A Relatively Powerful Mage

Chapter 95: Soul Bond

Emelia woke up feeling a bit lethargic as her body battled mental and physical exhaustion from her over-channeling. Imri was still unconscious, but she no longer felt any agony through their bond. A flood of system notifications was vying for her attention, which she quickly perused.

Quest Complete: Prevent the planet from being terraformed

Rewards: 500,000 credits, XP, Achievement

New Achievement

Warden of Gaia 2: Prevented the planetary core from being terraformed by the Azala

.1 % increase in primary stats/rank (+.2%)

Emelia Fields had reached level 26 (+2) in Compassionate Healer (2F)

Emelia Fields has reached level 26 (+2) in Human (1E)

Primary Stats

Agility 123 (+1)

Constitution 124 (+1)

Intelligence 121 (+1)

Willpower 132 (+1)

Charisma 153 (+2)

Secondary Stats

HP 151 (+10)

FP 170 (+14)

MP 192 (+24)

Mana Efficiency 264 (+38)

Skill Rank Up

Empathic Bond E to D

Empathic Bond (1D) has Improved to Soul Bond (2F)

Soul Bond (2F): You and a willing partner can bond your souls together. Both partners gain an intuitive understanding of their partner's exact location and status. Both partners gain an empathic understanding of their partner’s emotional state. Both partners can communicate with their partner telepathically. Both partners gain a 12.5% increase in their mental and soul resistance. Both partners gain a 2.5% increase in resource regeneration. If the bond is ever removed, including by death, the remaining partner(s) suffers a major soul injury.

Emelia had to read through the changes twice, and it took her a moment to realize what had happened. Somehow, Imri's ordeal was related to the planet's terraformation. She had gotten some credit for healing him. The half a million credits was a significant sum, especially for her, as she was living off of a small stipend provided by the settlement for her services as a nurse and a healer. Not that she wanted for anything with the amount of wealth Imri possessed. The experience for two levels was also a lot, considering how little she had done. The least of the gains was the achievement, which was nothing to scoff at.

She read Soul Bond for a third time to ensure she hadn’t missed anything. There was a slight improvement in mental defense and a new defense for attacks on the soul. It also added a new bonus to their regeneration as they both could draw on each other. She also could communicate with Imri directly, which meant she no longer needed to go to his workshop to tell him to stop working. It also would work no matter where he teleported off to. All those benefits came at the cost of one serious drawback: a major soul wound if either of them ever died. She didn’t think that was too bad of a drawback, as she only needed to ensure he wasn't too reckless, but that was easier said than done with him.

She considered how perfect it would be for them to become soul-bonded during their wedding. She already knew what Imri would say about that. He would say she was sentimental and irrational and that they should use it immediately. He was probably right, but it seemed like such a waste of something that could have been a perfect opportunity.

Unfortunately, neither of them could immediately benefit from it. To be a willing partner, he must be conscious and consent to the skill. Emelia felt certain he would; he was still far too reckless, even if he had slightly improved from running into Chixel temples with nothing but a knife. The old Empathetic Bond was still active until he woke up, and she used the new skill.

She had been so absorbed in the surprising notifications that it took her a few minutes to check on Imri physically. She did a double take, and for a moment, she thought she was in the wrong room. Imri had undergone some significant changes. The most obvious change was his hair. It was no longer an auburn brown but something else entirely. It was several colors simultaneously, shifting between white, blue, and indigo constantly as if it was some kind of superheated flame. Glowing lines of a similar color flowed from his extremities and converged on his solar plexus, which now glowed with brilliant white light like a blazing star, visible even through the fabric of his hospital gown.

On a more mundane level, he had gotten physically larger. His feet now reached the edge of the bed, making him several inches taller. She would need a step stool to kiss him when he was standing up. He had been fit before his transformation, but now he was toned, with every lean muscle accentuated like a carved Greek god. Every minor blemish she had noticed on his body was now gone.

“That’s not fair. I better get taller when I get to tier 2,” she grumbled to the unconscious Imri. She held his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

A man in scrubs came into the room holding a syringe. Emelia didn't recognize him despite spending almost twelve hours a day in this clinic. She might not have thought twice about it; there were new faces almost daily, but something in his countenance seemed off, though she couldn’t place it exactly.

“What are you giving him?” Emelia asked before the man could get past her.

“Just something for the pain,” he said.

“That’s not necessary; his pain is almost nonexistent,” Emelia explained.

She didn’t wait for the man’s response, reaching out with her empathic ability. She expected some annoyance from the man, but there was nothing. He was completely devoid of emotion, something Emelia found disconcerting.

Before she could figure out what it meant, she felt a presence trying to invade her mind. Fortunately, it had underestimated her mental defense, as the mental attack was rebuffed, though it left her with a feeling of pervasive wrongness that was extremely unsettling.

Emelia cried out for help, knowing that the small clinic had numerous staff at all hours. She moved to physically restrain the infiltrator, hoping help would arrive soon. Unfortunately, even with her slightly improved physique, the man easily overpowered her and shoved her to the side.

