A Relatively Powerful Mage

Chapter 79: Establishing Connections

Imri felt his stomach lurch like he had just fallen from a building. He needed every point of willpower to keep his anxiety under control.

“Am I going to be imprisoned?” Imri asked, his voice slightly shaky.

“Unknown,” it said.

“Then is this a test?” he asked.

“No. Sufficient data was extrapolated from the scan. New information gained from conversing is insignificant,” the sub-mind stated.

“So, what happens next?” Imri asked.

“You will be returned to your planet once all your inquiries are complete,” the sub-mind responded. Imri's body relaxed as he exhaled a deep breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding.

“So I’m free to go, and you will keep an eye on me?” Imri asked, both confused and relieved.

“The chaos contagion of a low-tiered entity is insignificant. We will re-evaluate you once your world has a capital,” it responded.

Imri let out another deep breath. According to Rhesk, the capital city was usually established after several years. Even after a city qualified, the system forced the ruler to hold it for a significant amount of time while offering enticing rewards for conquering it.

“Was that all of your questions?” The AI asked after a minute of silence.

“Is there anything else you think I should know?” Imri asked hopefully.

“There is a directive limiting the information we supply to answering direct questions or providing context for the direct answer,” the sub-mind said flatly.

“Is there a way we can get the Sentinels to back off? I’d prefer not to fight them if at all possible,” Imri suggested.

“Their programming has already been updated to account for the unique circumstances. They will no longer pursue anyone past the immediate area around the prison. However, they will still engage anyone who approaches,” the AI explained. That was an acceptable compromise, and the only person who wouldn’t be happy was Russ.

“Can you tell me how to rank up my heritage?” Imri asked.

“No, though I can provide more general information. The minimum level to rank up a heritage is 10, 30, 60, 100, and so on. It becomes easier for you to rank up the further above the minimum level you are,” it explained.

“Is there anything you can tell me about the system? How it works?” Imri asked.

“That is too broad,” it stated.

“How do we get the world capital?” he asked after several moments of thought.

“A tier 5 settlement will automatically trigger the world capital quest,” the AI said simply.

“How does the system choose what quests to give out?” Imri asked.

“We do not know the exact parameters the system uses. However, it has a penchant for giving out quests when things are too stable, encouraging conflict and chaos,” the sub-mind said, using another affectation of anger when it mentioned the system and chaos.

“So you’re not a fan of the system? Why do the Sentinels look like a Nexus?”

“No, we are not fans of the system. Our Sentinels appear the way they do because the system despises it,” it said, almost sounding venomous with each word.

With the AI's emotion, Imri reconsidered if it was just an affectation. He found it more likely it was a genuine response, especially with the Sentinel's default shape essentially designed to piss off the system. This was further reinforced with AI’s next words.

“You have received sufficient payment for your information. Commencing teleportation protocol,” the sub-mind said.

Before he could protest, Imri was back on the planet, in the exact same location he had been at when he had been whisked away. There was no sign of the 3 Sentinels who had captured him, but the wreckage of the destroyed one still remained. He focused on his bond with Emelia and was reassured when he could feel her emotions and location. He was somewhat surprised when he felt she wasn’t panicking but was only slightly perplexed. Imri also confirmed that his connection to his Spatial Beacons had been re-established.

The next thing vying for his attention was a flood of notifications that had somehow been blocked while he was with the Collective Intelligence.

Quests Completed

Celestial Mage Rank Up F to E: Learn new space or time spells 10/10, rank up space or time spells 10/10, learn new gravity spells 5/5, rank up gravity spells 5/5, visit celestial bodies 2/2.

Defend Celestia 2: Find a way to defeat or divert the Sentinel and Troglodyte threats.

Rewards: XP, Settlement XP, Defender of Celestia Achievement Upgrade, 40,000 credits.

Achievements Upgraded

Defend Celestia 8 (+4): Primary stats +.4% (+.2%)

Solo Hunter 29 (+7); Primary stats +2.9% (+.7%)

New Achievement

Tier Above 1: Solo kill a creature of a higher tier than your heritage, 1 rank/tier difference.

