A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 4] Chapter 11: A Mansion With It All

This book is over here... then those ten should go there... the twenty-seven here should be up there...

"Why are there so many books in this place?!!" - Noire

Phew. I was gonna explode if she didn't.

We're currently sorting out books in one of the biggest libraries I've ever seen! And I should know. I own one myself. 

"You sure we gotta do this?" - Garami

"Of course. Master Managand is... was one of the most organized persons I have ever known. If he knew that his library was this disorganized, then he would be the one haunting this mansion, not me." - Jeeves

As for why we're here, it's because this butler/hunting dog followed the trail to a new clue. It led us to this library, which also acts as a Safe Area. Then Jeeves noticed that the bookshelves were not in order and deduced that they must be the key to entering the next area that's currently closed behind something strangely familiar to the Puzzle Gate I use in my Dungeon.

But if this is just that stupid butler's idea to get us to clean this place, I'm gonna make Noire send him to the afterlife and beyond.

"Grr, just as one would expect from a guy who traps people in his mansion. His library is as messed up as his head!" - Noire

"Now, calm down. I would like to inform you that master Managand was an orderly personage. He even rewrote several books about monsterology to weed out potential mistakes in the works of the past, just to make sure no one would make a fatal blunder." - Jeeves

"He sure turned into a rotten apple after he died." - Garami

"Yes... I have to agree to that. Rather, I am so shocked over this event that I would have died if I weren't already dead. My master, dragging innocent people into a battle for their life, just to solve the mystery of his death?" - Jeeves

The butler looked depressed while he was talking. Now that he mentions it, why did the former owner of this place do such a thing? If he wanted people to find out about his murder, then turning the mansion into a Dungeon would just make it more difficult to discover the truth. Or at least not expanding the place, plus not putting ghost guards around every corner. The Quest alone would be enough. Strange...

While I was thinking, Polaris placed the last book into place. A light pattern started to emerge from the rows we had sorted. The light intertwined with each other and then pointed towards the locked door. You wouldn't need to be a detective to guess what's happening now!


Yup, open doors at twelve o'clock! Let's go!

The next area turned out to be a... Wakoku-styled garden, I guess? Lots of bamboo plants, plus one of those old shacks you see in samurai movies. There's even a pond with carp swimming and jumping around.

"That is strange. I don't remember planting any bamboo in the garden." - Jeeves

"Then it's a new room like the casino. Great work Jeeves. We would never have discovered that without you." - Noire

Tone down the sarcasm and start looking. The clue should be...

"Excuse me, you got any idea who's staying in this place?" - Garami

"No, why would I?" - Jeeves

"Come on, you could try to guess at least. That Belle-girl that Noire acted as used to be a gambler or something, didn't she? And the other four... who were they again? You said they were the guests of the master's birthday party or something?" - Garami

"Ah, yes. We had plans for the most fantastic costume party to celebrate the master. As a professor in monsterology, costume parties were his favorites." - Jeeves

"And that gambler-woman must have had plans to dress up as a bunny girl... though, that was taken care of by Noire, unfortunately." - Garami

"Be quiet! ...oh, I get it now! You are trying to say that the other invited could have planned to dress up as something related to their occupations?" - Noire

"It's just a hypothesis, but yes. What do you think, Jeeves?" - Garami

"If I have to rely on my past knowledge, then I would say you are correct. The master loved to talk about everyone's experiences and adventures, so it became a tradition for them to dress as in their stories." - Jeeves

"Cool. Then, were there any locals invited? From the west on this continent. - Garami

"Yes, that's right. This room must host your friend who is playing the role of Yamatai Datemon, the younger brother of the current emperor... at that time." - Jeeves

"......Have you ever heard about him?" - Garami

"Wait, wait! ...yes. He lived 500 years ago and helped his brother by keeping monsters away from the villages. He's the forefather of the samurai that protects Wakoku in the present." - Noire

"Really? I am glad he turned into such a success." - Jeeves

If he's the culprit, then we've got a lot of rewriting to do in the history books... hmm... someone important enough to invite the younger brother of a former emperor isn't memorable enough to be remembered by the friend of the current one? Something's way too fishy here.

"And if I remember correctly, Datemon loved collecting swords. Does that help?" - Jeeves

...We're screwed.


Name: Mira Aureola"*****"
Race: Glow Brawl Sprite | Gender: Female
Karma Value: -200 <Chaotic
Main Class: Samurai Lv.50
Sub Class: Exorcist Lv.50
Sub Class: Hunter Lv.50
Skills: 32 (LOCKED)
Titles: LOCKED
Blessings: 0
Skill Points: LOCKED
  • Mystery of Managand Manor: [Locks all skills, titles, levels, and classes until the mystery of the Managand Manor is solved], [Adds the Samurai, Exorcist, and Hunter Classes until the mystery of the Managand Manor is solved].
  • Order of Managand: [Has to act according to the setting of the Quest: Mystery of Managand Manor]
HP: 1,000/1,000 MP: 1,200/1,200 SP: 990/1,000
STR: 1,100 VIT: 850 MAG: 900
RES: 1.050 SPD: 800 DEX: 900
INT: 115 LUC: 94

*Sniff*, I knew it. We found her busy taking care of some katanas on the veranda on the old shack, dressed in a kimono that's designed for easy movement and a black eyepatch...

