A Salted Fish In the Second Element

Chapter 15 - A scientific super electromagnetic cooking company

   “Hanyu-san, here we are.” Takasago Tomoe brought Yuihama Yui and Wang Yuyu to the cooking club’s activity room.

   After entering, Wang Yusheng found that the inner part of the activity room was the kitchen countertop, while the outer part was placed with some tables and chairs.

   It was lunch break just now, and several students were already sitting in chairs and enjoying their lunch.

Although the food in the cooking club is purchased by the students themselves at the vegetable farm, the one-time quantity is not large, resulting in higher costs than bulk purchases in the canteen, and the price is slightly more expensive than the canteen, and the students themselves follow their interests. The cooking company is cooking, resulting in an unstable level of cooking.

   But overall it is better than the cafeteria. Moreover, the members of the cooking club are all girls, so there are always people who have more money and want to eat something delicious or simply want to be close to the girls in the cooking club to eat at the cooking club.

  The girls from the cooking club greeted her when she saw Chie Takasago’s arrival.

   “Hello, President.” Member one.

   “Chie-chan, Yui-chan, who is behind you?” Member two.

   “President, is that boy your boyfriend?” Member three.

   just finished cooking, there were no other guests for a while. The three girls gathered around.

   “Don’t talk nonsense. I’ll introduce you.” Takasago Tomoe knocked on the head of member three and said.

   “You all know Yui-chan. This is a new transfer student, Hanyu classmate.”

   “Hello everyone, my name is Wang Yusheng, I am from China. I just came to school yesterday.” Wang Yusheng went up and introduced himself.

   “Hey, when I heard that I thought Hanyu was surnamed Hanyu? I didn’t expect that the surname was Wang, but he was from China.” Member three, more lively.

   “This is a member of Shirai Kuroko.” Takasago Zhihui pointed to the double ponytail brown hair, and introduced the very ladylike girl to Wang Yusheng.

   “This is a member of the second early spring.” Takasago Zhihui pointed to the petite, childish-looking girl with a sweet and greasy voice and introduced to Wang Yusheng.

   “This is a member of Sansakuten.” Takasago Zhihui pointed to a girl with long straight black hair who was wearing a five-petal white plum-shaped flower ornament and introduced to Wang Yusheng.

   “There is also a member of Misaka Mikoto. It seems that something has not come today.” As soon as they finished speaking, everyone heard the voice of a girl outside the door.

   “Sorry, I’m late.” I saw a young girl with long brown hair. Under the same brown pupils, there was a look of unwillingness to admit defeat, and her face looked pretty without makeup.

   “My sister!” As soon as Misaka Mikoto finished speaking, Shirai Kuroko rushed over and hugged Misaka Mikoto hard.

   So after a struggle, Takasago Tomoe separated the two entangled people, and led Misaka Mikoto and Hanyu to get to know each other again.

   Wang Yusheng looked at the four girls with different personalities, and there was an unspeakable but very subtle feeling in his heart.

   “President, what are you going to do with Hanyu-san today?” Saten Leiko was very curious about Wang Yusheng’s arrival.

“Hmph, I brought a trump card to the cooking club. Hanyu-san’s cooking is super amazing. I ate his fried rice before. It was super delicious and delicious.” Takasago said as if He is like a trump card.

   “Where is it. The president is too polite. My cooking level is average, but I’m good at cooking fried rice.” Hanyu did not exaggerate, but truthfully stated his own situation.

   “Hanyu-san, you should call me Chie. It’s too polite to call me class leader and president. After all, we will get along well in the future.”

   “Yes, yes. Hanyu-san, I want you to be my master and teach me cooking. You can call me Yui.”

  Wang Yusheng looked at Takasago Tomoe and Yuihama Yui with some embarrassment, and hesitated for a while before he agreed.

   “Well, Chie, Yui. You guys will call me Hanyu directly from now on.”

