A random pokemon journey


I wasted no time having Rune speed away once I saw the hunting pack plummet to the ground. While a fall from this height would definitely hurt them I doubted that it would be enough to kill them unless they landed on their heads or necks. This meant if we stuck around we'd definitely have to deal with some very angry Skarmory in a while. Even after high tailing it out of the area there was no guarantee that the pack wouldn't go out of their way to track our asses down for revenge.-

That wasn't the only time we had an issue while flying through this mountain range today either. No less than an hour after dealing with the Skarmory we were chased by a royal variant Aerodactyl at the elite level that we had to put down after a hard fight. Unfortunately Rune took some injuries during that fight and we needed to make camp on a mountains side for another two days while he recovered. I cursed my small energy reserves a lot during this time as I could barely use my healing ability to shorten the recovery time to that little.-

That Aerodactyl had peppered Rune with rock and ground type moves so the injuries were worse than if the moves were of some other type. Still it wasn't all bad news as I claimed a few bones from the ancient pokemon that I could use to clone it. A royal variant Aerodactyl didn't really fit my team all that well but flying and rock type specialists would sell their kidneys to get their hands on it. For good reason too as it is very rare that a pokemon has a dual typing where both types are usually weak against the other.-

If my memory serves me right there is in fact only six or seven pokemon that naturally fit the bill with Charizard being one and two others being legendary birds. Thanks to this rarity these pokemon were highly prized by type specialists since it let them cover more typings with their team. Anyways thankfully we didn't come across anymore major issues on the way to Rota and arrived in the tiny kingdom just fine. Our arrival didn't go unnoticed however as we were stopped by the border patrol knights shortly after entering the kingdom.-

"Halt and identify yourself!" a loud female voice called out and I looked over only to see an armored woman sitting on the back of an armored Pidgeot. Let me tell you seeing a literal knight on the back of a pokemon threw me off just a little. Once I snapped out of my surprise I answered the woman and now it was her time to be stunned speechless. "This is so above my paygrade, follow me back to base so i can report this to the higher ups and figure out what to do with you." the woman said with a tired sigh before turning her Pidgeot around and flying off.-

Naturally I followed behind her on Rune while taking in the stunning view of the kingdom I had from up here. It was impossible to miss that massive tree with it's brilliantly glowing branches and trunk in the very far distance. It was almost like what you would expect a world tree to look like with a trunk miles wide and branches so far up they couldn't all be seen as they were in the clouds above. Even beyond that special tree this kingdoms ties to the ancient aura guardian order were abundant as nature here thrived and was clearly well maintained by it's people.-

The base the woman spoke of ended up being an old stone castle surprisingly enough that had been renovated with a modern flair such as the signal tower and metal reinforcements. In the courtyard of the castle you could see people in rich blue uniforms training with cold weapons and their pokemon. We landed in an area that was clearly marked out for fliers and dismounted our pokemon. "You are free to mingle with the soldiers while you wait but don't try to leave or I'll have to track you down again." the woman said as she took off her helm revealing her face.-

She had pixie cut red hair and a green eyes that complimented her pale skin and toned face. She couldn't exactly be considered beautiful by normal standards as even with her armor on I could tell she was more muscle than soft flesh like you'd expect from a woman. Still she was certainly not ugly by any means and I wouldn't mind taking a few rolls under the sheets with her if given the option.-

She left me alone at that time so I naturally gravitated over to the area that had the spearmen training. "You folks mind if I join you? I so very rarely get a chance to meet other spearmen after all." I said with a friendly smile. The men just looked up at me in surprise "What sort of spear could someone your size even use?" One of the guys blurted out before looking embarrassed. "Yeah I can understand your confusion given my rather large stature. Here let me show you my partner." I said with a chuckle before retrieving my spear from my bag.-

"What sort of weapon is that!?" one of the men exclaimed in shock upon seeing Omega. "I suppose the best answer would be a conduit weapon though it's unique due to a series of events involved in it's creation." i said honestly. "A conduit weapon! The kingdom only has a handful of those and they are all national treasures but nothing like that!" one of the men said seriously. "Omega here's not some ancient relic but was forged last year for me specifically. No need to worry about it being some lost treasure or anything like that." I said reassuringly.

"Forget that I want to know who made the thing so I can get one!" one of the men said excitedly as he looked Omega over. I shook my head "The smith has already passed from this world and this weapon was his final masterpiece. Besides that the head was refined and empowered in the blood and death of a legendary afterwards so you'll not find another like it anywhere in the world." I said seriously while sending a spark of my aura into the weapon causing it to flare up in brilliant flame at the head.-

"That's so fucking cool!" the men looked at the weapon with stars in their eyes. After that they were more than happy to have some light spars with me but I was rather disappointed to learn that they were barely more skilled than a newbie at the weapon type. They told me when I asked about finding a better spearmen that I'd likely need to find a knight commander to get any real challenge.


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