A random pokemon journey

Possible limit and first rounds

I stopped flaring my aura and Hades hissed a warning at the dragon master before we chose to leave the matter alone. "One of these days that abrasive tongue of yours will get cut off Drake." Watson said with a chuckle. "Bah, if a mere threat to my life was enough to bother me we'd not be even having this conversation. Still couldn't help but notice that Tyranitar from earlier is different than the normal sort, something we should be concerned about?" Drake said questioningly. "Not really, just a slight increase in power is all." I said calmly.-

That answer was bullshit and everyone here knew it as pokemon don't just go having changes like that without some sort of fundamental factor being influenced. In most cases it's evolution to blame or in very rare cases the pokemon getting a blessing from a legendary. Obviously Gaia hadn't evolved so that left only one option which no one was going to directly point out, not even Drake. My summons to Groudon was known by all these people so Drake had basically just asked if Groudon was intending to cause problems again.-

"Good to hear, much as I like a good challenge I'd prefer if there was a chance of victory." the old man said admitting that even he considered fighting Groudon to be a lost cause. "Enough about that , lets talk about this little one. We all have read the information recovered from team aqua's servers and now know precisely what created it. Not going to sugar coat it lad it's not pretty." Watson said honestly as he gave the little one attention. "It doesn't matter to me since regardless of how it came to be. The little one is mine and will receive all the same benefits as the rest of my pokemon." I said and most of the people here had approving looks.-

"That's the thing lad, after getting the information from the server we learned that in exchange for this current ability and form the little one may not be able to evolve in the future. In a manner of speaking this one was born fully evolved. That's why it's form is long and slender like a Milotic's and it's physical abilities are so great. Frankly speaking it's up to fate whether or not the little one can even evolve again and if so what it will become." Watson said seriously.-

I wasn't surprised by this information as I had to some degree theorized that it was the case after watching the little one mature. It's form far too much resembled a regular Feebas's evolved form in shape not to notice. As it matured this resemblance increased even further as it grew longer and more reminiscent of a Milotic. "I was already aware of that possibility but thank you for confirming it. Regardless you need not worry about it as my stance is no different even knowing it." I said with a smile as the little one came over and curled around me lovingly.-

"Seems your moniker might have some basis after all." Steven joked and I groaned eliciting a laugh from most of the others here. I loathed that title as I was no saint and couldn't stomach the thought of being associated with the word. We chatted for a while after that and I got a few questions from them about what it was like training only variants and legendries and my own experiences so far. I was honest and explained that it came with it's own unique set of challenges like needing to push the boundaries of each evolution in order to hopefully get an upgrade to the variation.-

Then there was diet and the personalities of each of my pokemon that were unusual due to their natures. It came as no surprise that the thing that interested these people the most however was my theory on what exactly it would take to replicate my feat. Each of them admitted that the conditions really were so rare that it wasn't even a surprise that I was the first. Being born with even a single ability was considered great luck but five or six? Astronomically difficult.-

So difficult in fact that there was no record of anyone being born like that in Hoenn in nearly two hundred years. Anyways the tournament started in earnest and there honestly weren't many matches worth watching at first. The random nature of the pairings meant that the naïve hopefuls at only the bare minimum level to enter the tournament got decimated unless they got lucky. One had to remember that the minimum for entering the tournament was having four badges and the max was being at the end of their first year of training.-

This meant the highest level technically possible for a normal trainer was at most the eight badge level and was as a result a complete stomp out of the ones below that level unless they got lucky. There were a few of these but most of the lower badge level trainers realized they didn't have a chance at getting any of the prizes and bowed out after losing a single time rather than challenging to make a come back. May and Brendan weren't having it easy though as they both were between their seventh and eighth badge at the moment and had a couple close calls.-

May for example was currently running a team comprised of her starter Treecko that was now a Sceptile, Magcargo, Tropius, Pelipper, Banette and surprisingly enough Luxray. As a result her team held a particular weakness to ice type moves that one of her opponents happened to be a specialist of. Not to make the mistake of saying her team was bad as that was not true at all as she had done her best to cover most possible typings she could face but in front of a specialist she had to deal with more than a single ice type at once.-

She had clearly been undecisive when she saw that her two pokemon sent out initially, Sceptile and Tropius , were against two ice types. In the end she swapped out the Sceptile for her Banette and had to employ stall tactics to get rid of those first two at the cost of her Banette getting knocked out and her Tropius getting heavily damaged. That was when her opponent sent out two more ice types and she realized she was facing a specialist. Her Tropius and Luxray both got knocked out to take out those two and the final two cost her her Pelipper and heavy damage to both her Magcargo and Sceptile.-

Still she managed to eek out a narrow victory against a disadvantageous type matchup with a trainer of similar level to herself. Brendan on the other hand had an interesting team comprised of a Sceptile, Sableye, Golem, Gyarados, Pidgeot and royal variant Machamp. The variant came as a surprise for me and most people in our VIP booth as it had been the first one we saw during this tournament.

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