A Pervert's World

Chapter 143: Emily vs Demon

"Hahaha... Ahahaha... I like your little water spirit. I already asked your partner to leave me alone but you see, she is a real stubborn woman. Now you tell me what do I do?" The demon was enjoying this show. He was prepared to annihilate Emily and then get moving but this little girl resembled someone who had been very close to him when he was still alive. They had the same personality. Emily on the other hand wanted to go and hide her face somewhere. This girl had always been a source of embarrassment for her.

Nerissa huffed, hearing his response. She wanted to persuade Emily to give up on this madness but take one look at her face she knew that this was inevitable. "You need to do this?" She said with a dull tone. She wasn't worried about herself. Spirits can't die. But she had been worried about her partner, she wasn't invulnerable like herself. She had been with Emily for decades and they had been the closest to a friend she had. She didn't want her to lose her life but defeating this demon must be very important for her, such that she even wanted to gamble on her life. She placed her hands on her chest, taking deep breaths to calm her heart. "This better be worth be it, Emily." Getting a nod from her she promptly turned around to face the demon. "Forget that I asked for a truce, you evildoer. Get ready to have your butt kicked by this mother here."

Even the demon was taken by surprise from such a sharp swing in her words. He looked at how the little fairy had placed both her hands on her hips and stuck her chest out to show her dominance. He wasn't able to control his laughter. "Hahahaha... You are an interesting spirit. This is my first time seeing a spirit so close with her partner. Okay then, I guess the playtime is over." He stood upright mid-air before walking towards them and popping all the joints in his body.

Nerissa pulled back and placed her hands on Emily's back "Ohh Mother goddess please bless us with your power!" Emily can feel her reserves expanding until they were thrice her normal size. "Let's do this Nerissa!!" "Yes!!" The demon casually walked towards them. Nothing in this world was amusing to him. At best these pests would require some effort to be eliminated and that too because he was not yet at his best. "Grand Emergence!"

Though Emily was ready for any possibility considering that she was facing against one of the most powerful species among the ancient races. Still, it was difficult to maintain her calm when an entire forest of massive vines emerged from the ground. As far as her eyes could see, she can only see the vegetation he had called forth. This was the power of a demon. He was easily the most powerful being she had ever faced in her life.

"Acrid Rain!!" Large droplets of water formed in the atmosphere before falling on the ground. Each drop was acidic, burning through the vines at a rapid pace. The rain kept falling and within the next few minutes it had completely burned off all the vegetation in the surroundings of a few kilometers. The only reason Emily can use this mass area affect spell was because she had made sure to secure the kids before confronting this guy.

*Hisshh* *Hisshhh* The rain was burning through the demon's body but he didn't even care about it. All his burns were healing even faster than they were appearing. *Clap* *Clap* He began clapping his hands together to show his encouragement. "An attack worthy of a Grand Magus. But it is just the beginning." Emily was not even listening to him. Not waiting for all the vines to be exterminated, she had already begun casting her next spell "Elemental magic: Blood appeal!"

Instantly the demon felt a strong pull that acted on his body, dragging him many meters in her direction before he could come to a stop. She was trying to pull out the blood running in his veins. "Haha.. nice try Mrs. Emily. But do you need to be so cruel? In the end, this is the body of your grandson. What if you end up killing him in the process?" Emily's concentration lapsed and the spell weakened by quite a bit. Next, she saw his smile turn into a smirk and she realized her mistake. He gave him the initiative. Nerissa didn't get the complete picture but she knew Emily had messed up. "Incoming. Emily!!"

Just when she warned her they saw the demon vanish from its spot and in the next second, he was face to face with Emily. He punched towards her without any mana involved. A large amount of water accumulated itself all around her on short notice, dispersing the blow. Yet, the impact of the strike shot her down into the ground.

"Are you okay?" Nerissa asked with great concern. Emily forced herself back on her feet, nodding. She swallowed back a mouthful of blood that was forced up her throat by the attack. That was just raw physical power without any involvement of mana. It even managed to hurt her behind the curtain of water. Nerissa knew they will have to end this battle fast. The longer it dragged on, the disadvantaged they will be. "We are calling the Navera." The little fairy declared and Emily had no reservations against her suggestion.

"By the command of god's, I call you forth. Please descend Navera!" At her call, an expansive magic circle formed in the air and the surroundings began turning dark. Thunder clouds covered the horizon as heavy rain fell from the skies. *Screech* A huge head covered in deep purple scales poked out from the skies before the rest of its body followed through. *Screech* A shrill cry rang out, capable of chilling anyone's blood. It was a huge sea serpent, easily more than a mile long and many meters in girth. It floated mid-air before turning its huge head towards its summoner. "Thanks, Navera, for coming. Please help me out." Emily had always treated her summons with kindness and most of the time they will reciprocate the same. Navera was her most powerful summoning magical beast.

"Yes, stupid serpent. Hold him off for a bit. Go buy some time for us." The little fairy was obviously not so kind with her words. "Shut up, pipsqueak." The serpent ignored the spirit before turning towards its opponent. "What did you call me?" Nerissa fumed in anger. She wanted to give her a piece of her mind but was stopped by Emily. These were two of her most competent helpers but unfortunately, they can never get along.

