A Pervert's World

Chapter 219: The capital

Valarie turned to look at Emily but found a hungry gaze sizing her up. She realized her intentions and hurriedly jumped out of her lap. But alas, her student had already anticipated her move and she held onto her hands, not allowing her to run out of the room.

"Nooo... Emily.. that's not fair... I don't want to do it.. no.. no.. !!" Mira was the most surprised out of all. Was this little girl throwing tantrums on the floor really the master to one of the greatest Grand Magus in the Cylon Empire? She acted even worse than herself. And what made her so frustrated? Emily hadn't even said anything yet.

The water mage pulled back the girl, back in her embrace, and held her from behind. "You already know I can't rely on anyone else, master. You will be the best one to handle this little lady right here. So, please can you take my girl under you?"

Valarie looked like she will start crying any moment now. "No... Emily. All my life I had been training students under me. I am too old for this, now. I got no energy to spare on this. Please let me go. How about this? Let me introduce you to some people that I know of, I am sure they would love to train a talent like her." She stared at Emily with innocence in her eyes, hoping that the woman will change her mind.

But Emily firmly shook her head. "You don't exactly realize how delicate her situation can become from time to time, master. I can't believe in anyone else, except the very best." This must be a huge deal for the girl wrapped around in Emily's arms as even after constant persuasion she refused to accept it.

Mira was blushing heavily. What was this? Even in her next life, she could not have imagined the situation will develop like this. Wasn't her grandma effectively forcing the other party into accepting her as a disciple.

"Think about it, master Valarie. Didn't you always complain that you never had someone that can play with you? See, isn't she the perfect playmate that you desired? Both of you look like sisters if you ask me." This time Mira saw the girl's conviction fluctuate. She took a glance at her and Mira found all her hair stand on ends.

"Ahhhh.. you are the worst, Emily. I don't know what came over me when I accepted to take you under me. All these years I have been wiping your butt clean." Her body slumped in Emily's embrace as she gave up on her futile struggles.

"Hehe.. thank you so much, master. I love you so much. Let me reward you with a kiss." Mira saw her grandmother cup the girl's face and kiss her on her small lips. Valarie was abashed but didn't break away from the kiss, choosing to hold Emily's face in her own hands and suck on her lips. Their kiss was sensual even without any involvement of tongues.

"Huh.. you always take advantage of me!!" Valarie was sulking but it was more or less clear who was the winner in this confrontation. Emily giggled and swiped her hand midair. A large bottle of wine appeared and she began pouring the slightly greenish liquid in the glasses. "Hehe.. see! Ain't I the best? I always remember to take care of all your needs."

Valarie's eyes had turned to stars, the moment she noticed the bottle in Emily's hands. She gulped the access drool, watching the divine liquid pour out in the glasses.

"Mira, can you leave us alone? Please inform Rachel that us master and disciple are going to have some alone time." Mira got the gist. These two 'adults' were probably going on a drinking spree and that's why a 'child' like her was shown the door.

"Yeah, tell her I am going to throw out anyone who is going to disturb us." Valarie made sure to peck her head multiple times, so as to show her determination. Mira got up and bowing to both the ladies, took her leave, closing the door behind her.

"Are you ready master?" The naked girl had already jumped in the bed, pecking her head non-stop. "Yes.. now give it to me." Getting a hold on the glass, Valarie looked as if she had gotten a hold on the divine elixir itself. "Cheers.. hehe.." Both master-disciple pegged their glass before slowly sipping the wine, relishing in the sweet yet burning taste.

Away from Valarie's mansion stood the capital city of the Cylon Empire. The capital was divided into two parts. A well-fortified wall separated the two localities. Most of the population lived on the outskirts of the city, outside of the walled region. Opposed to the inner portion of the city was the core, with massive mansions all around. All the important families, the royalty as well as the huge plantations were contained in the fortified boundaries.

Cylon Empire had gone to war with the beastmen, many a time but up until now, the defenses of the capital had never fallen. At the war times, the population in the outskirts is absorbed within the walls to protect them from the heavy onslaught of the savages.

Inside the walled inner city there lied the Wilder's estate. They were one of the important noble families of the Empire and hence deserved a place in this utopia. The estate spanned over multiple buildings and courtyards. A woman stood in front of a large mansion, waiting for her guests to dislodge from their carriages.

She sported firm buttocks wrapped in skin-tight clothing that accentuated every curve of her body. Her breasts were not very large but perfect for her athletic body. Yet, the one thing that differentiated her the most was the colorful tattoos present all over her body. Most of them were inspired by beasts. With detailed each pattern was, it was hard to believe of it only acted as an external embellishment.

