A Pervert's World

Chapter 241: You will always belong to me! 2

"Ahhhh.. mhhhh... Ryuu.. ahhhh.." Amelia stood with her back against the bathroom wall. Ryu held onto a fistful of her hair with his right hand while his left arm gently snuggled around her willowy waist. A stiff cock moved inside her pussy with every jerk of his hips.

Their chests glossed together, with Amelia's hard nipples poking into him. Her neck had multiple bite marks, with her eyes glazed over from the excessive amount of lust. The same was the case with Ryu's back that had been clawed by many scratch marks.

"Pahh!! Why are you so tight today? I was right, you were definitely imaging some erotic daydreams." The boy dove down to suck on her swaying breasts after slapping them. He was right the fantasy of taking her child as a husband had excited her like never before. It's not even been 10 minutes since they started and she was already at the edge of her climax.

This new style of fucking didn't help her case either. With every jerk, her clitoris slapped against Ryu's crotch leading to an insane stimulation. "Harder... Ryu.. please... I am so closeeee.. mhhhhh.." She was in no condition to hold out any longer, hence Ryu didn't press her too hard.

"Ahhhh!!" Amelia's body slumped in his arms, losing all strength. Ryu egged her on with a pat on her back. He made her sit down on the floor and began washing her famished body up. "You did good, little girly." Gently he began washing away the fluids off.

Sometime later Amelia got hold of her senses, finding the boy earnestly cleaning her up. She kept staring at his face for a long time, with a blank expression. "Thank you, Ryu."

Her son's fingers reached inside her cunt, cleaning her vaginal tract with great care. "It's nothing. And regarding your permission, since you have been a good girl, I will let you go out."

Amelia had come to terms with her inner feelings and no longer argued with him when he assumed the role of her husband. Only a small smile hung on her face. Ryu on the other hand didn't bother looking at her and moved behind her to clean her back.

"As long as you make sure to follow all the three rules I laid out and don't end up hurting yourself, then I will allow you to fool around for the time being. I know how much of a slut you are and how you like fucking around, hence till the time we are not officially married you can be a free bird."

Amelia was ashamed of being called a slut by her boy but in her heart, she knew he was telling the truth. That's just how she was. Sex had always excited her like nothing else and trying out different avenues made them a thrilling experience.

"Huh.. you have grown bold, brat." Amelia was left gobsmacked and she can only give up. Ryu giggled in response. "I don't know. I love going out and I am thankful to Jim for that, but I think the boy is getting overly obsessed with me."

"Haha.. and you noticed it, now?" Ryu's voice came from behind her as his hands rubbed on her smooth back. "Huu... I thought it was a short-lived one since some of my advice seemed to have worked for him and helped him turn a new leaf in his life. But now I think he is idolizing me too much and it makes me worried."

Ryu was aware that right now Amelia was not talking to her child rather her partner. "Why so?" She sighed once again and took some time to put her thoughts in order. "I am just a housewife. It was a complete coincidence last time but now he takes me as some kind of great mentor, always asking for my views."

She told Ryu about Jim's last visit and instead of having sex, the boy talked about all kinds of life goals with her. Like how he is planning to attend the best school, or how he is going to propose to his girl after he achieves something big in his life.

The depressing face she displayed made Ryu break into laughter. "Good for you then haha.." He reined in when Amelia puffed her cheeks. "Haha.. okay, okay. So, what's the problem with that?"

Amelia shook her head. "You don't understand. He is taking me for something that I am not. Last time I fumbled around a few sentences and the boy looked like he received a revelation. It feels bad like I am cheating him off."

Ryu resumed cleaning her long hair while replying. "It's not your fault that he is an idiot. If you don't like him around then just shoo him away or let me know if I can help with that."

"Nahh. Leave it, I will handle it myself. I just thought of having some fun but the boy had taken all this too seriously. I better let him on everything, lest he ends up heartbroken in the end." She fell silent afterward. In the meantime, Ryu had moved to her front and gazed over her. Amelia was unable to keep calm after being under intense scrutiny for such a long duration. "What is it? Is there something on my face?"

She tried mocking him but Ryu calmly bent down and took her beautiful face in his hands. "Yes, there is. Let me remove it for you." What followed was another passionate kiss with their tongues involved. "Mguu.." Just when Amelia thought it was over, the boy had gotten back up and shoved his flaccid cock in her open mouth.

