A Pervert's World

Chapter 172: The Auction 4

"Hehe.. you are so sweet, young master Ryu. Also, please let me reiterate this fact. We know you are friends with the young master, Jake but you can't transfer Emma over to him." This was the point Ryu was concerned about the most. Though he would love to have Emma as a slave, yet the fact was that she was Jake's mother. He didn't want to do it until he was completely out of options.

"Ahem... Mrs. Talia, the rules can't be this strict now can it?" He wanted to see if the maid can show him around some loopholes in the system. But she shook her head. "Face is everything for us young master Ryu. Who will trust us if we can't enforce our rule?" Ryu's gaze fell. Looks like there was no other way. But just then Talia continued. "Well, the rules can only be applied in our jurisdiction. We can't possibly keep a check outside the borders of Korua now can we?" Talia grinned while giving Ryu a subtle wink.

"Haha.. true, true." Ryu laughed it off but Talia was not done give out the loopholes just yet. "Also, as time passes people seem to forget about these matters pretty quickly. I will say they remember it for a roundabout of 6 to 8 months at best." It was another hint for Ryu. She was saying that they will have to maintain a facade for around 6-8 months, after which Ryu was free to give Emma to whoever he wants.

"But please know this. Her slave status can't be reverted and for the empire, she will belong to you. If she is found to be involved in any crimes, you will be the one held accountable for it. Keep that in mind before you 'lend' her away." Ryu nodded but chose to ignore her warning. After himself, he trusted his two friends the most. How can they screw him over?

"If you are satisfied, then we will have to shamelessly ask for the payment before we hand her over." Ryu clicked his tongue before pulling the space ring out of his finger and placing it in Talia's hand. "Forgive me, I completely forgot about that. You can deduct the amount from it." She passed the ring to her servants who brought it away. "Thank you, young master. Now I will need some of your blood on a few contracts."

She brought him to a table where there were a few papers. Ryu had to prick his finger and press it against multiple papers. Out of all of them, Talia handed a single one to him while keeping the rest with herself. "This is the official document that will identify your rights over your slave, young master. Now please come here." She again went back to Emma before rubbing her fingers on her forehead. A deep red mark appeared between her eyebrows.

"Please press your thumb at this place young master." Ryu would have preferred to put his own slave spell on her but since they had already placed one on her, it didn't argue and placed his bloody thumb between her eyebrows, on the glowing red marking. Emma began writhing in pain and Ryu looked at Talia. "It is normal to feel some pain while accepting the master. It's just a temporary thing."

Sure enough, shortly after her words, her face got back to normal. "Regarding this spell, let me inform you a bit. Firstly, it can sense your presence within a few meters since it has bonded with your blood. Secondly, if the spell doesn't sense the owner for a total of 7 days straight then it will start forcing the body against accepting the nutrition and you are well aware of what it can lead to. I will advise against leaving her away from you for more than 2 weeks at once." Ryu nodded in understanding.

"Is it possible to get rid of this spell, Mrs. Talia? Like if I want to put her under my slave spell?" She mulled over it for a while before replying. "Nothing is impossible in this world. If you can pay sufficiently anything can be done, but I will only tell you this. It won't be easy."

"Do you guys want to remain here?" She wanted to check on it as the branding iron was ready. Ryu turned towards Jake but he shook his head. He sighed before giving his go-ahead. With the drop of Talia's hand the room was filled with the noise of hot iron burning through the skin and leaving a charred smell in the air. Emma had gnawed hard in the soft pad in her mouth.


Emma woke up only after half an hour. She found herself lying in a small bed. She was still naked but her butt had been bandaged up. She found Jake sitting beside her in the bed. "How are you feeling?" She tried to get up and Jake helped her get up. She found Ryu and another lady sitting together, on the other side of the bed. "I am okay."

"Hmm.. looks like she is awake now." Ryu got and slapped Jake back. "Okay brother. I will wait outside. I am a generous man so I will give you 10 minutes to talk to my new slave. Go on do it. You might not get another chance." Saying that he brought Dorothea with himself and shut the door on his way out. His words were harsh but Jake knew he was trying to lighten the tense atmosphere that had developed between the mother and son pair.

Once both of them left, Emma threw herself in Jake's arms before bursting into cries. "I am sorry my baby!!..." The tears she had stored for all this while came flooding out. Jake can only pat her back. "Everything is okay now mom, isn't it? Don't cry now." He held both her arms before trying to console her. But Emma shook her head. "No Jake, I wasn't able to play the role of a proper mother. You had suffered a lot child." She wanted to merge the boy into her soul itself, pressing his head tightly in her chest.

