A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 4] Chapter 18: Start of the Festival

Garami's PoV:

Grr...I don't get it...

I'm currently at a cafe close to a certain area I've got business with later, but that's for later. Therefore, I'm killing my time by analyzing some data that Mira's group had returned with.

It's not stuff regarding the Kusanagi no Tsurugi. That was some kinda puzzle-type map that we can't make heads or tails of. I'm leaving the decoding to a group of clever monsters back in Damavand to figure things out based on the pictures that Revi brought back. 

No, what I'm doing is something that could lead to a grand improvement in our combat forces... even if Iron's already improved his. Seriously, a skill like Zahhak...? Back to the subject, what I'm twisting my brains over to understand is this:

  • Anima Drive
    • ???
    • Boost to stats?
  • Aether Drive
    • From investing heavily in one attribute?
    • ???

Understandable? No? Great. That means you get my suffering.

These two "drives" are skills that Mira's group came across during their raid to get the Kusanagi-clue.

"Anima Drive" is a skill that the leader of the demons who attacked the village around the Dungeon used. It gave him incredible powers and an aura that took the shape of a bull. I think "anima" refers to the irrational parts of the soul, so... do we need to meet a psychologist to get this skill?

The other one, "Aether Drive", was owned by the Dungeon Boss of the Dungeon. More precisely, the [Aether Drive: Wood] skill. It never got the chance to use the skill, or the effects were not visible for Revi and the others...

Definitely not the second one. Both it and the "Anima Drive" sounds too similar to "Genocide Drive", so I bet that the "aether" skill would also grant a power-up in some way. The fact that the Kigal-Note is lacking any info about the three skills further fuels my suspicions-

"WELCOME, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! It is time to start the festival." 

Gwah!? A loud voice could be heard outside. It lost its energy halfway through. 

I ran out of the shop after paying and found that many people had gathered outside the town's gate and were staring at the nearby plains. A floating contraption made up of stone and metal was floating in the sky. Its appearance reminded me of those commentator boxes used in sports stadiums.

...lots of people on the streets... let's watch from the rooftops. And a jump and a step... there.

"If you are planning on a persona, then stick to it till the end."

"Mwa-hahahaha! No way."

"Geez... again, we welcome you, those who hunger for adventures and enjoyment, to the 100th Yamatai Grand Festival."

"Get down on your knees and pray to the gods in gratitude!"


"Okay, I'll stop now…"

The overly excited elf who was talking first looked like a mad professor with bags under his eyes, unkempt sand-colored hair, and wearing something that looked like a hybrid between a robe and a lab coat was smacked by his commentator partner and forced to shut up. Good work there! 

The other one is an ogress..., no, a female Oni? The locals seem to know her...

"Let us introduce ourselves. I am Hermel Regireros, a no-named grunt from the Alchemist Union that won the lottery to comment on the Festival Games. Glad to meet you!" - Hermel Regireros

"Did I not tell you to stop that~?" - Oni

"But I really am! Ahem, and this personage may not need an introduction, but this is a special day after all." - Hermel Regireros

"Pleased to meet you all. My name is Konoha Sakumatai, the daughter of emperor Kirijou Sakumatai. I hope for an enjoyable festival with you all." - Konoha Sakumatai

And the crowd goes crazy! The cheers are deafening! I can barely hear myself think!!

"Okay people, I know she's a lady to go crazy over, but we gotta keep the schedule going..., look, lady, I'm serious here! We gotta follow the plan!" - Hermel Regireros

A skit? Or is the princess the type to enjoy the spotlight?

