A Salamander, but Mighty

Ch.22 – Moving on the Chessboard

POV: Dyenna

Wilfrod's funeral was attended by all the most important nobles of the kingdom, and even some from neighboring kingdoms, who had come to pay respect to a person who many had considered as one of the greatest hopes that the kingdom of Heliolite had to improve diplomatic relations with neighboring nations.

What nonsense, the neighboring kingdoms were simply not real states and there was no need to deal with them: Dyenna had carefully studied the story of how humanity appeared for the first time by the will of the gods precisely in the region surrounding Khaldrinda, of human expansion until reaching the territories of the Northern Continent, where the hated elves managed to mount a defense and repel the progress and civilization brought by the First Heliolite Empire.

Then the leporans and croconoids rebelled against human rule, helping to bring down the empire and bringing back a dark era of barbarism and lawlessness across the continent. The kingdoms that bordered Heliolite on the eastern side of the Cloudbreaker Mountains had been nothing more than Heliolite's main provinces until just under a century earlier.

And then there were the dwarves and the beastkins, who seized the period of uncertainty to abandon their neutrality and swarmed with their axes and spears out of the mountains and hills across the continent and from the far west.

Big brother, you were so weak in your desire of seeking peace, thought Dyenna as she knelt next to her sister Rosalia to place a flower on the mound of loose earth. Don't worry, barbarians speak only the language of violence, and I'm willing to use it with them.

Big sister…” Rosalia murmured, Dyenna was looking ceremoniously in front of her, but she could still feel that her sister was on the verge of crying again, “what if the Nightmare Tyrant had targeted our brother precisely for the era of peace that it would have inaugurated?”

It is possible, but what he has done will only cause the opposite effect,” she reassured her, “soon, our father will officially announce me as heir to the throne. I will unite all the lands of the Eastern Continent with the common purpose of stopping this monster before it can cause any more pain to other poor souls.”

Dyenna offered her sister her hand so they could get up together. She took advantage of that moment to take a fleeting look around without being noticed: there were people who had thought that the murderer of the prince was Dyenna herself, and maintained a polite but suspicious attitude towards her; she didn't blame them since her brother was not only high level for his age but had also thought very carefully about building his class and how to distribute points, and had died practically without defending himself and in a single blow.

Who but someone Wilfrod trusted could have caught him off guard like this?

And that wasn't all: in addition to those who suspected that Dyenna was the murderer, there were also people who had some right to the throne of Heliolite and who saw in the prince's death an opportunity to raise the tone and try to legitimize their own claims to the throne.

These people more than the former had to be kept under control, the former had nothing to confirm their suspicions and Dyenna just had to find a monster powerful enough to point the finger at, the second ones could have stirred up some kind of army of opposers against her.

She absentmindedly locked eyes with one of these nobles, a man in his thirties, with short black hair and a defined, luminous beard; It didn't take Dyenna long to connect the face to a name: it was Darren Mallin, the man with the highest probability of uniting any nobles suspicious or eager to obtain greater privileges by supporting a pretender to the throne more favorable to them.

Killing him would be counterproductive, Dyenna assessed, it is more convenient to push him to abandon his plans and support my ascension.

Little sister, will you accompany me?” Dyenna asked Rosalia with a slight smile.

Huh? Sure! Where do you want to go?" Rosalia replied, rubbing her wet eyes.

Let's get closer to Duke Darren.”

The two girls walked at a steady pace, keeping their backs very straight with their finely embroidered corsets and voluminous skirts. They got within a few steps of Darren when they almost simultaneously slowed down; etiquette wanted the man to say hello first in these cases, and so Darren did.

He brought his hand close to his heart and made a very measured bow, "lady Dyenna, lady Rosalia, allow me to renew my condolences for your tragic loss: the whole country mourns the premature passing of the prince."

Duke Darren,” Dyenna gave a slight bow, mimicked by her sister almost simultaneously, “I thank you, this is a difficult time, considering that the monster who killed my beloved brother is still free to roam.”

