A Pervert's World

Chapter 138: An angel

"I will wait for you. You need to come for me.. otherwise.." Darla snuggled in Ryu's arms. "Haha.. otherwise what little girl?" Contrary to her previous outbreaks, she didn't mind being called a 'little girl' by him anymore. "Otherwise.. otherwise I will just marry someone from my own tribe huhh.." He kissed her red cheeks before saying in a wry tone "Then the only thing I can do is to give my blessings to you two. How can I ever hope to go against your whole tribe?" Darla told him that it was near impossible that her father would accept their relationship. "If it was anyone else I won't count on them. But you can do it." She had seen the guy mastering many difficult spells at such a young age. What's more no human can ever hope to do simultaneous castings at his age. There were only two possibilities for this. Either the boy was someone with a high background and he was hiding it from her or he was a genuine talent came naturally. In any case she didn't care. Even if he might be hiding his background from her, there might be some reasons for that, she believed.

"But what if I fail to do what you have envisioned for me?" He saw her black pupils contract. "Then I will have to beat my own father up. That would make me the leader and no one in my tribe will have the guts to question my decisions." "Haha.. good good. I was just teasing you. I will definitely come for you. Just wait for a few years." "Years?" Darla was a bit disappointed. She knew her expectations were rather exaggerated but would that mean she can't see him for years? Ryu pulled her for another kiss. "We must make good use of our time together." She slithered down to reach his groins before taking his recently hardened cock into her mouth. "Mhhh.." He grabbed hold of her head and held her down before pinching her nose.

She tried struggling but Ryu held her down forcefully. She discerned his intention and let him do as he pleased. Her eyes began turning red with the loss of air from her lungs. He waited for her to reach her limit before letting go of his hold. "Haaahh.." She looked at him with blaming eyes but Ryu ignored her and pulling the skin off his cock head, began rubbing it on her fair face. Next he rubbed it in her cherry lips. Darla ope ed her mouth on her own accord, swallowing his whole length at once and sheathing it in her warm throat. She moved her head rapidly to fuck her throat on his erection. "Get down. Lick on my balls too."

*Lick* *Lick* *Slap* *Slap* Ryu used his long cock to slap her face. She happily sucked on it. "Let's do it again! Hehe" She got up and kneeled in front of Ryu to allow him an easy mounting. Ryu grabbed hold of her long brown hair and pulled hard on it. *Spank* *Spank* Hard slaps landed on her rump but she anticipated it to be a part of sex too. Ryu recalled that the girl could take a lot more abuse than his human partners, as evident from her lack of response from the spankings. *SPANK* "Ahhh... That hurts you idiot." She was fast to curse him back once he slapped her harder. "That's more like it." His fingers ventured into her hole before he began rubbing it against her walls "Ahhhmm... Mhhhhm.."

"Ahhhh" He tugged her hair with even more force and simultaneously began slapping both sides of her brown bottom. It wasn't long before Darla was completely consumed by her arousal once again. "Ahhhh.. harder.. hit me harder... Aghhhh"

She had gone full wild. Ryu took the opportunity to shove his dick in her cunt. Pulling on her hairs as her reins, he pumped her while slapping her butt around. This continued for a full half an hour. Since both of them had cum once already, this time they weren't in any hurry to stop.

"Hhaaaahh.. hahh.." Ryu calmed his breath after a heavy work out. Looking down he saw thick build up of semen in Darla's open mouth. She made sure he had a good view of the contents in her mouth before shutting her lips and letting the viscous liquid seep through her throat to her stomach. Snuggling with each other they took a nap before moving again. Ryu's mission here has not completed. He still needs to find the relic, dragon was talking about. There is no way he is leaving this place without it. They moved through one of the connecting tunnels towards the direction his spacestone pointed. This time it wasn't long before they were in another chamber. This one even smaller than the previous one.

'This is it. Hehe... I can't wait to get my hands on an awesome weapon or something else equally powerful.' Ryu rubbed his hands together in glee. This new chamber was his destination. Of course for Darla they were still looking for an exit. "What is that?" She pointed to the center of this chamber where a large box was placed on a raised podium. The box was carved with extensive carvings and floral patterns. It looked a total mismatch for this place. Whatever Ryu had desired must be in this box, simply because the whole chamber was as empty as a bird's nest. "Let's find out! You remain here. I will go and take a look." He replied to Darla before making his move. "Be careful!" He wasn't too eager, slowly inching towards the box with heavy steps, fully expecting some booby traps to trigger.

The box had some strange energy lingering all around it, he can feel a substantial thickness of mana in the air. Keeping his senses on alert he placed his hands on the sliding lid over the box to try revealing it's content. It took some effort from him to finally push the large cover aside.

