A Pervert's World

Chapter 175: Mira left home

"Please speak, master. It's my fortune to be of some use to you." The entity waved its hands. "No need to too humble Estonia. All of you are my beloved subordinates. The task is too measly and certainly not worth employing one of my Commanders to it but anyhow, since you were not currently on any mission I want you to oversee it." Estonia remained on one knee without any response.

The entity on the dragon throne continued after some time. "Employ one of your servants to this task. There is a place in the Cylon Empire. A month back a child of Mortal realm managed to establish a connection with me from that location." Estonia was confused as she turned her face up to look at the entity in befuddlement. "However ridiculous it may sound, the fact is I witnessed his cultivation myself and there is no possibility of any error."

Estonia nodded. She can't doubt her master's words. "I want you to bring me that child, alive. If I am right, the talent of such a kid should be enough for me to cultivate a Death Knight out of him. Send one of your minions there to get him. No need to visit personally but make sure that this task reaches its conclusion."

"Consider it done master. I will put Ergon on it." She had already received the coordinates of the location from the connection she shared with her master. "Hmm. Also, I am planning to go into closed-door cultivation now. You handle anything that comes up. Make sure I am not disturbed." Estonia nodded in understanding. "Sure master. You can leave that to me."

"If there is something you can't handle, wake 'him' up." A flash of fear streaked across the elf's face when the entity mentioned him. That thing made her even more uncomfortable than when she was in presence of her master. "I am sure it won't come to that." Estonia answered back.

"You are dismissed then." Saying till here the entity melted in the surroundings before vanishing entirely from Estonia's sight. She got up and left the throne room. While walking away from the throne once again her body disintegrated in the black clouds.

**Back to the present**

"Are you guys done?" Ryu watched as Emma and Jake walked out of their room. "Yes. I am not sure how will I ever get to repay you for this kindness, brother Ryu?" He hugged the boy. "Oi.. oi.. don't tell me you are planning to renege on your debt. You can't have your mother back unless you pay the entire amount." Both of them laughed out loud as Emma smiled. She was happy that at least her boy had found good friends. In her ego, she had always neglected their importance in Jake's life. Now that she had seen life through the eyes of an underprivileged lady, she got to understand how wrong she had done to these boys.

"What are you doing Mrs. Emma?" Ryu stepped back as the redhead dropped on her knees in front of him. She shook her head. "Please, forgive me, child. I have treated you wrongly. I was too blinded by my self-centered ego. Never realized how much you guys cared for Jake. Even after my bad behavior, you chose not to leave my boy. Thanks a lot for that." She was going to put her head on the ground but Ryu made his move and held onto her shoulders.

"Please don't embarrass me, Mrs. Emma. Just the fact that you have realized that is more than enough. We can't have a senior do this to us." Emma was adamant but after continuous nagging from him, gave up on it. "But you really did say a few mouthfuls to even my mother. So I want you to apologize to her too once we reach home." The redhead nodded. She had already planned to do that. These few years had taught her more about life, than her entire life.

"Take good care of my mother Ryu. I will be counting on you." Jake said to him with a smile. Though he would have liked Emma to stay with his father but his pride won't allow that. He will gather enough resources to pay Ryu back, only then he will figure out how he can get his mother back. For the time being it was a big relief that she will be safe and sound with Ryu.

Ryu nodded but threw the ring in his finger towards him. "What is this for?" The boy explained to him patiently. "It has the leftover Yuvas from the 100 that I was able to borrow. Since Mrs. Emma will be staying with us for a while now, I want you to use that and get a maid to look after uncle. You can return the entire amount at once to me." Looking at a struggling Jake, he pushed him some more. "The whole deal is off if you can't accept it."

Jake gripped the ring in his hand tightly before nodding his head. He will need a maid to look after his father all day long. He might not be able to attend to him at all times. Thus, he didn't fuss anymore and left with the ring, after giving Emma one last hug.

"Then Mrs. Emma, shall we go to our new home." This was the first time Ryu had watched this naked woman so closely. She was in no way worse than Amelia. Ryu didn't hesitate and walked all around the woman with his gaze fixed at her. Emma was a bit shy after being under his surveillance for the next few minutes. In the end, the boy stopped in front of her and grabbed onto her chest. He squeezed them lightly to check their firmness. "You are indeed a beautiful lady, Mrs. Emma. The only problem was with your bad personality. And now that you have fixed even that, I am not sure if any other woman can compete with you in this town haha.."

