A Pervert's World

Chapter 162: First cultivation maid!

Ryu smiled wryly while scratching the back of his head. "Ahem.. actually that's not what I meant haha... Well, we can do it afterward but for now, can you sit cross-legged?" Dorothea got aware that she had miscalculated the situation and her face flushed red in embarrassment. Without looking back at Ryu, she pulled her legs together and sat back down on the ground. Ryu pulled his pants up before sitting in front of her. "Now, I will pass on to you a cultivation technique. Try to remember the channels of mana flow inside your body. I am sure you already know this but I will say that again, you will circulate the mana inside your body to cultivate and make breakthroughs. Also, this technique too is a secret of mine. So you can't reveal it to anyone. Not even to Sophia."

She looked into his emerald eyes before nodding vigorously. "I understand." Ryu cupped her face into his hands before saying "Let us begin then." He moved behind her and placed both his hands in her back. Slowly, his mana flowed into the matron's body and began circulating all over her channels. It was not an easy thing to remember all the intricacies of a circulation technique. Thus, it took more than 20 times for Dorothea to remember it completely.

"Done?" She nodded back. "Yes, I think I remember all of it now." Ryu got up and moved to her front. "Good! But I am sorry you won't be able to sleep today. I want you to work on this cultivation technique until it is permanently etched in your memory. Forgive me but that's the only way. I can't lie to you and say that cultivation will be easy at your age. Nonetheless, please have faith in me. If you work hard enough, I will bring you with me to the top of this world." Ryu realized her hardship. The primary time for mana cultivation was at a young age. Simply because that's when you can lay the best foundation for your future. Still, Ryu believed he can offset her disadvantages by a great deal with the amount of resources he possessed as well as the out-of-this-world cultivation techniques provided by the mysterious dragon.

Dorothea can't see a single bit of hesitation in Ryu's eyes. The boy believed that he can achieve this goal. "Thank you, Ryu. I will do everything that I can. But please tell me why do you want to be on the top of this world?" She had to know the motivation behind such an enormous goal. "Haha.. it is simple. Until I get to be the strongest in this world, I can't reveal my abilities. So if I can't become the strongest who will change this world for the better?" A fourteen-year-old claiming to change this word, despite his ridiculous claims she can't bring herself to laugh at him.

"And of course there is an added benefit that I get to capture more and more powerful women for myself Ahaha... Ahahahaha... Cough.. cough.. ahemm.." That was a sudden 180-degree change in his attitude. He just killed the atmosphere with that evil laughter of his. 'In the end, he is still a kid!' Dorothea loved this about Ryu. The guy maintained his charm even while saying some nasty things.

"You want to capture them to be your cultivation slaves like me?" Ryu rubbed his nose "Yeah, a single one is not enough. I need many more." Ryu wanted to slap himself for being such a hypocrite in front of the dragon last time. When it came to it he loved capturing women he liked. Dorothea pouted her lips a little. "I thought I was the special one. But it seems I will be getting a few sisters?"

Was this woman acting coy in front of him? That was a really big improvement. Looks like he need not worry about her mental state anymore. "Haha.. you will always be the special one, Dorothea. Aren't you the first one?" She mulled over it before responding "Yeah, I guess you are right. Since it can't be helped I will gladly take that position." She looked so charming with a bit of makeup remaining on her face from last night.

"Okay. Now we need to come up with a name for you. I don't like the term 'slave'. Hmm... Mmm... How about a maid? Let's call you a cultivation maid. Do you like the sound of it?" Dorothea chuckled a bit. "Well, it certainly sounds better than a slave haha.."

Ryu smiled back before strolling away from her. "Come. Follow me. I need to warn you about something." Dorothea wasn't sure but followed him anyway without any questions.

*Grrsshh* The lid of the coffin slid to the side to reveal a face that was simply out of this world. She possessed a real heavenly body. Her long blue hair cascaded down her shoulders. Dorothea can't find a single blemish on her face. Every curve seems to have been carved out by some godly being. The only features differentiating her from a human were her abnormal size which was a full foot taller than a human woman as well as those small feathers covering the end of her limbs.

"Who is she? And is she.. dead?" Dorothea was too amazed at this scene. She had never seen someone like this before. "Nope. She is as alive as you and me. I brought you here because I don't want you to disturb her while you will cultivate in this space." Ryu could have simply warned her against going anywhere near this coffin itself. But considering how curious human minds are, the more he would have warned her against it the more intrigued she would have become to check it out. The woman sleeping here might have chosen against harming him but he can't be sure if she will remain so benevolent with Dorothea.

Unwilling to take any chances he decided it was better to douse her curiosity at once. "Then is she sleeping?" Dorothea can't even see her chest undulate. This person wasn't even breathing, how can she still be alive? "Yes, she was injured in some fight and is now in the process of recuperating. Hence, we can't disturb her." She didn't look properly satisfied with his answer but Ryu waved his hands and closed the lid back.

