A Pervert's World

Chapter 247: Confrontation

He can't sense any mana fluctuations from the guy, leaving him in the dark as to how powerful he was. "Hmm? I have seen you." "Yeah, that's the boy from that day. It's very rare to find someone with hair like that." Each one of them ignored their existence altogether, choosing to talk among themselves. 

One guy looked straight into Ryu's eyes before switching to Kira. "We have paid her already, so you need not care about it." Directing his speech to the boy he got up to take a good look at the girl beside him. "Okay. Now can you guys please take your leave? I think Mrs. Lyla is not in any condition to entertain you." 

For a second everyone fell silent. They stared at each other before breaking out in a peal of laughter. "It's funny how these peasants treat us like they are at the same level as us hahaha.." "Yeah, didn't you hear him? He is asking us to fuck off hehe.." Only the first boy kept quiet with a perpetual smile on his face. 

Ryu glanced at his companion and held her hand. He had a hunch, this night might not end in without a conflict. What should he do? Worst case scenario, he can try holding these four boys but the man sitting behind them was the bigger problem. There was no way Kira can handle him. Even worse, he had not even looked at them once, treating than like air. It may indicate that he was of considerably superior skill.

"What's the hurry? The night has just begun." Stein walked closer to the couple with his eyes trained on the girl. It was naturally a bonus that Lyla had a daughter that didn't lack in beauty. These two will make the perfect duo in his harem. He needs to get her. 

"Why don't I invite you guys for a drink? Unfortunately, Mrs. Lyla had passed out, so how about you join us in her stead, miss? What do you say?" The rest of the boys had an understanding smile on their faces. Each one of them can tell what was going on in Stein's head and they can't help but smirk.

Ryu too had noticed how the boy looked more interested in talking to Kira than himself. "Cough... Thank you for your offer, mister. But we would like to pass." "Ohh? We? If you want you can take your leave. I am more interested in what little lady here decides." 

Kira was made very uncomfortable by his licentious gaze scanning all over her body. She was not used to such invasive stares. The way these people had treated her mother told her that they were not good souls in any case. 

Ryu was aware of all this and hence pulled the girl back, making her stand right behind him. "Then I would have to apologize to a gentleman here. I am the one who makes the decisions for both of us. Now, can you please take your leaves?" 

"Hmm?" Stein's face twisted, his annoyance visible on his face due to constant interruptions by the boy. He casually strolled closer to the boy into they were less than an arm's length away from each other. He took the time to evaluate the boy with his senses.

"You got the courage. I will give you that. However, did your parents never teach you not to offend people that you can't afford to provoke?" The more their argument stretched the stressed the air grew around them. 

"Thanks for the praise, but my answer won't change with that. Please take your leave. Let's not give town's chief an opportunity to get involved." Ryu was not very confident that bringing Eric will help his cases at all, yet he had to try everything in his arsenal. Hopefully, that blonde bastard had enough reputation to scare these brats away. 

Stein's face dropped like he was not expecting this at all while the boys behind him began laughing uproariously at the obvious threat. "Damn.. aren't we shivering in fear haha.." "Did you listen to him? He is gonna call his papa if you mess around. Isn't he scary haha.." Ryu's heart sank at the mocks. Had they belonged to Korua, there was no way they could have remained so unflinching after he brought in the town's chief. Since the man was known to be a just administrator, who don't take sides. 

"Waste. Go on. Have you got some other backing? It's best of you know someone important in the capital, otherwise, all its no use trying to threaten us." Stein folded his hands staring at the girl hidden behind the boy. 

'Shit!' Situation was not good at all. He can bring in Emily, but what difference will it make? His grandmother was not in the town at the moment. 'Hey.. idiot!! Are you there?' No response. Sure enough, when he needed the guy most, he is sleeping. 'Don't tell me I am on my own.' His gaze swept over the man at the back for the nth time. That was the guy he was most worried about. 

"What are you thinking? I thought you loved to play the hero. Please don't tell me you got cold feet now." Right then Greg turned his face to look at Ryu for the first time. The boys around him might have missed it but he can't. Out of nowhere, he can sense that the green-haired brat was soaking up mana at an alarming rate. 

'Hmm? Was that a seal that he released?' A kid at the third level of the junior realm should not have such a large mana reserve. A smile appeared on his face. Evidently, the boy was preparing for a confrontation. It was utter stupidity on his part to try going against Stein with such weak cultivation. 

Even Ryu can tell that the guy opposite to him surpassed himself. If he had to guess, he was close to the Earth realm. Even then, thanks to his training he was confident in dealing with him. "There is nothing left to say then!" With that he threw a handful of his handy seeds all over the ground, leaving the onlookers puzzled.

"This is not the right time to plant flowers, peasant." Stein had enough of this guy. It's better to pummel him in the ground with his own hands. Then he will have all the time to play with the girl. His eyes sharpened and with a crackling sound, his knees sprung in action, launching him towards the boy. 

