A random pokemon journey

Sea journey

The trip to Orre was slated to take a whole month give or take a day or two so I used the unique experience to add an extra layer of depth to my teams training. As anyone who has ever been on a large ship for any real time can tell you moving around was a challenge in and of itself. The ship tilted and rose in a constant manner with the movement of the sea bellow us and I was training my team to move over obstacles at fast speed without letting the movement hinder them.-

Rune and Tank didn't need this training since they could fly but the rest of my team got put through it. Hades being the clever little shit it was simply cheated and anchored it's smoky form to it's destination before dragging it's keystone over. To be honest I was kinda expecting it to do something like that since the Spiritomb species weren't exactly well known for their movement abilities. In fact they were practically the definition of the word sedentary as they literally won't move for decades or centuries at a time. Not in hibernation like Groudon or Kyogre either but literally just because they didn't feel like it.-

Vulcan, Gaia and Yani though were serious in this training though Gaia was by far the one most in need of it. Vulcan and Yani were both small enough that the movement of the ship was only minorly inconvenient but for Gaia it was a different matter. If the ship moved when she was taking a step it could very easily unbalance her and make her fall as her weight worked against her. I had to admit that Mr. Stone spared no expense when creating this ship as he had even made an area for the trainers aboard to train and battle against each other to pass the time easier.-

Admittedly we all needed to rotate between ourselves since there was only the one area but none of us minded all that much. If anything the ace trainers aboard were practically like a pack of hungry wolves that took any oppurtunity they could to insert themselves and their team into the three elite trainers time in the area. That meant I and the other two were regularly getting observed and used to hone the ace trainers teams during this journey across the sea.-

I was the least popular choice to be used to hone their teams against though as while my team was careful not to cause serious injury when we battled with the ace trainers pokemon we weren't gentle either. On average each ace trainer needed to pay a two day recovery period after each bout with my team. Despite that however battling my team was still something they all did as my style of battle was clearly an excellent method of drawing out improvements from my opponents as I challenged them to adapt.-

Interestingly one of the sailors aboard the ship was a spearman like myself which after getting permission from their captain i regularly used as a whetstone to hone my own skill against. He was a slender dark skinned man with red hair named Carlos. He improved as well as he sparred against me with the hollow blunt pipes we were using since the real deal was too dangerous. Carlos used a style of spearmanship that focused on defensive maneuvers and counter attacking that worked wonders against my style that was primarily about aggression and causing so much pressure against my opponent that they couldn't retaliate.-

The first week at sea was focused on this movement training and sparring with Carlos after I discovered him practicing in the early morning. The second week at sea was when things got interesting as we were passing through the deep waters and a school of Gyarados got uncomfortably close to the ship out of curiosity. The leader of which was a royal shiny but only had the base level of the variations unlocked. This meant it was very large and bright red but otherwise not terribly different from a normal Gyarados at the elite level such as it was.-

It was also not some reckless youngster either but clearly fairly old and experienced and as a result spotted me and Hades and chose to lead it's group away rather than trying to cause problems. Contrary to what many believe Gyarados weren't mindless rage monsters but merely had temper control issues after evolving to their current form which mellowed out the longer they lived. The reason for this was that as Magikarp they lacked the intelligence usually to really feel emotions all that deeply but after evolving they got bigger brains and were suddenly overwhelmed with emotions that they had no experience with and thus tended to get frustrated and angry.-

Beyond that we had to fight and kill a flock of Wingull line pokemon that tried to use the ship as their own personal territory. This would not have resulted in us chasing them off if it wasn't for the fact they saw us as trespassers and were aggressive towards the sailors just doing their jobs. I didn't waste the bodies though but harvested them and cooked up a feast out of the edible parts while handing the rest over to whoever wanted them.-

Like most nonfish water types the meat was rich in fat that I had to render out before serving with some fresh seaweed and rice with a sweet and savory barbeque sauce. I got along famously with the chefs aboard the ship since I regularly frequented the kitchens to help out and they had honestly mentioned that they hadn't thought of cooking any pokemon they ended up having to kill during any past shipping journeys on other ships. According to them they actually tended to just toss the bodies overboard for some lucky predator to eat. There was nothing wrong with that in my opinion as if you had plenty of food stored up you didn't need the meat.-

That said there was also no reason why you couldn't eat the meat as well to make your stores last just a little longer than normal. It certainly wasn't necessary though as Mr. Stone had stocked up enough food to feed all of us and our pokemon for the next three months despite the trip being slated for only a month. The third week Yani evolved finally which let her reach her final stage. She had pretty good stats too when she did.

[Pokemon: Sceptile(Aranyani)


Moveset: Leer(M) , pound(M) , leaf storm(M)(egg move) , Absorb(M) , quick attack(M) , pursuit(E) , screech(E) , mega drain(M) , agility(M) , slam(E) , detect(E) , giga drain(M) , false swipe(E) , night slash(E) , nature orb(M) , leaf blade(E) , fury cutter(E) , bullet seed(E), nature mist(E), toxic(E), sunny day(E), solar beam(E)

Skills: Aura(N)

Variations: Shiny(Stage two)



Sp. Atk: 219

Sp. Def:175


Ability: Overgrow(E)]

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