Emelia panicked as she realized help wouldn’t arrive in time. She needed to do something to buy more time, so she reached out and used Project Emotions. She sent them every bit of terror she was feeling and amplified it further.

The intruder paused midstride. Emelia’s hadn’t been quite as effective as she had hoped, only seeming to confuse the creature more than sending it fleeing in fear. Fortunately, the momentary distraction had been nearly as effective as a stout man charged into the room.

Rayden took in the scene and didn’t hesitate to charge the man. The intruder tried to get the syringe into the IV, but before he could, he was tackled to the ground with enough force that Emelia heard several bones and the floor crack from the impact.

“Don’t let him recover, it’s an Azala,” Emelia said.

Rayden didn’t need to be told twice, as he repeatedly slammed the man’s head into the ground until his skull cracked open and gray matter splattered around the once pristine room. It was a sight Emelia would have found revolting at one point, but now she felt relieved that everyone else was unharmed.

Several more people came rushing into the room. A few looked at Rayden uncertainly, wondering if he was the culprit. Emelia hurriedly explained what had happened.

“Are you alright?” Dr. Thompson asked Emelia.

“I’m fine; I just got shoved to the ground,” Emelia reassured him.

“That’s not what I meant,” he said.

“I’ll be fine; I just need a moment,” Emelia said with more conviction. The doctor nodded, though he didn’t look entirely convinced.

A few minutes later, an orderly returned with a mop and began cleaning the room of the blood and gore that had gotten everywhere. Unfortunately, there wasn’t an empty room, so Imri couldn’t be relocated.

“Can you keep an eye on Imri until I get back?” Emelia asked Rayden.

“You don’t think that will be the only attempt?” Rayden asked.

“I don’t know. Imri mentioned he could see past whatever ability prevents others from identifying them. He told me he used Identify on everyone who typically attended council meetings and confirmed they weren’t compromised,” Emelia said.

“I’m sure Imri used Identify on Sawyer during our cave-clearing expeditions, so I think we can count on him. In the meantime, I’ll ensure no one gets past me,” Rayden said.

“If he needs any medications, I’ll personally administer them,” Dr. Thompson added.

Emelia hurriedly made her way to the town hall. It didn’t take long before everyone was in a meeting, as the councilors practically lived in the building. She started by informing them about the attempt on Imri’s life.

“Does this have anything to do with the world quest getting completed almost immediately after it was issued?” Laura astutely asked.

“I believe so. I got some credit for completing the quest, likely because I was healing Imri while he was going through an ordeal,” Emelia explained.

“And the Azala are activating their sleeper agents for revenge?” Emery guessed.

“I don’t think so. If the rest of their species is like the infiltrator Rayden killed, then I doubt they would react emotionally,” Emelia said.

“It doesn’t matter why; we must keep him safe until he recovers fully. Did Dr. Thompson have an update on that?” Steve asked.

“No, this isn’t a simple injury that can be healed with mundane means,” Emelia said.

“Just let us know if there is anything we can do to help,” Laura said.

Unfortunately, the council couldn't do anything. Russ and Cristoph agreed to join the vigil over Imri, giving them five members, including Emelia herself. Major Harper also assigned several men he trusted to watch the clinic entrance, limiting access to only those who needed to be there. Emelia did her own vetting of the guards and found them all to have some sort of emotional response.

She grew concerned when Imri’s convalescence continued to the next day. She knew nothing was physically wrong with him, and she didn’t sense any distress through their bond.

“He’ll be fine,” Russ said as he noticed her near panic attack.

“What if he isn’t? What will we do then?” Emelia asked.

“He’ll be fine,” he repeated.

Emelia was about to argue that he couldn’t possibly know that when she felt flickers of activity through the bond. She turned and saw Imri was awake. His eyes had the same effect as his hair, shifting colors between white, blue, and indigo. While it seemed like his hair appeared fire-like, his eyes were closer to traversing through a nebula.

“Imri,” Emelia yelled in relief. She grabbed her fiance and squeezed him in a tight embrace.

“Emelia, I can’t breathe,” he joked.

“Good, that’s what you get for scaring me, and don’t forget, you're not allowed to die,” she said seriously as if saying it would will it to always be true.

“I’ll do my best,” he said with a wry grin.

Emelia glared at him, annoyed that he wasn’t taking his propensity for getting injured seriously. However, before she could lecture him, Dr. Thompson interrupted their reunion.

“How are you feeling? Any pain or strange sensations?” The doctor asked.

“I have a headache that makes a spinal tap headache feel pleasant. I also feel like I have a planet stuffed inside my chest,” Imri said.

“Dare I ask, but do you know why you have those sensations?” Dr. Thompson asked.

“I had the Queen of the Azala trying to scramble my brain when I stuffed the planet's center in myself,” he said with a wide grin.

“You're serious?” The doctor asked.

“Well, that explains why an Azala tried to kill you,” Emelia said.

Instead of being surprised or concerned, Imri just nodded stoically. All she felt from him was determination and resolve. She almost pitied the next Azala who decided to come after him.

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