A random pokemon journey

Training others

Just like I had predicted May, Brendan and Gregory's pokemon recovered right at the end of the week and they came to Littleroot. I might not have much mastery over the poke medic skill but I had access to all the knowledge on the subject that existed so when it came to making health predictions like this I was second to no one who wasn't psychic. Seeing the future doesn't take any medical skill or knowledge though so I still believe I win in that case as well.-

"This won't work if you two are clashing constantly." I said serious when Brendan and Gregory showed up and were clearly not getting along.

"He almost killed my pokemon though!" Brendan argued.

"And in exchange you almost implicated dozens of innocent people in the stands. From the way I see it both of you are in the wrong for that situation. It was a tournament meant to give you experience and a chance at improving your teams, not a deathmatch." I said firmly and Brendan backed down clearly aware I was right but Gregory looked like he was about to say something but I held up my hand to stop him.

"You are even worse because I refuse to believe you didn't understand the high chance of death from that combo. It was a super effective move combo after all and you had other more acceptable options but you were trying to show off. His anger at you is entirely justified and you want to argue with me about it?" I said with a glare and the dude frowned but dropped whatever argument he had. I knew his type well enough since they were all over the place on earth, people who tried their hardest to get ahead in life using anyone they could as a stepping stone without care about the suffering they caused in the process.-

I was willing to bet money that Gregory was going to say something about how it was entirely permissible in the rules of the tournament or some such. He would be right of course but there was a reason that there were also unspoken rules as well that most abide by. In competitive battles like that you DON'T use killing moves so casually. "Now that I have addressed this issue I expect both of you to tolerate the others presence or you'll find that I will make the next two weeks of your life hell, am I clear?" I asked sternly and they both nodded.

"Good. Now then the way the next two weeks is going to go is that I am going to train each of you and your teams in what I believe to be important things to know for any trainer. First up is combat readiness and I am not referring to just your pokemon. You as league registered trainers need to be ready at any moment for combat and right now you all fail." I said bluntly.-

They all looked offended by that until they each stiffened in fear as Hades swiped a blade of grass across their throats gently. "Hades wasn't even being stealthy but none of you even noticed it behind you until it was too late. Had it been someone with a knife or gun you'd all be dead because you failed to register your surroundings. It is my firm belief that all trainers need to understand the importance of having clear knowledge of ones surroundings. Criminals won't announce themselves before attacking nor will they always make it obvious what they are about to do."-

"By no means am i saying that you should be paranoid but at the very least you should always try and understand your surroundings and recognize when something is out of place. This will help you both in and out of battle and make no mistake you WILL need to use this outside of battle if you continue being trainers of the league. The next three days I'm going to hammer this spatial awareness into your bones so pay attention." I said with a firm look. I meant it as well as I had already gotten permission from Birch and Brendans parents to go into the rooms they'd be living in for the next two weeks and change things for my training.-

The basic training though was first pattern recognition as I set up a bunch of things in the pasture before blindfolding them and moving stuff or changing something and having them point out what exactly. I didn't give them a whole lotta time to memorize the field either so that their minds were trained to accomplish this in a short period of time. The first night I left their rooms alone so that they had a base to work off of.-

Then i would up the ante by changing something when they weren't paying attention or placing a booby trap in the rooms that was annoying if they failed to find it. See if you were tense it was easy to have your senses stay sharp enough to notice each thing out of place. But when you were thinking you were safe humans had a bad habit of relaxing and leaving themselves vulnerable. Glitter bombs, harmless flashbangs, Hades itself and a few other creative but noticeable traps were used over the next three days to train their senses.-

At the end of this period though all three of them were used to finding what was out of place even if it was the most mundane of things like how I moved my pokeballs from my right side to my left or if I had left an extra footprint where I was standing. "Well done all three of you for picking up my lesson so easily. In truth this is actually something that tends to take months to years for a trainer to learn and my methods of teaching it are rather extreme."

"That said you've all picked up the basics of it which is worth praise so I have arranged a feast to reward all of you. No tricks or traps involved." I said with a smile. To prove my point I began to carefully take out the many dishes I had personally whipped up for the occasion. Braised meats, potatoes in a variety of shapes, textures and flavors, my own personal blend of herbs and spices on fried food and nearly a dozen different types of deserts from pies to icecream. All the food was in sealed containers that held the freshness of the dishes for a long period of time so it was all still fresh and hot or appropriately cold.-

All three of them were suspicious at first but after trying the food threw all caution to the wind as the food was just too damn good. I was a master cook after all so my food was impeccable in flavor and nutrition both. The smell of the food got the pokemon living in the pastures attention and some even came over cautiously to seek out a handout. I watched as Brendan and May had no trouble at all befriending these few but Gregory was too prideful and ignored them as he ate.

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