A Relatively Powerful Mage

Chapter 64: Infiltrators

Sylvi sighed as they avoided yet another patrol. While the Chixel had been lax in their scouting, the same could not be said about the outermost defenses near the temple. In addition to the number of Chixel guarding the area, they had constructed temporary barricades to solidify the perimeter further, making an infiltration unlikely.

“This is boring,” Ashlyn complained as they retreated from the enemy encampment when it became clear there would be no easy ingress.

“I never claimed this would be fun,” Sylvi said.

She could understand the girl's frustrations. Sylvi had been hoping there was some way they could have gotten a better view of the enemy's position. She needed to know how many Chixel there were, how many people they had captured, and how well-fortified they were. Only the latter could be answered of those questions, and it wasn’t encouraging.

Eventually, the thorough investigation paid off. While they didn’t find an exploitable weakness, they managed to see an armed caravan departing. It consisted of about twenty soldiers guarding a pair of large wagons, each with cages containing people treated like livestock. Sylvi had to put a hand on the teenager, who had tensed when she spotted the captives.

“We have to do something,” Ashlyn whispered.

“We’ll follow them for a while and see if an opportunity presents itself,” Sylvi whispered. While she wanted to save them, even without any blackguard or inquisitors, twenty against two weren’t winnable odds.

This became even more apparent as it quickly became obvious that these soldiers took their duty seriously. While they weren’t elites, they were clearly motivated and remained vigilant as the wagons slowly traversed through the forest along a worn path. Based on the route, Sylvi surmised the people were being transferred to one of the other temples. If nothing else, she could at least learn the location of another temple.

Sylvi continued following the wagon, Ashlyn in tow. They followed for several hours, but an obvious opening never materialized. Despite the guard's vigilance, it was easy for the pair of Umbral wielders to remain hidden among the trees with the obscurement of night. Ashlyn started to grow bored again, her interest waning as she undoubtedly realized what Sylvi had concluded from the start: there would be no daring rescue. At this point, they were simply following to map out the Chixel supply lines.

Sylvi stopped short as she spotted other figures hidden among the trees. She squinted with her enhanced perception and almost couldn’t believe what she was seeing; the figures weren’t people, but other Chixel with a posture that suggested they were hiding from their brethren, waiting to ambush the caravan.

Not long after, the guards also spotted their would-be ambushers, shouting what was presumably a cry of alarm. The ambush was sprung despite being discovered, as dozens of Chixel, many of which even Sylvi hadn’t spotted, poured out from behind the trees. They charged the guards, throwing javelins among the defenders who rushed to form a line against the oncoming charge.

“Now’s our chance,” Ashlyn said as she moved to enter the fray. Sylvi held her back.

“Not yet,” Sylvi said simply.

Sylvi watched the battle, looking to see which side would win. While the ambushers had the numbers, it quickly became apparent that the guards were better armed and higher-leveled. The guards' vigilance had spoiled the ambush, and the attackers were beginning to falter despite their greater numbers.

Then Sylvi spotted a Chixel she recognized. Among the attackers was a smaller Chixel with lighter scales mottled with darker accents. It was Ettes leading the ambush.

Sylvi switched her focus, no longer content to wait patiently. Instead, she marked the Chixel who appeared to be leading the guards. Within seconds, she had her bow drawn and an arrow nocked, sighting down at her target. She fired an empowered Devastation Shot with deadly precision. Unlike her usual shots, which were usually aimed at the center mass, this one took the guard captain in the head. The arrow hit with such force that the creature's head exploded from the impact, showering those nearby with a spray of brain matter.

The powerful show of force had the desired effect as the tenor of the battle shifted. Morale for the defenders plummeted with their leader, and with that one shot, the battle had effectively been won. However, Sylvi still managed to pick off another two before the fighting had concluded. Unaware of why they had sided with the ambushers, Ashlyn looked at the remaining Chixel, seeming to appraise their odds of winning a fight against this new group.

