A Pervert's World

Chapter 216: Mira's flames of anger

Ryu wrapped his hands around her waist and put his head on her shoulder. "Glad you liked it, mom." Amelia cupped his face and initiated a kiss with him. His cock was standing in attention from the extra dose of excitement from her new dress. His hands reached inside her bra to fondle her chest but she stopped him.

"No Ryu, bring me out. I want to go out with my daughter today." She wasn't shy about admitting what arouses her anymore. It's not a crime to walk naked in public anyway, so why should she limit herself. Freeing herself from her boy's grip she went to the drawers and pulled out the chains from there.

Happily strolling towards her daughter she hooked one to her collar and the next one to her own. Beckoning Ryu, she handed him the other end of the chains. "Let's go on a walk Ryu.. hehe.." He was left stunned by her change in attitude. She seems to be bold enough to suggest him. Her personality had steadily evolved to become more confident over the period of time.

He loved these subtle changes in her. After all the more confident the woman the more thrilling it is to dominate her. Strolling past her he picked the chains from her hand and pulled them out. Amelia tried to get in all fours but he stopped her. "It's okay mom. You can walk like this only. It will be hard to pull a 'normal' walk with these clothes on."

She thanked her and hurriedly explained the rules to her daughter. Ryu had no clothes for April at the moment, so he decided against letting her tag along this time. Watching the two sets of bubble butts swaying in front of him, he can't help but grab onto them.

Both women were disastrously beautiful and it was pretty evident from the number of eyeballs they were catching. Even when he made Amelia and April walk naked, they didn't incur as much attention. Much to the delight of Amelia, a lot of ladies approached them to ask about the spectacular dress.

Amelia was not the only one who enjoy it, even Ruby who had a complacent personality can't stop smiling all the way. In his mind, Ryu was appraising their beauty whilst they talked with random passersby who were much too intrigued to ignore them.

'Hmm, let's just hope Talia can pull that off.' Just then he was struck with another inspiration, all these two ravishing women were missing was a high heel and they will look completely perfect.

Pulling on their chains he forced them to cut their discussion short, forcing them to follow. "I don't remember allowing you to talk, Amelia." The milf skipped and held onto his arm. "Hehe... Did you see how surprised they were? Sometimes I am really can't believe you are just a kid. How can you come up with these astonishing ideas, one after the other?

He dropped their chains and placed his hands around their waists, pulling them closer to himself. "Huh.. why is it so hard for you to come to terms with the fact that your husband is the most powerful talented young man around." She chuckled at his response, unable to hold it off every time the boy will introduce himself as her spouse.

"I believe you, my little hubby." She ruffled his hair making sure to bring his attention to the slight difference in their heights. "Huh... What do you think, sis? With how much care I undertake for both of you, ain't I the most amazing person?"

Ruby had no qualms admitting to it. Pressing his arm between her tits she let her body rest against him. "Of course, my little brother is the best." The trio took a pleasant walk under the morning sun.


Somewhere in the north of the Cylon Empire, Emily rested on a thick branch of a tree in some wilderness. Her back rested against the truck as she stared in one direction. In some distance from her, there was a stream. One can find a small cave hidden behind a small waterfall.

Waves after waves, intense heat was radiating from the cave. A black-haired girl sat naked on a raised platform, cross-legged and with her eyes closed. Traces of struggles can be seen on her face. On the platform, the brunt pieces of her clothes scattered away.

"Ahhhh!!!" She was unable to control the built-up mana inside her as it exploded from her body. Black fire blasted all around her charring the rocky interior of the cave. Looking closely one can very easily find out that the fire was burning through the stone itself.

*Boom* *Boom* Outside the cave Emily can only sigh wryly, looking at the tongue of flames burning through the water itself. Who knew she would end up finding another monster within a period of a few months, that too in her own family once again. This one seems to be even more talented than the previous one.

With the wave of her hand the water in the stream, coagulated in a spiral and was forced into the cave, drenching the girl on the platform thoroughly. Her actions seem to have eased out the tension in her face, letting her cultivate in peace once again.

3 weeks back Emily had brought Mira out to find her a master. She had identified the extreme taken the girl to possess recently when she had evaluated her mana channels, finding them multiple times more sensitive than normal human beings. Also, they were extremely resilient. The girl seems to have picked this physical ability from her mother. But while Amelia and Ruby were not able to put that talent of theirs to any use, Mira was different.

She displayed high coherence with the surrounding mana at a nascent stage. Not wanting to waste the opportunity she wanted to take her to meet her master. She was sure that the woman will be excited to have such a disciple.

