A Pervert's World

Chapter 205: A cruel ruler 3

"Ahhhhhh!!" "How does it feel, whore?" Olivia screamed in pain when Dennis twisted her nipples in opposite directions. "Ahhh.. it feels satisfying, master." He pulled out a small case from his space ring and pulled it open in front of the woman. The content of the case had sent shivers down her spine but she kept quiet. What was this? Was she excited for the incoming affliction?

She saw the boy take out a long needle, easily 5 inches in length, and jab it in her right breast. "Mhhhh..!" Instead of the expected pain what Olivia received instead was a throb of pleasure in her groins. "No need to be shy about it, slut. You can ask for more if you want." She winced in angst as the boy pushed the needle deeper into her mammary glands.

"Yes, master.. mhhhh.. please give me more.." Dennis can see any sense of intelligence rapidly receding from her eyes while her face took on an intoxicated expression. At this point, her mind had been broken and the only thing she cared about was the sexual gratification, no matter the cost.

"Good!" Dennis poked in multiple jabs in rapid succession, covering both her tits under a prickly layer. "Ahhhhh...mhhhhh!!" It was not Olivia who shouted, rather her daughter, who too seems to have been broken by the sensual titillation from the rough drilling of her throat. Her eyes had grown vacant with her legs trying to rub her burning vagina.

Dennis switched back to find Olivia's face in a similar situation. Her tongue was hanging out as she took deep breaths as her eyes stared into the distance. "It will hurt a bit but I guess you are way past that." He placed the tip of the next needle at the center of her erect nipple and pressed hard on it. "Ahhhhh...!!" She screamed but did not even try to struggle her breasts away.

Saliva dripped from her open mouth soaking her chest in it. "Looks like you loved it haha.." Moving to her left nipple, he jammed the next one in. He made sure to step back a little to appreciate the piece of art he had created. "Perfect!! Now let's complete it."

Getting to her face Dennis grabbed her hanging tongue and drove a barb through it with skilled accuracy. Her eyes opened wide as a flash of consciousness appeared in her eyes but was drowned just as fast by the pleasures flushing through her mind. Two more barbs made their way through her stranded tongue.

**An hour later**

Dennis appraised the two naked bodies attached to the frame. Both of them were in a similar state, with a large number of needles poked all over their bodies. From their cheeks to abdomen and even their pussies. A horizontal needle had pierced their swelling clitoris as well.

"Both of them held out too well. It's rare to land on such gems out of sheer luck. Haah.. what a waste! Had they been from some noble backgrounds, I would have loved to keep them in my collection. Alas... it's all one time use then." Looking into the vacant eyes of the females tied ahead of him, he sighed like he was taking a loss in the equation.

He chose to stroke his cock to life for a while before freeing Olivia from her binds and shifting her to the next apparatus. He made her settle over a large log and bound her limbs under it. The piece of the log had separated her perforated tits to each side, making it easier for her to rest her entire weight on it. "Aaahh... Mhhh.. masdderrr... Mhhh.."

Her words were incoherent because of a restricted tongue but her dripping pussy made it amply clear as to what she desired. Leaving only a single needle in her clit, Dennis thrusted his larger-than-average cock in her slick pussy.

"Aaaggg.. agggg.. mhhhggg.." Olivia put her head down, unable to handle the inflow of the sensual overdose. *Pahh* "Scream slut. Harder!!" He grappled her upper jaw and used it as leverage to pound her pussy.


15 minutes later, Olivia barely had her eyes open. A puddle of her juices had formed under her crotch while her back had been lacerated with the marks from the strikes of the flogger. Dennis had fixed a drill attached to the apparatus into her pussy. It had a large dildo attached on top of it that rotated and moved back and forth inside her cunt. Low moans escaped her mouth as she took in loads of ecstasy.

Suddenly Dennis brought Mia into her view. The girl was hungry for a release. He jerked her around holding her head by her long hair and slapped her face ruthlessly. Shoving her to the ground he made her lay on her back.

Settling between her parted legs, he inserted his cock inside her red vagina. "Mhhhh.. mhhh.." Mia's body spasmed to reflect the turmoil in her mind. He held her legs steady while his cock penetrated her deeply.

"Ahhh..!! Ahhh..!!" From time to time Dennis will poke the needles stuck to her chest or her clit to evoke a cry from the girl. The louder she screamed the wilder he seems to become.

Many minutes later he was close to his climax. His thrusts had turned to hammering. Consequently, Mia had gone crazy and completely lost her mind to the pleasure. Suddenly, Dennis's hand grabbed onto her fragile neck. The boy squeezed it hard cutting her air supply. His pumps continued as her face took on a deep red hue.