"Be careful, young master. He can manipulate the vegetation." A calm voice reached Stein's eardrums, nevertheless, it was too late for the warnings. Midway through his steps, he stumbled upon the obstruction. With his right foot tangled in a vine, he was not able to avoid the swift punch that landed right on his cheekbones. The force of the punch made him tumble back, landing on his buttocks.

It took Stein a few seconds to register what hit him. Once he did though, his eyes roiled in extreme rage. "You dare.. peasant..!!" His friends got up to assist him but he simply waved them away. "Don't!! I will deal with him!" What face will he have left if he can't win back his pride?

"All of you step back!" He wiped the bloodstain from his lips. "You caught me off-guard. I will give you that." Ryu mocked the boy in his heart but kept a steady pace on the outside. Though he gained a good start with his quick wits but the fact remained that he lacked a full two small cultivation levels. 

*Boom* "Torrential Fists!!" Hearing the shout, Ryu quickly pushed Kira away. His feet got in position, ready to counter the boy lunging wildly at him, lacking all his previous grace. *Bang* *Bang* Stein swirled on his steps, throwing his fists at tricky angles, all the while mindful of avoiding any traps over the ground. Each of his punches glowed red from the mana bursting out. 

*Bang* *Bang* Ryu's eyes tracked his movements, countering the punches with his open hands neatly. His aim was clear, extend this until the boy burns through his mana reserves. *Bang* Stein slipped. One more punch on his chest launched him back by a few feet. This was not as easy as he had assumed earlier. The plants emerging from under the floorboards proved to be a great mess to handle. 

"Not bad!" "Yeah, for a peasant it's quite good not to have your face smashed in by Stein, even after minutes of the fight." The voice coming from behind him only rubbed salt on Stein's wounds. "Ahaha.. good job angering me, brat... Let's see how long you can protect that little pussy of yours. I would love to see your face when I fuck her senseless in front of your face hahaha.." 

*Grit* Up until now Ryu had been pulling his punches, not wanting to let this fight get to a point of no return. Even so now his words had crossed his boundary. Kira was like a reverse scale to him. "Take the chance to get help!" He whispered with fist clenched fist. 

Kira gritted her teeth. She knew Ryu was directing her to run away. Bringing help? That was just a facade to get her to leave. "Haha.. what are you saying? We can't have our audience run away. Greg, please make sure of that." 

Ryu's heart sank to rock bottom. This was the situation he had feared the most. Under his watchful gaze, the man relishing his drink got up to stand in attention. "Understood, young master. I will have to ask you to please stay there, little girl. You can't run." 

Kira took a deep breath. This was not how she the night should have been. She had been so happy all day long, only to encounter such grim circumstances in a matter of minutes. "Huh... I wasn't planning to run anyway." Ryu turned towards her but she had made her decision. "Don't waste your breath, brother Ryu. I am not going anywhere." 

"Haha.. good. Then I will have you watch my back." Ryu patted her head before fixing his gaze back on Stein. It would be stupid of him to assume that Kira can run away. His earlier words were only there to gauge what stance the man would take. Alas, he turned out to be a servant to this guy. 

"What a budding love story! I might tear.. !!" *Rumble* *Rumble* Ryu had enough of this nonsense. Not holding anything now, he took the initiative to step closer to Stein with massive vines surfacing and destroying the whole floor. 

Not giving him any time to prepare, a barrage of fists and kicks began forcing Stein back. Added to the mix were the multiple stocky vines that were expertly directed towards him to make him stumble. "Dammit!!!" *Bang* *Bang* Within the next few minutes Stein had gotten his face slapped by reality again and again. This boy was not at all ordinary. 

"Help him out!" The boys who were watching the fight with a stunning faces were woken up by a soft voice. They looked back at Greg, nodded, and threw themselves in the ensuing brawl. "Huh!" Ryu was not surprised by that. He had been assuming this since the start. 

The cultivation of the new opponents lacked when compared to Stein and hence he can still hold on, even 4 against 1. From time to time Kira would help him with a magic attack, forcing them to back off. They had developed a good coherence between each other that helped them to time their attacks without a need for vocal communication. 

Despite all that Ryu received quite a few injuries, leaving him with a bloody shoulder and a badly bruised abdomen. Compared to him the four boys were in even worse condition, vomiting blood all over. One of them had a few of his ribs broken by Ryu's punches. Stein was the only one who was left standing on the other side, after 10 minutes of an intense fight. 

*Spit* Blood splattered on the floor. "You fucker.. you dare do this to me!!" *Cough* *Cough* Multiple contusions had left him with internal damage, pain wrecking him up. Opposite to him, Kira helped Ryu stand, holding him close to her. Hate-filled his heart. "Greg.. show this peasant his place!! I am going to fuck both of them so bad that they will remember it for their entire life."

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