   “Okay, Hanyu-kun.” Yui naturally called Hanyu’s name.

   “But Hanyu-kun’s name is really special, it makes people feel like you are called your last name, it feels good.” Takasago Tomoe’s point of attention is also strange.

   “It’s a pretty good life, we didn’t know it until a day!” Of course, Hanyu only dared to complain in his own heart.

   Then Hanyu looked at the other four girls.

   “Hanyu-san, if you want to, you can ask me to play Lee.” Looking at Hanyu’s handsome and cute face, Chuharu Shiori said to Hanyu with a soft voice, blushing.

“Oh! Shiri-chan’s name, Hanyu-san wants to call her not that simple, I can only call her Chuchun. At least let us see your performance. Of course, if you perform well, you You can also call my name.” Saten Leizi hugged Chuharu Shiri from behind and looked at Hanyu with a smile on his face.

   The reaction of the two girls on the other side was much more intense.

   “Hey, great apes, what are you doing here! My sister’s name is not something you can call, but I can only protect my sister’s name.” After speaking, Shirai Kuroko rushed towards Misaka Mikoto again. “Don’t you say, elder sister.”

   I saw Shirai Kuroko holding Misaka Mikoto tightly and letting out a idiotic laugh, burying her head in Misaka Mikoto’s Opie part and rubbing it.

   “Enough! Kuroko, let go!” Misaka Mikoto blushed and tried to free Shirai Kuroko from her body. “Heizi, really. Everyone is watching!”

   Finally unbearable, Misaka Mikoto slashed Shirai Kuroko’s neck with a hand knife, and Shirai Kuroko suddenly softened and fell off Misaka Mikoto.

   “Hmph, what you want to call, whatever you want. It’s just a code name anyway.” Seeing Wang Yusheng looking at him, Misaka Mikoto looked away, and said with a flushed face. By the way, I also fiddled with my hair, but as the best cook in the cooking company, Misaka Mikoto was also curious about Wang Yusheng, who was called the ace by the president.

   “Ah~hahaha~” Wang Yusheng could only hide his embarrassment with laughter.

“Now, student Hanyu. The president said that you will be a trump card, and you also said that you are good at cooking fried rice. Just talking about it is not good. Why do you want us to taste if you are really capable? I really want to know what you can make of fried rice. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com” Saten Leizi smiled and put forward his request.

   “Really, Saten-san, you just want Hanyu to cook fried rice. Why do you want to get involved with me.” Chuharu Shiri was a little helpless to Saten Tearko using himself as an excuse.

   “Ah, it’s easy to say. I think the materials here are relatively complete. I will make a fried rice now. How do you taste it.”

   “Yes, Hanyu-kun. But they probably haven’t eaten lunch yet, you can make more.” As the president, Takasago Chie supports Hanyu making fried rice on the spot.

   “Eh, then I will watch by Hanyu-kun. I also need to learn to cook delicious fried rice.” Yuihama Yui raised his hand.

   “Well, this time you watch Yui first. If you want to do it, I will teach you when I have a chance next time.”

   “Hanyu-san, let’s do it quickly. I can’t wait to try the fried rice that the president admires so much.” Saten Leizi began to urge Wang Yuyu.

“Huh, great apes. Don’t think about making a fried rice to fool us by the way. Our requirements are very high. If your fried rice hurts your sister’s taste, I will let you see what is called horror.” Shirai Heizi put his hands on his chest and said.

   “Kuroko, you really are.” Misaka Mikoto has given up teaching Shirai Kuroko.

   “Look at it, you guys.” After that, Hanyu went to make fried rice.


   “Fail, fail, fail…”

   “God bless you, I hope the dishes made by the brat are awful”

   “Why, I have come to eat so many times this time, they never say a word to me, but today they kept talking and laughing around that bastard. This kind of guy should be destroyed humanely!”

   The boys gnawing their teeth and eating lunch kept cursing Wang Yusheng.

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