A Pervert's World

Chapter 203: A cruel ruler

<<Extreme gore warning!! Please don't read these three chapters if you are can't handle blood and gore. I will summarise these chapters in the author note just above chapter 206, for anyone who chooses skip over them. >>

"But honey, what made you change your mind?" Eric pulled the beautiful woman in his arms closer to him, crushing her milky white tits onto his chest. "Hmm... I realized that my ego was coming in the path of my wife's happiness, so I shoved it to the side. What is more important than you, in this life of mine?"

His words made the woman emotional as she recalled their younger days. How they had both stood against the pressure from her family and married by running away. She was from one of the most powerful noble families of the capital and Eric was a rising star many years back in the capital. They had met each other accidentally and fell in love at first sight.

With how powerful the man was he could have very easily been assigned to govern a big city by the royal court. But the family she had left behind, used their influence to send them to this far-off place. Yet the man refused to bow down to the pressure, choosing to sacrifice his career for a happy life with the love of his life.

"Kiss me, Eric!" The man saw the intense love in his woman's eyes and swiftly latched their lips together and playing with her tongue inside her mouth. Nana too ravenously kissed the guy as their saliva tricked to the side of their lips. Their lovemaking continued for while before they separated, breathless.

"And what's the deal with our brat? It's been weeks since I saw him last time. Don't tell me is back to his habits of bullying the young kids?" Nana chuckled. "Haha.. quite the contrary. I don't know if the boy got possessed or what but he seems to have developed a renewed interest in cultivation it seems."

Eric had his eyes open wide. "What did you say?" In truth, he had never forced Jim into anything. Since he had faced so many difficulties in his life, he just wanted his child to simply live his life to the fullest. He was aware that all it had done was to spoil the kid rotten, nevertheless, he was not able to discipline him ever because of Nana's interventions.

"Haha.. that's exactly how I reacted when the maids I sent to look for him, informed me." Nana chuckled at the bewilderment on his face. "It might be a temporary motivation. He will be back to his routine in a few days." Jim was his child. He has looked over him for around two decades now, who will know the brat better than him.

But Nana seemed to disagree with her husband. "Apparently not. From what I got to know, it's already been three weeks since the boy had been like this. What's more, he rarely roams around with his depraved friends.

Eric can't believe her words. He had scolded the boy so many times but he never gave up on their company and now suddenly he changed this much. "I want you to visit him tomorrow and motivate him some more." Nana directed him but he can only smile wryly. "What new can I say to him? It's not like I have not tried all those things earlier."

"Don't give me that. I know this time my boy had mend his ways." Eric sighed looking at her stern face. 'What happened to the lovely expression from earlier? She is back to her usual self huh..' He can only curse in his heart. "This must be the nth time you have said the same thing." Taking a look back at her grave eyes, he snuggled his head in her bosom. "Okay, okay. I will do that. Now can you let me rest for a while?" Nana happily grabbed onto his head and closed her eyes.


Half an hour had passed and Graham can't even find a single woman worthy enough for Dennis. Most of them that he came across was rather mediocre and he didn't want to resort to them until he had no other choice. The fact that night had already fallen, didn't help his case either. Right then he came across a busty woman walking all alone in the street. He saw her knock on a door.

"Ahem.. what is your name, lady?" The woman knocking on the door was surprised by the voice coming from behind. But taking a look at the handsome face of the large man her heart calmed down. "You scared me, mister. That will be Olivia and may I ask if you are looking for me?"

"Yes, indeed. Do you mind if I come in?" Graham noticed a girl in her twenties open the door to the house. From her face, he discerned her to be Olivia's daughter. "Hmm. Okay, please come in."

The woman entered the house while addressing her daughter. "Is father home already, Mia?" The girl took a look at the stranger before returning her gaze to her mother. "Yes, mother. I prepared the dinner as well." Olivia turned around to give a kiss on the girl's cheeks. "Thanks a lot, sweety. I got stuck with some extra work at the shop. Sorry about that."

Graham saw a man come out of the room to kiss Oliva before pointing to himself. "Who might this gentleman be?" Oliva explained the situation to him and asked Graham to take his seat while she washed herself up.

The man accompanied Graham as he sat beside him. "Do you work in the army, mister?" The burly man took some time to respond to the question. "Graham. That's my name. And yes, you can say that." Olivia's husband tried to initiate a conversation with the guy but his response was cold and he was forced to give up on it.

Olivia had returned with a towel around her torso. She must have taken a bath, as evident from her wet hair. "You can tell me, mister Graham. How can I help you?"