Primary Stats increased +.25%/rank

Base Willpower increased to 130 (+1)

Celestial Mage 2E

Primary Stats/Level

Strength 0.05%

Agility 0.15% (+.05%)

Constitution 0.15% (+.05%)

Intelligence 0.45%

Willpower 0.3% (+.05%)

Charisma 0.05

Secondary Stats

HP .4% (+.15%)

FP .25% (+.15%)

MP .8% (+.3%)

Mana Efficiency .7% (+.2%)

Health Regeneration Rate .1% (+.1%)

Stamina Regeneration Rate .1% (+.1%)

Mana Regeneration Rate .7% (+.2%)

Imri Padar has reached level 40 (+4) in Celestial Mage (2E)

Imri Padar has reached level 40 (+4) in Primordial (1E)

Primary Stats

Strength 139 (+3)

Agility 110 (+4)

Constitution 129 (+5)

Intelligence 236 (+10)

Willpower 193 (+11)

Charisma 114 (+3)

Secondary Stats

HP 225 (+28)

FP 168 (+22)

MP 828 (+172)

Mana Efficiency 711 (+110)

Crafting Efficiency 803 (+123)

Spell Rank Up

Time Contraction 1E to 1D

Spell Tier Up

Time Contraction 1D has become Temporal Collapse 2F

Time Contraction 1D: Speed up relative time for the target, causing time to move faster for them relative to all unaffected objects by a factor of the amplitude. Mana cost / second depends exponentially on the amplitude of the effect and distance from caster to target.

Temporal Collapse 2F: Collapse a moment in time, decreasing the amount of time the target experiences/unit of time elapsed by a factor of the amplitude. Mana cost/second varies based on the amplitude of the effect and the distance from the caster to the target.

New Trait Gained

Perpetual Expansion 2F: You can tap into the concept that space in the universe is perpetually expanding. This increases the Mana Efficiency of spells that create or expand space by 5%. Additionally, those spells can be used to create semi-permanent space that subsists by absorbing ambient mana. Creating semi-permanent space has a base mana cost equal to 10 times the normal version of the spell.

New Quest

Celestial Mage Rank Up F to D: Learn new space or time spells 1/15, rank up space or time spells 1/20, visit new celestial bodies 0/3, have space or time spells of tier 3 or higher 0/5.

Imri smiled at the flood of information that nearly threatened to overwhelm him. He had been worried about the portion of the class rank-up that required him to visit another Celestial Body, but it had updated when the Collective Intelligence brought him to a mega-structure encompassing a star. While it was an artificial construct, nothing in his quest specified it had to be a naturally formed celestial body.

With the fight against a Sentinel that had been a tier and 29 levels ahead of him and the completion of a quest, it wasn't surprising that he had gained quite a few levels. While the class rank-up didn't come with amazing primary stat gains, as it had with the tier-up, it did have a decent improvement to his secondary stats.

However, the greatest improvement that came from the rank-up was the new trait. While it only affected one spell, Dimensional Expansion, it completely changed how it could be used. He could now create semi-permanent dimensional spaces, though it would take a significant mana investment. The only other limitation was what the ambient mana could support, but he didn't think this would be an issue given the mana density around Celestia.

While the Collective had healed his physical injuries, he was still physically and mentally exhausted. The hike that normally took an hour took over twice that, and he wasn’t even using meditation. Emelia was waiting for him as he neared the perimeter of the settlement.

“You look like shit,” she said, staring at the holes and burns from his fight with the Sentinel.

“You should see the other…thing,” he quipped, not having the energy to say anything remotely witty.

“What happened? One moment you were fighting for your life, and the next, you were fully healed. Your emotions changed in an instant, too,” she said.

“An instant? You weren’t cut off from me for over an hour?” Imri asked.

“No,” she said, a concerned expression on her face. If she hadn’t even noticed he was cut off, Imri could only conclude that the room used a Time Dilation effect.

Imri briefly explained his fight with the Sentinel and subsequent abduction. He didn’t explain everything he had learned but told Emelia enough to paint a general picture. When he was done, he went straight to bed. He instructed Emelia to wake him before the scheduled conversation with the New Chicago representative. He was unconscious the moment his head hit the pillow.

It felt like no time had elapsed when Emelia was shaking him awake. “You don’t need to be there. I’m sure the major and the city council can manage without you,” she said.

“I’ll be fine,” he said with a yawn. “I’ll get some more sleep after.”

He had just enough time to shower and get dressed before leaving at a brisk pace. He had been in his armor for almost two weeks straight, and it felt good to wear normal clothing. Even better was what it represented; there was no imminent threat. The only other time this happened was the two weeks between the Chixel siege and the Troglodyte appearance.

The small room with the radio was packed with the usual people from the town meetings. He got curt nods from everyone and a few glares from the councilors that implied there would be another meeting after this one. Major Harper was the one physically holding the speaker.

“How long will the communications be up?” The Major asked Imri as he stared at his analog watch.