Many maids were standing beside the lady, ready to welcome the guests. A middle-aged man stepped out of the horse-drawn carriage. The guy wore luxurious clothes and it was abundantly clear that he led a high social life. As the man walked towards the lady with a slight smile on his face, the woman bowed with the utmost respect.

"Welcome, elder Rufus!" The guy approached the lady and put his hand on her shoulder, breaking her bow. "No need for all those formalities, Mrs. Linda." Saying that he took the woman's hand in his own and planted a kiss on it.

"As discussed, I have convinced fourth and seventh elders to listen to your request. Everything ahead will rely on you." Linda thanked the man and saw two similarly dressed men walking towards them.

Rufus stepped to the side, allowing the woman to face up with his colleagues. Linda welcomed the other two high-profile guests and both of them replied with the same shallow smile as Rufus. She can see the seventh elder's lecherous eyes opening eyeing her buxom body but she didn't register any protest. Or rather she was not exactly in a position to do so.

"Please follow me, elders. We will take inside." All three of them nodded and Linda brought them to the large hall. She directed them to their seats and waited for them to settle in, before sitting down herself.

The maids surrounding them were quick to bring the refreshments and placed them on the large table ahead of the guests. All three of her guests picked up their glasses of wine and the one named the fourth elder, initiate the conversation.

"You can let us know about the matter, Mrs. Linda." He was the eldest one here and made sure that the woman realized how valuable his time was. He had some idea from the sixth elder about what preposition the woman was going to make.

The seventh elder was the youngest and all this while was staring at Linda's perky tits, uncaring about how others will perceive his behavior. The sixth elder, Rufus, was the calmest of all of them. He sipped his wine before commenting in support of the old man.

"Master Fourth is right, Mrs. Linda. Let's not waste his time. You can be direct. I am sure he will be able to come up with a solution to your worries." Linda nodded her head before placing her glass back on the table and glancing at the three men ahead of her.

With a deep breath, she began. "There is a single request that I have for all masters. As all of you might be aware, my husband took over the task of investigating the appearance of a demonic entity in a town at the outskirts of our empire."

The fourth elder fell in thought before he recalled the incident from 3 months back. That incident actually turned out to be a dud and they were uselessly worried about it.

"Yes, I remember that. But I don't think we heard from your husband after that assignment. He never returned to us." Linda can feel some reproach in his voice.

"I am not sure what that guy is involved with. That was an important duty we gave him. I am a bit disappointed that even people from such esteemed families are messing up like this." He was assuming that the man must have been distracted by worldly affairs and didn't even bother to report back to the royal court. It wasn't all that surprising considering how much how much this clan indulged in carnal pleasures.

Thankfully, Mrs. Emily had been at the site when the incident took place and was kind enough to investigate it on her own accord. Later she even reported her findings to them, helping them rest easy. But all of that can't save Wilder's man from the blame.

Linda can see that the old man's mood was spoilt as soon as she brought the topic to her husband. She immediately bowed her head in response. "Please masters, listen to me first. I don't think my husband is to blame here. Rather I have a bad feeling about it. He might have fallen victim to some sinister plot by the beastmen. Especially when the town was in close proximity to the border."

The fourth was not impressed by her logic. "I hope you realize the absurdity of your words Mrs. Linda. If those savages can infiltrate in our territory and kill off one of our most powerful warriors with such ease, then I guess we are struggling in vain then."

There were a few solid reasons for the fourth elder's reasoning. Though Jacob was not the best mage in the Wilder clan, yet courtesy of his ability to manipulate beasts it would be nigh impossible for even a Grand Magus level opponent to kill him off without giving him am opportunity to alert anyone. Not to mention he can always run away.

Linda shook her head. "I know, fourth master. But this is the first time he had been out for so long and didn't even contact us. Not to mention he was with our child. You can say that I am being paranoid but if possible I would like to request you to please organize a search party to track his whereabouts."

This time the seventh elder put down his empty glass before responding to her with a smirk. "Haha... I think you forgot Mrs. Linda, the last time we organized a search party for Mr. Jacob we ended up finding him in the lap of a peasant slut, passed out with excessive liquor overdose. What makes you think that this time will be any different?"

The fourth elder had his resolve strengthened after his junior's remarks. He got up, deciding to take his leave. "Pardon me, Mrs. Linda. But we can't allocate our resources to find someone with such a bad track record. It's not like we are unanswerable to our seniors."

Linda panicked when the old man left his seat. She had been out of options after having already begged the main family for help, with no credible assistance in return. She wouldn't have been so uneasy had it only been Jacob who was missing but he took Samuel with him too. What if something bad happens to them? That would be disastrous for her.

"Please, fourth master. I have a proposal. I beg you to listen to it at least once." She turned her gaze to Rufus who sighed in response. "Ahem.. how about we listen to what Mrs. Linda had in her mind, fourth elder?"

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