A Saiyan Owl

Chap 24- Go Go! Advance soldiers!

Chap 24- Go-Go! Advance soldiers!:


(A/N: Small fix.)


{Pov Kro; Kro's home; Void}


Hmmm... now what should I try?


Lap seems to go by her head, she probably will not bat not even an eye even when her head is in the middle of my chest...hmm... thinking this way....


I will go back to that later... It's a good one...


She is not flustered easily, but praising her does seem to work. However, knowing myself I would be the one getting embarrassed and turning into a tomato if I did so...


"Hmm... there are still a lot of options, kabedon, hugging from behind, whispering in her ears..."


But I quickly throw these ideas out, because they would backfire, being the one I would be using them Muun.


'● First technique, Kabedon, she would feel like I am mocking her for being a little smaller and earning myself a headbutt in the process. It would hurt like hell.


● Second, she would be either not affected, or a little scared by it, again another hit for me, could work if she already knows I am around, being a surprise one is definitely a bad idea.


● Third.... is just no, she has a very damn good hearing, whispering close to her ear could activate a subconscious movement... and I don't see Cali just now...'


So basically, needs to be something simple, so that she can be comfortable, and know that it's me... will need some research.


And now that she's there buying stuff is perfect.


*Clicking noises*


"Nop...*click*, nop...*click*..."- And that's how I go, clicking and finding different methods that may be possibly useful for me, Muun's memories work like a browser letting me sort through the information she has in those memories.




"Hmm?*click*"- One of my blue screens appears inand  front of me, I click on it.


[{Kro! What flavor of yogurt do you like? They have a bunch in here! Coconut, chocolate, strawberries, and there's a ton more around there!}]


Speaking of the devil, she shows up, she's like a kid in a shopping, literally,*smiles*-" Strawberries, and don't you forget to get some actual food like rice, eggs, meat, and milk,  you better not bring us noodles like last time!"- She has this habit her's, of buying only junk food, last time I needed to force her to go outside to buy some genuine food so I could cook it for us, and not just some microwave noodles.


And will do it again if neelikes the bird just like to eat what isn't good for her!-[{ Okie!~}]


She stops talking, and I just hear some humming coming from the screen, she's likely singing some of her favorite songs, she has been listening to her phonk playlist a lot recently, and it always let her "motivated" as she says.


Don't know how she listens to something so noisy, but I ain't judging.


I created a plugin for her that made a smallsmartphone-sized blue sceen, that plays her music in her head, basically a MP3 or something like that directly into her Owl head.




Oh... this could work...


It's simple, I can be in her eyesight to execute it, and could be very effective given her animal nature, it's a bet that I am willing to take! I will fuse this one with the other and make a Super Krombo!


..... WHAT?  LAUGH!


You know what..if ..  I will just act as it never happened. Yea.


"Muun... I will get you this time!*smiles*"



{Pov Mumei; Central city: Marsh Market; 01:02 p.m}


"ATCHOOOOO!"- I rub my nose a little.


"It seems someone is talking about me... but meh, catn't do shit to me, why care?"- I walk to the yogurt balcony, picking some for Kro and me, coconut for me, strawberries for her.


Coconut is too guud .


"Don~ don~"- After putting it on my shopping cart, I walk around the supermarket, picking one or some more thing or another, when I say 'some', It means five to twenty of them, one or two really doesn't work ya know? Being a Saiyan and all.


I go back and forth for twenty minutes, lazily picking stuff, and using one of Kro's screens as a calculator, these little guys are super handy.


Right now I have 40k Zeni with me, got some extra. Huh? Where? Don't worry about it, justthe  flicked a guy's head, dude was trying to scam an old grandma, and I almost scammed his life out of him, equivalent exchange is bitch, isn't it?


But looking back to the present, I got four carts full of things going from chocolate bars to meat.


I don't know shit about meat cuts, just asked for the best and most tasty.


cursing... Going back to curse a lot huh.... Was holding back a lot around lil Gohan, I am free now!


Pushing my carts one by one to the counter, I go picking some other stuff I was seeing, candies and such.


The employee that's passing my stuff sweat drops a little at my actions.-" Uh, Miss? Do you need any help with your things? I can call some backup if needed.*beep*"- He asks while passing my things*


I look at him, with my body still facing a lollipop stance.-" Don't need, I have something to carry it, so don't worry about it."-


Picking up a package of Neapolitan lollipops and giving to him.-" Pass this first, I wanna eat some."- He looks at me for a second, before nodding. *bep*


And he goes back to registering, I open my lollipop package, get one out, getting out the wrapping and putting in one my mouth.


'Gorgeous!'- "Tis Ish gud!*thumbs up*"- The counter guy laughs a little at my antics.


Nice guy. *smiles*


Resting at the edge of the counter hearing one *Bep* after the other, I see something that's to my right, my eyes widening, my face distorting even more.


"Hey, pash mye one of the thuose, and pyut it together too.*points behind the guy*"- He looks back, and lets out a little laugh.


"*Bep* All yours Miss, I think it will look great on yourself!"- I take it from his hands and getting out the paper with the price, I put them on my face.


Sunglasses, now I am truly invincible, Terminator style!


"*Teeth smile* Thanks. *finger guns*"


And after that nothing got my attention again, I just stayed there bopping my head to some songs, and humming here and there, thinking it would be a peaceful day, a chill one, just get food, go home, be lazy.


But looks like destiny has other plans that don't want to align to mine.




The entrance glass door is broken.-" EVERYONE TO THE GROUND NOW!*BANG!*"- Five guys in full back clothes enter the store with iron bats, I just deadpan such an event happening to me.


'Cliché as fuck...but.'-  When they step inside the store.








