A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 456: Transaction

Chapter 456: Transaction

Let me enlighten others... Neville pondered, a heavy sense of responsibility weighing on his mind.

He rather enjoyed the feeling.


Meanwhile, Professor Marchbanks and Old Vira strolled through the castle corridors.

"A talented young lad, I knew when I invigilated him, he'd make it big!" Marchbanks exclaimed loudly.

Old Vira seemed less convinced.

"You shouldn't underestimate a wizard," Professor Marchbanks pointed out.

"A wizard... you mean him?" Old Vira widened her eyes, and the diminutive Professor Marchbanks met her gaze unabashedly. He attempted to speak several times, but under her stern look, he faltered.

"Don't tell me you've not been following the news, Heidestrand!" Professor Marchbanks proclaimed loudly.

Old Vira was speechless. If there was anyone in the entire wizarding world keen on Felix's news, he'd definitely be among the top, his expression when his granddaughter unearthed that set of scrolls from the study—only he knew what it was.

He wasn't just worried the lad might break a few bricks off the Ancient Runes Tower again!

"His 'Exploration of Ancient Runes,' I just read it a couple of days ago! That's his level from three years ago," Professor Marchbanks bluntly stated, "more fascinating than the primer your lot put out!"

Old Vira attempted to retort, but before she could, Professor Marchbanks continued, "I even wrote to Babbling! She praised him profusely in her reply!"

"That half-blood—" Old Vira frowned, but catching Marchbanks's severe gaze, he immediately clammed up and sheepishly said, "Apologies, it wasn't intentional."

"Seems she had a good reason for declining to join your lot!" she said, displeased.

A few students glanced their way, neither spoke, and they reached the spiral staircase, descending together. "What day is it today?" Professor Marchbanks inquired.

"What? Uh, I think it should be—oh!" Old Vira was considering the answer when, unawares, his foot got caught in a step of the staircase, trapping him.

Hogwarts had many of these trickster stairs. For students, crossing them became second nature, but Old Vira hadn't been to the school in over half a century, and he distinctly remembered no anomalies when he came in the morning.

"It's Thursday," Professor Marchbanks remarked thoughtfully.


At noon, while heading to the Great Hall for lunch, Felix pinned the Experimental Incantation Committee questionnaire on the bulletin board, courtesy of Professor Marchbanks. He added a Bubble-Head Charm outside for fun.

Then, with a flick of his wand, a piece of parchment flew out from his ring, affixing itself to the wall, shimmering with glowing text.

After he departed, young wizards approached, reading the new announcement from a distance:

'For individuals, groups, or teachers who have successfully combined Ancient Runes with stable enchantments, receive a questionnaire from the Experimental Incantation Committee. Answer it thoroughly along with a paper detailing the new spell. Upon validation, the inventor earns the "Spell Inventor" honor and a chance to name the spell.

Refer to "The Daily Prophet" article dated March 12th, "Invention of a New Spell: Fusion of Aquamancy and Practical Ancient Runes 'Aquaflow'" for paper guidelines. Templates available from any Ancient Runes Club member.

One questionnaire per person, copies available from others if insufficient.

Note: Safest and easiest way to imprint your name in textbooks.

Good luck!

Signed: Hogwarts Ancient Runes Professor, Felix Harp.'

Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged glances.

Excited voices arose behind them, "Warren! Look! We just finished the related paper yesterday!" Seventh-year Pat Seldon tugged a Ravenclaw boy's sleeve, "Oh, hi Hermione, Harry, Ron."

"Hello," Warren Pardis added; both were among the first members of the Runes Club.

Harry and his friends greeted them warmly.

"Imprinting your name in textbooks... sounds quite appealing," Seldon said, squinting as she reached into the sticky bubble on the notice board, pulling out a parchment. Hermione keenly noticed the Ministry seal.

"Ugh, gross! The professor's peculiar sense of humor!" Seldon recoiled, her fingers clean. Pardis also took one, and the two left together.

"We better grab some, or we'll have to borrow from others," Hermione decisively said, and they each took one, examining it from the sidelines.

Harry read the questionnaire; the first line was a small script: 'Ensure all involved in spell development are named to avoid disputes:'

The first question: Briefly describe the spell's principle.

The second: Briefly describe the spell's function.

The third: Confirm spell type: General Utility Charm/Protective Charm/Curse/Dark Hex/Poison Hex/Bane/Unraveler/Transfiguration/Other.


"Oh no!" Ron muttered.

"What's wrong?" Harry and Hermione asked simultaneously, scanning the questions.

"Look at the first line!" Ron widened his eyes, reading aloud, "'Ensure all involved in spell development are named,' it's 'all.'" He glanced meaningfully at Harry, "In the club, we combined Lumos Runes with Incendio..."

"Malfoy!" Harry gasped, a chill running down his spine.

At that moment, Draco Malfoy strolled over with Crabbe and Goyle in tow. "I heard someone mention my name..." Draco squinted, slyly.

"Nothing!" Harry and Ron immediately said.

Draco, suspiciously eyeing them, fixed his gaze on the notice board, tilted his head toward Crabbe, who followed his line of sight, then back.

"Get one," Draco lazily ordered, and Crabbe immediately jostled into the crowd. Ron discreetly tugged Harry's sleeve, who retreated.

"Wait, Potter!" Draco said. Harry turned back, coldly facing him, "Say what you want, Malfoy."

Draco said, "Heard Professor Harp is favoring you?"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione tensed. Legilimency! The professor had warned them to keep it quiet, but Harry had been learning for almost three months now, checking in at the Ancient Runes office every week, and there had been a few instances where someone had caught sight of him.

"So what if?" Ron stepped in to cover for Harry, provocatively.

