A Pervert's World

Chapter 227: Neighbour's troubles

<<Hi readers, I will be retiring to my parents house to spend my vacations for the next week. That means no work and no screens until next to next Monday. I will take the opportunity to give some much needed break to my mind.

Hence no new chapters for next week. I might try to schedule 3 or 4 pre written AO3 chapters for the patrons before I leave. For regular readers, love to you guys and see you in a week.

Merry Christmas to one and all. Hope all of you have awesome holidays. Peace out!!>>

*Knock* *Knock* "Mom can you please check the door?" April heard Claudia call out to her from the kitchen. Stepping out of her room she opened the door. "How are you, aunt?" A charming smile radiated on a familiar face, under the shade of the evening sun.

His brilliant smile single-handedly rescued her mood. Responding with a similar smile April hugged the boy. "Took you long enough boy. I thought you forgot about this old woman already." She pouted her lips acting coy. Ryu pressed her closer to himself as his hands snaked in her dress and began kneading her fleshly bottom.

"I am still young, aunt. I don't have the luxury of free time like you guys, just yet. You know how hard life is for kids, these days." April can only chuckle at his response. "Forgive me. You must be the sole breadwinner for your family. I can understand your predicament."

She took replied in a sarcastic tone but Ryu was not interested to continue with the banter. Bringing his head closer to her, he kissed all over her neck while his long fingers explored her deep ass. "Don't worry, I will make it up to you guys, aunt. Let's go in."

April can feel her pent-up frustration turn into desires, as his hit breath struck against her soft skin. "Hmm!" Letting the boy put his arms across her waist, she walked inside the house with her head on his shoulder.

"I hope you don't mind me dropping by unannounced, aunt. Actually, mom told me that you guys were a bit lonely for a few days. Hence, I thought maybe you would like my company." He stated his reason after they settled in the hall.

Sitting opposite to him, April shook her head. "You did the right thing. We always enjoy the company." Turning towards the kitchen she called out. "Claudia, we got a guest. I think you need to increase the quota for tonight's dinner."

The next minute Ryu noticed the cute blonde coming out of the room with a few drinks in her hand. "Welcome, Ryu!" She too was happy to have the boy's company. These days he was the only source of positive vibes left in their lives.

"Thank you, sister Claudia. Please come sit here." He patted his thighs, his actions making the woman blush. Still, she didn't protest him pulling her by her hands and making her settle in his lap. "Are you good, sis?"

Saying that he had begun removing her clothes one by one. She snickered at his not-so-subtle intentions. "I am good. And considering how eager you are to get me naked, I believe you too are good only."

These kinds of barbs didn't faze him at all. Continuing with his venture of getting his girl nude, he giggled lightly. "Hehe.. you know me the best sis. I love watching women without clothes, especially the beautiful ones." Ending his sentence with a bite on her neck, Claudia was left ashamed at his remarks.

"Ahem.. what about the older women? Don't tell me your love is reserved for the younger ones?" Ryu was quick to respond to the mature lady's intervention. "Haha.. how can that be, April. Mature ladies have their own charms. Why don't you come and sit here?"

He pointed to his other thigh.

April pretended to be reluctant but got up to remove her clothes nonetheless. Walking to him she too settled in his lap. Ryu was enjoying every minute of his life. Having two naked women sitting in his lap, not everyone was as lucky as him even in this world.

"Tell me, is everything alright with you guys. I heard some bad things about your marriage from mom. Is everything alright?" Both women got visibly uncomfortable once he brought up the matter.

Claudia had no idea how the boy came to know, so she could only stare back at her mother. April had asked for sine suggestions from Amelia regarding their husband's adultery but it seems the lady ended up spilling the beans to her son.

"She can't keep anything from me. Now tell me what happened. Both of you can consider me your half-husband." Despite the serious atmosphere, his words made both mother-daughter pair crack up.

"Where did you come up with something like that. Half-husband? Haha.. what's next? Half-wife, half-mother, or half-son? You sure are a funny kid." Claudia deliberately pinched his cheeks, reminding him of his age compared to them.

"Haha.. It was funny but don't involve yourself with the matters of the adults, kid. Live a carefree life for as long as it is allowed." April cared about him and that's why wanted him to not get involved in their affair. She still didn't understand Amelia's logic behind telling this matter to her son.

They weren't aware of it but Amelia had grown to have absolute faith in her child. She knew the kid had matured rather early. There was always a hope that he might be able to help them out in their predicament.

"Hmm? Are you sure?" Ryu knew these women needed a shocker and hence he immediately pulled April's head towards him and kissed her straight on her lips, without any delay. Claudia's eyes had widened to their limits, her mind unable to process the situation.

April was not in any better condition. The boy didn't give her any time to resist, before her mind could register it his tongue had been pushed in her mouth, exploring her insides rampantly. It's not like April had never thought of doing so. Rather from the time she had seen Amelia kiss her son so passionately in front of everyone, somewhere deep inside she too wanted to do the same.