"As some may know, the Yamatai Grand Festival is held every 14th year, leading to no small amount of deaths among the participants, but also great gains for those who survive." - Hermel Regireros

"Today, 1.400 years since the first Festival was held, we are saddened to inform you that this will be the last of these 'festive' events." - Konoha Sakumatai

"You heard that right. This is not a joke or are they games, not yet anyway. This 100th Yamatai Grand Festival is scheduled to be the last of its kind ever!" - Hermel Regireros

"The greatest reason is that we cannot afford to have so many potential warriors lose their lives in these 'games'." - Konoha Sakumatai

People started to make lots of noise from this announcement, but they nodded along to the oni-princess' words. The loss of lives due to the two Disasters may be a big reason why the festival can't continue. Just take a break for a few years if things are that bad. Seriously...

"Ehm, as a sort of compensation, there will be some small changes to the rules." - Hermel Regireros

"First, the number of rounds in the Festival games will not be changed. The chance to obtain an Extra Skill if one passes the sixth round and after will also remain. The inability to obtain EXP for your racial levels will still be in effect." - Konoha Sakumatai

That last part's no biggie for us. No, if it means we can develop our skills even more before evolving, then it's a blessing in disguise...

Evolving. Heh, aren't I an arrogant one? Like that will be so easy. We need to hunt several haunts for that to happen.

"However, the number of participants will be drastically cut down during this first event." - Konoha Sakumatai

"Only the top 50 teams will be allowed to continue. Each team can have a maximum of 12 members so, at most 600 participants may proceed!" - Hermel Regireros

That's...trimming the numbers, yes. I think we got around three thousand guys here, so simple math says that at most...20% will go to the next round.

"However, the last change is something that even the losers can enjoy: a Prize Point system!!" - Hermel Regireros

"Specifically, each event will award the participant with a certain number of points regardless if you win or lose." - Konoha Sakumatai

"Winning will give you more points, obviously." - Hermel Regireros

"After you are finished with the Festival, either if you lose an event, decide to surrender, or win all the events, you can trade the points for prizes such as new items or materials. Even skills are available for purchase." - Konoha Sakumatai

"Everyone! Even if you can't win this crazy festival, try to at least score as many points as possible! You won't unlock rarer prizes just by winning more events!" - Hermel Regireros

"The Extra Skill reward is not counted as part of the Prize Point system, so do not worry there." - Konoha Sakumatai

Ooh. That's perfect! This will make it easier for everyone to give up in case the events get too tough.

"And here's the first part of our bloody and murderous festival-*Gonk*-ouch! See what I mean?" - Hermel Regireros

The elven alchemist pushed a button while rubbing the part that got punched by the oni princess. Then, an earthquake happened.

Wait, an EARTHQUAKE!? Give me one of those buttons!

Just joking. The elf only made several buildings appear from the underground. Must be a gimmick the sponsor-gods of this festival prepared.

"Our first event is... the Battle Tournament!!" - Hermel Regireros

"Participants can register for a match in one of the four arenas, A-to-D, depending on their racial levels. A, B, and C are level-limited, while arena D is free for everyone." - Konoha Sakumatai

"Go to D if you want some curb-stomping battles. Hey, shouldn't we let C be the level-free arena then?" - Hermel Regireros

"Stop fooling around and keep going." - Konoha Sakumatai

"Yeah, yeah. As mentioned, you'll obtain Prize Points based on your popularity, meaning it's not limited to battlers only. God knows how many, but several spots around the arenas are possible for each group to rent during the event. Just one per group though. Build a stall to promote your merchandise, stage a play, anything works as long as it makes others gain a favorable impression of you." - Hermel Regireros

"Those that try to cheat and sabotage others will be immediately expelled from the Festival. Their racial and skill levels will be reduced for several years. And enjoy a ten-hour long punishment time~." - Konoha Sakumatai

"SCARY! Everyone, be good lads now, okay?!" - Hermel Regireros

From the roof, I could see several thousand heads nodding to the elf's request. I'm doing it too. 