Darla saw Ryu's face froze when he looked inside. It didn't look like there was something dangerous in there so she followed on his steps to stand beside the boy. "Why is this here?" She can only say a single sentence before falling silent, mesmerized by the body of a woman in the box. Simply speaking the woman was a divine beauty. She looked pretty dead but her beauty had not faded at all. Ryu might not be able to tell a single flaw in her physical appearance. Few minutes later he broke off his reverie "Its a disgrace that she had died." Her face looked pale, without any trace of blood. Her long locks of blue hairs provided the bedding for her corpse. "Hmm.. You are right." Darla replied still under the allure of her feminine charm.

Was this the 'friend', dragon was talking about? Must be. She didn't look human, being a tad bit taller than regular ones and some small feathers on her limbs. "She must be an angel." "An angel?" Ryu had always been interested in knowing about this world and all his doubt sessions with the dragon had been rather small. Darla nodded her head "Yeah, they are an extinct species now. But father told me that there used to be many angels prior to 500 years but after that they all went extinct suddenly." "Why so?" She was the daughter of centuar's tribe leader. Her knowledge would trump his in every field. "Nobody knows that clearly. Angels together with demons were two most powerful races in this world. They were the ones loved by mana. Yet, most scholars believe that half a millennia ago they went to war with each other. After a war that spanned across multiple years they eneded up destroying each other, with no one coming on top."

"Ohh.. then are the demons extinct too?" Ryu asked recalling his own transformation into one. That thing can really counter someone like the beauty in her coffin. "Yes, all of them. Some people have made claims of seeing members of these races alive but those remain mere claims. Anyhow, father told me that their war was a blessing in disguise for the other races. In the end only when these two races died off, did ours flourish." Ryu had once again expanded his knowledge of this world. "So you are telling me she died half a millennia ago her body is still preserved in this state?" Darla wasn't too confident in her words but she answered anyway. "I am not sure but it isn't too surprising. Like I told they were loved by mana so, it might be the world itself working to preserve their body after their deaths."

It didn't look like Darla knew anymore in this topic so he didn't press her for it. Next his vision landed on the long staff held by the woman over her chest. It was a white wooden staff with gems adorned on it. It was quite feminine in appearance but it was a weapon used by a powerhouse, how can he let he lay here wasted.

"Oii.. you aren't planning to disgrace her body?" Darla looked at him with disgust in her eyes. "Now, now don't smear me for a crime I don't even plan committing." Ryu hurriedly waved his hand infront of him. He was being wronged here. He only had the eyes for the staff in her hand but from Darla's point if view, the boy seemed to be leering at her chest. "Huhh... I know she is an otherworldly beauty but atleast have mercy on the dead." 'Girl, you clearly didn't listen to a word I said. Didn't you?' Ryu cursed in his mind. Looking at the disenchanted boy before bursting into a laughter. "I was just pulling your leg haha.." She saw Ryu ignoring her and looking directly at the angel's corpse, mulling over something. She grew concerned. She hurriedly grabbed onto his arms trying to shake him off from his thoughts "Hey.. you can't be really planning to do it? Do you?"

Ryu was rather annoyed by her, turning around he pinched her nipples from over her top. "Agghhh.." "You stupid girl. Why do you have such a lewd brain? All you can think off is sex?" "Okay, okay. I won't do it. But you know, you were looking at her rather passionately." Ryu sighed before twisting her nipples even further, making her scream in pain. "I am not looking at her body. Instead I am interested in that staff in her hand." "Ohh.. is that so." Ryu was a mage unlike her so she can apprehend the lure of such a weapon. "I guess you should first show your respect to her and they try taking the staff away. I don't think her spirit will mind it since she don't have any use for it anymore."

"Good suggestion." Greed was taking over his heart but he pushed it aside before kneeling and kowtowing in the angel's direction. Darla too accompanied him in doing so. "Beautiful lady. Please accept my bow. Since you won't be needing the staff anymore, please allow this junior to take it away. Thanks." Saying that he extended his hands slowly before placing it on the staff. No shocks, no violent jerks. Nothing happened. He smiled and holding onto her fingers with his other hand, he tried to free it. "Hmm?" First he used his fingers to move her's away, then he moved on to using both his hands but that too didn't help much. Ryu had to place his hand on her face to check if the lady was a real being or a stone statue.

"What happened?" Darla saw the strange look in his eyes and him touching the angel all over. Ryu turned towards her with his amazed eyes "I can't move her at all!!" She can't believe him thus she used her own hand to try and free up the staff. But the boy was really telling the truth. Even with her superior physical strength, she can't even make her flinch. "Isn't this too outrageous?" She checked once again to find no heart beats coming from her chest. She was as dead as possible but still they can't get even her dead body to move. Both of them looked at the astonishment in each other's eyes.

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