A Pervert's World

Chapter 149: Discovery

It was evening when Ryu's party returned to Korua. In Dorothea's regards, he just lied that she was chosen to be a slave by Grand Magus Emily herself. Since one of the guards recognized Ryu as her grandson, it wasn't too difficult to get her entry into the town. The party separated and everyone got on their way. Dorothea followed Ryu back to his home.

Previously, he had proposed Sophia take the village matron as her slave but the girl refused. She said she saw the woman as a motherly figure and can't get her enslaved. Also, she didn't have a proper location to settle her in. For all those reasons she made Ryu take her place. He didn't mind filling that role for her. Firstly, Dorothea was a beautiful woman. Sure she wasn't at her best due to having lived most of her life in the impoverished location but he was sure it can be reversed within a few weeks if she had access to proper nutrition. And nowadays Ryu didn't lack fruits.

"Little Ryu, you never told me who else is there in your family?" She walked together with the boy, feeling a bit awkward since this was the first time she had ever set foot in a town. How would his parents react? Would they force her out? If so then where would she go? These questions filled her mind suddenly. Ryu seems to have noticed her hesitations. He placed his hand on her waist and pulled her closer. "You need not worry about anything aunt. I am sure all of them will be happy to see you." He went on to explain about his family, only stopping when they were already on the door.

Ryu invited himself in without even bothering to knock. It seems his father had not returned from work yet. Hearing a humming sound from the kitchen he called Amelia out. "Mom, aren't you going to welcome your son?" He heard the humming stop as a naked redhead ran towards him, tackling him to the ground. She didn't wait for anything before pressing her lips to his and kissing him aggressively. "Ohh Ryu, mother missed you so much. You told me it will only take a week." He rubbed her cheeks "Isn't it only been a week, mom?" She pouted her lips to show her dissatisfaction. "It's a week and 2 days Ryu." Ryu laughed at looking at how coy this woman was acting. "Okay, okay. Now can you get off me? Let me introduce you to a new member of our family."

Amelia followed his gaze to look at a mature woman standing on the gate of the house, completely stupefied by the adulterous behavior of the mother and son. Their eyes met and both of them had blood rush to their faces in embarrassment. Amelia failed to notice her. She was too excited to finally see Ryu after a full week. She can't even remember the last time she was separated from him for so long. Had she noticed the presence of a guest, she would have never dared to kiss her son. Ryu acted like it was not a big deal. "You should have told me that we have a guest, stupid Ryu." She pinched him to the side of his abdomen. "Ahhh.. Did you even give me time for that?" This made Amelia even more ashamed of herself even more. She promptly got up before running back to her room.

She returned the next minute, this time completely dressed. "Welcome. Welcome. Please come in Mrs. ..?" She looked towards Ryu, but the lady herself completed her sentence. "Dorothea. That will be my name. And you must be Mrs. Amelia. Ryu told me about you." Both women were still a bit awkward with each other but they buried the scenes from a few minutes back in their hearts, just so they can have a normal conversation. "Ohh.. then it seems I am the one who is out of the loop. Please sit here, I will bring something to eat, and then we can talk about it." Dorothea nodded and took her seat beside Ryu. "Like I told no need to feel pressured. Consider this as your own family." Ryu patted her back. He can see that the lady was still a bit reserved.

"So, I believe we can start now." Amelia brought some sliced Virgos and some milk for her guests before sitting with them. "Let me do the introductions then. Dorothea, this will be my mother Amelia, like I told you earlier. And mom, this is Dorothea, my slave." Amelia took some time to register what Ryu was telling her. "Hmm? She is your what?" Ryu kept the same smile on his face "A slave, mom. I brought her from a village. I am going to get her registered tomorrow." Amelia looked into Ryu's eyes for some time to check if the boy was just kidding with her but he looked serious about it. She wanted to scold him right away for spending his hard-earned money on slaves at such a young age. Yet, it wouldn't be right to discuss that with Dorothea around. "Mrs. Dorothea why don't you take a bath first. You must be tired since you traveled for a long distance."

Dorothea knew she was being asked to be excused. She felt a bit disheartened but Ryu grabbed her hands, using his eyes to assure her that he can handle it. Her face put on a smile and she left for the bathroom as pointed out by Amelia.

Amelia's hardened her gaze. If she didn't properly scold him, this boy was going to pick up bad habits. "Can you explain it, Ryu? Why would you spend your hard-earned fruits on getting yourself a slave?" Ryu kept the smile on his face. He got close to her and placed his head in her lap. Pulling one of her large breasts out, he suckled on her sensitive nipples. Warm milk flowed from her mammary glands to his throat. "I had been yearning to taste it again mom. Thanks." Amelia was gleeful in her heart but right now she had a mother's role to play so she kept her face stern, repeating her question once again. Ryu sighed and began his monologue as to how he ended up in this situation. Throughout his explanation, Amelia's face displayed all types of emotions.

