. Resources were no big deal for him now having a person farm. But all his planning is for naught. "Can you go in detail? How and when did it happen?" She nodded and explained it to him. Last month her husband contracted a severe disease, they tried to save him here but failed. Next they wanted to get him to another village with a small time mage, who might have been able to help him but Ron can't endure the journey and passed away, midway.

"I sincerely hope that you don't tell any of this Sophia. I will let her know when she returns back here next time." She raised her hands to gently touch his cheeks with her hands. "You are such a kind kid. All I ever wanted was a kid like you. But anyhow, you don't need to worry about me, Ryu. I wasn't particularly close with my husband, so I am not that badly affected." 'Are you kidding me, bitch.' Ryu cursed in his mind. He was getting all kind of negative vibes from her. He was willing to bet his ass on the fact that there will be no Dorothea in this village when Sophia will return next time. She is definitely going to take her life away. She had nothing to live for. Her husband was gone. She had no children. Sophia must be the last important person to her and she must have wanted to meet her a last time before giving up on her life. That was just basic human psychology.

'Drastic situations call for drastic measures.' Thinking that he ordered the black haired girl sitting on the edge of the bed carefully listening to all this "Kira!! Hold her hands down." Kira was so shocked she clumsily fell from the bed but swiftly returned back to him and looked in his eyes. She was hesitant to do it as she had no idea what Ryu was planning. "I said, do it." Ryu repeated himself with firm eyes. She had been trained to follow him word to word, there was no way she can go against him. "Please forgive me aunt Dorothea." She was a mage while the woman was a normal person without any access to mana, this she easily overpowered her. Dorothea fell in trepidation. She tried to struggle but the little girl's grip was like shackles. "What are you planning to do, Ryu?" She said with apprehension. The boy was looking viciously at her. The worst part was she can't even call for help. Knowing full well the first one to burst in here will be the girl she didn't want here at any cost.

"Nothing much aunt. You see I have not gotten any return on my payments. So I thought now that you don't have a husband, then I can do anything anything with you. There are no bounds. You just told me you guys weren't even that close. That really puts my heart at ease. Let's begin then." Ryu held her face down with his hands before closing in on her. Her face turned from grim to terrified once she realised what he was planning to do. "No.. Ryu.. what are you.. doing.. don't do it.." She attempted to move her face away from him. "What's wrong aunt Dorothea, it's just a kiss. You are a widow. Why hold onto these meaningless traditions now?" "Noo.. wait.. mhhh" It was too late. His lips pressed against her and that was enough to break her. Ryu wasn't planning to take it any further, hence stopping his act of playing the bad guy.

"Ahhhh wuuuu.... Ahhee waahh.." Tears welled up in her eyes as she began crying hard. Kira can't control herself and she too began sobbing. Ryu didn't have that luxury, he can't relax right now. Next second he had picked up Dorothea in his hands and running towards the window he leaped out, after leaving a few words behind. "Take care of things here, Kira. I will be back in some time." His reforged body had increased his physical abilities by multiple times. Thus jumping from the first floor was no big deal for him. He ran carrying the naked woman in his arms, only to stop when he had left the village behind. He placed her in the ground once he confirmed on one can see or hear them. "Go on. Do it. You don't need to mind Sophia now." Dorothea looked like she was just waiting fir his signal. Her sobbing turned to cries which then turned into loud screams. She held onto jos legs for support "That idiot... He just wanted to see the girl once wuuu.. waahhhh.. where would we have found her? Even if we knew the town.. aggghhhhhh.. wuuuu.. Even on his last breath he wanted us to not go to that village with the mage.. he wanted us to turn around and bring him to see the girl.. I wasn't able to even fulfill his dying wish... Waahhhh..."

Ryu was himself in tears. He incessantly tried wiping them away but they fucking kept coming back. Dorothea had been keeping all these emotions bottled up in her heart. She had so much that it wasn't long before all of it was going to be too much of a burden for her to carry around. Her cries, screams and sobbings continued for more than an hour. Once she was too weak to keep going, he picked her back and began carrying her to the village. Tears were still falling from her eyes but her cries had stopped. She was staring straight towards the sky with empty eyes. Ryu recalled how she was repeating the instance when Ron wanted to see Sophia one last time before he closed his eyes. That was the tragedy of parents with no child of their own. They become too attached to any child who even slightly responds to their love and care. He released a long breath, winding his way through the streets of the village under the full moon.

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