A random pokemon journey

Understanding shadows

"A delicious meal you say? Easy enough, just give me a bit." I said with a chuckle. If she said my future actions are enough of a repayment then I can read between the lines to know the future was going to be interesting for me here. I stepped outside to prepare the meal since there would be a bit of smoke from the process. Setting up my cooking set I brought out some eggs, flour, rendered fat, heavy cream, Krabby meat and an assortment of spices and vegetables before getting to work.-

First I made a pasta dough from scratch that I set to boil while i chopped the meat and vegetables into a rough but easy to chew size. On another burner I placed in a small amount of rendered fat as I brought it to temp before throwing the vegetables in on medium low to soften and soak up the flavor of the oil. Once those were getting close to finished I put in the Krabby meat a bit of flour and the heavy cream before covering and reducing the heat to low.-

As that thickened and dispersed the flavors all around the sauce I added the spices and a small pinch of salt before straining the pasta and plating up immediately. It was a fairly simply dish in truth but had a rich flavor that I was more than happy with. The smell was also godly which was why I wasn't surprised to see that the people who hung around the towns entrance were looking at the food hungrily. "Theres only enough for three people to have some, do with that what you will." I said as I brought the food into the building after packing up my cooking set while leaving the three portions on the ground on disposable plates with disposable silverware.-

"Seems you understand Pyrite quite well young man." Fatten said with a smile as I walked in. I shrugged "Not hard to understand even with my limited knowledge. The people of Pyrite are roughnecks sure but they are not an ungrateful bunch. It's a simple you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours type deal right?" I asked and she nodded. "I've seen outsiders come and go through my many years of life in this town and you'd be astounded how precious few realize that simple philosophy." she said with a far off look.-

After that she dug into the food with relish while I quietly excused myself. As expected three people were also eating nearby with blissful expressions. I casually approached one of them that was a dude with lime green hair, mechanic googles and a dark jumpsuit. He merely looked me over for a moment before shrugging and going back to eating. I waited until he was done eating before pitching my deal to him. It was quite simply really as I promised a single meal like this one for as long as I was in Orre if he'd keep me up to date about the happenings in Pyrite.-

The reason I had chosen Cail as I'd learned he was called was because he was the only person watching the entrance to the town and truly observing the stuff around him. This meant he was probably an information source in the town since he probably liked to keep in the know. The guy was a gruff and rather abrasive individual but it didn't bother me at all since otherwise he was very forthcoming with information once properly motivated.-

It was thanks to this that I had learned that some sort of group led by someone known as Miror B had effectively taken over the town by forcing the mayor Duking into inaction somehow. They were using the colosseum at the far end of town to just had out shadow pokemon to the winners. Cail himself had one I noted but didn't try to take it from him as besides it's condition he treated it pretty well like the rest of his pokemon. I had a feeling I'd see it again soon enough anyways and just left it with him. -

Still even after I left Cail to explore the town I wondered what the group responsible for the shadow pokemon was even after since I saw no point in just spreading these afflicted pokemon around. Like if they tried to use them to create trainers that were way stronger than normal on their side then just handing the things out only leveled the playing field rather than made their organization stronger. Illogical actions aside I did learn that the group knew EXACTLY what they were doing as the term shadow pokemon was coined and recorded as what the aura masters called the corrupted pokemon.-

If I wasn't wrong this mystery group who were definitely not good guys had managed to get their hands on an aura masters records or maybe even found a ruin that held information on the shadow pokemon and they somehow reverse engineered the process to make the things artificially. That inference alone made me tempted to step in and raid them to try and uncover and claim the source of their information. The funny part was that if the organization itself found out how much I knew about shadow pokemon they would likely send everything they could at me to get me out of play since their plan clearly required the things.-

It wasn't just shadow pokemon that were a corruption made through aura that I knew either but even things so much more dangerous. There was a type of aura corrupted pokemon that was even more powerful than shadow pokemon as in truth shadow pokemon were only the first step in a three part corruption process. First you close the door to the heart, then you strip all the corrupted aura out of many pokemon and stuff it into a single powerful shadow pokemon and then you force it to breed.-

The resulting pokemon that hatched from the eggs were known as "Infernals" and were basically miniature Giratinas that corrupted the land they walked and were extremely powerful but near impossible to control. According to my information there had only been a single infernal pokemon to ever exist and it was so dangerous that not one or two but three whole godly pokemon came together to erase it from the face of the world. This was why I wasn't all that concerned at all about mere shadow pokemon being made as I knew that there were things beyond that that were WAY worse.-

I had even tested Cail's shadow pokemon which was how I knew how flawed the manufacturing method used was. According to my information this type of shadow pokemon was of the lowest quality and may as well even be considered failures. The power was greater than it should be sure but not nearly as much as was possible by creating a shadow pokemon with the proper understanding. To put it bluntly this mysterious group on a global scale were little more than pests and not worth my time to deal with personally.

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