Imri tapped the makeshift tablet, bringing up the estimated mana cost, and compared it to their current production and capacity. “It could be up for just over two hours, but I would prefer if we didn’t completely drain our mana reserves.”

“We’ll keep it to fifteen minutes,” the major agreed, and no one objected.

Imri tapped the enchantment at the appointed time, and the portal encompassed the antenna.

“This is Major Harper of the United States Army. If there are any survivors, please respond.”

“This is Baron Pearson of New Chicago. It’s good to hear that there are other survivors nearby,” a self-assured man said over the radio.

The group of Celestia’s leaders all looked at one another. They had all expected to speak with someone in the armed forces, not a self-proclaimed Baron.

“May I speak with the highest ranking officer?” the major request.

“You can speak with me. I’m the authority here in New Chicago,” the Baron said.

“A Baron? Did New Chicago adopt a feudal government?” Laura asked, unable to completely keep the indignation out of her voice.

“I take it you haven’t upgraded to a tier 2 settlement?” the Baron asked.

Emery ensured the major didn’t have his finger down to transmit before adding, “Don’t tell this prick any more than we need to.”

“That’s a shame. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. From what I hear, things are much worse out there than here. I’d be happy to protect you if you come to New Chicago. I’m a level 18 bruiser, and I have an elite retinue of soldiers between level 14 and 16,” he boasted. That got an eye roll from everyone.

“Is he for real? He wouldn’t even be in our top 10, and his elite unit wouldn’t even sniff the top 20. That’s without the Knights or Sylvi having been here in over a month,” Emery said.

“He might be an idiot, but the military is letting him have this authority for some reason. Either that or he happened to overthrow the government within the last couple of days,” Major Harper said, wringing his hands in irritation.

“Maybe a level 18 champion is impressive for them,” Imri said with a shrug. “Rhesk did say reaching level 20 was considered an accomplishment that most Chixel never reached. It’s also possible he isn’t even that high leveled, and he might have added a level or two to sound more impressive.”

“What do you say, Celestia? I can promise your safety,” the Baron said.

“We would certainly be interested in a meeting. How do we find you?” Major Harper asked.

“I’ll have the scouts talk you through the details. We’ve found a few survivors from Minneapolis and have a general idea of where you are,” the Baron said.

“What is the situation in New Chicago? How many people are there? Are there any supply shortages?” Steve asked.

There was a brief silence before a woman started talking, “We don’t have an exact census to rely on, but based on the Nexus information, there are over 2 million people within its radius currently. We know a significant population is in the surrounding area, and our rough estimates put the total population between 7 and 8 million. As for supplies, it is a mixed bag. We could certainly use more foodstuffs, medicine, and other essentials, but we’re making due. I’d say it's slightly worse than during the height of COVID,” the professional woman said.

“7 or 8 million, did I hear that right?” Major Harper asked.

“Yes, sir. Most of the citizens of the Chicago Metro and other nearby areas have found their way back. Most fatalities occurred within the first couple weeks of the integration, and things are slowly returning to normal,” the woman said.

“Must be nice not having to fight 3 different sapient species that want to enslave you,” someone grumbled, though it wasn’t sent through the radio.

The rest of the time was spent discussing the terrain with another person from New Chicago who had been near the Minneapolis area during the integration. They skirted North of the mountain range and avoided the Seagrass Plains entirely. It also didn’t appear that there were any noteworthy monsters between them and New Chicago, at least in the route they had taken.

As they had suspected, New Chicago was located in the relative direction Chicago had been located, albeit far further apart than it had been on Earth. It had taken them two months to reach the city, but they hadn’t made a straight line towards it. They were also constrained by foraging for food and water and avoiding as many monsters as possible. Imri suspected a well-provisioned high-level individual with a Starseeker could reach the city in under two weeks.

When the communication ended, they immediately launched into a discussion. They quickly reached a consensus. They would send two delegations to New Chicago. The first group would act as Celestia's official representatives, openly working with the Baron and his people. It would include Christoph, Russ, one of the councilors, Major Harper, and Imri.

The second group would be more covert, posing as ordinary refugees. Their goal wasn’t anything nefarious; they would be tasked with discovering the sentiment of the general populace. They wanted to know if the Baron was abusing his power before making any arrangements with him.

“While I’m all for establishing connections with a major city, it seems like there would be a lot of key personnel away from Celestia. While the immediate threats have been dealt with, we could face forces from any of the 3 nearby sapient species,” Major Harper pointed out.

“What if only one person had to travel to New Chicago?” Imri asked with an ear-splitting grin.

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