The man didn't dilly-dally any longer and got up. Getting closer to the woman he tugged the towel away from her body, leaving everyone in the room stunned. But Olivia was calm as she had realized his intentions. "It will be 10 Virgos, Mr. Graham. Usually, it's only half this price but I am not really in a mood right now, so you will have to pay extra."

Her husband and daughter also suppressed their earlier shock, after her words. Graham didn't even seem to have heard what she had said, instead appraising the woman from all directions. He placed his hand on her back and made her bend forward, and felt around her crotch to locate her pussy.

"You seem to be too eager, Mr. Grah.. mhhh?" Oliva felt two of his long fingers drill inside her cunt, separating her tight vaginal walls. His other hand took hold of her large tits and squeezed them to check their firmness. "Hmm.. she will do." Others in the room only saw him nodding and whispering to himself.

Suddenly, his gaze swept through the room and landed on the only female in the room. "You! Come here and strip off." Mia was caught off-guard by the man's demands and she began looking around for help. Unlike her mother, she was not experienced in handling new customers.

"It's okay, Mia. Looks like mister Graham wants both mother and daughter pair in his bed. Do it, I am here with you." Mia gave a slight nod before beginning to remove her clothes, in the meanwhile Oliva turned to look at the man. "I don't usually like to do it with my daughter, Mr. Graham. So if you want to indulge in that then it will be 15 Virgos extra."

Unlike her family, Olivia had noticed that the ring in Graham's finger was not ordinary. If she was right this must be a space ring. And that can mean a single thing, she found a wealthy customer this time around. How can she not try to inflate her prices?

The guard seems to be annoyed by her talking as he swiped his hands in the air and a cloth bale appeared in his hands, which he promptly threw at the man. "Keep your mouths closed until I ask anything off you." Olivia's gaze followed the bundle as it landed in her husband's lap. She saw the man hurriedly open the cloth up and stare back at her, baffled.

She beckoned him with her eyes, while Graham's thumb rubbed on her nipples to make them erect. The man in the ground seems to have been stupefied by the contents wrapped in the cloth. Without opening his mouth he emptied the contents on the ground.

Five palm-sized fruits rolled to rest on the floor, much to the amazement of both mother and daughter. Mia was not stupid enough to spoil this god-sent opportunity for her family. She hurriedly took off all her clothes and stood beside the large man.

Her father on the other hand hastily collected all 5 Yuvas and got up. Taking a bow towards the man he stated. "Please feel free to utilize anything in the house, Mr. Graham. I will take my leave." He realized, he was just a nuisance here.

Olivia watched her husband give her husband speed off to the upper floor after giving her a cheeky smile. Graham, on the other hand, didn't bother responding to the man. "How good can you suck a cock?"

Olivia's voice had taken on a subservient undertone now. "I might not be the best but, I am decent enough." Graham loosened his pants and let got it off. "Show me." Olivia gazed back at the thick veiny cock and dropped to her knees without any reservations. She put the cock in her mouth and began sucking on it with the best of her efforts.

His cock was larger than average size but it was not something Olivia can't handle. She moved her head from side to side while her hands caressed his balls. Concurrently, Graham was groping Mia's modest tits. They were not as large as her mother's but good enough an add-on.

His hands once again checked her vagina and found it to his liking. "How could are you girl?" Mia was confused at his question but Olivia had already answered for her. "She is still learning, Mr. Graham. But you don't have to worry she can take punishments if you are into that sort of thing."

"Good. Now I want both of you to come with me." Olivia had no problems, he can take her wherever he desired after paying so much, upfront. "Do we need to prepare for it? Like should I put some make-up on?"

Graham fell in thought before nodding. "Okay, do it. But it should be light. Also, you should not put any clothes on. Get ready, you got 15 minutes." Graham seems to have been satisfied by her skills as he pulled his cock out of her mouth and put his pants back on. He saw Olivia take Mia with her in the room.


Back at the hotel, Dennis heard a knock on his door. He got up and put his gown onto his naked body. "Come in." He called out and found Graham outside with two lovely ladies on both his sides. The man bowed down. "Forgive me, my lord, it took me some time to find the right ones."

"Haha... it's okay. I can't be picky when I am out of my estate. Hmm.. they don't seem bad." Once Olivia noticed the young man's gaze fall at her she immediately got on her knees and crawled to his feet. Following her lead, Mia too did the same, until both the ladies dropped their heads on the floor.

On the way here, Graham had told them how they were supposed to act in front of this guy. It turned out that the burly man was not the customer, rather he was just scouting them for his master. They must be from some noble clans and might have decided to temporarily stop in their town.

"Hmm. I would have preferred a lactating one but let's not make things hard for you. Go and rest, I will take it up from here." Dennis had a sinister smile on his face as he gazed down upon the mother and daughter pair with their heads on the ground.

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