A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 138 - 107: Ina's Fantastic Journey (7000, Seeking Recommendations)_2

Chapter 138: Chapter 107: Ina’s Fantastic Journey (7000, Seeking Recommendations)_2


“No need to be so formal, we are equals now, both members of Yatun,” said Cat Yiyi. “Ah, right, I must congratulate you, you’re about to become a Yatun Citizen soon.”

“Yatun Citizen!!”

Ina never expected happiness to come so unexpectedly, in just a few days, she, herself, would become a citizen: “Really? Can I, I become a citizen?”

“But, why?”

Ina wasn’t experienced, but she wasn’t dull either, her mind was actually quite nimble.

“Don’t you understand? If they are going to make you a citizen, then there must be a set of scoring and judging criteria.”

Upon hearing Cat Yiyi’s words, Ina suddenly realized: “The small animals in your village, could they possibly be…”

“You’re quite clever, huh.”

Cat Yiyi covered her mouth and laughed, “Those fools thought if they were discreet in what they said and did, no one would notice.”

But in Yatun, the birds outside the window, the little mice in the corners, and the light-footed cats – they are all the eyes of the People of Yatun.

“I really became a Yatun Citizen, I, I really…”

Ina was overjoyed to the point of tears, unaware of what it meant to be a Yatun Citizen, but to stand out, and so quickly at that, how could it not make her happy.

No matter what was to come, being chosen was enough!

She was valuable!

Yatun recognized her, accepted her.

Whatever Yatun wanted to do to her, even if it meant killing her that night, Ina wouldn’t frown!

“May I ask what I can do?”

“I am willing to do anything,” said Ina, “Really!”

Cat Yiyi liked this attitude, it’s exactly what Yatun needed in people like Ina.

Ability can be nurtured, and as for talent, being able to adapt to Miracle Power is the greatest talent.

However, one’s character, thoughts, these are what Bailuo values more.

“What to do isn’t up to me, I’m just a guide,” Cat Yiyi leisurely swam through the air, moving forward: “Come on, follow me, I’ll take you to meet a noble person.”

“Ah, right.”

Cat Yiyi turned its head back: “Just letting you know, when you meet him, you should be polite.”

Cat Yiyi did not tell Ina that she would be meeting the Duke Yatun, that is, her Majesty.

This was Bailuo’s request, he feared it would frighten the girl.

“Yes, I, I understand.”

Ina was not very brave, and when facing someone from the Upper Tier, she was even more jittery, she wouldn’t dare defy them.

“Then come with me, and stay close, this forest is very dangerous.”


And so, Ina followed Cat Yiyi.

The forest was ancient, filled with towering old trees, knotted roots exposed above ground, making Ina’s path forward quite inconvenient.

Many times, she had to clamber over them with hands and feet.

“Heave~ Heave~~”


Ina was breathless from exhaustion, but she didn’t complain of being tired.

“Alright, let’s take a rest,”

Cat Yiyi came to a halt, lifting her hand when suddenly, a ring of blue mist appeared in the air, “Come on, have something to eat.”


Several apples fell from the blue mist, hovering in mid-air under the power of Cat Yiyi, “You were once just a commoner of Yatun, so you only ate ordinary grains, some bread.”

“To tell the truth, that is nearly the simplest food in Yatun nowadays.”

The people of Yatun were not picky eaters, so even pancakes and buns, or even plain rice, they would relish with joy.

After all, with such a great amount of physical activity, they were already famished, and naturally, anything they ate tasted delicious.

“As for these fruits, since they’re limited in quantity, commoners don’t get them just yet.”

“But you can,”

Cat Yiyi pushed an apple towards Ina, “Come on, give it a try.”

“Thank you.”

Ina hurriedly grabbed the apple floating in mid-air and took a bite.


Ina covered her mouth and swallowed the juice; she had never tasted such delightful fruit, “This is so delicious!!”

Very sweet, with a touch of sourness, and the texture was indescribably pleasant.

This variety of apple, cultivated by countless people and enhanced by the power of the Mysterious Dragon, was top-grade among top-grades, how could it not be delicious.

Having replenished her energy, Ina continued to follow Cat Yiyi.

Gradually, the sky darkened, and night fell, enveloping the already oppressive forest in utter darkness.

“Don’t be afraid, good girl,”

Cat Yiyi transformed into a wisp of green smoke and vanished, reappearing behind Ina, whispering in the girl’s ear, “Do you see the gate ahead?”


In front of Ina stood two ancient trees, their branches extending towards each other to form an archway, beyond which lay a tunnel leading to an unknown destination.

“Come on, don’t be afraid.”

Cat Yiyi flew ahead of Ina, its fur usually a mix of gray and white.

But now, a pale blue light emerged along those streaks, illuminating the dark world.

Ina followed Cat Yiyi, stepping on the grass, her attention focused on her feet when suddenly, bathed in moonlight, she unknowingly stepped out following Cat Yiyi.

“This place is…”

The girl lifted her head to see a forest of ancient trees before her, and around their roots, mushrooms of various sizes glowed with a fantastical light.

Pink, light yellow, golden, dazzling.

The colorful mushrooms lit up the entire forest like a fairy tale kingdom.

Fireflies flitted up and down among the flowers, and strange hummingbird-like creatures darted past Ina from left to right, vanishing in the blink of an eye.

“So beautiful!”

Ina had never seen such a beautiful Colorful Forest, and she looked towards Cat Yiyi, who playfully winked her left eye at her, “This is just a part of Yatun, come on, follow me to meet His Highness.”

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