"No need to ask any further questions. The only thing I know is that she is from the race of Angels and she is crazy powerful. Rest of the things I got no idea. She just randomly chose to take refuge in this place while I had visited the forest for the mission." Dorothea nodded in agreement. She had only heard about Angel species in the village folklore but if there were really angels in this world then this woman will be the best candidate for one.

They walked back to the trees and sat under one. Ryu picked up a Tura and threw it in Dorothea's lap. "No need to be shy. Everything here belongs to you as well now. Eat as much as you want and cultivate hard." He said while munching on a Tura himself. Dorothea hesitated at first but after a few seconds bit into one of the fruits.

The feeling was divine. Once the flesh went down her throat, her whole body felt rejuvenated. She quickly finished one before picky up the next one. Once again she hesitated, choosing to look at Ryu for his permission. Ryu just made an exaggerated face making her giggle. One after the other Dorothea had eaten full 10 fruits before she felt satiated for the moment. Ryu just watched in fascination. Her body had never received such nourishment ever and now it can't seem to get enough for itself. Thankfully, Dorothea was a grown-up and hence didn't require an awakening ceremony to kick-start her cultivation journey like the young ones.

He got closer to her and stroked her head. "Cultivate in silence here and tomorrow I will let you play with it." She winked at her before pointing to his crotch. Dorothea blushed and pulled her head down and began circulating her mana as Ryu had shown her. "I will see you tomorrow then, little maid. I am feeling sleepy now. Even though I don't want to sleep alone, I must sacrifice my comfort for the benefits." He vanished from his spot leaving a smiling Dorothea behind.


"Water cannon. Haahhh!!" *Splash* Ryu got his whole body splattered with water along with the krypto vine Kira had been originally targetting. "Ahh.. Sorry, brother Ryu...!!" They had managed to vanquish the vine but at the cost of a thoroughly drenched Ryu. "Well you did improve but you need to refine it a bit." Kira hurriedly nodded before coming over to him. "Please let me help!" He allowed her to take his clothes off and drain the access water of them.

They had found the perfect spot to pass their free time. In the area they were assigned to patrol, they had discovered a small pond of freshwater. Kira had put out his clothes to dry in the sun at the shore before coming and settling in Ryu's arms. "What did you decide, brother Ryu? Will you be attending the dinner tonight?"

He recalled his conversation with Lyla yesterday. She had invited him to have dinner at her house. She wanted to thank him for taking good 'care' of her little girl while they were on the mission. He pushed Kira's head into his groins and the girl got the hint. "Sure. Why would I refuse an invitation?" Kira giggled happily before using her soft hands to stroke his cock. She spat in her hands and rubbed it on the meat stick as Ryu began feeling his erection grow. Her soft lips held his glans tight, applying pressure on his urethra.

His cock filled her small mouth as she began bobbing her head up and down while continuously looking at him. He tugged her stray hairs behind her ear, to allow him to look at the gorgeous face. Both of them were enjoying each other when someone fell from above, beside them. *Thud* For a second both of them were startled but realizing the identity of the person, Kira resumed the task at hand while Ryu gave a wide smile.

"Is something the matter, big sis?" Sophia stood beside the couple with a stern face. "Master is calling you, Kira. And you too, jerk!!" Ryu can only laugh at her angry face. This morning she had got to know that he had fooled her and already got Dorothea branded without informing her. Did they think she was like other girls who can't watch someone in pain without spilling tears of their own?

"Heyy..!!!" With a jerk, Ryu pulled her onto his lap before shutting her mouth with his. "mhhhhh??" She pushed in his chest to struggle out of his lap but he held her hands down before continuing with his kiss. Once his tongue entered her through her open lips her resistance began dropping and in the next minute, she had pushed aside his tongue and thrusted her own into his mouth and began licking him from the inside.

"Huuu.. Don't think that I will let you off with this!" He forced his hands inside her dress and pulled the milky white jugs out in the open. Taking both her nipples in his mouth at once he began suckling on them. "Mhhh.. you are really greedy huh.. mhhh.. Hey.. don't bite them.. aghhhh.. mhhh.. stop you idiot.."


"All of you brats performed well. So it's time for some rewards." Kira glanced at Sophia, licking her lips deliberately. The silver-haired beauty wanted to stomp her foot in annoyance. Now even this cry baby had resorted to teasing her? She was reminding her of the delicious meal they had, just a few minutes back. Both of them had drunk their share of Ryu's semen straight from the hose. The hateful boy forced her to take part in their nasty play. Although, on the surface, she was displaying her vexation but from inside she can't deny that it felt really good to do these things with Ryu.

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