Once again her boy had proved to be much more mature than even herself. Now that she knew the reason, she was ashamed of assuming all those things. "I am so sorry, little Ryu. I should have not acted so restlessly. Instead of waiting for you to explain, I did that." She was referring to the part where she deliberately got Dorothea to leave. "No harm done mother. Both of you are women. I am sure you can understand each other's point of view." Ryu and emptied both her glands when Dorothea came back after taking a bath. Amelia bowed her head to the lady "Please pardon me, Mrs. Dorothea. Instead of getting to know you, I treated you wrong." Dorothea sat down in front of her. She saw Ryu wink at her from between Amelia's breasts. "I can understand Mrs. Amelia. Had I been a mother whose son was going on collecting slave at such a young age the even myself might have lost the temper. It's perfectly normal. But one thing is for sure. You raised an outstanding son."

Amelia agreed. Ryu was her pride. Both of them got a common topic with matching thoughts so it wasn't long before they were chattering like friends. Sometime later Mira returned with Jeff to find the new guest. At first, Jeff too wasn't excited about the prospect of having a slave. They were just a middle-income family. How can they afford a slave? But once Amelia let him on the entire matter, he too was proud that his son had developed such a moral compass. "Haha.. you did good kid!" He patted his back in appreciation. Later during the dinner, Ryu was informed that Ruby had given birth to a baby girl last week but since neither he nor Kyro was present, they decided to hold off the celebrations by a few days.

"Follow me, aunt. I will show you my room." There were no extra rooms in their house. So Ryu will have to keep his slave in his room. Dorothea nodded and followed him to the upper floor. "Here you can use this room. Although it might be a bit cozy with both of us, I think we can manage. The boy had such a mesmerizing smile that Dorothea would find herself lost sometimes. "Are you okay aunt? Is something the matter?" She shook her head in response. "You can have the bed, little Ryu. I can set up my beddings on the ground here." Ryu sighed before holding her hand and dragging her to his bed. "Listen, aunt. You don't have to take this slave thing so seriously. You should already know, we had no other way to pull you away from that depressing state. So please try to relax. I believe in a few days you will come to love this place."

Dorothea nodded and patted Ryu's head. "Thank you so much, Ryu. You are a good person. I ain't even related to you and you did so much just to help me out." "Haha... If you want you can consider me as your son. Maybe that will help you adapt to this new place faster." Ryu just said it in a flow but Dorothea's eyes began watering over. "Can I hug you once, little Ryu?" Ryu took the initiative to hold her in his arms "Is that something you need to ask, silly aunt?"

Having placed her head in his chest. She could listen to his calm heartbeats. "Ryu, do you want to do it?" Ryu shook his head. "Nahh.. not really. I know you are not in the right state of mind for now. What I did today morning was to show you that not everything was lost. You can still feel the pleasures of life. Now you have at least me and Sophia look after haha.." "hmm" She didn't say anything, just sat there holding onto Ryu for a while. "You can sleep if you want. I will cultivate for a bit." Dorothea nodded. Toady was too hectic and her fragile body had enough. She got up and began removing her dress robes one after the other. Ryu had not anticipated this turn of events and found himself staring at the naked woman for a while.

"If you want you can touch, little Ryu haha.." Was this the first time he saw her laughing? No. She had laughed with the group previously too. Yet all those laughter felt to be pretense only. Only this time it seemed like she was genuinely happy. He grabbed her by her hand, pulling her in the bed before sitting on her chest. Pulling his cock out he placed it on her face, making Dorothea giggle. "Haha.. you are so funny, Ryu. It didn't take much effort to change your mind." That's when Ryu got to know this woman deliberately played with him. "You are too naughty aunt. Looks like you need some punishment." *Slap* *Slap* He used his flaccid cock to slap her face on both cheeks. Dorothea used her mouth to catch the head of his cock and began sucking on it and in a few minutes, her jaws were pushed apart by the growing appendage on her mouth.

**An hour later**

"Haah.." Ryu got up and turned around to find his slave sleeping peacefully. It's been many days since he took a look at his private garden. Closing his eyes he found himself among his valuable trees. Whilst Ryu was busy harvesting his fruits, from the corner of his eye he saw a peculiar object in some distance. The space inside the space pearl was vast and he had explored more than a few hundred meters from his plantation. Turning around he was intrigued to check it out but with each step, the dread in his heart was growing. It was because he can recognize the object. It was the coffin of that angel he found in the caves system.

His steps slowed down as he gulped his saliva to dampen his throat. 'Damn it.. I thought I got rid of this thing.' He had to make sure that this coffin was empty or the angel was still in there. Otherwise, he could never feel calm with this thing ticking like a time bomb. Also, he knew better than to rely on that stupid lizard.

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