A Saiyan Owl

Chap 14- Dripping


Chap 14- Dripping:


(A/N: Small Fixes )


{PoV Mumei; Grasslands; 03:34 p.m}



'I have been training with Piccolo for a while now…'- *FUUSH!*


I dodge a punch aimed at my rib cage and spin behind him with a back kick.




"UAHHHH!!"- He's sent trashing on the ground towards one of the craters we created.


'But... He did indeed get stronger, it's fantastic even... but look, he's still a little lower than Goku, I would say if you put both to fight, Piccolo might win now, it's not something I can 100% guess, because of how strange power levels comparison is right now, Goku is stronger, but if Piccolo does some smart moves he gets out on top.'


Trembling he gets on his feet, trying not to fall again.


He shakily puts two fingers on his forehead.


"GRRRRR HAAAHH!!"- Piccolo fires a Makasapo, Makanko Sapo? Makshasosapo? Special beam canon.


Seeing the attack coming in my direction, I just stay still.


"Oh, so you are using it again, huh?"- Put both hands all the way back, like I was going to grab something big.




Orange energy focuses on both my hands, spinning with patterns that resemble flames.


An orange sphere of Ki now spinning in both hands.


"Okay then!!! An Owl special attack! The almighty power! [BEAMNUTS]!!!"- I move both hands forward at breaking-neck speeds.


Two beams of orange Ki fire forward, with a texture like fire around it.


I tried copying the Sunday attack from Raditz and putting the concepts from Makaksoksapo... Piccolo's technique...


It works, can be charged, and probably be bigger than a Super Kamehameha, and I plan to perfect it to make, it so I can put all my power in one move,


just imagine a quantity of Ki enough to blow multiple planets in just one beam.


I would be wasted after? Totally.


But the boost...


[{ If a Super Kamehameha and Special Beam can increase almost 3x the user's power, a full-powered attack with everything... 6x? No, it can go up to 10x, it would be also, so compressed to the point of not even one percent of it being stable Mum...}]


Naaaahh, I am sure I can work around it... I think?


[{*sigh* Just don't explode yourself okay?}]






'Oh.... sorry Piccolo...'- My attention now back to the battle... I forgot to control my power, and it hit Piccolo straight on.


The dust it raised is pretty damn high.


*Crackles* *crackles*


Little rocks fall around, probably launched from the explosion of power.


The dust goes for a second more, then finally I can see a silhouette of the green Pickles.


'Ooohh boi....'- Dude's looking wasted as fuck.... His shirt said 'Sayonara', wounds everywhere, purple blood going down on them.


What stayed from his clothes is pretty roughed up, and his face... damn that's an angry look.


"SORRY!!! Didn't pay too much attention!"- Might as well say sorry, almost killed the dude...








{Pov Piccolo}


These last weeks, were hell.


She would fight me until I couldn't even move, always starting at my level, then slowly she got to increase up her power.


It's a super effective method, but one that made me so tired, from how endless her stamina is.


When I connected an attack, she would smile and increase her pace, and that's where I would be demolished.


But... I can't say anything, because what she said was true! My power, every week was stupidly bigger and bigger! At this rate, Goku is going to fall!... But there's still this damn Owl... is there even a point to try to conquer the world with such a beast around?


I got stronger, but if I myself got 'stronger', she ascended, before I could somewhat follow her in human form, now if she wants to, she can K.O me instantly, without me even noticing it...


And now we're here, the last day from the deal, just got hit with something that almost killed me... and she just apologized for...*snickers*


'I guess we're not the top dogs around anymore, Goku...*thud*'







{Back to Mumei}




He just fainted.


What do I do now?


[{Let him be, his body will get back into shape eventually, that's how the Namekians work.}]


If that was a joke....*thumbs-ups* me likey.




Looking down at my system turning itself into a blue thumb up.


[{You're welcome.}]


*stretches arm*-" Okay~ Now, I am done, going to wait for Picked to get up, and ask for my stuff."


I sit down on a little patch of grass that was left from our training.


Looking around... There is just crater after crater, maybe we were going a little too hard? Nah, it was fun, seeing his face after connecting a move, just to be hit harder on the face.




[{Poor bullied Pickles}]


Pfft... I don't know why, but the word 'Pickles' in your voice... too good...


[{Ouuu~ Pickles ~}]




[{Ehehe~ Little Mum~ Pickles~}]


"Ahahahahahah*wheezes* Stop it!! I am gonna die!"


