A Salted Fish In the Second Element

Chapter 800 - Have a meal

After Hanyu and Megumi Kato successfully held hands, during the next trip, Hanyu’s mood was like flying up, too good to go, and the whole person was relieved from the tired “guide work” at the beginning and became extremely excited. . As a result, Kato Megumi on the side could clearly feel the change in Hanyu’s mood.

Seeing the bright smile on Hanyu’s face that she didn’t intend to change, Kato Megumi smiled softer, and she didn’t plan to make any changes, so she maintained the same state with Hanyu until the end of today’s date.

On the other side, the two groups of girls who have been secretly monitoring Hanyu and Kato Megumi. At first, I saw Kato Megumi actively grabbing Hanyu’s hand and there was a kind of “goal” in his heart. It feels like a pig’s mouth.

However, when everyone slowed down, recovered, and changed back to a normal girl state, everyone felt strange in their hearts, and their mood was a little subtle. After turning into a pig that I raised and eats cabbage, it feels like the cabbage is just bait.

However, the current situation cannot be stopped, and there is some powerless. So in desperation, everyone had no choice but to watch the changes silently and observe the state of affairs in a complex mood.

As a result, people with different moods slowly ushered in the time for lunch.

Because Hanyu had said it at the beginning, today’s schedule was arranged by himself, so he didn’t prepare lunch or something, and of course he didn’t ask Kato Megumi to make any preparations.

So after the two of them were hungry, Hanyu naturally took Kato Megumi to the restaurant in the zoo to eat a ready-made warm lunch.

Yu Hanyu is different from Kato Megumi. Misaka Mikoto and Kasumigaoka Shiwa three came to follow Hanyu from the beginning and spy on Hanyu’s dating process. They had already prepared food for lunch.

So, the same is lunch. Misaka Mikoto and Kasumigaoka Shiwa can only hide outside the restaurant, gnawing on the cold rice **** and staring at them to enjoy the ready-to-use date. Suddenly, everyone peeked at Hanyu and their eyes became very resentful. Hanyu who was eating was inexplicably cold, making him think that the air conditioner in the restaurant was too cold.

It is worth mentioning that Shirai Kuroko did not share the joys and sorrows with Misaka Mikoto and others. In order to be able to hear the content of Hanyu and Ke Kato in the restaurant, Misaka Mikoto made the difficult decision to let Shirai Kuroko follow up in the restaurant, and then find a location close to and back to Hanyu and the others to settle the lunch. While eating lunch, Shirai Kuroko listened to Misaka Mikoto and the others complaining that the cold rice ball had no taste, and felt unable to swallow, fidgeting, and using a very difficult mood to eat the delicious food.

However, it is different from Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and the others. If everyone had a cold lunch together, it would be fine. If there is a group of people who are separated from eating the food in the restaurant, Misaka Mikoto and the others will naturally feel different. And from time to time, Shirai Kuroko swallowed and chewed food from the earphones, watching Hanyu and Megumi Kato eat their food. Misaka Mikoto and the others immediately lost their appetite when looking at the rice ball that they usually felt good in their hands, and they couldn’t help but wonder what the hot food would taste like.

“Shiraisan…is it delicious?” Finally, after staring for a long time, Chuchun Shili couldn’t help but ask Shirai Kuroko who was still eating.

“Hmm…” Shirai Heiko, who was eating happily, couldn’t help but froze when he heard the sound that came to mind in the earphones. However, the aroma of the food rushing into the nasal cavity and the delicacy remaining on the taste buds made Shirai Heiko choose to face the truth and tell the truth. “To be honest, it’s much better than I thought…”

“Goo…” Listening to Baijing Heizi’s description of the food, the three girls couldn’t help but began to fantasize about the delicious food, and swallowed subconsciously. Then everyone looked at each other, and then nodded very tacitly.

“Heiko…” As the eldest sister, Misaka Mikoto directly ordered Shirai Kuroko. “After Hanyu and the others leave after eating, you will continue to follow up. We have something to do and we will contact you later…”

“My sister…” Hearing Misaka Mikoto’s words, Shirai Kuroko was still a little confused and wanted to ask what was wrong, but when her gaze drifted over the food, she immediately understood, and whispered to the other party that she was absolutely absolutely sure. Will not lose Hanyu and them.

“Well… it’s still made fresh, the hot food is the best…”

After Hanyu and Megumi Kato left the restaurant after lunch, and then saw Kasumigaoka Shiwa and the others follow along, Misaka Mikoto and the three rushed out of their hiding place and rushed towards the restaurant.

After putting the delicious food in his mouth, the taste buds were stimulated, and the early spring Shiri couldn’t help groaning with excitement, and there was a feeling of tears in his eyes. As for Misaka Mikoto and Saten Leizi, they didn’t have the time to pay attention to the early spring decorations. They just wanted to finish eating first.

“Ha… No wonder Hanyu-kun and the others just ate and didn’t talk, it was really delicious.”

Finally, after the three people actively wiped out the food, they couldn’t help but sigh. And after eating, the three girls couldn’t help but want to sit and rest for a while, as they were still struggling to follow Shirai Kuroko, everyone subconsciously ignored them.

“Um… I’ll go to the toilet…” Suddenly, Chuharu Shiri, who was nervous and drank too much water in the morning, felt a little uncomfortable, blushed and said, then left his seat. So Misaka Mikoto took the opportunity to pay the bill, and Saten Leizi kept it to help look at the bag.

“My sister! My sister! Have you eaten well!”

Suddenly ~www.mtlnovel.com~, looking around in boredom, Zuo Tian Leizi heard Shirai Kuroko’s anxious shouts coming from the earphones, and he responded curiously. “We’re done, Misaka-senpai has gone to pay the bill. What’s the matter?”

“Be careful, Hanyu and the others have gone back. It looks like they are going back to the restaurant.”

After hearing Shirai Kuroko’s report, Saten Tearko immediately became nervous, and looked outside through the window. As a result, Hanyu and Kato Kee appeared, and she quickly picked up the menu and blocked her face. , And then looked anxiously at Misaka Mikoto who was still paying.

It’s a pity that Misaka Mikoto was troublesome when eating. He took off all the headphones and everything. Seeing that Hanyu was about to go to the door of the restaurant, Saten Mikoto wanted to go to Misaka Mikoto to remind her that there was no way.

But after Hanyu and the others arrived at the restaurant, Saten Tearko found that Hanyu asked Kato Megumi to stay outside and found a spot and entered the restaurant by himself. Seeing Misaka Mikoto, who was about to check out at the counter, Hanyu walked in the direction of the toilet as soon as he entered the restaurant.

“Huh? Are you here to go to the bathroom?” After seeing Hanyu’s behavior, Saten Tearko couldn’t help but draw such a conclusion. But then she suddenly thought that Hatsuharu Shiri had just gone to the toilet for a while, and it would be bad if Hanyu and Hatsuharu Shiri ran into each other.

Then according to Murphy’s law, if you don’t want it to happen, it will happen.

So in the helpless gaze of Saten Leizi, Chuharu Shiri came out of the toilet just right to meet Hanyu.



I couldn’t imagine the two sides who would meet each other, their eyes widened, and they looked at each other in shock. (https://)

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