“I know these Chixel, and they’re friendly,” Sylvi explained as she stowed her weapon and motioned for Ashlyn to do the same.

“What do you mean, you know them? How can you possibly know them?” the girl complained, though she complied with Sylvi’s orders.

Sylvi did her best to appear unconcerned as she approached the small unit of Chixel, who were in the process of freeing the human captives. Ettes noticed Sylvi's approach and spoke several commands in the hissing language of the Chixel. Sylvi released a breath as many of the ambushers relaxed and lowered their weapons, though a few still held them in ready positions.

“Peace,” Ettes said in strained English, startling Sylvi.

“That lizard can talk?” Ashlyn asked. “I guess that explains how you know it.”

“This is new. They couldn’t talk before,” Sylvi said.

Whatever lingual capabilities the priestess possessed, it clearly wasn’t on a conversational level as Ettes looked on with a blank expression before producing a ring inscribed with numerous runes. It looked similar to something Imri would have produced, though admittedly, Sylvi couldn’t tell the difference between a mana density reader and time dilation enchantment.

The device lit up as Ettes infused it with mana. They then spoke in the Chixel language, though Sylvi’s name was included in whatever was said. After a brief delay, noise emanated from the ring, which had impressive acoustics for its size.

“It is good to see you are well, Sylvi of the Humans,” the device said mechanically.

“You have Google Translate magic; that is so cool,” Ashlyn said gleefully. The enchantment picked up her words and translated them back into the Chixel language.

“What is this Google? It did not translate,” Ettes asked.

“It’s not important. Ettes, what is your intention with these people?” Sylvi asked. Sylvi must have said it more harshly than she intended as Ashlyn tensed up a bit.

“We have no intentions with most, and they are free to leave,” Ettes explained.

“And the others?” Sylvi asked.

“There is only one human we need to rescue. That one will be helping Ettes,” the priestess said.

“Why would you risk the lives of your people for one human?” Sylvi asked.

“That one has a unique class, a trait all of clan Padar possess it seems,” Ettes said.

“All of clan Padar?” Sylvi asked.

“They’re talking about me,” a young man said, having been liberated from the cage by the other Chixel. “The name is Vallo,” he added.

“Do you know Imri Padar?” Sylvi asked in confusion. He didn’t look anything like Imri. He was on the shorter side, with blonde hair and only a stubbly growth despite likely not shaving in weeks.

“He’s my brother,” the young man said with a smile. “I know he isn’t as handsome as me, but at least he got the brains,” he said jokingly.

“Are you as powerful as your brother? I hear he’s one of the strongest people alive. I’m Ashlyn by the way,” Ashlyn said, practically throwing herself at the younger Padar brother enthusiastically. At least this Padar seemed closer to age-appropriate and was potentially single. Sylvi took the opportunity to Identify the man.

He was a level 8 Shifter, a class that focused on being able to transform into a myriad of different creatures.

“I doubt I’m as strong as him, but I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve,” he said. A moment later, where he had been standing was a somewhat strange Chixel, almost as if it was missing key features of itself, making it stand out, like a low-budget CG rendering. Then, as quickly as Vallo had changed, he returned to his human form.

“I’m still working out the kinks. It’s easier when I’m trying to impersonate a specific Chixel I can copy rather than something imagined up on the fly. It also takes a lot of mana to get right, though less to maintain after the form has been created,” Vallo explained.

“Either way, it’s impressive,” Ashlyn said.

“Ettes, this doesn’t have anything to do with Rhesk? I presume you know they were killed?” Sylvi asked.

“Is Sylvi implying this one would seek revenge for Rhesk’s murder by killing the brother of the human that killed him?” Ettes asked.

“Yeah, that is what I’m implying,” Sylvi said.

“Who is Rhesk?” Ashlyn asked.

“Rhesk was this one’s mate, and Ettes does not hold Imri responsible for killing Rhesk. It was unavoidable, and Rhesk knew that was to be fated when marching off. Even if Imri had been merciful, Rhesk would have forced Imri to kill,” Ettes explained.

