A Saiyan Owl

Chap 3- Hospital

Chap 3- Hospital:

{ A/N: Fixed, and Rewritten on some parts,( 3/43 ), let's goo!!}


{Mumei; Hospital}
















That's annoying af ya know…


I woke up, and it looks like I'm in the hospital. They had the decency of bringing me here at least.


Hey Kro?


[{Muun! You're finally awake!}]


Ye, but don't worry, I wasn't trying to cross the border, and where am I?


[{ *suspiration* Muun is in one of the Capsule Corps hospitals, you got badly damaged after being attacked by Piccolo…}]


Hmm, but damn that was so damn cool!


Like the Ki attacks and all! It is possible that I will be the strongest when I get back up, right?


[{ There's a good chance, still, merely your wounds weren't the problem here, but the blood you lost, so I don't know 100% how it works for Saiyans to activate it…"}]


Saying it like that is… kinda bruh…


*Click *


Following the unlocking noise, I find the sliding doorway to my room, all white and gray colors like the entire room, bland colors…




At long last the guy opens up the door and steps inside like it is his residence or something, a doctor with a bowl haircut and a very beautiful mustache I may say, white/cyan hair walks towards me.


“Hey there young lady, you got smacked pretty badly back there ya know? Luckily Goku saw you fall and indicated to us before he did also so, he notified us that there was another individual in there.”- Nodding my head, yeah, poor move on my part standing that near...


ATCHCHCH!”- Flinching heavily and letting out a little cry out... my whole body is bandaged up as whole... I don't know what I expected by nodding like this...


“Now, now, don't push your body too hard, okay? I am not part of the doctor's staff, but I've got to see something rather fascinating concerning you, tell me, young miss, are you possibly some type of relative with Goku?”- And at that question, I stare at him directly in the eyes not moving one bit, and after a second I find no evil in disclosing a piece for him.


“I... am not sir... He's more towards of a pure type, I am a hybrid....”- Stating that while trying my best as to not force my jaw, it still aches...


“Ooh, intriguing, so Goku is like a pure breed, and you are a hybrid, both your bodies' strength truly displays in your DNA, perhaps one day we will discover where your tribe is located!”- Ahhh, not happening, well Raditz will be arriving here, so I don't know, does that count?


{[No, Raditz's objective was to acquire and bring Goku at any cost, even though, he is rather foolish in desiring to labor for Vegeta, who has Saibamen AS powerful or more powerful than him, somewhat humorous thinking regarding it now.}]


Pft, you're right! Raditz is indeed really stupid, though he looks so cool, he was pretty Badass at the time, better than Nappa at least, because he didn't fear dying, maybe because he assumed, he was going to be resurrected.... poor fella.


Glancing up back to the doc- I mean... I don't even recall his name, but now examining closer, he's Bulma's father!


'Make me a gravity machine old man!!'- Is what I wanted to yell, but first, recovery.


He strolls out mumbling things to himself, regarding how splendid of discovery it would be, and yara yara.


'Hey Kro, anything to do meanwhile we're in here?'-In a bit of hope, I ask my only companion.



[{ Host could attempt meditating, it would stimulate your Ki control, and give you additional access to your current powers, and after being completely recovered, it would help Muun's new power also, I don't know how substantial the Boost will be, though a 2x is basically assured being a Hybrid.}]


Okie, though if I obtain a 2x Increase, doesn't that set me on Goku level when Raditz arrives level? Nice, I can already be considered pretty damn strong then!


[{Precisely, before when Mun obtained the martial arts skill, your maximum power soared to 250, and if my reasoning applies, obtaining a Zenkai further than 500+ PL is a pretty easy stunt for you Muun, but after acquiring such a power, it would be challenging to obtain such growth like that again, because no one on earth, except Goku and Picco with Ki attacks, can damage you that harshly.}]


Wait.... so I am chill until the alien people arrive? That's nice.


With Raditz, I think if I train and get a hold of my capacities, with a Ki technique I could maybe reach at least two thousand, and one shot him!


[{  Attainable, Now Muun, Meditate, or you'll never be as calm-headed as me.}]


Every time.... more and more I question myself if this thing is the warden... I mean even the voice got that sarcastic while still being narcissistic tone...


*Sigh* Well, I can't be fret by every egg, now let's try giving this a go...


I close my eyes and start to get my head empty.


Closing my eyes and inspiring in and expiring out, watching the darkness of the void that is around me...


Feeling a soft breeze, that is likely coming from my room's window that somebody must have left open.








Head Impty, Nu though.









After a minute or two... I... sense something around me... is this Ki? Amusinghow it feels like...


Probably, let's try and...


''hmph!''- but nothing happens.


 Not working huh...


Tried molding it, but my command appears too flimsy to push it to do something, rather appropriate, I hold merely a glance at what Ki can do and its numerous uses.


And like that, I kept testing without stopping, each time a distinct approach.


[{You're doing fairly well, I researched the area you're in Muun, and it appears to be an unconscious region, if you get more suitable, you could even potentially shadow train in here.}]


Not decreasing my concentration as I could feel the sweat going down my face, and just nodded at whatever Kro said...


'This thing is hard...'








After a couple of hours of me solely chilling on my mattress and sweating like I was back in that hell hole of a desert, I heard a *click*  from my door again, indicating that someone is there.


Opening my eyes, I see a nurse, and in her hands a plate of food... Oh no, hospital food...


“Miss, here's your food, and I will be doing a little inspection if that's okay with you?”- Not being able to do much, I end up just dragging my bandaged right hand slightly to form a thumbs up, and she gets what I mean...


She starts to examine my body, damn even though I myself didn't do that yet!


Checking my arms, legs, neck, and every other embarrassing parts.


She nods and takes some notes something on the paper.


“Okay, greatly appreciate your cooperation Miss, please rest well!”- She gives me a business smile and leaves.


Giving the plate in front of me at the table a glance and then one back to my body.- ' I think they're stupid... or just trolling me...'


But after some awkward silence, I notice something.


My left hand can move, although very slow.


Moving slowly I pick up a spoon and start to eat.... something... I don't know what this thing is, probably high nutritive or whatever.


“Blehp, tastes like hospital.”- Carrying the spoon to my mouth gradually, my left hand is still wrapped in bandages like my entire body, but not as much as my right one, it must have been the one who took it directly on the front.


[{Eat it all Muun, being a part Saiyan will drive you to eat ridiculous levels of food, so you'll need everything you can get.}]


I cry while placing the spoon inside my mouth.


“This tastes like old people and diseases... okay that's a bit too far.”-While swallowing this stuff...I look out of the window, the sky is stunningly nice today.








After dining I got back to meditate, and now I will do this until I can move! Yey!












....Fuck this place.










Hospital food is bland af, at least they give you candy sometimes.


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