His words made the milf shy but Ryu certainly didn't notice Dorothea, biting onto her lips in frustration. "Wait a second." Ryu took out a collar from his space pearl and placed it around her neck. "Now you look perfect." Emma didn't know how this guy pulled this thing out of thin air but she didn't question him. "Let us go then." Emily seems to have left already, so they didn't wait for anyone and brought Emma home.


"Hmm?" Amelia had just opened the door after the knock to find Ryu was back but he had brought a guest along. She knew the woman who shared similar hair to her. She didn't know what to say as her mind was rapidly trying to process. "Ahem.. can we come in mother? Don't worry, I will explain." Amelia stood to the side, allowing them to enter. "Yeah, you better do that."

Ryu can only smile wryly. Looks like she didn't have much affection towards Emma. But it was understandable. She had tried to socialize with the woman multiple times but every time, all she received was naked disrespect. It was natural for her to hold it against her.

All of them sat in the hall while Dorothea prepared some lunch. Ryu took the time to explain everything to Amelia and as the woman heard the entire story, her expression of disgust faded. At the end of the story she sighed. "Huu... It was bound to happen. She was too sheltered." Emma knew she was talking about her being cheated by her brother-in-law.

She promptly got on her hands and knees and placed her head on the floor. This time Ryu didn't intervene as Amelia was her senior so it was not all that awkward. "Please forgive me, big sister. I have learned my lesson. I want to be able to serve you to the best of my ability, just so I can pay for my sins." Amelia was never a person to hold a grudge and now that she was like this it was hard for her to remain mad at the poor woman. She too had faced her fair share of tragedies. Hers was even greater than Amelia herself. She turned to look at Ryu, but the boy shrugged his shoulders, telling her that it was entirely her call.

"Okay. Okay. Don't make this too awkward. No one is here to serve anyone. If you want to pay for your 'sins' then just help me out a bit in the house chores and that will be enough. We are not so wealthy to keep slaves in this house." Her words were still stern but Emma knew she had been forgiven. "Thanks, big sis. I will do as you say." Amelia got up to take her leave. "Good. Dorothea, please share your clothes with her until we get more." Dorothea nodded and Amelia looked at Ryu. "And you brat. Come to my room." Saying that she went into the master bedroom.

"Looks like it all went well hhmm.." Ryu got up and stretched his limbs. "Go on you can rest in my room, Dorothea will show you the way." Emma nodded and Ryu went into the bedroom.

He found Amelia sitting on her bed with obviously fake anger on her face. "Haha.. mom you spoke like a true mistress out there." Getting close to her he sat in her lap. Next, he pulled out her breasts from their confine and began drinking the milk she had stored up. Watching her mot respond, he grabbed hold of the face and pulled it down to kiss her on her lips. Amelia allowed him entry to her mouth but didn't take part in the kiss.

"What happened, why are you mad?" At first, she didn't say anything but as time passed she can't keep it inside. "Hahh... I know both of them had faced a lot of difficulties in their lives, but why should my boy be the one to save everyone? You even got such a huge loan from granny. How will you pay it back? Your life had just started, why do you have to carry all this burden?" She wasn't sure what to feel about all this. She was happy that her boy had taken on the good traits of helping the people in need but recent actions of his made her uncertain if he was going too far with this 'doing good' trait?

Ryu pulled her into the bed and hugged her in his arms. " Haha.. so you are worried about that. I thought it might be something difficult to handle." He took another gulp of her milk before continuing. "Don't worry about that mom. There is no condition on me for returning that loan. Also, granny is just as much interested in watching me grow, as you guys have been. She will never let me bogged down by these petty things. And did you forgot, I have grandma as my master? Regarding the loan, you should not care much about it. Since I am confident enough to take it, then I am confident that I can return it too."

Saying that he kissed her back. His words did calm Amelia down as this time she actively sucked on his tongue and even sent her own into his mouth. "Then I can only believe in you, Ryu." They cuddled together as Ryu covered both their bodies with the blanket.

"Ohh... I almost forgot to tell you. You might not be able to see that little girl for a while now." The redhead seems to have recalled something important. "Are you talking about Mira?" Amelia nodded. "Yeah, mother Emily took her away a few hours back. Apparently, she wanted to get her to meet a friend of hers about her cultivation. I had thought that the girl would want to see you once before leaving but I think you might have offended her in some way. She didn't even want to wait for your return and chose to leave with mother, at once."

So his grandma must have returned here after leaving the auction. He really had offended the little girl. Just the fact that he had been busy with his life and had ignored her all this while, was the biggest offense he could do against her. "It's okay. I will apologize to her once she is back. She can't maintain her anger for so long." "Well, that is true." Amelia pulled the boy into her bosom, as they napped together.

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