"Lady Garami, I would advise you to clean that nosebleed before we get discovered." - Jeeves

Whoops. My bad.

"Ehm... can't we flee for our lives now? Who needs some stupid items or some unknown inheritance? Let's find the exit and burn this place to the ground! Mira and the others are capable of fleeing a burning mansion on their own, right? And the stupid Quest may be canceled if there's no mansion." - Noire

"It pains me to say, but I have to agree with lady Noire. My...eh... 'ghostly stuff' is telling me that the lady over should not be disturbed if we do not want to enter the land of the dead. And believe me, that is no tourist spot." - Jeeves

Yeah... When even Regina isn't able to burn a Dungeon down, how are we supposed to do so?

"...Jeeves, try to see if you can find the proof from here." - Garami

"As you wish, ma'am... that is weird. The smell is nowhere near the cottage." - Jeeves

"Then don't just float there! Find it!" - Garami

Jeeves started to lead us around the shack where we found a carriage of some sort. The old, ox-driven kind. And whoever loaded on this thing didn't know the concept of "weight limits". That leaning and moving tower of boxes aren't gonna fall on us, are they?

"Excuse me for a moment," said Jeeves while swiftly removing a... removing a box from the tower!?

You big idiot! It's gonna... not fall on us?

"Okay, that was sort of impressive." - Noire

"Please, you should see me pull from a tower made of unstable logs that were on fire. It was my most well-liked party trick back in the day."  - Jeeves

U-hu, yeah, get it. Let's move on before the beast gets back! I'm talking from experience here!


And what idiot ordered an indoor desert?

After we escaped the samurai garden (and the beast armed to her teeth), we ventured into the east wing of the mansion after having looked through most of the west wing. The dunes stretch as far as I can see, but there are prolly walls around it that are fashioned after the desert night. The door leading to this place was placed in the same kinda wall. Kinda surreal. It's helpful for both me and the butler though, as I don't have [Daywalker] at the moment and he never had it. Luckily, the room's air-conditioned. 

Still, why a desert? I'm afraid that I'm gonna learn the answer whether I want to or not, cause there's the den of this room's "suspect". 

"Is that a miniature pyramid? This place is more true to the desert theme than we are." - Noire

Yup. Pointy, sandy, pyramid-shaped, and small-sized. It fits the bill alright.

"'Desert theme', you say?" - Jeeves

"Ehm, that's personal." - Garami

The butler nodded with an understanding attitude... and I slapped the loose-mouthed angel. And hurt my hand because of the stats difference. Ouch...

"Then, who wants to be the mummy's first victim?" - Garami

"You start off assuming someone is going to be mummy food." - Noire

"I have to agree that a 'mummy' is what the person inside this pyramid will be dressed as. Not to forget, there is no doubt that the person they are impersonating is the archeologist, Hamel O'Carnell." - Jeeves

Let's hope he won't take it personally that we intrude on their grave.

"Noire, go fetch." - Garami

"Why me? I've sent so many Living Mails, Swords, Spears, Shields, and even Chambrellas to the next world that I have obtained that Genocider-title thing for ghosts!" - Noire

"Then you're even better for this job. Go and show that bandaged bogus who's the real top snob." - Garami

"...sure, don't mind me. Just digging my grave deeper as I venture down..." - Noire

"That's my girl! And remember to pick up the evidence." - Garami

Noire flew just above the surface, a precautionary means against quicksand, and entered the miniature pyramid. Not being able to do stuff myself have some perks, I gotta say~.

Aaaaand, the minutes passed by. The birds went with Noire, so there's only me, Polaris, and the ghostly butler outside here. Or not. The bear fell into a coma in three seconds, blank......booooring...

"Excuse me, ma'am, but do you have some playing cards on you?" - Jeeves

"Wish I had, but they're in the Storage..." - Garami


And there goes the card-need!

The pyramid's doors were blasted open along with several mummies... no, those guys are zombies! Dressed in bandages. What's this, a low-cost B-movie?

It looks like it was the zombies who blasted the doors. My reason to think so is that they are fleeing for their... er, lives. It's always so difficult to talk about that subject when the other side is of the undead.

Among the mummies, I noticed one of them was dressed in more bling than the others. The pharao...

"Ah, that pathetic way of fleeing. It reminds me about when master Harmel runs away from the problems his bad luck created." - Jeeves

Bad luck, ey?

Name: Alfred Loxley "*****"
Race: Vampire | Gender: Male
Karma Value: 92
Main Class: Pathfinder Lv.50
Sub Class: Sand Mage Lv.50
Sub Class: Spectermancer Lv.50
Skills: 24 (LOCKED)
Titles: LOCKED
Blessings: 2
Skill Points: LOCKED
  • Mystery of Managand Manor: [Locks all skills, titles, levels, and classes until the mystery of the Managand Manor is solved], [Adds the Pathfinder, Sand Mage, and Spectermancer Classes until the mystery of the Managand Manor is solved].
  • Order of Managand: [Has to act according to the setting of the Quest: Mystery of Managand Manor]
  • Panic: [Mental abilities are disturbed due to intense fear.]
HP: 162/410 MP: 222/550 SP: 301/440
STR: 320 VIT: 330 MAG: 420
RES: 450 SPD: 450 DEX: 280
INT: 112 LUC: 105

Knew it.

