A random pokemon journey

Legendary problems

I had Vulcan incinerate the stuff that had been rejected from my body before finally calling the trip to an end. I had accomplished all that I had set out to do here and now it was time to bid this place farewell for now. When I left the cave however I stiffened as a massive green head peered down at me from the mountain. 'Well now isn't that a thing of antiquity , a high human of all things. I would ask as to how you managed to achieve this transformation but that would ruin the fun of trying to figure it out on my own.' Rayquaza said with an interested look.-

"I had assumed our business had concluded already so why are you here?" I asked confused after I calmed down from the sudden scare. 'Don't be like that now. I had thought we got along splendidly the last time we spoke after all. But if you insist i just got back from making inquiries about your unique constitution and you can imagine my surprise to learn none i spoke to knew of you at all until now. '-

'Oh I suppose I should also warn you that most of my kin are now aware of you so expect to meet them at some point if you intend to travel.' the legendary spoke casually while I paled at the information the words held. I had assumed that a godly legendary was responsible for me arriving in this world but the only ones I could think of that Rayquaza probably couldn't ask were the four involved in creation. Dialga the ruler of time , Palkia the ruler of space and Giratina the ruler of the distortion realm. Time , space and matter that formed all things in the world , gods amongst gods if you would. Above those three however stood the primordial Arceus who held omnipotence.-

Only those four were beyond Rayquaza's reach to inquire about my situation and depending on which one was responsible it meant a different thing. If it were Dialga or Palkia I might be some sort of hero they summoned to accomplish something or even worse fight against something they can't for some reason. If it was Giratina however I needed to tread extremely carefully as from everything I knew that pokemon was this worlds version of the devil and being brought here by them had dire implications.-

Finally was Arceus itself having brought me here. To be honest in this scenario there was absolutely no telling what reason my being here served as Arceus was the legendary with the least amount of information available on it. It could have positive , negative or even no real reason at all for bringing me here and gifting me the system. As you could likely understand this didn't exactly reassure me at all. Even worse was that according to Rayquaza I could expect the other godly legendries to pop up while I explored this world in search of the pinnacle.-

"Can I expect these kin of yours to be neutral when they meet me or will they be aggressive?" I asked seriously. 'They should be fairly neutral though I imagine one or two aught to have a test or two planned for you. I spoke quite highly of you after all so at the very least none should kill you out of respect for myself.' Rayquaza said amused at my concerns. For it things that would stress me out were insignificant which was a privilege it held as a godly existence.-

'Ah yes I almost forgot but my sister asked me to send you her way when i was on my way here. You know her as Groudon and she was quite interested in speaking with you.' The legendary added before leaving. I sighed since while Rayquaza was casual in the way it said it I was fairly certain that it wasn't a request but a command. 'If nothing else this will be an interesting conversation. I need to leave Hades in it's ball though since seeing Groudon will definitely trigger it's resentment and hatred.' I thought while I informed my team and Birch of the situation.-

Birch was understandably NOT happy that I was being summoned by the legendary but he understood that not showing up might have a bad outcome if it enraged Groudon. My team was also not thrilled at the prospect of the meeting either as the last time I met Groudon I got knocked out for two days and then had to clean up the mess it left behind. Hades took the summons the worse as it's insanity flared up badly and I had to put it into stasis just to keep it from going on a rampage.-

Rune flew me to Mt. Chimney after Birch had the league clear the area just in case the meeting went south. Getting to Groudon was easy with the huge gapping hole in the side of the volcano leading straight to her. There was a sort of river of lava at the bottom of this hole flowing out the volcano that made the air hot and dry as we flew through it. Groudon herself was mostly submerged in a lake of glowing magma when we reached the cavern she was in and there was a single dozen meters wide patch of hard rock in front of her head that made me suspect that she created just to speak with me.-

The legendary didn't twitch even a little beyond her gaze following us as Rune landed on the rock. I recalled Rune as he was a shivering wreck in front of the legendary despite her not showing any signs of aggresion. "I was told to come and so here I am." I said neutrally while suppressing my fear with my ability. 'It seems at least one of you mortals understands their place still. If I recall this is technically the second time we have met though the first likely left a poor impression on you.' A feminine voice spoke directly into my mind.-

"I and the other human with me at the time were actually trying to stop Maxie from awakening you but obviously we failed. I don't imagine that is why you wanted to speak with me however." I said calmly. 'My brother was right , you are amusing to speak with. You are also quite correct little mortal as I wanted to see the being that created such a stir amongst my kin.' Groudon said casually. "I certainly hope it's the good kind of stir since i currently have no hope of defending myself otherwise." I joked but seriously meant it.-

'Indeed you are much too weak to prove more than a minor inconvenience for even the weakest of us. In this regard I offer a boon to help you much like my brother though in truth the boon is less yours and more for one of your bonded. She possesses a miniscule amount of my power and is thus perfectly suited as a vessel for my boon. Release her and witness my generosity!' she commanded and I could do nothing but obey or risk causing offense.

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