A Pervert's World

Chapter 165: Betrayal

Jake had just gone to the bed when he could hear someone arguing with his mom on the ground floor. Firstly, he chose to ignore it and let his mother handle that. This was not the first time people have come to argue at his house. Since his father had fallen so ill, this was a regular business. But after a few minutes, the argument seemed to have morphed into shouting and screaming that he can't ignore any longer. They can shout as much as they want but his father was sleeping right now. He can't allow them to disturb the poor guy.

Getting down to the lower floor, he saw two men were holding Emma down as they forced her on the ground despite all her screaming. "Why are you guys doing this? I have already returned everything that I borrowed." The man in front of her had his face hidden under a black hood, making it hard to notice any features of his face. "I already told you, Mrs. Emma, that is not enough. I think there has been some miscommunication on your part. You still have to return an equivalent of 100 Yuvas to us. Out of the 200 you borrowed you only returned only 100 till now."

His words seemed to have drained all the color from Emma's face. "200? When did I borrow that much? I had only made a deal for 100." The man under veil sighed. "As I told you, Mrs. Emma Roose, there has been a serious lapse of communication on your side. Here. We never make a deal in air, without evidence." He took out a thin sheet of paper, displaying its content on her face.

There was a large double wing pattern marked on the top after which a contract has been sighed with blood from two parties. On one hand, it was an official seal of the Dark Wings and on the other side, there was a blood mark from a thumb. The clear thumb impression was signed with the name Rubin. Emma still can't believe the man so she had to read the whole contract by herself. But alas, all her hopes were dashed as she read through the whole contract. It was clear, she had been duped. It was Rubin who came up with this proposal to borrow money from the Dark Wings as he had some contacts. Emma desperately needed resources as her husband's health had strangely deteriorated at that time and the amount she earned from her prostitution was not enough to handle the sudden expenses.

Hence she agreed to it and let Rubin handle the deal with the shady organization. She had never suspected the guy since his own brother's life was at stake. But she had been mistaken. He had fooled her and borrowed double the amount that she required, never telling her about it. "Can we go to Rubin's house? I want to discuss this with him first." She had a single chance to redeem herself.

The man didn't look much enthusiastic at the idea, shaking his head in apathy. "Looking at your surprised face, I can tell you have been taken advantage of Mrs. Emma. What you ask of us is not possible since we can't find the guy anywhere. To tell you the truth we had first visited his house but the whole house has been abandoned. There was no one there. Our men are looking for the guy but I am afraid he might have left the town itself." Emma felt all the strength leave her body as she fell back on her butt. There were no tears in her eyes. She had seen enough misery in these past few years.

"Although I sympathize with you ma'am but we got no other choice but to confiscate you and get our money back. I think you can recognize this and don't make things difficult for us." The man showed her another contract, this time with her own thumb imprint. She instantly recognized this one. This is the one that Rubin got her to sign. It stated that if she can't return the borrowed amount, they will have a claim over her. That bastard had only shown her this contract while hiding the other one so that she can't check the amount he took from these guys.

She was totally screwed now. There was nothing she can do under these adverse conditions. Where will she find such wealth now, since the contract period has already been over? Was she getting punished for treating everyone with such disgust? It certainly seemed like that. Her head dropped down as all thoughts of resistance left her body.

Jake had heard everything that had transpired. He didn't panic. Instead walking towards the man. "Good sir, is there any way I can get my mother back from you guys? How about you give me some time and I can return double the amount to you?" He knew it was futile to put up any defiance against these guys. Each one of them was stronger than him by multiple times, especially the veiled man. His cultivation felt like an abyss to his senses.

The men around the hooded guy began laughing at his offer. The boy didn't even look 15 yet and he was making such tall claims. It was fun indeed. But the man in the center didn't accompany his associates. "I good proposal indeed. But it can't be helped, little boy. You are just too young. We can't put our trust in you as of yet. The only way you have now is to get someone to buy her back directly from our auction 5 days from now. Apart from that, I can't think of anything else."

To the side, Emma had broken into sobs. She didn't care that she was being captured by these guys and will be sold as a slave to recover their investment. The thing that made her emotional was how Jake came to her help despite her not treating the boy in the best way all these years. What choice she had? She had to keep him away from herself, deliberately. There was no other way to keep him away from her secret life as a prostitute. She can't let her image of a mother get spoiled. But more so than that in actuality she had come to hate herself and simply wanted Jake to get away from her.