"Now that is taken care of, get going! The Festival starts before it even begins. Ready your weapons, prepare your stalls, do any preparations that could give you even a single Point more!" - Hermel Regireros

"This event will continue for three whole days, with visitors from across all this continent, and more, arriving by this evening. I wish you good luck." - Hermel Regireros

"And try to survive!" - Hermel Regireros

And with that, the contraption with the elf and the oni princess floated away towards one of the arenas. 

Hmm, an event where the most popular ones win... this ain't good. You're telling a homebody assassin like me to be in the spotlight!? No waaaaay!!

Yamatai Grand Festival

Event 1: Battle Tournament
Event Description:

It's a festival! 

The Battle Tournament is the first event in the last Yamatai Grand Festival. Become admired by your peers and be one of the 50 groups that are allowed to proceed to the next event!!

P.S: Your admiration for your competitor is decided based on your subconsciousness. No one's being fooled by bad acting here. 

Event Content:
  • Obtain as many Prize Points as possible through promoting yourselves and your abilities to the visitors and your competition. 
    1. Participate in battles in one of the four Battle Arenas and earn Points. 
    2. Set up a stand and impress people with your non-combatant skills. 
    3. Take advantage of others' stalls and impress people with your skills (somehow).

Oh, the official info for the event. And what's up with that third option? As if people would set up shooting stands after seeing that. I would rather...

"Lily, Mira, go pick an area close to the D-arena, post-haste!" - Garami

After getting the "okay" from the two over the Dungeon Terminal, I started to think over what we would need for my plan to work. And how I can stay away from the spotlight as much as possible without making our group lose!


A few hours later, and we have our festival grounds~. The entrepreneurs on this planet sure work fast.

As for our team... we set up a restaurant. Revi's the head chef and I've given her some Skeleton Cooks to be her assistants. Mira, Noire, and Ciara's acting as waitresses. Their looks are one of their few good parts, as long as they keep their mouth shut.

Flint, Iron, and Karnel are the construction guys. They were the ones who built the restaurant. The building that's used as a kitchen was designed by Flint, Iron did all the hard work, and Karnel formed a natural yet comfortable eating area outside through the Soil Constructor class he's got from his evolution. Grr, it still irks me that he gets a free class just by evolving. Maybe I should try to keep a class slot open from now on? A little late to be thinking about that...

The three guys are sorta free... or that was my plan, but they're on constant logistics duties now.

Why? Because our shabby restaurant is making gold! Gold rivers! Golden seas! Golden El Dorados with platina sause!!

Sorry...got too excited there...

Honestly, we're over-capacitated down there. Our line of customers is daaaaaaaaaamn long. It could prolly compete with the king cobra from the Water-Knot in length. 

...No one's cheating here, right? I mean, why would we attract such a long line of customers? The girls are pretty in their waitress uniforms, a more modest version of that Little Imp maid outfit, but there are lots of women and small children in the line...

No way... the whole continent is filled with perverts of the same level as that hentai-fairy!? And of all ages and genders!? Yeah, right. If anything, she's the outsider, not one of the locals.

...Whoops. Noticed the abnormality...we're using recipes from Earth. 

I was thinking that stuff like hot dogs and pizza would be good enough to get some points, but to think we would create a food revolution of this scale! And taking another look at the menu, we're only serving "western" cooking. This is Luxuria, the continent on this planet with the most characteristic from the East. 

W-w-well, we're getting Points, alright... but I have to scrap my original goals of luring more people to this area by having Mira and the other combatants challenge the arena D matches...

"Garami! We need help!" - Revi

"No way!!!" - Garami

Why do you think I've been metaphorically shutting myself up here on the roof!? I'm sweating profusely. My temperature is up. I'm paler than normal (and that's saying something!!). And I'm literally wasting away here! My SP and even HP are dropping here! If I didn't have auto-recovery for HP and didn't snitch some food with my "fishing threads", I may have turned into a corpse by now!

It wouldn't be strange for my [Faint Resistance] to max out sooner than later! And its level's in the early 30s last time I checked! No way I'm going down there! I'll practice my alchemy up here in my lonesomeness...


