A random pokemon journey


"Alright alright, geez you didn't need to be mean about it!" Rui said with a hurt look. I scoffed at her "On the contrary it was very necessary, you seem to have this foolish notion that aura mastery is something you can simply do just because you are a natural at it. That's not only wrong but dangerous as well. Manipulating aura ESPECIALLY in a way like this takes practice and deep understanding of what you are doing. You make a single mistake and it could kill the pokemon you are trying to help or worse, cause you to get corrupted."-

"I'm not talking about the forced stuff like these shadow pokemon but genuine corruption of which there is no way to repair the damage save killing the corrupted individual. So yes I did need to be mean about it so that you'd understand how serious this is. Enough about that however, show me this shadow pokemon you brought here." I said sternly. Both Rui and Wes were effected by what I said with Rui looking ashamed of herself and Wes stuck between wanting to comfort her and understanding that I was probably right and she needed to hear this like this to understand how important it is.-

I waited patiently for them to straighten out their feelings and show the shadow pokemon they had came to get fixed to begin with. It took a few moments but Wes eventually settled his turbulent thoughts and withdrew a pokeball from his belt that he clicked the button to releasing the pokemon within it. A six foot long brown and tan striped weasel creature appeared with an erratic energetic movement, a Furret. At first glance it appeared like a normal member of it's species with a hyper energetic nature as it looked around.-

However it was clear to me that the reason it was looking around was all wrong as was the creatures aura that billowed from it wildly with a dark coloration. It wasn't looking around because it cared about it's surroundings so much as it was trying to find it's enemy to attack. This pokemon had been turned into a weapon and it showed. The Furret stared me down as I walked up to it ready to lash out the moment the order was given but Wes remained silent likely for this exact reason.-

I was unbothered by this aggression "Hades restrain it." I said calmly and the ghost manifested from my pocket and surrounded the Furret with a mad cackle as it's smoky body pinned the violent pokemon to the ground. I crouched down and set my right hand firmly in the Furrets chest above it's heart that was the core of all creatures aura. Closing my eyes I sent in my own aura which made the creature try even harder to resist with it's aura lashing out at my own in violent but futile resistance. If this was before my aura evolved to a higher state I may have had to struggle against it as a pokemons aura was naturally of a higher state than a humans.-

Now however my own aura was qualitatively the same as a pokemons though obviously not as expansive. This meant that while the aura of the Furret was wild and moving instinctually my own was moving precisely and in perfectly smooth ways. It was the difference between a master fighter and a uppity gang member that relied on brute force till now. I systematically broke through the feeble defenses and reached the door to the heart in no time at all.-

'Now for the less than easy part.' I thought before pressing my aura against the closed door and pushed. The Furret went still under my hand before it screamed, the sort of scream that comes from an animal that is dying and knows it. A death knell that will give even the bravest person pause for a moment. I grit my teeth as I forcefully pry open the door in what was the equivalent to soul torture. The actual process wasn't all that difficult no the problem came in the form of my raw aura being in direct contact with all this pain and agony.-

I was effectively torturing myself as well as the pokemon in order to help it but I couldn't allow myself to slip up from the pain. With a sort of spiritual "click" the door was torn open and the shadowy nature of the Furrets aura was rapidly purged and restored to normal while I myself also got the soothing relief of this as well as I withdrew my aura. "Hah hah hah~ It's done." I said as I panted while collapsing backwards. Wes and Rui looked at me in concern but i waved my hand dismissively.

"I'll be fine in a bit, that process is just rather taxing on me is all." I said reassuringly as Hade's smoky form covered me protectively once it sensed my weariness. I sat there for a good few minutes as I recovered from the experience before getting up with wobbly feet as my head was throbbing and I had a bone deep tiredness in my body, a side effect of straining my aura so much. I took a seat on a chair proper and asked Yani to retrieve my bag that I had hanging up since I was home.-

She brought it and I dug through it until I found my heavily diluted energy potion and drank the smallest amount of it. The effects were immediate as my lethargy dissipated temporarily. Naturally aura exertion was not truly so easy to counter act and I knew once the potion wore off the backlash was going to hit me hard but I needed a clear head to talk with Wes and Rui. "The Furret as you can see is fine and well on the road to recovery. I suppose you are trying to figure out why this was so painful."-

"The best way I can explain it is that it was like a boulder was firmly pressing against the door and I was forcing the door to move against the boulder which put heavy strain on the door. This strain came in the form of soul deep pain for the Furret and by extension myself as I felt it through my own aura. Honestly speaking your best bet for purifying pokemon painlessly is the relic or a legendary as those methods basically remove the boulder making the door open painlessly."-

"Unfortunately both those methods require a large amount of time or luck to accomplish leaving you with this method. I'll need to rest before I can do another opening like this but for now perhaps you should focus on catching all the shadow pokemon." i said calmly. "I'm so sorry that I thought this was going to be easy." Rui said sincerely. "It's fine, you couldn't have known until now but remember from now on that aura is not some toy that can be wielded carelessly." I said seriously before telling them to leave so I can rest.


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