A Pervert's World

Chapter 188: Help from a daughter

"Hahaha... It must be her!!" The crown prince had walked close to Graham. The lead bodyguard can see the naked desire in the man's eyes, despite that he shook his head. "We can't be sure with such vague details. As you know, this is not the first time we had come across some news like this."

In the past few years, there have been many reports of Ruth's sightings but none of them had resulted in any credible development. "No! I was foolish. We have been looking inside our borders as of yet. In my naivety, I never even entertained the possibility that she can manage to cross the border and escape to another country altogether."

Dennis walked back and forth, giving out his insights. "She must have escaped way earlier, that's why all our searches had been fruitless. This is the first time I have ever received any news about her from outside our borders, I am certain this time."

Graham looked at the infatuated face of Dennis before stating. "Then I will immediately send out the spies under your command, my lord." The prince gave a nod and turned back to return to his bed but stopped midway.

"On second thought, leave out the spies. I will lead the charge myself. I am sure my dear Ruth will be glad to see, how much I have grown up in all these years hehe.." He laughed deviously.

Graham wasn't too keen on the idea. "My lord, the territory is under Cylon's control. You can't risk going there. This lowly guard can't ensure your safety in the heart of a foreign land."

Dennis sat back in his bed and placed both his legs in the two women's laps. Both of them readily stuck their tongues out and began licking his sole. "huh... Cylon Empire? Those bastards are in no condition to annoy us. Year or year they are battered but the assaults from the beast alliance. Agitating one of their allies in the war should be the last thing on their minds, right now. Anyhow, I have recently broken through. I need some fresh air. Ready my cavalcade, we will leave in three days."

Announcing his judgment, he latched onto the busty woman's nipples and sucked the milk out of them. "I can't wait to meet you, Ruth. I hope we can continue with our games hehe.."


The same day in the afternoon Ryu was practicing his combat arts in his garden when Dorothea filled him on the matters regarding Jeff. "Hmm... It's okay. I don't mind it as long as it's father. Rather, I don't mind if you sleep with anyone in this house. But what about you? I told you already, no need to push yourself for these things."

Dorothea nodded in agreement. "I know. But I want to try it. I need to be sure that I have moved ahead. Up until now, I have only been able to do it with you." Ryu understood his point of view and he truly didn't mind, letting his old man do it. After all, he had been doing it with his wife practically from the time he had landed here. The man deserves some compensation.

He didn't think much about the subject, instead focussing on the second set of combat arts Sophia had taught her. He was still in the basic tier. Previously he was convinced that he can surprise the girl with his progress but ended up with a moderately startled face.

This time the difficulty would be even more since he needs to combine both sets together. Thankfully, his grandma had taken a break from teaching him, after handing him the book of spells. Otherwise, he would have struggled to continue with coping up with his routine.

"Do you need a sparring partner, Ryu?" The boy was perplexed by the sudden inquiry from Emma. "You mean to say, you know hand to hand combat?" Emma concurred, jogging up to him. "It's been years since I practiced but I was quite good at it in my younger days. So? Shall we start?"

Looking at the mature body of the woman ahead of him, Ryu was a bit skeptical. "Sure, let's do it. I will start then." He took the role of the aggressor, punching his way towards Emma.

"Haah.. haahh.. haaah... Haahh!! Haah!!.." Everything was a waste, this woman was really good at it. He didn't pull any of his punches but she skillfully dodged it all without breaking a sweat. Ryu wasn't convinced, he readied himself again and lunged back on the woman.


"Huff.. huff.. huff.." What a joke! She told him like it wasn't a big deal but this woman was a trained professional compared to him. He was not able to even touch the ends of her dress for the past one hour while a single attack from her was always enough to put him down.

This was a great development as far as he was concerned. Now he can train in a real sense and test his skills against someone. He fell back on the ground with his limbs stretched out. "Huff.. huff.. you should have told me earlier about this skill of yours, Emma."

"Ohh.. my bad then." The woman playfully bit her tongue before settling beside Dorothea and cultivating in silence, leaving Ryu alone. He looked up at the clear sky. 'It's been some time that lizard contacted me.' Dragon was one of the few guys Ryu felt the closest to in this world. Maybe because of his happy-go-lucky attitude towards life or it might also be because his memories are practically stripped naked, every time he comes across the guy. His only saving grace was that he can't seem to access the memories of his previous life.

**At night**

"What is happening with Ryu? Why is the guy suddenly interested in learning hand-to-hand fighting?" Jeff talked to his wife in his arms. Amelia snuggled in his arms. "Huh.. you should have asked him at the dinner itself. But I guess you were too busy ogling your boy's slaves."

Jeff's face reddened in shame. "It's only natural to be attracted towards women. What can I do with it?" Amelia giggled. "No need to be this apologetic. I understand. You might have gotten lonely since I spend much of my time with Ryu." She got up and removed her clothes. "Let me reward you then."

She seductively pulled his pants down. Stroking his limp cock she was just about to put it in her mouth when someone knocked on their door. "Hmm? Come in, it's open." The door opened, revealing Dorothea in her erotic maid dress. She gave a slight bow towards the couple. "Mr. Jeff, Ryu wanted to check with you, if you will be willing to exchange bed partners tonight." Midway to her sentence she had loosened the strings of her dress on her back and let it fall.