Thinking about it was one thing and implementing it in real life was altogether a different story. Though she did not initiate the kiss but just the fact that she was not putting up any resistance against him, was enough to label her as a cheating wife.

Nonetheless, thinking till here only strengthened her resolve. How was this any different than what her husband was doing behind her back? Ryu's hands fondled her breasts and in the end, April's defenses broke apart and she too began actively engaging his tongue in a wild play.

Last week she had confronted her husband and her son, regarding their overly frequent visits outside of Korua. At first, they tried to dodge her questioning but once she brought to light what Claudia had told her, she noticed the discomfort on their face.

If she was doubtful first, it was clear from their expressions that both their marriage were falling apart. The frustration she had for those bastards had now transformed into her desire of treating them the same.

If they won't mend their ways then she too was a free woman. Her hands and dropped down to find Ryu's cock. Their lips only separated when both of them were out of breath. April licked the sweet saliva off her lips. It was a strangely calming sensation. Her heartfelt extremely light now, like she just got rid of a huge burden.

Ryu pulled his pants down and forced her head into his crotch. Once done with the milf his focus turned to Claudia, who had shrunk like a scared kitten. Ryu grinned like a villain and pulled her back in his lap. She might have been too stupefied to even think of resisting him.

Putting her legs to both sides, she held her close to his chest. "Never forget, sis. I will always be there for you, no matter how bad it might get." Not giving her any time to respond he pressed his lips on her and began eating her out.

Claudia's brain had short-circuited from the passionate speech. No one spoke to her like that, not even her husband. A slew of questions arose in her mind. Why was she trying to save their marriage even when the other party didn't show any desire to do so? Was she so deplorable? No. She was not. She was a young woman, there was no point wasting her life like this.

Once she had found her answers, Ryu's tongue had already taken advantage of her stunned state to invade her mouth. Coming to the conclusion in her mind, her arm wrapped around his body as she began responding to him. Her tongue rose to catch him and played around with it, showing it around.

Behind her, April sighed with the cock in her mouth. It was inevitable. The charms of the boy proved to be too fatal in the end. She was perfectly aware that once she had lost the battle against him, it was only a matter of time before Claudia fell too. Her only concern was that the boy was still very young.

Their kiss had ended but Claudia was too ashamed to even look into his eyes, even so, she held her ground, not running away. Ryu cupped her head in both his hands and gave her another soft peck on her lips. "Are you guys ready to open your mouths now? Or you are willing to take some punishments before doing it anyway?"

Claudia nodded her head and Ryu observed a streak of tear fell from the corner of her eyes. This girl must have loved her husband with all her heart, only to find out that he was cheating on her. He fondled her face and wiped the tears with his thumb. "Go on, I am here with you."


"Hain? You brat have you taken me as a fool? Didn't you tell me that you will be with me always? That was just yesterday.. fuck..!!" Valarie didn't care that they were in presence of a kid as she lashed out at Emily. While they were having their dinner, her student had announced that she would be returning to her town, next day.

She was seething with rage. Despite that, her face looked extremely cute, like a little kitten displaying her fangs. Emily can only reply with a soft smile and a pat on Valarie's head. The girl shook her head, annoyed at getting treated like a kid.

"I am not leaving for an indefinite time, now do I? It's just a matter of a few months. Once I settle everything outside, I will return here." Valarie was not having any of her excuses, throwing a tantrum. "Huh.. you lair!! You always lie to your master." Tears threatened to spill over from her eyes.

Emily grimaced as Rachel laughed with her lips hidden behind her hands. "Master, you already know these emotional blackmails don't work on me." Mira gawked in surprise when Valarie's tears dried out just as fast as they had appeared.

"Huh.. you brat! Then I will beat your ass and lock you in my room." Both her students were spurred in laughter as they observed the little girl measuring up her fists.

"Haha.. now, now, no need to go that far, master. Big sister already said she will return to us. We should allow her that much freedom at least?" Rachel came out in support of her senior, only to be promptly dealt with.

"Hain? Rachel.. you brat. You think you know better than your master?" Rachel was not willing to take it laying down. Her response was swift. "You old hag.. you are going senile with each passing day. Quit your childish tantrums."

Mira noticed everyone around the table calm down. Valarie gritted her teeth but was not able to come up with a suitable counter. "You little...!!"

Mira had her plate crack as mana in the room began churning out of control. The earth under her feet was shaking like it would pull the whole mansion down. Thankfully, a hand snatched Valarie's small frame before placing her into a comfortable lap.

Emily hugged the girl from behind, pressing her into her chest. "It's okay, master. She got overboard. Apologize to master, Rachel." The blonde was unwilling but looking into Emily's eyes, she reluctantly agreed. "Huu.. I apologize for my words."

Emily placed her hand on Valarie's head, ruffling her hair. "See, she realized her mistake. Now you should forgive little sister, master." "Huff!!" She tried acting spoilt only letting the matter go after Emily's repeated pandering.

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