On their way to the capital, Emily has chosen to stop in this dense forest to help the girl go through her awakening. But she had no idea that Mira will end up inheriting such a disastrous ability. The back flames she manifested were nothing like a normal fire, refusing to die out even when doused with water. They will continue to burn through anything and everything until they exhaust all the mana around them.

Combining this ability with her talent, she wasn't wrong in describing the little girl as a monster appearing only once in centuries. She had the potential to transcend the fixed boundaries of the human body. "Huh.. let's not get carried away."

Jumping down from her seat in the canopy, she made her way into the cave. "It's enough little girl, here have something to eat." Mira caught the Tura thrown towards her with her eyes closed. Two back flames danced in her pupils had once she opened her eyelids. Slowly the flames died down to give way to her regular back eyes.

"Huff.. you broke through, again?" The girl nodded her head before biting down on the fruit in her hand. Emily can only smile in helplessness. She had never seen anything like this in all her life.

Ryu would have vomited blood had he noticed the cultivation level of his 'little sister. Mira had already crossed over to the 4th level of the Junior realm already, surpassing him by complete two levels.

"I think your cultivation had stabilized now. Tomorrow we will leave this place. I want you to come with me to the capital. We will look for a suitable master for you." Mira didn't respond to her instead choosing to focus on biting in the fruit in her right hand. As her gaze switched to her left hand, it immediately caught fire.

Black flamed covered her hand as she stared into the distance. Now she had the power. Power to beat up a guy senseless. A devilish grin formed on her face as a handsome face took shape in her mind.


Unaware of the plans his sister hatched for him, Ryu sat comfortably in the shade of a large tree with two redheaded beauties with their heads on his shoulders. "Ryu?" Amelia waited for the boy to turn to her before continuing. "Can you fuck me? Right here?"

He only smiled and pinched her cheeks. "You have truly gotten rather bold these days woman." The redhead only smiled before pulling his pants down to reveal his enormous cock. "Hehe... I just want to spend some quality time with my children. That's all."

Ryu can tell that Amelia was coming to terms with her sexuality more and more. She was neither shy to admit what excited her nor asking for it, openly. Before Ryu can respond to her she already had her lips around his cock head and began sucking hard on it.

"You can join her sis, no need to be shy about it. Barely anyone bothers to take a look anyway." Despite his words of motivation Ruby chose to not get involved in this public display of affection. But Amelia had something planned for her too. Ryu got the hint for what she was planning when he noted her long finger making its way in his ass.

From her position, Ruby can only anticipate where her mother's left hand was. But perceiving the constant back and forth motion, it was amply clear which tunnel she was exploring.

Amelia acted like she didn't notice her daughter's gaze on her. Choosing to pull out her middle finger from Ryu's ass and placing it in her mouth. She sucked on it as sensually as possible, making sure that all the emotions can be advertised on her face.

Ruby watched her mother repeat the same process again and again. Licking her fingers clean she will push it back in his bowels, continuing to monopolize her boy's ass hole all to herself. Every second of the erotic play turned

It wasn't long before she was unable to resist the forbidden temptations. This time when Amelia pulled out her digit, she was shoved to the side and her finger snatched away. Ruby had looked around and finding no one interested in their play, swooped in and grabbed her mother's hand.

"Now, now, no need to fight for it. Both of you can share." Ryu patted their heads as they took turns licking his whole length, from top to bottom. Pushing the boundaries of a woman had its own amusement attached to it.


On the same street, there was a restaurant that was currently occupied by a group of four boys. "How long are we planning to stay here? The food here tastes like shit." The first one spoke to the guy sitting in front of him at the table.

"Let's rest 4 more days. All of us are exhausted by the training schedule." The boy in question placed a piece of the fruit in his mouth before shaking his head to show his disgust. "Well, we can't expect the same level of culinary expertise from this ragtag town. Consider it part of the training then."

The next boy to his left chimed in. "Do we even have full proof evidence that such a battle took place? Those might just be complete rumors, for all we know." Their group was training at some location at a distance from here when they came across the news that a mighty battle had been fought between two experts in the north-western border.

The scale of the stand-off was so amazing that it had completely altered the landscape, making a massive lake appear out of nowhere. Once they got wind of this news and taking into account their proximity to the mentioned site, all of them displayed their willingness to change their route back home.

"Huh.. we are already here. I am not going back without taking a look with my own eyes. Doesn't matter if it's real or fake. You just want to rest in the laps of your whores back home." The last remaining boy retorted, leaving the other guy disgruntled but he chose not to respond.

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