Mh-mh,” Darren nodded. His light blue eyes moved from Dyenna to Rosalia and back a few times, “lucky that our king is still alive and capable of leading the kingdom. I've heard that he has increased the number of your personal guards.”

That's right, even I found myself with twice as many guards escorting me everywhere,” Rosalia confirmed with a sigh and lowering her head, “as if there was really a need to make an attempt on my life.”

Don't say that, my lady,” Darren shook his head negatively and smiled kindly, “you are still part of the royal family. It's your sister who should worry more..."

Duke and princess locked eyes; Dyenna didn't know whether he suspected her or not, however, there was something sinister in the duke's seemingly meek gaze. He was a profiteer, interested in his own prestige and wealth.

In short, he and Dyenna had something in common, but only something.

Concerning this sad circumstance,” Dyenna spoke again, “I was wondering what your intentions were. You are one of the highest-ranking nobles in the kingdom, I assume you have plans regarding Nightmare Tyrant.”

The duke chuckled politely, “yes, I have them,” he confirmed with a nod. “unfortunately, your description of Nightmare Tyrant was very incomplete and this forced me to invest many resources and knights in his research.”

Oh, I'm sorry I couldn't help more,” she murmured, bowing her head slightly, “did you find him? I would like to participate in his killing.”

Not yet… but my best men are on the lookout, even in neighboring kingdoms.” Darren shrugged his shoulders and looked towards Wilfrod's grave, many people were leaving, "I don't think it's wise for you to participate in his killing, you don't want the other nobles to see you as someone who jeopardizes the stability of the kingdom by putting her life on the line when there is no need!”

If I let him do it, he will win the support of the nobles less loyal to me the moment he returns with the head of a sufficiently powerful monster, Dyenna wet her lips. Are you telling me that a sovereign should be guilty of the ignominy of not march ahead of their men?

Big sister, you shouldn't embark on this venture! Let me do it!” Rosalia declared, breaking the moment of confrontation between Dyenna and Darren. The young woman indicated herself by pressing the palm of her right hand over her breast, "I will go in your place and if I meet Nightmare Tyrant I will dedicate the victory to you!"

Rosalia…” Dyenna reached out to caress her cheek, “your offering is welcome, but I fear for your safety,” she said lovingly.

At her current level, Rosalia would have just died, it would have been a useless waste of assets for Dyenna.

Rosalia took her sister's hand and pulled it into her own, “please let me help in some way. After our brother's death I feel like I'm not doing anything useful for anyone!”

Dyenna looked back at her sister, she wanted to help, the problem was that she was good for nothing on a battlefield. “Okay,” she finally decided to agree, nodding a few times, “but only if you go with Duke Darren, and you have to keep me constantly updated.”

Darren made an imperceptible grimace, “it could be very dangerous, I wouldn't dare put the young princess's life at risk.”

I'll do my best to not be a burden to you!” Rosalia declared, giving the duke a pleading look.

“…very well, I will accept if the king and queen approve of your presence,” Darren concluded with a sigh.

Thank you very much, Duke Darren!” Rosalia bowed delicately, giving both her sister and the duke a determined expression, “sister, I precede you to the palace!”

Okay, see you later,” she replied, making a measured bow of her own. She watched Rosalia walk away for the first few metres, in silence and with a serene expression.

Do you think your parents will let her go?”

Dyenna shrugged, “maybe.” The girl's green eyes returned to the duke's direction, "if I do so, I count on you to protect her as if she were one of your own daughters."

Obviously, not a single scratch will mar her skin,” Darren assured her. The young man bowed to her, “now if you will forgive me, I should retreat to discuss some plans with my knights, in the anticipation that your sister will join my group.”

Dyenna responded by repeating the same gesture that was given to her and let him go.

Maybe my sister isn't as useless as I thought... she thought with a hint of a smile.

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