Amelia looked at Jeff gulping his saliva at the naked Dorothea. "huh.. you got lucky it seems haha... Enjoy old guy hehe.." The redhead was all too happy to exchange places with the maid. She flippantly slapped Jeff on his thighs and climbed down from the bed.

But unexpectedly she didn't leave the room. Holding Dorothea's breasts from behind she began crushing them while her thumb rubbed her nipples. "Try not to disappoint our friend here." Jeff shook his head thoroughly. "Although, I might not be as good as my boy. I am confident to hold my ground against others."

Dorothea saw his cock grow in size and decided to get between his legs. "I think I will help you guys out a bit, my boy can wait." Amelia declared before finding her way between the other woman's vagina, licking it while she sucked on Jeff's cock. "Mhhh.. ammm..." He moaned out in absolute pleasure.

The fact was, Jeff had barely fucked any woman besides Amelia. Most of the if he was too bored with her he will spend some time with either Suna or with his elder daughter. Apart from these two he barely had touched any woman in past many years. So now having Dorothea suck him off so sensually made his arousal charged up.

On the other hand, Amelia knew what it meant for a woman to step down from Ryu's bed to some other man. From her own experience, it wasn't pleasurable. That's why she had stayed up to help the couple out. Her fingers drilled in cunt simultaneously as her tongue licked on her swelling clit.


Back in Thera Empire, a woman walked stealthily towards the guard's quarters. She had covered her face under a hood, moving through the shadows she made sure that she wasn't being followed. Fortunately, the guard quarters were without much security so she can easily sneak in.

Making her way to her destination she knocked on the door lightly in a distinct pattern. A minute passed when the door was unlatched from the inside and a man pulled the woman in. The door was slammed shut behind her.

"What are you doing here?" The man was substantially angry at the arrival of the guest. The lady hurriedly pulled up her hood, revealing a gorgeous face. Apparently, she was one of the four girls that were serving the crown prince with her milk during the day.

"You need to help me out, Bern." The man massaged his head. "It's impossible this time Ariel. Didn't you hear it for yourself? Crown prince himself is making the move this time, even if I send someone to tip her off, what makes you believe she will be able to escape from him? Not to mention Graham will be there too."

His words made the pink-haired beauty despair but she can't lose hope. She held onto the man's arms. "Please, Bern. I can't let mother Ruth fall into his hands again. It had been very hard for her to escape from this hell house last time. She won't survive it if he ever gets his hands on her again."

Ruth was not her true mother but she had acted as a de facto mother for all the maids in the Crown Prince's palace. That's why Ariel was so concerned about her well-being. She was old now, she can't endure the same torture that the man puts them through each day. Year on year, Bern had been helping her out in saving Ruth from falling back into Denis's hands.

"It's too risky now. I should not have fallen into this trap from the starting. Both of us will be nailed to the city walls if this matter ever comes to light. I was too naive, I didn't understand that the crown prince will be so crazy for an old hag." Bern can only lament. Many years back he had come under the influence of Ariel and get himself involved in this shit.

Had he known the infatuation of Denis with the woman, he would have never accepted the deal. But what choice he had now, other than to keep helping this woman? If she gets caught, his own head will be taken off his shoulders without much delay.

"I know. Please accept this. It's 5 middle-grade mana crystals." Bern took the pouch away from the lady. Glancing in it he found the 5 glowing red crystals and his eyes filled up with greed. He might actually make a breakthrough this time around. Then it won't be long before he lands up in the same place as Graham.

"Huuhh.. okay. I will send my man tomorrow morning, but let me warn you again. All of this will be futile, there is no way that old woman will be able to run away this time around." Ariel just nodded. She knew that. But she can't lose hope. Maybe some miracle will happen.

"Okay, now turn around." Crystals were not the only price she had to pay. Keeping her head down she dropped her hood, revealing her naked body. Bren threw the pouch on his bed before getting off his clothes. His hands rubbed her pussy lips as he held onto her shoulders and shoved his erect cock into her tunnel without any preparation. "Ahhhhh..." Painful screams kept reverberating in the room for many hours.


"Ryu, wake up!" The boy was woken up at the midnight by low whispers from Emma. He knew what she wanted of him. His whole body was still shivering from the torture he suffered last time. "Mhh.. can't we skip it today?" He looked at peacefully sleeping Amelia in his arms.

He can only smile wryly at how tight she had clutched him in her chest. They had pretty wild sex and as a result, she was completely exhausted. Later that night Dorothea had returned to claim her place in his bed, only to be sent away by her. She refused to sleep with Jeff today, instead opting for Ryu.

"We can't. Its efficacy will keep fading away all this week. We can't waste it." Ryu sighed in desperation. Watching the boy give a nod she touched his hand and vanished, only to return after 5 minutes. "I am done. It's not too warm, go and soak." There was no other choice. Giving a soft peck at Amelia's lips he took his leave for the purgatory.

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