[{Now it's my turn to exploit a weakness~}]








And that's how I almost got Isekai'd by my system a second time, by almost laughing to death.









{ PoV Piccolo}


"Grrrr…"- How long... How long have I been out?


The last thing I remember is the damn bird almost killing me...


"Oh I think he's waking up, was tired of playing tic-tac-toe with Kro already... What you're bad at it just admit it!"- She's talking... to herself? The damn bird is crazy.


"Get up already, and I am not crazy, just... like talking? Changing topics, I completed my end, Pickles."- GUH! Damned bird... if it wasn't for our difference in power, I would strangle you and make a soup!!!!


But she's right...  Grrr.


"Okay...*gets up* I will do my end now, just tell me what you want already!"- I can't keep up with this Owl anymore.


She smiles and gets a paper out of her pockets... and gives it to me...


I pick it... and looking at a drawing, a pretty good one with some clothes... so that's what she wants...






"I want these clothes, and another 10 pairs of them, so when one breaks, I have more!"- ... I will just do this already, and go away.....


"... There you go *points the finger to her* HAH!"- A yellow light lefts my finger, hitting the dammed Owl, she glows for a second, and then there she is.


A red jacket that goes up to her neck, with a big golden zipper, inside it some comfortable material, I did my best since she put on her end of the deal, I shall put mine too, a light red shirt that has golden buttons on it, some suspenders that hold her breasts together for combat, a fake Dragon Ball on her hair, that holds it now on a ponytail, a blue jeans pants that I made it with a super flexible material, and some black military boots.





I might say, I am pretty proud of how it turned out.*smirk*


I point to her side and fire another beam.




"And there's the other ten, I put some good materials, so it should be pretty hard to destroy them, now, I will go, *smile* I will see you around Owl!"- I levitate and fly away.


"CYA PICKLED!"- *cough* DAMN IT!!










{Pov Goku; Goku's house; 03:52 p.m}


"HAH!!!"- I punch forward and then follow up with a right sidekick.


Jumping back, and throwing my hand forward really fast.


"HAHHH!!"- A yellow Ki wave shot out, it evaporates a tree that was in my way, and then I look at my hand, clenching it tightly.


"It's still not enough, Mumei was such a splendid sparing partner, this month I didn't have 10% from what we got during training!"- I look in the direction I felt two super strong Ki's a time earlier.


"Mumei.... what are you doing?"- She has been fighting Piccolo from what I could feel.


And she got even stronger!


Piccolo is almost catching up with me, it goes to show, having a partner to train is the way to go...


"Aaahhh*sigh* Is such a loss that she, herself doesn't like training that much! We could get crazy strong with how she is!"- Mumei is incredible, in the way she adapted to my teachings and used them to such a level in the first weeks!


Now she must have got even further! I want to fight her now! She must be on another level!


She said, she would show up when the baby had come out... I don't understand very well, but when she does come around, I will be even stronger!


"HAAAAH!!!"- Now back to my training!








{Pov Mumei; Green lands; after Piccolo left}












[{ Good, now that you ar- What?}]


*Ahem,* Drip? COMPLETED!


Now Kro, put me in that hibernate state already!


[{I... *sigh* You know what? Sure, here*click* }]


As soon I hear the clicking noise, everything starts to spin, almost making me throw up a cake I had eaten earlier.


The colors start to change, the brown dirt turns red, and everything else starts to spin and turn blue.


The world itself starts to spin, and blue flames and red-colored flames go all around burning everything.


[{Wait.....*Error* WAIT...NONONO*ERROR* GWAAAAA-}]


"The fu-"


Everything starts to get brighter and brighter until it just...




Everything goes black after the explosion of white, the world, Kro, and even myself.























Want Power levels, don't you?

Dam, y'all thirsty, huh?





Picle- Piccolo: 1.200(Before) -- 2520(After the month) +125%

Piccolo was getting better and better, because of how Mum was doing it, increasing her PL slowly as he got a hit in, working like chocolate and strawberries together.





Goku: 2.500(Before) -- 2650(After the month) +6%

Goku was training on his own, so It was pretty hard to increase his PL, and after Gohan is born, adios training seriously for him.





Mumei: 3.300(Before) -- 11137,5(After the month) +125%(potential) +50%(training)





Soooooooo..... yeeeeeeep........we broke....... I tried nerfing her... but she just doesn't want that.........  So, It's what it's.















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