"Know this, whatever you do. From now onwards, you will always belong to me both in body and soul. Do you understand?" His mesmerizing eyes looked down at her and Amelia felt like he was staring right into her soul. She didn't even realize when she had proceeded to nod her head. The next sensation she felt was her mouth being inundated by a large quantity of warm liquid.


Later that day Amelia kept avoiding the boy. Shame filled her whenever she came across him and thankfully Ruby was there otherwise it would have been impossible to stay with him alone. It was amazing how they had done practically done everything that a couple does and now a single line from him had her so muddled.

Ryu was back on his lawn when he noticed a familiar figure walking towards his house. Kira made her way in and checked out the small pond at one side. "Do I need to fill this one, big brother?" She knew the task and getting the nod from the boy, she got to work.

The girl had good progress in her magic control so it was not a big deal to direct the water from the in-house well to the pond. After 15 minutes she had filed the pond completely and sat beside Ryu.

"Where is aunt, big brother? Why can't I see her?" He opened his eyes and patted her head gently. "You might not be able to meet her today. She was too tired and ended up taking a nap in her room."

"Ohh.. okay. Then should we leave for Jake's house?" Nodding to her he went and informed Ruby that he might not return home today. He and Kira had decided to attend a dinner at her place. Thus there was a good chance he would be stuffed between the mother-daughter pair for all night.

"Is there something going on?" The two of them were on their way to Jake's place when Ryu commented. "Hmm? Why do you say that?" Kira turned to glance at him with a wide smile on her face.

"You look extra happy today. That's why I asked." She had not noted but all the way from Ryu's house she had been practically skipping all over. "Hehe... there is a secret but I will tell you only when we reach home."

Ryu smiled back and didn't mind her.

**An hour back**

*Burp* "hah... I am full. Thank goddess we finally found some good food at this place." A boy patted his filled stomach while his friends laughed at his actions. "Make sure you eat your fill today then. We will be out of this place tomorrow morning."

"Yeah, we have wasted quite some time in this town. I can't wait to witness the battlefield of the grand magus with my own eyes." They had spent the past week lazing around in Korua.

"Ah... I am not sure. My parents might get worried. We have already spent over a month outside of our city." One of the four boys let out his worry but he was quickly made to shut up by his friends.

"Hmm?" The leading boy just took a look outside of the glass window to find a mature lady walking towards their restaurant in the streets. "Check that woman out, doesn't she look great?" He iterated his proposal to the arguing boys.

The rest of them followed his gaze to find a lady in purple clothes walking down the street. She had an hourglass figure with massive tits and a wide set of buttocks. "What do you guys say?" The previous boy asked again.

"Haha.. of course, she is awesome. To tell you guys the truth I have been regretting after we skipped over those redheads that day." "Yeah, who would have known that they would be the best this measly place had to offer?" Someone else supported his viewpoint.

"Then I guess it's decided. Let's invite the lady in." The boy licked his lips, staring at those oversized bust. Once he said that his servant left the restaurant.


Lyla was walking towards her house, having been free from her tasks at the farms. She was lost in thought. Today Kira was going to have her night with Ryu. She would need to prepare for that. Happy for her daughter, she didn't notice the person that stood in her way and ended up colliding with him.

"Ohh.. my bad. Sorry, mister." Lyla observed the muscular guy and apologized. "It's okay. May I know your name lady?" "Hmm?" His words left her surprised. It's not every day that a random person on the streets asks for your name.

"Your name. How can I address you?" Finding the woman befuddled, the man called out to her once again. "It's Lyla. May I know why you need my name?" The man gave a nod and responded calmly. "Actually I got an offer for you. Can you please follow me to the side?"

Lyla was confused but nevertheless followed the guy to a shop on the side. "My young master would like to meet you. He found you to his taste and would like to have you for the night. Come I will bring you to him."

The man was being quite rude to her and on first thought, Lyla wanted to refuse him right off the bat. But think it through the way he referred to his 'young master', told her that these might be some influential guys. It's always good for commoners like her to remain humble in front of these guys.

Lacking a viable choice she sighed and made her way inside the restaurant behind the man. Pretty soon he had led her to a corner table on the first floor. Four boys sat together around the table, arguing with each other, not minding her presence. The man went ahead and stood behind one of the boys. "I brought her in, young master!"

Only after the man called out, did the boys scrutinize her. "Her name is Lyla." The man chimed in and the boy ahead of him nodded. "Good. Please take a seat, Ms. Lyla." He pointed to the empty chair beside him. Lyla found herself uncomfortable but she sat down nonetheless.

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