“Why is that?” Sylvi asked.

“This one was being held hostage, and if Rhesk fled or defected, this one’s soul would have been forfeit. That is why this one holds the Ulzites responsible,” Ettes explained.

“Ettes has also told me all of this, and for what it’s worth, I think they’re genuine,” Vallo added.

“Even if you don’t hold a grudge, that still doesn’t explain why you need Vallo,” Sylvi pointed out.

“It was my idea, actually,” Vallo said.

“This one planned to free Imri's brother to hopefully foster goodwill. However, that was not sufficient for Vallo,” Ettes said.

“Ok, so what is your brilliant plan, Vallo?” Sylvi asked skeptically.

“We’re going to Trosano,” he said with a grin.

“Yup, both brothers are crazy,” Sylvi said, shaking her head.

“What’s Trosano?” Ashlyn asked.

“It is the capital and holy city of the Chixel,” Ettes explained. “However, calling it a city is a bit of an understatement; it is far larger than the ruins of the humans Minneapolis.”

“It’s also a floating island above us,” Sylvi added.

“Above us? As in flying?” Ashlyn asked. Ettes nodded, a human mannerism they had picked up on.

“That seems suicidal. What’s your plan when you get there? How are we getting there?” Sylvi asked.

“This one has many connections, being the mate of an Exalted, and no questions will be asked when slaves are taken to Trosano. As to why, the Chixel are losing the war against the Azala, and badly; every day, more territory is claimed by the parasitic hive. This one was hoping to convince others of the merits of allying with the humans,” Ettes explained.

“So, you're conducting a psyops campaign in the capital? And you're including Vallo to what, show human potential?” Sylvi asked.

“Primarily, though, if Vallo can improve his abilities to impersonate a Chixel, it would be invaluable,” Ettes said.

“Well, I came here to learn as much as possible about the Chixel. I don’t see any better way than infiltrating the capital,” Sylvi said.

“It will be harder to get multiple humans up to Trosano without raising suspicion,” Ettes said.

“I’m coming with,” Ashlyn added.

“You did say it would be beneficial to show what humans are capable of. I think three strong humans are better than one,” Vallo said with a shrug.

“As Sylvi has pointed out, this one will not be able to exert much influence. If the plot is discovered, you will certainly perish,” Ettes said. When all three people confirmed their commitment, Ettes let out a very human-sounding sigh. “Very well, these ones will be pretending to be slaves. This one will bring your weapons and return them when we are within this one’s residence.”

“Last chance to back out,” Sylvi said to Ashlyn.

“Are you kidding? And miss the flying city? I don’t think so,” Ashlyn said.

Sylvi looked over the freed prisoners. They were every bit as emaciated and atrophied as the people they had liberated on the plains. While it was unlikely they would be able to make it to Celestia, it was their best hope. Sylvi passed out the weapons and armor liberated from the slain Chixel to the highest level among them, which only consisted of people at levels 3 and 4. She had them memorize a message to give Imri, then handed them a compass identical to the one she had given Claire.

“These will be required for the ruse,” Ettes said, holding up manacles infused with runes. “It saps the mana from the prisoners. However, some hidden runes will obscure your class and level.”

Sylvi held her wrists out, and the Chixel priestess clamped them down. Instantly, Sylvi could feel them begin to work. It wasn’t painful but a deeply unpleasant feeling of wrongness. She had to resist the urge to demand they be taken off. The manacles continued sapping her mana until she felt the last of it flowing into the small crystal that collected the mana, leaving her with only around 10 MP. It was low enough that she had a throbbing headache and felt slightly dizzy.

“You’ll get used to it. It’s actually slightly altered to leave a little bit more mana than it typically would,” Vallo explained.

Sylvi looked over at Ashlyn and found her stoically accepting the condition, handling it far better than Sylvi had expected. She nodded to the young woman and turned to face Ettes. “Let’s go to Trosano.”

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