**Disturbing stuff ahead. Advise only the hardy ones to read ahead, the rest of you just know that both mother and daughter are dead and move to the next chapter.**

"Ahhhh... Fuck.. You are twitching inside, daughter slut haha.." Mia can't make any sense of his words. A perpetual smile spread on her face, evident that this was an exhilarating experience. But a few minutes later her smile was retracted as she began to struggle for air. The fear of death seems to have overwhelmed the effects of the pill. Her limbs thrashed around but the boy was too powerful compared to her.

"Noooww.. aggggg.. Agghh... pleaasss.. aggghhh.." Her eyes had returned to focus on the boy's handsome visage. She tried to grapple with his face, even trying to sink her fingers into his eyes sockets to free herself. But alas, her cultivation was sealed away and the Dennis had a physical body of a superhuman level. He continued to pump her cunt with increased gusto. The more the girl struggled the harder ecstatic he became.

"Ahhhh.. pleasss.. ahghh.." Her body lost all strength while her eyes kept staring at her murderer with a last pleading look, hoping for a miracle. Her limbs fell back to the ground and her eyes lost any signs of life. "Ahhhhh... Fuckkk..!!" Dennis came inside her warm vagina before falling to the side.

"You did well." His hands caressed Mia's red face, which was rapidly losing color. His eyes switched to Olivia who had tears in her vacant eyes. Somewhere in her mind, she had realized what had happened to her daughter but her mind was unable to register it. The drill in her pussy kept working overtime to make sure she never regains her senses. Her condition made Dennis regain his erection.

Half an hour later, Olivia was still strapped onto the log with her limbs tied and a dildo fucking her pussy from behind. Her tears had dried up, leaving only the cravings for sex once again. In front of her, Mia's dead body has been hung from the ceiling, upside down. Dennis surveyed the lifelessly hanging body with great attention.

Collecting all his needles he placed them back in the case, one by one. Picking up a knife from the table he used it to place a cut on her neck, letting the blood drain out in the bucket under her body. The precision with which he handled the knife, made it evident that he was not using it for the first time.

Realizing that all of her blood had been removed, his hands swiftly began working on her neck with his knife. The next minute Mia's head had been separated from the rest of her body. "So beautiful!!" Dennis held her severed head by her hair and brought it to his face. His lips gently touched her cold ones as kissed her.


"Ahhh.. mhhhh... Aghhh.. master.. please.. mhhhh..." The drug he had administered to both the ladies had been one of the most powerful and specifically developed for these 'sports'. Dennis had employed many famous alchemists to come up with this recipe. So it was no wonder that even after many hours had passed and Olivia had even witnessed the gruesome murder of her child, she still can't struggle out of the pill effect.

She laid down on the ground as Dennis fucked her from above. A deep knife wound was visible that had cut through her skin, right between her breasts. And yet, the more disturbing part was what had Olivia held in her hands.

She has Mia's head above her head and she was kissing her dead daughter mouth to mouth. Her eyes were wet with tears but her body had revolted against her, pledging its allegiance to the boy and doing its bidding. He was the one who had ordered her to make out with Mia's head.

With the erotic scene playing out in front of Dennis, his mind was filled with intense lust. "Do you want to join your daughter?" A teary-faced Olivia can only nod in response. The boy picked up his knife once again and drove it through the woman's heart.


The next morning, at the town in the outskirts of the Thera Empire, a maid walked in to clean the room previously occupied by the guest. They need to dust it off before they can rent it to the next guests. She used her broom to clean the room thoroughly before moving to the inner rooms.

"Aggghhhhhh!!" A shout alerted the owner of the lodge as he ran towards the source of the scream. Did someone manage to injure themselves? He hurriedly reached the room on the first floor and saw his maid slumped against the wall, clearly horrified of something.

"What happened?" All he got in response was her tears-filled eyes and a finger pointing to one of the inner rooms. The man steeled his heart and decided to take a look for himself. Doesn't matter how much he had prepared himself, the sight made his stomach churn and he stopped himself from puking only with great effort.

The whole room had clotted blood spilled all over the floor. To the side, the owner found two severed heads placed on the table neatly. Two bodies were hanging from the ceiling with their skin removed. Both of them were women. One younger and the other middle-aged. The man gave a shout and all his servants reached the room.

A few of them were unable to endure the ghastly sight and ran out to empty the contents of their stomachs. "Any of you recognize these bodies?" He got the response rather immediately. Two of the servants had seen the guests of this room bring in these two ladies close to midnight. "When did they leave this place?"

Getting a response from his men the motel owner walked out of the room. "Collect the bodies and search for their families. I will have to inform the chief about it. It's not even been an hour, I am pretty sure they can't run away. This much brutality deserves the punishments from the heavens themselves." Saying that he rode on his horse towards the town's chief.

The town sent their best riders behind the men but none of them returned ever after. Thus the case remained unsolved and the murderers were able to run away and pass on to the borders of the Cylon Empire.

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