Moving a light kick to the one who shouted, in the stomach area, sent him flying to the wall... no scratch that, the dude went straight through it...


" " " " " BOSS!! " " " " "


"That's some synchrony."- Their attention goes back to me, with one of them behind me, reading a knife and stabbing forward to my upper back area.-" DIEEE YOU BITCHHH!!!*CLING!* HUH...?"- The blade did indeed hit me, but broke in two.


"Toys don't work ya know? Real ones, like to hit hard, like this! *PAM!!*" - " AAAUGHHHHH!!??*THUD*"


I knee his stomach, making him pass out instantly.


Putting my leg down, and looking at the other four, who are pretty much shocked at what happened, I don't feel like playing anymore, it's kinda lame doing bullying...


"*Sigh* Just sleep..."- Activating Owl Side for a second, the killing intent make them spasms and pass out with foam in their mouths, I am trying to control it better, so I could focus on specific people.


Looking to my back, at the counter and sighing again.-" Poor guy... my control isn't high enough huh?"


The nice counter dude was passed out too, luckily he was not so close, and it was not focused on him, so he just passed out.


I take a peek at how much was my stuff, 34.278 Zenis...


Walking back to the bandits and finding some extra cash in their pockets, I let 40K Zeni on the counter, and left with 10K still with me, the thugs money.


Had put all things in my inventory, so it should be fine now.


"*Puts hands behind neck* Now I should return home, don't want others feeling my Ki around, and coming searching for me right now."- I click on one of the options on my 'mp3 like thingy' screen, and get TP'd back to sweet home void.




Teleporting in.


I stay levitating, with both legs and arms crossed, looking down at a totally, not with open arms and smiling Kro.


Looking at her and giving a head tilt, as asking.-' What the actual hell are you trying to do?'


But it backfires on me.




"HMMMP!MMM!?"- I am hugged and imprisoned on the two big pillows! Trying to resist at my 'maximum' capacities.


But... she does something that was just a low hit.. .a cowed doing...  She caresses my head, and then gently my feathers probably not intentionally.





{Pov Kro}


'She... just fell sleep? Is this some sort of calming thing for birds? Or does headpatting an Owl make them want to rest?'


'Or is this just her...'


'Really curious...'


Continuing patting her head, and at some stamp of time she started purring, and moving her head to a better sleeping angle... -" Guess I turned into her bed again.....plan failed successfully I guess *sigh*"




{North Desert, Two months in earth's time after Mumei got back to Kro}


A mountain of pure sandstone, that's the place where the lone wolf had reached after all this time.


He had been searching for a pretty long time, and now after being told so many directions he found what he had been looking for.


In this past months he had been surviving in the desert, adopting the life of a real hermit, hunting whatever he found that looked at least one percent eatable, and drinking cactus water, not the best, but it's what he had.


His friend, Pual wasn't the same, and although he wanted to continue, Yamcha asked a traveling man that was going to one of the cities to drop his friend there, not wanting to see him die.


He himself could handle, but his beast friend who had barely any body training would probably die of dehydration sooner or later.


So after doing so, he got back to walking, in this journey he fought dozens of monsters and wild animals, each of them turned into one of his meals.


Getting stronger and stronger, and staying focused on the idea of survival, he developed his style even further.


His clothes from the Kami school, now all roughed up, with holes everywhere, but he used a cloak made from some animal fur he found, it was not too hot, nor too cold, its fur was perfect to help in his journey to this hellish place.


Another piercing fact that changed about him was his face, now sporting a full beard, that was growing as time goes on.


And after all this time, he is staring now at the mountain of sandstone, finally finding what he had been earning for so long.






Walking slowly to its direction, leaving a trail of steps that's going to be hidden under the sand forever when it decides to fly with the winds.


His steps being calm, although they hide his immense contentment.


"*smile* Finally...*Fush!*"- His voice hoarse, like he had not drank water in a very long period of time. He jumps up, and start his climb, jumping from edge to edge that he sees in his camp of vision, going higher and higher.


That climb for him was like days, and those days started to reflect in the months he stayed in this place.


He had not seen his girlfriend in a very long time, but as of right now, that wasn't the main point for him, for the first time in a long time, he was thinking only about one objective.




*tap* *tap*


He steps on the peak of the sandstone mountain, being lightly above the sea of clouds of different colors.


And at the other side of the peak, he sees someone, a bald tan man with a lot of primal tattoos, his physic shows that he's indeed strong.


'He's strong... such a Ki... it's giving me chills!'- Yamcha cloak flying against the strong wind, and then finally gets sent flying away.


Looking directly at the other's back, Yamcha waits for him to acknowledge his presence.


But it seems things are going down a different path.- "Ouh... it seems you completed the trial, and your strength is something many would call impossible as well, and put together with a burning determination, I welcome you, Young man, to my lair, where I seek peace and at the same time, seek the fury of a nature, to discover its mysteries.*opens eyes*, my name is Night Wolf, and would you like to take the final test?"


 Blue and green thunders strike everywhere around the mountain, and the man glows in a green strange energy, that somehow sometimes forms wolf heads that appear and disappear.


Taking one step forward, Yamcha gets in his stance, and nods, he doesn't have much stamina, so it's best to not waste it with talking.


"Oh... so be it then, *turns to Yamcha*"- The man who just has some white pants stands up in his own stance, his eyes not having pupils, and just having green energy going out of them.


His stance being a very normal one, just raising both hands and letting them stay in his stomach height, both with closed fists.


"Show me what your claws can do!!"


And that's how, Yamcha found the one he was seeking for, his mental state is not one of the bests, but as of right now he had one objective.


Prove his worth as a fighter.


















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