A Pervert's World

Chapter 237: I love you, mom!!

"Mhhh.. mother.. ahhh.. I... I can't control.. mhhh.." Lyla can easily last much longer but this was a new sensation for her girl altogether. Deciding that it was better to cum together, she let the climax take over her. "Ahhhhhh..!!" Kira had her muscles twitching as the session had been overly steamy today.

*Ssshhh* "Mhhhhh..!" Unable to keep control of her bladder she emptied it all on Lyla's face. Completely beaten down by the orgasm the girl slipped from over her mother's body and fell in the bed, passed out.

The mother got up from under her and stuffed her fingers back inside the sleeping Kira's ass. It took some effort to pull out the Virgo from her slippery tunnel. Using the towel she dried her up, kissed her face, and put her under the blanket before walking out of the room.


"So we will have a guest tomorrow?" Amelia laid out the dinner as she checked with Ryu. "Yeah, it's Kira. I need her to fill the bath in the garden. She will visit tomorrow." Ryu comfortably laid in Ruby's lap, replying to the milf after taking a break from suckling the breasts in his hands.

"Ohh.. thinking about it. It's been a month since Lyla paid a visit. I am not sure what happened, is everything okay on her side?" Lyla and Ryu shared the workplace hence her question was directed towards him.

"Hm.. Yeah, everything is alright. There were some issues at the milk farm but it seems to have been resolved now." He had previously informed Lyla, not to reveal the closure of the farm to his family. For now, he will try to push this matter ahead.

"Oh. Okay and about that girl. I hope you are not bullying her. She is a very kind soul." Amelia won't have asked this question the 'previous' Ryu but this guy had changed a lot over such a small time. Now she was not sure that he was the same old gentle personality. There was a very good chance that this guy would try to take advantage of the naive girl. At least she had to give him a stern warning.

Ryu acted like he was the one being wronged here. "What are you talking about mother? Do you think I am like that?" Amelia didn't bother replying, only making faces at him. "Tell her sis, ain't I the kindest soul out there? Can there be someone more generous than me?" He even blinked twice to make sure Ruby realized his innocence.

The whole family burst into laughter with even Jeff joining in. "Brat, all of us know it. You don't need to act so desperately." Ryu huffed, pretending to be mad at being laughed at. "Don't worry, sister here believes in you. My Ryu will never do wrong to anyone."

Ryu took the opportunity to give a soft peck on Ruby's lips when Jeff was not looking. "Sister is the best. Huh.. you, slave girl! Come here and lick the feet of this granddaddy here." For a second no, one could make sense of his words but in the very next one, Amelia fumed like a raging bull, leading the boy to run for his life.

"Hahaha..!!" After running all around the house for a while, Ryu let himself be captured but the woman. "Brat..!! Have you got any manner? Are you supposed to talk..?? Mhhh.." Amelia had cornered him against the wall but before she could end her monologue, Ryu pressed his lips upon hers.

Despite the protests the boy kept holding her head in place, sucking on her soft lips. "Mhhhh!!" Much of her fake anger dissolved with the kiss. Ryu's hands had made way to her naked bottoms, holding up her large cheeks in his hands. He crushed them in shapes as their kiss grew sloppier with every passing second.

"Ahha.! Haah..! Sometimes you really get on my nerves." Amelia puffed her cheeks to show her displeasure. The boy swooped in and licked her wet lips once again. "Hehe.. I love annoying you at times." Despite herself being averse to the idea, she pulled Ryu with her.

"Let's go back in. It's cold outside." Ryu didn't protest, having achieved his goal. Instead, he placed his hand around her waist, pulling her into his chest. "It looks way cooler like this!" "Brat!!" Amelia let him hold onto her after giving off some disgruntled cuss.

They sat back with others. Amelia had only taken her first bite when Ryu called out to her once again. "Mother, can you please lick my feet?" This time he made an extremely inculpable face, making sure the woman can't deny him this time.

Amelia was frustrated but still moved to pick his leg up for him. "That's good. You are sincere enough this time." At the end of her sentence, she placed the foot in her mouth, sucking on the toes. Ryu tilted his head towards Ruby, giving her a subtle wink.

There were very few things that surprised Jeff now, so he focuses on his dinner until his name was called out. "Jeff, I want to talk about something." Amelia had placed Ryu's right foot on her large bust while licking his left one.

"Hmm? Yeah, tell me." The lady thought about it for a while before voicing her opinion. "I was thinking if we count include Ryu with us in our.. time together." "Hain?" Jeff was left befuddled as to what his wife was hinting on.

Amelia didn't have any intention of explaining it any further. "You want the three of us to do 'it' together?" Amelia took a break from licking the foot in her hands and popped in some fruits in her mouth without any care in the world. "Yes, you two are the closest males to me. Hence, I want to feel both of you at once."

Ryu sighed, silently listening to the conversation between his parents. He knew this day would come. That idiot Kyro had no idea how much of a blunder he had caused by exposing a slut like her to the pleasures of double penetration. Before long she was going to ask for it, that was certain.

