A random pokemon journey

Struggle and discovery

We got back to the Hub and while my pokemon went about their own business I practiced my spearmanship and experimented with trying to improve my aura meditation method to work with my current energy density. My first attempt was to change the visualization I used while meditating from fog to water but that did nothing. This told me that there was an extra component to the exercise that I needed to find that lied beyond my mind alone. Thanks to this I began to try sitting in different positions while meditating and while I did see a slight improvement while lying with my entire body stretched out like a human starfish it was miniscule.-

I wasn't surprised to see that by the time dinner came around I had accomplished very little. If it was so easy as only needing a few hours to qualitatively improve a millennia old technique with trial and error there'd be a serious problem. I was smart sure but by no means was I some sort of mega genius capable of such rapid improvement. Hell most of my rapid progress in this world was because I had a view of this place that was totally impossible for someone native to it to have.-

As for my skills that was because the system effectively idiot proofed the things by giving me the entirety of this worlds information on the subject right from the start. There was no need to stumble in the dark for the vast majority of the time as the path was long since painted clearly. It was only now that my situation had exceeded this worlds understanding of a subject that I needed to pioneer a new path forward and that meant struggle and making mistakes.-

My ambitions however were enough to content me on making even the smallest amount of progress. My goal wasn't going anywhere and this was a marathon rather than a sprint. All I needed to do was make sure I never stagnated and I imagine everything will work out in the end. With this mindset I prepared our food and rested for the night since tomorrow I was heading to Agate village. Fateen hadn't plainly said that what I sought was a legendary but I was fairly certain that was what she was referring to. Likely even the Celebi that was rumored to live within that forest.-

It would even fit perfectly as the species was well known for their time traveling abilities so if anything knew about what I wanted to know a Celebi was very likely to be it. The biggest issue I was likely to have was that the species was notoriously hard to work with as they were flaky and whimsical. They were a bit like easily distracted children who did what they felt like and only what they felt like. It was one of the reasons those that had them never really used them in battle as they simply didn't listen and played around the whole time.-

There was no mistaking it however the species was VERY powerful when it was that they truly decided to fight. Ignore whatever stats they had from the games as they were irrelevant in reality. The small amount known on the species said that they had innately frail physical forms but in terms of raw energy based power they were powerhouses. A good example was that in Kanto there was a Celebi following a boy around for whatever reason and Team Rocket made a move to attack the boy to capture the legendary that even included powerful pseudo legendries.-

That Celebi however decimated all of the attackers pokemon single handedly with a barrage of overcharged elemental attacks that left the surrounding mile of land looking like a warzone save the spot the boy was standing. Moral of the story was that that cute appearance contained a vast amount of power behind it. Before I had to deal with that however I needed to scout out Agate village and try and figure out where this shrine was that Fateen said was what I was after.-

The next morning I served Breakfast before setting off with my whole team other than Gaia who was in charge of the sandstorm and perfectly content to doze off all day beneath the ever shifting sands. This wasn't even a unique trait that she had either but one shared by most rock or ground type pokemon. They tended to be rather sedentary in nature and slept a lot in the wild for long periods of time. It was ironically this very trait that made Geodude such menaces as while they were asleep they were nearly impossible to tell apart from regular rocks and got pissed when woken up as a result.-

Effectively it was like you went to take a nap only for someone to kick you in your sleep or sit on you. You'd probably be in a foul mood in that case as well wouldn't you? In any case Gaia's behavior was not strange at all and I was fine leaving her behind since it was unlikely that anything capable of threatening her would just randomly show up. She was an elite level pokemon with really high stats and even a spark of divinity that got a not inconsequential boost from her current environment.-

In short nothing below a high level elite even had the CHANCE to approach her at the moment without her express permission much less fight her. The trip to Agate was as usual boring due to the whole region looking the fucking same. That changed however when we started getting close to the Village however as the desert gave way to grasslands that I had Rune briefly stop at the edge of to examine. What I discovered left me confused to say the least. This "natural border" if you will was not because of a climate change but rather because the desert part was dead, lifeless. The green part however was alive and full of vitality creating a strange contrast.-

Using my x-ray vision i saw that this difference wasn't just on the surface level either but penetrated deep below like there was a firm dividing line. 'The stopping point of an attack.' I realized with a start. I had seen similar phenomena in locations that moves had been used and restored later. 'But an attack that reduced an entire region to desert? What could possibly push the legendries to such an extreme act?' I pondered with a frown.-

I briefly considered the infernal pokemon that three legendries took action against but I knew for a fact that this region was not the place that occurred. No that event took place in Sinnoh with the three lake guardians being the ones that dispatched the creature. The modern location of that event was known as Black reef because that part of the region had been sunk under the sea from the sheer destructive force applied there. Despite that the spot was a well known location of high dark type variations water pokemon spawning rates.

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