A random pokemon journey

Stubborn ghost and Lavaridge

The deal i offered the Spiritomb was quite simple after that. It let me train it and if it felt like it participated in a battle under my command and in exchange I would shelter and care for it so long as it didn't go causing problems like attacking random people and so on. The ghost pokemon agreed to my terms after much debate with it's many personality fragments. Let me tell you that is some weird shit to witness as it hissed and wailed in multiple different tones at once all while flipping emotional expressions like a strobe light.-

What I had failed to consider however was the ghost type was a real piece of work that had spotted a loophole in what I said and exploited it. See I had said that so long as it participated in a battle IF IT FELT LIKE IT then i would do all the other stuff. The problem was that it DIDN'T feel like it, ever. So I was basically left with a pokemon that I was obligated to take care of and shield from the league for basically no gain of my own.-

At first anyways before the thing got bored and actually started battling a week later occasionally. It was rather touch and go though as it was very much up to the things whims if it wanted to or not. Don't even get me started on the damn things love of jump scares that my team found out about the hard way with the exception of the little one. Apparently the ghost was the big brother type when it came to baby pokemon as it was nothing but helpful when it involved the little one. It did cause a slight issue however when a poacher tried to snatch the little one.-

I got to see Hades cruelty quite clearly as the ghost flat out tortured and pulled the poacher apart like string cheese. Oh right I had given the Spiritomb the name Hades by the way. Anyways I had to recall the little one and put it in my bag to spare it's innocent mind from the sheer brutality of what Hades put the poacher through. The clean up was by far the worse part as there was blood all over the place from Hades playing with it's food.-

Not going to lie I totally understood why the league had Spiritomb as an avoid at all cost listed pokemon after that incident. It reveled in violence and suffering to an uncomfortable degree and was more than willing to prove it should an opportunity present itself. When we finally reached Lavaridge I kept Hades in it's ball despite it being small enough to be out as I frankly didn't trust it not to kill anyone randomly. The city itself was rather interesting as it was built on a high area right on the side of Mt. Chimney that had a natural spring under it thus creating the hotsprings the city was famous for.-

The really fascinating part though was the fact that the city was not paved at all but all the buildings were made of the same red stone as the rest of the area minus the gym and pokecenter which were nice and modern as per normal. The city wasn't nearly the same size as say Mauville but could easily be considered the same size as Dewford. Despite this however it was clear that this place was more along the lines of a retirement home than any normal city.-

The vast majority of those you could see were the elderly who lived here for the hotspring which was apparently good for the body. As a rather famous tourist attraction as well Lavaridge had plenty of hotels that I could stay in while I was here too. This was good as right now I was REALLY persona non grata with the Joy clan after they exiled the old crone to Sinnoh rather than kill her. According to Birch they were very concerned that I was going to make good on my threat to storm the compound to get her and sent her where I can't get her as a punishment instead of killing her.-

As far as they were concerned this matter ended there but jokes on them since I was definitely going to that region in the future and might go collect on this debt at that time. The only positive thing to come out of that whole situation was that I was able to start having the tms sold publicly as my whole plan was pointless after the old crone basically publicized the move. I did have a bit of an argument with Mr. Stone though since I wanted every copy sold to the joy clan to be triple the normal price.-

He really didn't want to antagonize the clan like that but I made it clear that he could publicize that it was my call if he wanted but they were going to know I wasn't happy with the crone merely being exiled to Sinnoh. I asked for her head and instead they basically tried to preserve her life instead by putting her out of my reach. Obviously I wasn't just going to ignore that slight against me if i can help it.-

The best part though was that the Joy clan could only accept the jacked up price quietly as they knew why it was like that but REALLY needed the move at the same time. Petty action on my end aside the clan itself hadn't bothered me at all and if anything kept out of my way. Like I had expected the alchemists selling potions in Hoenn had started targeting me as well after the prices of the things plummeted by the minute. In Lavaridge all the ingredient stores either closed the moment I looked like I was heading over or blatantly hiked up the prices for whatever I bought.-

The pokemart though was perfectly normal since that was run by the league and the potion makers had no fingers in it. Due to the fact that Groudon had returned to Mt. Chimney the city was nearly devoid of tourist or trainers at the moment so Flannery was able to meet me shortly after I had informed the gym staff member manning the counter. "My Grandpa thinks we need more people like you but i just don't get it." she said as she got into the hotspring i was relaxing in.-

"He probably means people that won't just let themselves be pushed about." i said without opening my eyes as I leaned against the hot stone wall of the hotspring. "Hmm , maybe but I think it's stupid to make an enemy of the Joys given your pokemon may need healing at some point." She said honestly. "I can do all that myself so it's not a big issue besides i'm not making an enemy of them just getting even for something they shouldn't have done." I said casually.

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