A Pervert's World

Chapter 208: A human boy

"Aunt Naila..!!" The mature centaur discerned that everything was not as she had imagined. "What's going on here?" Darla had jumped out of the pool and hugged her. Naila patted the little girl's head as she turned to a still laughing Julia. "Why did you scream?"

"Haha.. aunt, that was just mother reaching her orgasm. You already know how wild she gets." Naila's face heated up in embarrassment. She had been so concerned for this sex maniac. "You wretch!!" Darla saw Naila leap into the pool and grabbed onto her mother's tits and squeeze them hard, making her scream in agony.


"It's been so long since you came to meet me, aunt." All three female centaurs soaked in the cool water and Darla laid between both the mature ladies with her head in Naila's bosom. She on the other hand stroked her head affectionately.

"I am so sorry Darla. Got busy with some assignments outside. But I have returned now." Darla loved the cozy valley between her aunt's massive tits, snuggling to find just the right spot. "Thanks, aunt, now I don't need to train with that jerk. I want to train with you."

"Haha.. still haven't got a truce with your father? Anyhow, since I am here already, we will train together." Nothing made her happier as the girl giggled like a kid. "So, what about Damon? I heard he has gone in closed-door cultivation."

Her question was directed to the peachy-haired woman beside her. "What else is he good at?" Julia made sure to show her dissatisfaction with her puffed cheeks.

"Well, it's an important matter this time around. You can't blame him to be cautious." Julia's gaze grew focussed. "You know about the matter?" Julia immediately took on a fawning expression once she saw her friend nodding her head.

"You got to tell me, Naila. That stupid Damon never told me anything and ran off." Naila became a bit uncomfortable by the question. If Damon had not told her about the matter then maybe it's better for her to keep quiet. She had no idea that the threat level was so serious that their leader will not even keep his own wife in the loop. Looks like she misspoke.

Julia can see the struggle in her eyes as she hurriedly took her right arm and began fondling it between the mountains on her chest. "Hey.. hey... Naila, you can't forget that we are the best buddies. Come on, it can't be that big of a deal." The blonde sighed in desperation. There was no way she can muddle her way out of this now. With the degree of curiosity, she was going to nag her ceaselessly.

"Huff... Okay. Dear Darla, can you please leave aunt and mother, alone here? We need to talk about some important matters." At Naila's advice, the girl began laughing uproariously. "Haha.. you guys really take me for a child, don't you?" Both of them saw her put on a smirk and grew confused.

Before they can coerce her, Darla herself continued. "Huh.. isn't it about the appearance of a demon close to our territory? Hehe.. grandma already told me about it." The ladies looked at each other incredulously. Naila can see the frustration building upon her friend's face and it was perfectly understandable. Even her little daughter knew about this 'secret' while she was kept in the dark.

"If you knew about it already then you should have informed your mother too." Darla took on a dazed expression. "Hmm? But you never asked me. Huh.. serves you right, for underestimating me humph.."

"You brat!!" Julia was already frustrated and so took it upon herself to beat some discipline in her child. *Pahhh* "Aaaiiio... Mother that's not fair... Aaiioo.." The poor girl was left with two throbbing buttocks after the spankings, making her glare at her mother.

Naila jumped in to de-escalate the situation. "Okay. Okay. Since you already know about it then there is no reason to send you off. Come sit beside your aunt." She pulled the girl to lay beside her and caressed her red butt for her.

"It was I who had discovered the traces of demonic mana in the forests. There was every sign of an incredible battle taking place. One party must either be a true demon or someone who got their hands on some of the scriptures of ancient era and managed to cultivate the demonic techniques."

Both mother and daughter listened to Naila's monologue with apt attention. Even though Darla got to know a few facts from her grandmother, she was not privy to every detail. Julia on the other hand was genuinely surprised. If this matter was related to the reemergence of the demon species then it was grave danger, not only for them but rather for all forms of lives in this world. Damon must be under a lot of stress right now.

"Who was the opponent?" On her question, Naila mulled over it for a while. "Can't tell exactly who it was. But from my preliminary investigation, it must have been a water mage. And the only water mage that can devastate the landscape on such an apocalyptic level, will be grand magus Emily from the neighboring Cylon Empire. She will be my best bet."

"Any ideas who might have won?" Julia was extremely interested in this new variable that had emerged out of nowhere and directly challenged a Grand Magus to the battle. But contrary to her Darla had grown somewhat concerned. Her grandma didn't tell her anything about a battle. She can't help but recall the dead body of the angel in the underground cave system. Can that be the cause of this demon showing up now? If so was Ryu alright?

The boy was too weak to ever get involved in such large-scale fights but his lack of ability can become his undoing too. Even a single swipe of a grand magus can kill thousands like him, even unintentionally. Her heart was put in turmoil at this news.

