A random pokemon journey

Potus experiments and visitors

Once my aura and ability settled down I immediately moved to use it in the garden that Yani was tending to. Not for anything drastic but merely to test it's current limits since the life energy rich environment already gave the growth rate of plants a significant boost. A good example of this was that despite planting everything merely two days ago some of the plants were already nearing harvest. Truth be told this alone made the hub easily one of the most valuable pieces of land in Orre at the moment.-

As you may expect given the environment of the region growing produce was a lot of effort and in fact couldn't even be done naturally but had to be done with hydroponic farms or greenhouses. Even in those cases it is barely enough to feed everyone in the region twice a day and a single bad harvest may even lead to famine on a minor level as the region needed to import food from other regions through Gateon. My Hub though could effectively have sustainable harvests ready in a short span of three or four days which even with the small size of the land would rapidly begin to accumulate until there was in fact an excess of produce in the region should I choose to sell it.-

I had no such plans however as there was a much better option available, genetic engineering. See the best way to handle this situation was to modify traditional crops like potatoes and carrots into strains that could grow in the desert like weeds. Naturally this meant that I had to cross breed and eliminate undesirable traits while promoting the desired ones. For example my starter plants would be a normal potato and carrot plant as well as the natural desert flora like cacti.-

From there I had to cross breed the produce plants with the cacti in order to hopefully create a hybrid that could thrive without regular watering while also being heat resistant and grounded firmly in the sands. Effectively I was planning to make a type of cactus that produced potatoes and carrots. Yani was more than happy to help me with this project as she loved helping people and was generally a kind and selfless individual. Sure she knew her way around battling and didn't shy away when one of my other pokemon or myself killed things but she herself never took a life.-

In a funny manner of speaking it was a very superman type mindset that she had. Of course this project wasn't so easy to actualize as the forced hybridization of the plants came with great risk of undesirable traits and odd new plants coming about. For example my first attempt at cacti/potato hybridization I ended up with what was effectively a lumpy yellow cactus that turned toxic when left in the sunlight. Even more the toxins were loaded into the spines of the plant making it horribly lethal if you got pricked.-

I scrapped that plant immediately as it was all the worst traits of the two plants combined in a new worse plant. I ended up repeating this process over and over until I finally got something I could work with on my eight attempt. This new plant was bright yellow with green stripes and roughly shaped like a lumpy sphere covered in spines. The trick was that the entire plant minus the spines was edible and even tasted and felt just like a russet potato, the best part was that each plant at maturity was the size of a large pumpkin.-

After that I just needed to slowly work in traits for heat resistance, wind seed scattering, drought survival and sand rooting. The final result I fondly named the potus plant and began desert trials. It had taken me four weeks of heavy effort to create the plant and now it was finally time to see if it lived up to my hopes and could survive in the desert. Of course during this time I had also gotten my new PC from Makan as well as bartered for a compass and some remote solar charged cameras in exchange for the spare pokenav I had.-

The old man was thrilled with the extra-regional piece of tech and didn't have it more than five minutes before I found him looking at it's internal components while the motherboard was hooked up to a program that was going over all the programming in the device. Using one of the remote cameras I set up a stream recording the plants progress in real time straight to my PC. That was unfortunately the last bit of fast progress I could make in this regard as only my Hub had the life energy concentration that rapidly accelerated plant growth.-

I had three different stages of the plants set up in the same spot to monitor the full lifecycle of the plant in it's "natural" environment, a seed, a sproutling and a fully mature plant. With that project done it was finally time for me to take a dangerous trip with Rune to Rota to let everyone know that I was going into a Celebi forest. The way I saw it taking care of that objective was the first I should do as the rest merely took me some effort in the region to do while this one could have serious consequences if I wasn't lucky.-

For my trip to Rota I ended up bringing along Vulcan(Entei), Rune(Charizard), Tank(Butterfree), Hades(Spiritomb) and the not so little one(Feebas). Yani(Sceptile) and Gaia(Tyranitar) both preferred to stay back at the Hub for different reasons. Yani wanted to continue caring for the garden while monitoring the experimental plants and Gaia was guarding the Hub. Like always though something came up last minute in the form of Rui and Wes showing up at my doorstep finally.

"You are later than I expected, been busy I take it?" I asked casually while they both gawked at my pokemon and home. "Forget that, what is this place!?" Rui asked in amazement and shock. Wes was not much different though he was not much of a talker to begin with and was content to let Rui do the questioning. "This wonderful place is the Hub, my home while I am here in Orre and an artificial life energy hotspot. You no doubt think that the sandstorm was a product of this place as well but you would be mistaken as it is in fact actually my starter pokemon, Gaia's doing."-

"Speaking of, allow me to make formal introductions to all my pokemon." I said with a grin before playing meet and greet with each of my pokemon leaving Wes and Rui more and more stunned with each one I showed them. The not so little one took the cake for most insane pokemon in my possession however as it seemed to make both Rui and Wes short circuit as they tried and failed to make sense of what they were seeing.

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