"You did what you could mom. I understand it. You don't need to feel bad about it. You are not alone at fault. I too never even cared to check on your condition. Both of us did something wrong so, we are equal now I guess." Just now Emma seemed to have realized how much had her boy matured in these years. He was still smiling so that she doesn't fall into self-blame. This was an age where he should have lived his life carefree. Instead, he had to mature at such a tender age due to the circumstances. Thinking that she held his face in her hands before furiously kissing Jake all over his face as a new set of tears fell from her eyes.


"Will they be alright?" Dorothea was worried about the mother-son pair. "Yeah, they might cry for a while but let them pour it all out." They found their way to a balcony, looking down at the street from the top floor. "What are you going to do with her?" Dorothea knew Ryu had secrets to protect. He can't keep her close to himself at all times. It won't be long before Emma will grow suspicious. He can feel another headache coming. "It all happened too fast. I didn't get any chance to figure things out. Anyhow, we don't have a choice, I will figure something out."

He might have to put Emma under a permanent slave spell and turn her into another cultivation maid now that situation had evolved till here. Otherwise, he really can't risk allowing her to stay with himself. He will put forth the proposal to her later, whether she agrees or not will depend on her. Now, Ryu was not worried about any moral predicament like he did at the time of Dorothea. He knew the more maids he gathered the faster he can grow. Also, the superior slavery spells enormous benefits that these normal spells can never compare.

"Would you like us to continue from where we left, Mr. Ryu?" A charming voice came from behind them. They turned around to find the same maid that had shown them around, seductively walking towards them. Dorothea placed herself in front of Ryu with a firm face. "We won't be requiring your services any longer. You can take your leave." Ryu can only laugh in his mind at the mature woman trying to act like a mother hen trying to protect her young one.

The maid frowned a bit but smirked at her behavior. "You don't need to feel threatened my lady. I am just a common servant here." Dorothea was not very good with words and struggled to respond to the younger woman. But she didn't need to as Ryu grabbed her waist from behind, hugging her and placing his head on her shoulder. "Still, you made my mom jealous. Also, I don't think I am in the mood now. Still, you worked hard today so here's is your reward." Saying that he threw a Tura towards the woman.

The maid caught it and happily bowed down. "Thank you, Mr. Ryu. You are truly generous. If you ever have plans to visit here, please allow me to serve you." With those words, she took her leave.

Dorothea on the other hand was truly embarrassed after being addressed as a mother. On the outside her face was red but from inside she can't be any happier. "Why would you call me that?" Ryu kept holding her from behind. "Call you what?" Her face heated up even more as she struggled to say the next words. "Why would you call me mother?" Ryu made her turn to himself and delicately pressed his lips onto hers. "Do I need a reason for that? In any case, I am simply not satisfied with a single mother."

There were no words in Dorothea's vocabulary that can express her happiness. For the first time, she took the initiative to latch onto Ryu's lips and began sucking on them. She had gotten aggressive this time, forcing her tongue into his mouth and licking and playing with his tongue. Their nectar-like saliva flowed from each other mouths, down their throats. That only made their bodies heat up. "Do you want to ride me?" Ryu would not have thought even in his next life that, Dorothea was capable of speaking like this. His hands roamed to her tits and he pinched them hard, making the matron squirm in pleasure.

"Yeah, I will certainly ride you once we reach back home. Till then we might have to make do with this." He pressed her against the wall and shoved his fingers deep on her hot hole, while simultaneously giving light bites all over her neck. Dorothea can feel the lust take over her mind as her hands found their way in his pants, trying to stroke and awaken the sleeping guy. Ryu smiled wryly, it certainly won't be easy to make his dragon rise before night.

** Same day. 6 hours back in the morning.**

*Knock* *Knock* "Can I come in granny?" Ruth had been sitting on her working bench when someone knocked on her door. It was one of her first employees in this far-off town, Lyla. "Come in." The dark-haired lady walked in completely naked in her room. Her large areolas were a shade darker than her skin, while her puffy nipples stood proudly on her chest, representing that she has not been milked yet. "Granny, it's little Ryu. He wants to meet with you. Should I bring him in?" Ruth placed her reading glasses on the desk before getting up and stretching her limbs. A smile spread on her face listening to the name of the boy. "haha... Why is he being so formal today? Don't tell me the brat got greedy and wants a raise?"

Lyla chuckled at her comment. "It shouldn't be. But he looked a bit restless so I will just bring him in." Saying that Lyla left the room, shutting the door behind her. Ruth had been a taken refuge in this town for many years now but this was the first time she had seen such a talented guy. But what was even more interesting about him was his ability to enhance her magic. Her most intricate magic spell is the one that lets a human woman lactate without any pregnancy. That's the whole reason why she was able to amass so much wealth in such a small duration of time. In a world with a shortage of food, nutritious milk can be the single most expensive item.

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