"Where did that come from? Can't you enjoy both of us alone? Why do you want to do it together?" Jeff tried putting on some resistance but looking at the firm face of his wife, it was amply clear that there was no going back for her.

"Nope. It's not the same. I want to feel both of you inside, at once." Her words came out melancholic like she was relishing in the sensation even right now. Jeff stared at the boy only to have Ryu shrug his shoulders. Having no other choice he had to agree anyway. "Okay. I don't mind it. Let's do it some other day, I am not in the mood today."

Amelia had no issues with that, having surpassed the biggest hurdle she promptly focussed on sucking Ryu's big toe with all her attention. "Shouldn't you take my permission as well?" The redhead pulled his pants down and rubbed her face in his crotch. The all too familiar manly scent of her boy was enough for her to feel a twitch in her groins.

She slapped the long yet limp cock on her face with a wide grin. "Hehe...why should I ask when I already know the answer." She took the entire cock inside her mouth, rubbing her saliva all over it.

After half an hour of debauchery with his mother, Ryu strolled to his sister and picked her up in his arms. "Excuse us, mom. We will go to sleep, then." Getting Amelia's nod Ryu walked to his room with Ruby snuggled in his chest. Reaching the upper floor the siblings had their mouths stuck together as neither wanted to be the first to let go.

Coming across the bed Ryu gently lowered the woman and gently began removing her clothes one by one. He had devoted most of his time to Ruby, making sure she never felt the lack of love in her life. The third week was going on now and she had not even mentioned James's name even once now.

Though it made him feel like something was wrong but even then, he would like to believe that it was his love and affection that caused her to not recall her husband. He removed his shirt and once again kissed her lips. "Mhhh.. Ryuu..!!"

"Shhh!! Don't speak. I know." Ryu placed his finger on her lips stopping her from continuing. "You want it slow today, I can feel it." Ruby smiled. Her brother had truly improved in the art of lovemaking. Earlier all he cared about was to get some fun out of women but after getting some directions from her.

Ryu jumped in the bed and placed Ruby's ass in his lap. Raising her buttocks, he let it rest on his chest and brought her vagina to his face. "Ahhh..mmmm!!" She bit on her lips, once a set of fingers got hold of the small knob. Rubbing her clitoris with his fingers, he gave a long lick along her pussy.


Kira woke up with a refreshed mind. Looking out of the window she found that the night had just set in. Recalling her time with Lyla she grew flustered and walked out of her room. Taking a look around she going her mother working in the Kitchen.

"I am sorry about earlier, mom. I could not control it." Lyla watched the girl trying to help her out with the chores. She answered with a smile and gave her head a light pat. Aware that she was talking about the part when she spilled her piss over her face, she consoled her. "Haha.. it's okay, kiddo. I was going to take a bath anyway."

"Still, I should have warned you about it." Lyla pinched her nose in fondness. "Why are you making it such a big deal, little girly? Did you forget how that big brother of yours did the same thing.. and didn't even apologize huh.." She acted annoyed buy Kira knew it was all a show.

Her words reminded her of Ryu's passionate speech. "Hmm? I guess you are right hehe... I got better manners than big brother." Lyla was happy that the girl was not under any guilt. "Mom, actually I wanted to apologize for another thing."

Lyla stopped her work for a second as she was not aware of what she was referencing this time. "What for?" Finding that the girl was struggling to put it out there, she encouraged her. "Go on, tell me. Mother and daughter don't need any secrets between them."

Kira took a deep breath and decided to come clean. "Ahem.. last to last time, when you were with big brother Ryu. I.. I.. peeked on you guys." Lyla released the breath she had been holding. "Haha.. it's okay. I don't mind it."

Kira was not expecting to be let off the hook so easily. "You mean, there won't be any punishments? You know, I didn't have your permission that day." Lyla had resumed her cooking once again, tasting the soup. "Well if you had let me on this matter before last week, I would have certainly awarded you with a good spanking. But now, I have realized my mistake. You have grown up now, it's only natural to be curious about the matters related to man and woman."

Midway through her sentence, Kira had hugged her mother tightly. "I love you, mom." Lyla didn't reply to her, only keeping a perpetual smile on her face. "Mom, will you really marry big brother Ryu?"

*Cough* *Cough* The unexpected words left the mother choking on her saliva. "Ahem.. I wasn't serious, Kira. I said it to not disappoint, little Ryu. I am sure he will forget about it in a few months." She tried her best to not let her voice flutter.

"But you guys kissed.." Kira mumbled and Lyla's face turned to an extreme shade of red. Thankfully, her girl didn't need an answer to that question. "Huh.. I don't know. I have a feeling that big brother is serious about it. Regardless, I just want to be with you always."

Not waiting anymore, Lyla turned back and hugged the girl, pressing her head in her chest. "We will always be together, little girl. Mother will always be there for you, no matter what." "Hmm!"

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