A Pervert's World

Chapter 170: The Auction 2

"Thank you all of you for being patient with us dear patrons." Ryu had just felt the maid's warm mouth all around his cock when an announcement drew the attention of the crowd towards the raised platform. The speaker was another maid Ryu knew. She was the one who had brought him to meet with Mrs. Lisa. She was looking just as stunning as last time in a maid uniform, fully covering her body. But even that had its own charm. At least the crowd thought so as they greeted her one by one.

"So today's meeting will be presided over by Mrs. Talia herself haha.." A fat man with a thick mustache commented.

"Hmm.. then the rumor is true. A noblewoman seems to be on the menu today hehe... Can't wait to get my hands on her." Another middle-aged guy remarked. The auction house mostly doesn't reveal the menu for the monthly auctions but every time they themselves will plant the rumor about some unique items to generate curiosity in their customers. Having been in the business of the slave trade for time immemorial, Dark Wings had perfected the best strategies to bring profits.

"Haha... As you said, this time it is a bit special. So I couldn't leave it to my juniors. As for the surprise, you will just have to wait and find out for yourselves hehe..." She giggled lightly but Ryu noticed all her actions were even more practiced and perfected than the maid between his legs. There seemed to be a hierarchy of the maids here. "Also, as you all know. William will accompany me so that we don't have any disturbances during our session."

"That's the guy." Jake pointed and Ryu got to know that the hooded guy on the floor was the one who had captured Emma that day. His cultivation was unfathomable. He felt like a deep abyss. He must be here to stop any fighting, much like a bouncer in his previous world.

"Now that we are done with that, let us get started with our show. As you all know, today we will only be selling slaves so please welcome our first slave on the sale." After her announcement, two other women in similar maid uniforms brought one of the women that were put on display. "Please feel free to thoroughly examine them before deciding on your purchase as you all know our policies of no return after sale hehe.." Everyone laughed with her and one of the men raised his hand. The maids pulled the chains attach to the metal collar in the slave's neck and brought her to the customer.

Ryu was watching all this with heavy eyes. This was just the reality of this world. He can't interfere in this at the moment. His eyes followed the handcuffed woman as the man began squeezing her breast to check their firmness. Similarly, he squeezed her butt as well as checked the tightness of her cunt. He didn't look satisfied and the maids brought the slave woman to another guy. As this continued the head maid in the platform explained the background for the woman in chains, to increase the interest of the customer in her good.

"... the Best thing is, she doesn't have any children. So you know, she is very tight down there." One of the men can't help but complain. "Like we don't know how you train these slaves Mrs. Talia? What level of tightness do you think is left in them after going through your 'training' sessions?" Everyone laughed at his comment while Talia bit her tongue playfully. "Though our methods are a bit excessive, you can't deny its effectiveness. Also, if you like your slave, why not get vagina rebuild?"

The man she was talking to, scrunched his face at her answer. "Huhh.. at that price I can directly buy a new one for myself." Talia didn't respond to the guy anymore, instead focusing on the audience. "So let me quite the price for her. Her base price will be 50 Turas. Let the bid begin." This was a fine woman considering what was lined up next. So everyone began quoting a price that they thought was suitable for the woman. "55!" "What a measly increase hehe.. here this old man is willing to spend 65. Let's see who beat me to it."

Many quoted a higher price than the old man but every time he came up with a higher price tag. It looked like he was determined to win her over. "Count one. Count two. Count three. She is sold for a price of 90 Turas to Mr. Wesley." In the end, the old man won her over. Although others were a bit gloomy after having lost the bid, no one protested.


"Sold for 67 Turas." Nearly half an hour had passed when the last slave on display had been sold off. Under Ryu's table, the maid had decided to take a break when she failed to make him cum. It wasn't her fault. Firstly, Ryu had his balls totally empty. Secondly, no matter how confident he was to win over Emma for Jake, he can't help but be concerned. Emily had told them clearly that she won't be able to interfere in their business and they will have to win Emma over, fair and square.

"Now that we are done with the regular slaves. Let us bring in the star of today's show. Most of you had already figured it out but just in case I will tell you, we got a rarity today. We are selling a woman from a branch of the Roose family. Although, it is just a branch still it is connected to one of the powerhouses of the capital so her importance increases drastically. William, can you please bring her in?" Ryu and Jake's hearts were beating rapidly. Now was the time they had been waiting for.

William went out and once he returned, he was holding onto the chains that were attached to a collar around a redhead's neck. Her hands were cuffed behind her back as she walked in behind the man, buck naked with her long red hair covering her bosom. Emma stood on the stage with her head down.