Acquired title: [Reclusive Deviant]

Phht!? What the-!? Something freaky came up!?

"...Garami? Are you alright?" - Revi

"......fine, I'm fine... You said you needed some extra hands? Ask Alf or Lily. They got those special cooking titles, don't they? Ask them..." - Garami

"That's... they never came back. And are you really sure you are fine? Your eyes... they look dead..." - Revi

Ehh, they doooo... Whatever. Let's try to find those two slackers. They should be back from their recon trips a long time ago. But Revi's desperate if she has to leave the kitchen to ask me outta any creature on the planet for help...

Okay, let's make some help. Then it's hunting time! For those slackers!

Still, how do I do that? [Undead Servant] only lets me control a certain number of servants, equal to the skill level. And that's a lot since I'm using standard Skeleton Cooks that only need one "servant slot" compared to the Dracolich that needs several for one unit! And I've made as many as I can already! I'm at risk of maxing out Necromancer before Assassin here!

Maybe I can make something with alchemy? I have the [Cursed Creation] skill, meaning I can create something strange enough by tuning curses into the alchemic production. 

For materials, I got... the skin from that super-poisoned snake! Hmm, would that be useful for a cooking-related item? Eh, got nothing else to work with. Just need some of this~.

"Ouch! Don't pull my hair like that!" - Revi

"I need this for the cursed alchemy, so stop moping! Get back to the cooking for now. Help's on the way~." - Garami

"Okay...but your eyes are swirling..." - Revi

That's my problem! And it's really a problem!!

Anyway, back to the alchemy. Let's also throw in an eyeball of one of the octopuses that guarded that shrine I now own. Even Lily wouldn't wanna eat that, but if we keep on stuffing nasty stuff into it, maybe we'll go all the way around and get something pretty? In that case, the shocking bee queen's "crown" or whatever this material's supposed to be, and some of the stuff from the monsters we've hunted lately. Could also need some threads, so let's donate some of the finest [Spider Lord's Threads] possible.

Unlike [Alchemy], the [Alchemic Arts] skill can use more than three items as long as my alchemic equipment's quality is high enough. There are also the usual limitations regarding skill levels, but I used most of my time in the mansion making stuff with alchemy, so that's no problem.

Okay, let's start the tuning...hmm? Hey, ain't this a little... no, damn difficult!? Th-the alchemic formula's going-



Acquired title: [Living Maker]

Acquired title: [Extra Creator]

You have acquired 5.0 Skill Points.

Due to "Champion of Alvatria", an additional 5.0 Skill Points are acquired.

*Cough, cough*, a-a failure... did something pop up?

Ah... a large, purple-black smoke cloud came from the alchemic circle...

Revi's back...and she's angry...fine...I'll leave...*sniff*...I hate festivals...

Kigal-Note/Titles: Reclusive Deviant

Title Name: Reclusive Deviant
Acquisition condition:
  • Have a certain amount of fear, disgust, or anxiety for large crowds of people.
  • Increases mental fatigue that originates from being with large crowds of strangers: [Normal]
    • Monsters and animals are not counted
    • People with hostile intent are not counted
  • Boosts all Strength Stats while working alone: [Small]
  • None

Oh boy... you got that title... live strong!! 

Further Information:

[Reclusive Deviant] is among one of the strangest titles in the World System. Some people suggest that it is a title given to those that prefer working alone, but its acquisition condition is too weird to be just that.

Some people again think it is a title placed in the World System to encourage people to overcome social anxiety and prevent them from obtaining this title. A less popular theory is that the title is randomly given to people by the administrators of the system as an ill-mannered joke, but due to the acquisition conditions being so vague, people cannot dismiss this hypothesis. 

Garami's comment: *Sniff*...festivals should just blow up...

Alvatria's comment: That's strange~? I expected her to at least collapse from a heavy fever after she obtained the title~?

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