Jake was still calm but he can feel some pain in his heart. Although she had not treated her well these past years, that doesn't change the fact that she took these funds to save his father. After taking a look at Emma, he turned back towards the leading man. "Is there a specific reason I have to have someone buy her back? Why can't I do it myself?"

The guy shook his head. "You won't be able to do it, even if you gather the funds to afford her. Our auction house doesn't allow the nearest kins of our slaves to take part in the auction. That diminishes our credibility in the eyes of our patrons. Enough talk. Considering that she is your mother, we will give you 15 minutes before we take her away. If you have any last words then talk to her, you might not get this chance." The man waved his hands and the men holding Emma left her and all of them took their leave, waiting outside of the house.

Jake shook his head. Walking over to a sobbing Emma on the floor, he picked her up by holding her shoulders. "It's okay mom. We still got a chance. I promise you, I will get you back." Emma hugged her boy tightly. "Please forgive your mother Jake. Just when I thought we can get out of this mess and live a normal life, this happened." Tears gushed from her eyes soaking his shirt. Jake knew he had not understood fully what she had been going through. He was rather ashamed of himself, having never made any effort to learn more about what adverse situations she was facing. Though he hated it, he did act like an entitled brat.

"Please don't do anything rash, Jake. I will see what I can do. I am sure your grandfather will not let this happen. So you just take good care of your father and leave these things to me." Jake knew she was lying. Her family had given up on them, a long way back. Why will they come to her rescue now? But he didn't refute her claims. Using his hands to wipe off her tears, he lied "Okay mom I will leave everything to you and I will take good care of dad." Emma put on the best possible smile on her face, under these circumstances. "Thank you, my child. Don't worry. Mother will be back in a few days." She hugged him back.

Jake had figured some things out by himself. His mother must have to get involved in some flesh business, that is the only way he could explain why her behavior towards him will change so suddenly and why she would be out of time for most days of the months. Yet, he felt it was not the best time to talk to her about these matters. He had only got 5 days. There must be some way that he can save his mom.


This past week Ryu had come to love fucking his women in the kitchen and when they are engaged in some work. It made him excited to fuck them while they worked so diligently. Without saying anything he got hold of one of Lyla's thighs and picked it up from the ground. "Ahh..!!" She had to support her body on a single leg and with her hands on the counter. She chuckled at the advances the boy made on her while trying to maintain her balance. "What are you planning little Ryu... Mhhhh?" A bulbous head penetrated her right at that moment. "Wait for a second Ryu, let me complete my chores, we can do it freely then." But Ryu was in no mood to entertain her request.

He got hold of her doggy collar, pulling her back and making her choke. "Are you forgetting something here, my little Ratga? Don't order around your master." Saying that he bit on her exposed neck. "Any doubts?" Lyla shook her head. "No master!" She loved how this boy switches modes in a matter of minutes. Just a moment ago he was a lovely child and in the next one, he was back to his dominant self. Thankfully, Kira had left for her room, so she can let him go as wild as he wanted.

"Ahhh.. mhhh.. please push it slowly master.. ahhh..." His cock was so big that it felt like her internal organs had to shift to make way for the beast. Her vaginal walls rapidly worked to release her cum to lessen the friction. With one of her long legs held against his chest, Ryu began to move in and out of her sweet cunt. "What are you waiting for slut? Get to work!" Lyla's eyebrows twitched after be degraded like this. Ryu had never called her that, but she knew this must be part of his sexual fantasies so she kept quiet. Turning back around she began washing the dishes.

"Mhhh.. ahhhh.. ahhhh.." His fingers pinched her nipples mercilessly, leaving them red. *Pahh* *Pahhh* "Don't stop slut. Keep going!!" His hands left two large prints on her fair-skinned buttocks. Lyla got to washing the dishes once again after receiving the slaps. Their adultery had just started so Ryu was taking it easy inside her, not going full throttle.

"Let's take you on a walk now." He noticed she was done with her chore, hence his hand grabbed a fistful of her hair and jerked her around. His other hand grabbed both her hands behind her back as his waist began delivering long and deep thrusts inside her. Lyla can feel her body getting heated up. There was something different about this boy. He just made her crazy. She had discussed with her colleagues also and she had received the same answer. The boy was special. They can't tell why but sex doesn't feel the same after they have been taken by him. Their bodies themselves seem to get addicted to him. She bends down and began walking out of the kitchen while Ryu pumped her rapidly leaking pussy.

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