After we noticed Alf fleeing from the pyramid, Noire came flying outta it as well, accompanied by that vengeful fiery bird. Noire fired magic spells at every bandaged zombie she could see from the air, and boy does it rain holy pain and terror now. Those guys can be glad that she doesn't have her magic bow. Small relief, but still...

"Ah, master Trip. What a lovely sarcophagus." - Jeeves

A what-now? ...Geez, your master will be disappointed in you, you little chicken feather ball. Don't go stealing someone's sarcophagus like that. Can't you see that it's of absolutely no value? Take the gold-covered ones instead! Oh, right, Lily would take the useless ones like him.

...And when am I gonna comment that the little bird is pushing a sarcophagus made out of solid rock!? Geez, the little ones grow too big, too soon... and with too much muscle power.

Meanwhile, Alf was running towards us... with his eyes closed. Guess he didn't even notice us. That gives me an idea.

"Jeeves, stand by with that rock-hard coffin. Polaris, we're gonna give your owner a little ride." - Garami

Polaris and I ran up to the top of the dune that Alf was climbing in wild panic. His focus seems to be on the flying Noire. This time, the costume party is affecting him negatively. Alf would normally best Noire in a fight like this after all. The archeologist he's being forced to impersonate is just too big of a coward for him to fight!

Poor bloodsucker... wait, why's the vampire cosplaying as a mummy again? That'll have to wait, 'cause here he comes!

Alf finally reached the top of the dune, not realizing that Polaris had prepared one of his special-made sand-ice slides! They are the most enjoyable joyrides in Damavand (desert district)~.

As he was too busy screaming in panic, I managed to trip Alf down the slide. I don't think he's gonna resent me for that. Just listen to his shouts of pure joy~. Or are they his screams of pure terror? Who knows the difference?

And at the end of the ride was the butler, ready with the sarcophagus open. And 'whomp* in he goes! One old pharao-cosplayer, back where he belongs! In a fake sarcophagus. I Identified it, so I know it's not authentic. 

"Lady Garami, I have here the possible suspect of my master's killing. However... it seems your friend still thinks that he is master Harmel." - Jeeves

Really? [Identification], [Identification]...

"You're right! Wait, how did you know? You don't have any skills like that!" - Garami

I know, since I Identified him the first moment we met. 

"Ma'am, please. Understanding something that one cannot see is a butler's ABC." - Jeeves

"You don't say... how many fingers am I holding up behind my back?" - Garami

"Six, ma'am." - Jeeves

Great underworld, he's right! Geez, ain't he the weirdest thing in this mansion?

"Garami, what are we going to do?" - Noire

"If Alf's not gonna wake up, then we better keep him inside there until we know the method of doing so... and you're finished with the zombies already?" - Garami

"No. They disappeared in puffs of smoke after you captured Alf." - Noire

Huh!? Wait, aren't those guys Dungeon monsters? Why're they suddenly disappearing like that!? If they were part of the Quest, it would be understandable, but this is a Dungeon... right? Oh no, please don't tell me-! Not that! Aw, come oooooon!!

Kigal-Note/Undead/Zombie: Mummy

Name: Mummy
Rank: E+
Type: Zombie
Lifespan: Uncalculatable
Attribute: Undead, Sand
Traits: Undead, Rotting Body


Mummies. A type of undead that is always wrapped in bandages. They are said to be servants of the dead pharaohs, but the truth is as cloudy as sandstorms. Mummies are certain to do anything to repel any intruders that dare to defile the tomb of the pharaohs, so caution is needed if one is stupid enough to rob the grave of the old kings of the deserts. Or, simply be too stupid for one's good.


Mummies have the appearance of humanoid undead wrapped completely in bandages. Their rotting bodies underneath the wrapping are preserved through many different methods, but it is never a pretty sight. Prepare to lose your lunch and several nights' worth of good sleep if you try to look underneath those bandages.


Average HP: E+ Average MP: F+ Average SP: E
Average STR: E- Average VIT: E+ Average MAG: F+
Average RES: E+ Average SPD: F+ Average DEX: F+
Average INT: D- Rarity: E+ Danger Rank: F+

Mummies may look like waddling, slow pieces of used medical consumables, but for the love of your own life, do not be caught by them! The Mummies will drain all the liquid in your body while you're still alive, then use your dried husk to make a new Mummy. Certainly not a beauty upgrade.

A Mummy is tough and more durable than one would think, but their clumsy nature makes it easy to run from them or dodge their attacks if needed. Plus, a Mummy has low attack strength bare for their special abilities, but a group of Mummies may become something too much even for experienced adventurers.

Also to note, a Mummy's weaknesses are the same as their bandages. Meaning large amounts of water, or fire. Sterilize the filth!!

Jeeves' comment: Another weakness must be that people can easily steal their identity with some gauze. 

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