Unaware of Darla's change in expressions, the two ladies kept conversing with each other. "Can't tell. Either the water mage defeated the demon or they backed off. Because recently I got the news that she is alive and well." Julia nodded and kept questioning Naila about every detail, which she answered to the best of her ability.


"Aunt, can you come with me? I need to talk to you." All three of them had just come out of the pool when a naked Darla dragged Naila behind her, holding onto her hands. "Huh.. kid at least let me put on my clothes?" The girl shook her hand as she pulled the woman out of the bath, leaving a smiling Julia behind.

"Not required. You can dress up in my room. Also, do you think anyone got the guts to stare at you? Your reputation is even worse than me haha.." Naila recalled the number of male centaurs she had beaten into the ground. All of them wanted to take her as a wife but they can't even stand one strike from her.

There had been very few males she had allowed to ride her. Also, now that she had given up on marriage at this age, she allowed anyone who can defeat her to mate with her. The best one out of them was definitely Damon. But alas, he was already married and have that too with her best friend.

Having beaten up her suitors ruthlessly, multiple times, her reputation preceded her. That was the reason the males of the tribe avoided her like a plague. Following the little girl, she got to her room before pulling out a new set of clothes from her space ring and putting it on. "So tell me, what is it?"

Darla didn't bother covering her bosom in front of her aunt. Jumping into her bed she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Naila looked at her in amazement. If she had been a male, she would have thought that the girl was about to propose to her.

The next time Darla opened her eyes, determination flashed in them. "Aunt, I am in love." Naila burst into laughter at first but realizing that the girl didn't seem to be joking, she controlled on her laugh. "Ahem.. ahem.. are you sure, Darla? I mean how can a little girl like you even know how to fall in love."

Naila dropped the rest of her clothes and leaped into the bed with her niece. "Don't mess with me aunt. I know what I am feeling." At the displeased look of the girl, Naila went into damage control mode. "Haha.. sorry little girl, I shouldn't have laughed. But it's an interesting matter. So tell me do you want me to kidnap this lover of yours from somewhere?"

"Ahh.. why would I want to do that?" Naila scratched her head in confusion. "Han? Isn't it a case of one-sided love and you want your aunt to 'convince' the other party?"

Darla gritted her teeth in annoyance. "What do you take me as, aunt? We both love each other, so your 'convincing' is not required. Thank you very much!!" Her words made Naila even more surprised. Darla surely was a beautiful girl but that's where her qualities ended. Though she was her aunt, she can tell that the girl had little redeeming points about her.

Neither was she a genius in cultivation from the tribes' standards nor was she some soft-spoken girl. It was hard to imagine a boy falling in love with her?

"Okay. But then why do you need your aunt for?" At her question, Darla's gaze became unfocused as her head bowed down. "It's... it's because the boy is not from our tribe.. he is a human."

"Hmm? A human?" Naila can't help but grow suspicious. Darla's identity was nothing to be scoffed off. Although they didn't have any direct confrontation with the humans, there was no harm in being careful about it.

"I know what you are thinking, aunt. But it's not like that. He truly loves me." Darla went on to explain the situations that developed between Ryu and herself. If she had a choice she would have chosen to keep it a secret but the mention of the massive battle had made her heart unsettled. He needed to know if the boy was okay or not.

"Hmm.. it doesn't look like he is fooling you." At first glance at her story, it didn't feel like a setup but she will have to look deeper into this boy's background. But Darla didn't need to know about it so she lied to her. As expected the girl was so happy that she hugged her in response.

"Remember this little girl, if you truly love him then no need to be shy about it. We are warriors we take what we like. Doesn't matter if you like a human or a worm, allow no one to dictate anything to you." It didn't feel that good to have her lover paired with a worm but how much different that mentality was from her own, a month back?

"Hmm. Yes, aunt. That's why I want you to bring him to me if you ever come across him. Since you are on patrols mostly, I am sure you will come across him." Didn't she just tell her that she didn't want to kidnap the boy? What was this now? Naila sighed and facepalmed herself.

"Then, why do I even need to wait for that. From what you told me, he lives in a town at Cylon's border. That's an easy task, I will go and dra... I mean bring him to you. As long as I don't have to invade the capital of a human empire, it is doable." But Darla shook her head frantically. "No, no aunt. That's just straight-up kidnapping. We can't do that. For now, I will be happy if you can bring me some news about him. That will be more than enough."

What logic was that? Naila was left befuddled but nodded anyway. Darla looked through the window, into the distance. "If he ever comes out of his country then we can legally kidna.. ahem.. restrain him hehe..." Staring car the devious grin on her face, the woman can only lament at the boy's fate.

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