"Hmm? A Demon? No wonder!" Navera swam through the clouds like it's was no different from a sea while appraising the enemy. "So are we playing with summons now? Too bad I lost all my previous contracts. Guess I will have to get you a toy to play with then. Can't let you get bored now, can we?" *Clap* He brought his hands together and began forming multiple hand seals. This was the first time Emily's expressions turned grave. If she had any doubts that this guy was a real demon, then they were put to rest now. No one other than demons and angels can use these hands seals to reinforce their magic. Since the last few centuries, various races had tried learning this art from the leftover tombs of those two races but till now all of them had been largely unsuccessful in unraveling its mysteries.

"Come forth. Wooden Dragon!!" The earth under him trembled before giving way to a wooden behemoth. The behemoth was of the same size as Navera, maybe even a bit larger. It was a dragon made completely of flora. Two large wooden horns rested on its sleek head and huge trees made up the bulk of the beast while a thick cover of leaves manifested over its wooden body to act as skin. Two large wings jetted out from its back. *ROAR* The dragon sent out its enormous pressure with a roar. The pressure it exerted was so great that just its roar pushed Emily away by a few hundred meters. *Swish* The dragon unfurled its wings before taking to the skies. It was a feat in itself how such a behemoth can even take off the ground. Emily can only put her trust in Navera to handle this monster.

The sea serpent knew what her summoner was thinking. "You handle the demon. Leave that lizard to me." She swam through the clouds and without any warning rushed towards the dragon that was still ascending upwards. With her open jaws, she tried to bite at the monstrosity but it was strangely nimble enough to dodge her attack mid-flight. Using his large claw it swiped at the serpent who managed to duck and bit on its shoulder. The dragon too found the opportunity to take a bite at Mavera's torso and both beasts circled each other rapidly falling towards the ground. *Rumble* *Rumble* They crashed onto the ground, separating from each other. *Screech* *Roar* But just in the next second they launched themselves back at each other.

"If you have anything else in your inventory, then I will ask you to bring them out. Because I am getting bored of this fight now." He put forth his open hand showing all his fingers. "This many times I could have killed you in our previous confrontations. Don't you realize how inferior you are in front of me? I gave you time to call your spirit. I waited while you completed your summoning circle. I pulled my punch so as not to kill you off in a single hit. I can keep going. All in hopes that you might prove to amuse me but you see, now I am losing that hope so I might just decide to kill you off." Emily realized the guy was telling the truth. This was the dreaded power of the demons. They possessed an invulnerable body apart from the vast mana reserves. Also, they don't even require much time to cast their spells.

"He is telling the truth. We can't continue like this. Let us end this." Even the little fairy was aware of their circumstances. Her voice turned grave as she closed her eyes to concentrate. Next minute her body began glowing with radiant blue color. She rapidly grew in size, now turning into a regular humanoid size. Her flat chest had developed into a mature bust and her bottom perked outwards. The wings behind her back grew multiple times in proportion to her body size. Her red dress fluttered in the wind as a divine beauty emerged after the metamorphosis. She had cherry red lips on her sculpted face with very long blue hair dancing behind her back with the wind.

"I thought you hate this form of yours?" Emily gave a smile before teasing the little fairy that had transformed into a beautiful mature matron. "Humph... Of course, I hate it. It's just I will hate it more if you die on me. Enough talking. Divine Magic: Spirit Merger!!" The lady held Emily's hand before chanting the spell. Both their bodies glowed in white light before they seemed to merge into each other. It was now time for the demon to be surprised. But it didn't last long before he began laughing uproariously. "How amusing hahaha... So this is your final trump card. Divine Magic? So you guys did make some progress on deciphering the texts of those wretched angels. Good. Looks like I can go all out now."

Emily emerged from the transformation with an increased height by a full foot. Her body had gained mass and her face looked like she turned a few years younger. She dropped her staff and it fell back onto the ground beneath her. In this form, she didn't require any medium to cast her spells. She didn't bother replying to the demon and took a glance at Navera still battling against the wood dragon. Multiple bite marks had emerged all over her body and her flesh had begun rotting. With each bite, the dragon was injecting poison into her body. Compared to her the dragon was in an even worse state. One of his wings and a leg had been torn off. Its whole body had been mutilated by large gashes, courtesy to Navera's sharp claws. At first glance, the sea serpent looked to be in a winning position by but in actuality, the case was the opposite.

Navera had was slowing down with every passing minute due to a large amount of poison in her system. While on the other hand, all the damages the dragon took were temporary. It was directly connected to the demon. As long as the demon had even an ounce of mana left, it can help him keep recovering. Such was not the case with Navera. Also, she was an actual living being, while the dragon was just an inanimate being created from demonic magic. And the biggest problem in such a match-up was that the living being always runs the risk of dying. She will have to wrap this all up within the next few minutes otherwise Navera might end up either badly wounded or worse, she might even die.

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