Draco glanced at him, lazily pulling out a small piece of paper, waving it. Grinning, he said, "Sorry, I got one too."

"Got something?" Harry grumbled, then paused. "You're signing up for Professor Snape's special training?" His voice carried a note of disbelief that Ron and Hermione echoed.

"You can see for yourself, Potter." Draco beamed, passing over the parchment. Harry, Ron, and Hermione leaned in to inspect its contents.

"It's real," Hermione murmured, recognizing the familiar script in an instant.

Meanwhile, Crabbe pushed through the crowd, handing the questionnaire to Draco, who scanned it swiftly, pausing at the top line.

"Tsk tsk," he remarked.

Ron and Hermione looked up from the note, visibly dismayed and puzzled. Harry kept scrutinizing the small print, seemingly searching for a loophole.

"No names." Harry spoke suddenly.

"What are you—" Draco's smile faltered.

"No names," Harry repeated, eyeing him suspiciously. "No mention of spell names, just a weekly check-in at Professor Snape's office."

Draco paced towards Harry, speaking softly, "It's to maintain secrecy, but I can tell you, Potter..." His pale eyes sparkled. "It's about the Animagus and Polyjuice spells."

He was pleased to see Harry's astonished expression. "Indeed, hasn't it always been your privilege? Flouting rules shamelessly, with followers everywhere, even among the professors—"

"So, jealousy then?" Harry met his gaze squarely, reiterating Ron's words.

"If you choose to see it that way," Draco admitted, snatching the note from Harry's grasp. He gestured to Crabbe and Goyle, heading for the Great Hall.

Harry watched his retreating figure in silence.

"Who knows what he's done to win Professor Snape's favor!" Ron fretted, looking at Harry with concern. "Maybe his dad bought two hundred magical gramophones in one go!"


That evening, Felix sat in his office, penning a letter. He lightly touched the parchment with his index finger, causing the writing to gradually vanish.

"Lucius, thank you for your tip-off, your information is valuable. Remember: every slight movement regarding the Dark Mark, notify me promptly. As promised, I'll begin training your son in survival magic, starting this Saturday..."

He sealed the letter, gazing at the blank envelope for a while before setting it aside and retrieving a stack of manuscripts.

This was his project—a booklet introducing magical runes for wider use. It detailed the origins and development of ancient runes, focusing primarily on the Illumination Charm, a crucial aspect.

Learning ancient magic was never easy, even the simplest Illumination Charm posed challenges. Felix intended to employ a remote learning approach, usually appealing to those unfamiliar with magic.

But he wanted to challenge conventions.

The key lay in thorough understanding of the Illumination Charm and extensive promotion of rune cards. According to Limes' data, a thousand sets of rune cards had been sold in Britain, reaching nearly forty percent of potential buyers—families with young wizards not yet enrolled.

Of course, it didn't hurt to have widespread advertising and affordable prices.

For wizards lacking entertainment, both adults and children, rune cards served as an excellent pastime. Most parents viewed them as intellectual toys—a concept concocted by the young minds at 'Future World' to satisfy their boss's advertising criteria.

Time slipped away, night deepened. Valen, the Niffler, yawned, blinking his shiny black eyes, tired from flipping through comic books.

"Chirp! (Not sleeping yet!)"

"Just a little longer, Valen. You don't have to worry about me." Felix smiled, picking up another manuscript to edit.

"Chirp! Chirp chirp? (Waiting for that magic bloke?)"

Felix chuckled. "Don't call him a bloke, Andros shouldn't have performed the Galleon trick in front of you. Taken and mocked by you..." he pointed to Valen's pink beak. "It's Dobby," he clarified.

"Chirp!" Valen perked up, taking a sip of lemonade through a straw, fluffing up instantly. "Hmph chirp chirp? (That wealthy one?)"

"Well, Dobby has been collecting golden buttons lately, if that's who you mean."

Finally, the golden clock on the desk struck midnight. Almost simultaneously, a copper Knut in Felix's hand grew scalding hot—an inquiry from Dobby. Felix dispelled the office's protective spells. Half a minute later—


The house elf Dobby appeared suddenly in the office.

Valen widened his eyes. "Chirp chirp chirp chirp!"

"Hello, Mr. Heap!" Dobby bowed deeply, then turned to greet Valen enthusiastically. "Hello to you too, Miss Valen!"

Valen was delighted, gazing at Dobby with anticipation. "Chirp chirp?"

From his tiny suit pocket, Dobby took out a gleaming metal button, exclaiming, "This is from Dobby's collection, a gift for Miss Valen!"

Valen extended her small hand, receiving it and inspecting it for a while before retrieving a golden bottle from her own pocket and passing it to Dobby.

"Oh, Miss Valen is so generous!" Dobby exclaimed excitedly, glancing at Felix. Felix smiled as Dobby examined the bottle in detail.

"It's transparent! Look, it's beautiful! Dobby received another gift!" Dobby peered into the bottle with his tennis ball-sized eyes.

After a while, Felix had to remind him, "Dobby, Lucius Malfoy is waiting..."

"Oh..." Dobby sighed, his bat-like ears drooping. Clearly, he'd been avoiding this topic.

"Don't worry, he won't dare touch you," Felix assured.

"Dobby knows, Dobby has the great Mr. Heap backing him! But Dobby feels conflicted..." The house elf mentioned, picking up the envelope that had been sitting on the desk for a while. "I don't have to talk to him, right?"

"No need," Felix reassured him. "If you want, you can toss the letter at his feet."

"Oh~" Dobby seemed tempted, but he declined. "Representing Mr. Heap now, no need to fear him..." He puffed his chest out, speaking confidently.

"Chirp! (Your legs are trembling!)" Valen pointed with a finger.

Felix was grateful that Dobby couldn't understand Valen's words.


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