Talia approached her and organized her hair behind her back before tugging her chin up to show her face to the audience. "Isn't she pretty?" Most of the men were too mesmerized by Emma's beauty to respond to her question. Make-up had been applied to her face that had added extra charms to her. She has an uncanny resemblance to Amelia. That explains why Jake was so obsessed with his mother. In truth, the boy only wanted the love he never received from his mother.

Ryu held Jake's hand before signaling him with his eyes as the boy was growing agitated. "Calm down. We got this!" He nodded before settling back in his seat. Emma still had not noticed her boy in the crowd, choosing to keep her gaze down. She was taking everything as a punishment for her earlier behavior towards the common populace. Had she led a life of a virtuous lady, her ending might not have been this bad. Yet, she didn't cry instead choosing to pray for her family. She had some savings that can help Jake barely get through with his life and also, she believed in her boy that he can take care of himself as he had been doing these past few years.

"You guys are quite lucky gentleman. As you are aware usually we sell women of noble background only in some big cities to get the best price for them but due to some unforeseen circumstances, we had to sell her here. You see this is the best opportunity for you to get yourselves a noble slave hehe.." The same guy from earlier interjected once again. "It's a slave from the branch of Roose family if can recognize her correctly? For a moment I thought you brought someone from a noble family here, Mrs. Talia haha.."

A flash of frustration flashed on Talia's face but just as quickly it appeared, she turned it into a smile. "Ohhh.. my... haha... I stand corrected then. But that doesn't change the fact that she has a noble lineage. I hope you are excited about your bids." But it looked like the man was adamant on making things difficult for her. "Ahem.. please pardon manners, Mrs. Talia but you should tell us how long had she been in your 'care'? I am sure everyone here would like to know as well. What do you say, friends?"

Previously, everyone was too excited at the aspects of getting a noble slave that they didn't notice the intricacies involved. But now that someone had brought it up, everyone was riled up. If she had undergone the same 'training' program as a common slave then her price would drop rather heavily.

Talia can see the situation slip from her hands. Hurriedly responding to the query she answered back "She had been with us a bare 4 days. What sort of training can we give her in such a short time?" Everyone calmed down after listening to her response. If it is less than a week then it was nothing to worry about.

Talia beamed a smile. "Now that all the confusion is out of the way, let me introduce all of you to Mrs. Emma Roose. She had been a married woman with a child. She had been a rather headstrong woman going against her family to marry a commoner in this town. She loved the man rather passionately but as fate had it, some years after the couple was blessed with a child her husband contracted a disease, leaving the poor man bedridden. Her love for her man was so deep that she had to take a loan from our organization to get him treated, but alas. Though her husband got better, he can't be fully treated. Also, Mrs. Emma here was not able to return our investment in time so, now we don't have any choice but to hold an auction for her and try to recover some of our losses."

She gave a fervent speech, evoking multiple emotions in the audience. Everyone was once again exhilarated for the bid to start and get their hands on this rare specimen. "Ahem... Mrs. Talia looks like you forgot to mention some parts of her life journey. Please allow me to add.." It was the same guy from earlier, she already knew he had researched about Emma already. Mostly they do not reveal the identity of their main attraction but this guy managed to find out about Emma from his links and was insistent in making the auction house keep the price to a minimum.

She promptly turned towards William, but the guy shook his head. Her motive was clear. They can never recover their losses if this guy continued to spout the truth about Emma. With each word from his mouth, her price will keep dropping. She wanted this one, thrown out of the room but it looked like he was some important guy that can't be messed with, just because of a single slave deal. Talia can only grit her teeth and let him continue.

"Are you sure master Nolan? Did she really worked as a prostitute for 3 years?" A guy from the crowd wanted confirmation from Nolan. "Yeah, I have a few links in the capital. So it was only through them that I got to know about this matter." Talia secretly sighed, there goes their profit. They can't refute his claims as anyone with even some random links to capital can verify it. She had decided to quote a hefty price of 20 Yuva as her starting price but after so many revelations she was forced to edit it to just 10 Yuva.

Ryu had been looking at the developing scenario keenly. Their assumption was right. Emma worked as a prostitute to earn money for her husband's treatment. Also, it was only advantageous to him to let the man dig out all of Emma's secrets as even he could figure out that this will send her price tag, tumbling down. He had to win this bid anyhow, so the lower it gets to, the better. "So we will open the bidding for her. Our starting bid will be 10 Yuvas. Begin!"

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