A random pokemon journey


Still in the end I got my samples and had them carefully stored in the cold pocket of my Devon bag to preserve them. Out of all of them the ice variant Bagon was the greatest surprise because it is extremely rare for a pokemon the be born with an elemental variation that conflicted with it's species innate type. Unfortunately the Bagon was not also dragon type or I might have been tempted to train the clone myself after I returned to the present. The Magikarp and Pikachu however were the real valuable ones though.-

Not only were they both triple variants but the specific combination of variations meant that they each could be the ace of nearly any trainer. Ancient variant Magikarp gained the dragon typing after evolving into a Gyarados and were not slouches before they evened either. Add on the Shiny variation for some color and the Attack variation and you got a beast of a pokemon that would give even a weaker legendary a run for it's money at least in terms of sheer power. The only real downside was that Ancient variant Gyarados were notoriously difficult to control and I doubted the other two variations were going to help rather than hinder that task.-

The set of variations for the Pikachu on the other hand had no real downside involved as the species was pretty friendly as a rule of thumb even if they had the Ancient variation that made them a bit more violent. The Ancient variant of the Pikachu line was not much different from the present day normal ones as they don't get any new abilities or typings but instead were simply bigger, darker colored and had slightly longer shaggy fur. Add on the Royal variation and the resulting pokemon was about the size of a child at about four feet tall.-

The speed variation instead lengthened the legs of the species proportionally while thinning the body shape slightly to be more aerodynamic. The final result was fast as fuck and hit really damn hard regardless of physical or elemental attacks. Both of these were worth investing time and resources into even for me but unfortunately wouldn't work well in my current team. I thought perhaps I could put together a team of newbie pokemon when I went to a different region that had a true league circuit so that I wasn't stupidly overpowered the moment I hit the circuit unlike what happened in Hoenn.-

Admittedly I sort of went overboard on training Vulcan and Gaia before I left Mt. Grey and was massively overpowered for someone just hitting a circuit for the first time. If I really wanted to experience the circuit the way it was intended I needed to start fresh with a whole new team of scrubs to train up into monsters like my current team. That said that was a FAR future type goal as for now I want to raise my current team to champion level before I even considered that sort of thing.-

For now though since I had collected the samples I wanted it was time to hit the road and go see what the deal with these priestesses and Giratina was. Same as last time it was just going to be me Hades, Tank, Yani and secretly Rune from the sky. Vulcan, Gaia and the little one were to stay back at base camp as they would draw far too much attention. I set out once more with the closest "capital" of the region the northern priestesses home that was past the foot of Mt. Battle and thus the village I went to previously.-

Tank had been the one that scouted out that part of the region so I knew from him that it was about a weeks worth of walking. I did have to walk too as if I flew most of the way it would risk me getting spotted. Assuming news of my presence in the region had spread people would be on the lookout for me and as unlikely as it was that may include from the sky as well.-

The next three days were quiet as I walked but I was spotted and approached on the fourth day by a man wearing armor and riding a Doutrio. "Hail sir healer! Thine presence has been requested by her holiness Granine!" the man shouted as he rode the large bird pokemon towards me. "Thou needed not inform me as mine current trajectory aligns with the priestesses place of residence." I said calmly and the man seemed to do a bit of mental mapping before nodding in acceptance. "I implore you make haste as her Holinesses health worsens by the hour." the man said before turning the bird pokemon he was on and having it sprint off in the direction of the capital.-

Once I was sure the man was gone I turned to my pokemon "Looks like we are going to need to pick up the pace. Thankfully humans are endurance runners so I should be able to run for a few hours to cut the journey down by about a day and a half if I go as hard as I can for that long." I said seriously before securing my bag and clothes and taking off hard.-

My form was perfect and my body was in the best shape possible so I easily hit fifteen to twenty miles per hour in a fast run. I ran for the next four hours before my legs were burning and begging relief. I had to use my healing ability on them to fix the damage such a reckless act had caused but I had cut down on the travel time considerably. While as I said humans were endurance runners by nature that didn't mean that doing so was a good idea. We built up lactic acid that once we stopped running settled and became a painful problem for us.-

In this regard my healing ability was kinda broken as unlike most that would need to spend a few days breaking down that acid I could repair the damage and break down that acid far faster. I camped out for the night and set out in the morning for the northern capital. As I expected it only took me about three hours of running to see the "city" in the distance.-

It reminded me heavily of ancient roman architecture on earth with massive stone pillars holding up the ceilings and marble nearly everywhere you looked. In the center of the city was a massive building that was clearly either a palace or a temple construct, maybe both judging from the many statues worshiping Giratina around it.


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