A Savage Nature (Warcraft)

Bonus #9: The Sunwell

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It would mean a lot to me!


“Ready when you are, your Highness.”
Kael’thas Sunstrider, Prince of the Blood Elves, clenches his jaw as Rognak’s words reach his ears. Then he nods and steps forward, moving into the open and coming to a stop right in front of a recreated basin deep within the Sunwell Plateau located on the Isle of Quel’danas. Once upon a time, this spot had been the site of the Sunwell itself… before Kael’thas and his followers had detonated the corrupted font of power following Arthas’ grotesque and perverted usage of it.
In the time since the explosion, the Plateau has been rebuilt, as has this space, the Sunwell’s resting place. However, the large room-sized basin that once held the source of all High Elven Magic had remained dormant… until, perhaps, now.
It’s been years since they battled against the Scourge and ended the Lich King together up in Northrend. Years in which Kael’thas had returned home to his people and began rallying them for whatever the future might hold. Much had happened in that time. For instance, the Blood Elf Prince had finally learned of the greatest secret withheld from him while he was in Northrend.
Namely, that the orc Rognak was in a relationship with Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Kael’thas’ old flame. To say that the Sunstrider Prince had been… significantly aggrieved when he learned this information would be an understatement. Especially when he learned they had a child together as well. And yet… there was nothing he could do about it when he finally learned the truth. What, was he going to rush over to Kalimdor and challenge Rognak to some sort of honor duel with Jaina’s hand as the prize? Of course not.
All he could really do was sit and stew… before eventually moving on. And really, the Blood Elf Prince felt like he’d done an excellent job of moving on. He and his people were still struggling… but they at least had a common foe to turn all of their focus towards. The undead still plagued the lands south of Silvermoon and Eversong Woods. The Ghostlands, once part of the original vast and beautiful Eversong Forest, had been their first focus. But after that, they had not stopped there.
They could have. One might have even expected them to, given their low numbers. But what the Blood Elves lacked in numbers, they more than made up for in magical power. And Kael’thas wasn’t inclined to suffer any undead to live… no matter where they came from. So yes, he and his kin had begun cleansing the Plaguelands as well. Even if they were former human lands, the Blood Elves as a whole were intent on striking at the Scourge wherever they could. And from the Plaguelands, they went even further… reaching lands that were ostensibly not held by the Scourge but by a new group of undead calling themselves the Forsaken.
Kael’thas would not lie. Hearing the name Sylvanas Windrunner spoken in the same breath as the Forsaken’s Dark Lady had… given him significant pause. To learn what had become of his Ranger-General, that she had been transformed into this… Banshee Queen, had drawn him up short at first. But in the end, he would not falter.
Unfortunately, it was one thing to deal with traitors in the Ghostlands and mindless undead throughout the Plaguelands. It was another entirely when every undead you were facing was intelligent and capable of independent thinking and strategizing. Because of that, the Blood Elves found their push into Tirisfal Glades stymied, at least for a time.
And then… this had happened. Rognak had shown up and with none other than Sylvanas herself at his side. An orc wearing the features of a dragon and an undead with a heart forcibly kept beating by plants inside of her corpse. To say Kael’thas was… nonplussed would once again be an understatement. And even if they had previously fought battles together, Kael would likely have ordered Sylvanas killed and Rognak turned away if it weren’t for the other thing. A rather… important ‘other thing’.
As he finishes stepping forward, Kael’thas plasters a forced smile on his face and lifts his hands high into the air. There are not many actually IN the basin room itself. Access to the Sunwell, despite its inactive state, is currently restricted to a select few. The modern Ranger-General of Silvermoon, Halduron Brightwing, stands guard outside alongside the Sunwell’s Guardians.
Inside, meanwhile, there is only Kael’thas as Prince of the Blood Elves, Rommath as Grand Magister of the Convocation, and Liadrin as High Priestess of the Light. Looking to Rommath, Kael’thas sees the Grand Magister nod at him, even as he continues a particularly taxing arcane working. Said working will transmit Kael’thas’ likeness and voice across all of Silvermoon, putting a translucent copy of him in every remaining part of the city for his people to gather around and listen to.
With the confirmation that they ARE listening, Kael’thas begins.
“People of Silvermoon… of Quel’Thalas! I come before you today with glad tidings… with happy news! Many, many months ago, I and many of our bravest warriors left these lands for the cold and frozen lands of Northrend. We went on word that our greatest enemy would be there… an entity called the Lich King who was behind all the harm done to our people. As you all know… we succeeded.”
He pauses briefly for dramatic effect before continuing on.
“As you also know, we met our ancient kin in those lands on the same mission as us. The Night Elves, from whom our ancestors broke away thousands upon thousands of years ago. At the time, I spoke with their High Priestess myself. Tyrande Whisperwind assured me personally that she would do everything in her power to see that the plight of our people was recognized and understood by hers.”
Not quite the truth… but then, politics was all about the little white lies. And the people involved in this whole situation had already agreed to allow certain… omissions from all of this. Kael’thas was honestly a little irritated with himself for just how annoyed he was by Rognak’s reasonableness. He’d almost hoped that the orc would demand credit, that he would demand his presence and his part in all of this to be known. But no… he was happy to remain in the shadows. Tch.
“To many, those might sound like empty words. We have suffered much in these past few years. And the destruction of the Lich King was many, many moons ago. One might think that we were forgotten. Abandoned.”
Once again, he pauses for dramatic effect before continuing.
“But this is NOT the case! I come to you today with glad tidings from our kin across the sea! I come to you today… with happy news! Please… stand with me now in observance of the restoration of our people!”
With that, Kael’thas raises his arms over his head… the clear signal for Rognak to do his thing. A dozen or so feet away, the orc grumbles and mutters under his breath, though Kael hears it anyways.
“… Hope this works…”
Beside him, a seemingly unassuming human girl giggles and pats Rognak’s arm.
“Don’t worry. It will.”
Very carefully, Kael looks to Rommath, feeling a surge of relief when the Grand Magister gives a minute shake of his head. Their words weren’t being transmitted like his were. Thank fuck for small mercies.
In sight of only a select few of their people, Rognak and the ‘human’ Anveena Teague both step up to the basin’s edge. Rognak pulls out multiple glistening vials… vials filled with water from a second Well of Eternity hidden under the stump of Nordrassil back on Kalimdor. Meanwhile Anveena smiles at them and takes them from his larger green hands, uncorking each one and… inhaling them one by one.
This might have seemed absolutely ludicrous to anyone who didn’t know what was actually going on. Hell, Kael’thas DID know what was going on and he still found it to be an utterly ridiculous sight. Put simply… Anveena wasn’t some human, no matter how she looked. No, rather… as crazy as it sounded, she was quite literally the last remnants of the original Sunwell, transfigured into the form of a human by a red dragon.
… Yeah, to say Kael’thas had been stunned when he originally found out about that was another understatement in the increasingly long string of understatements.
However, until now it was impossible to actually utilize her to recreate the Sunwell. Without the vials Rognak brought along…
As Anveena drinks the vials, she steps into the basin and her eyes begin to glow with golden arcane energy. However, as she does so… she reaches out and snags Rognak’s hand, pulling him in as well. Kael’thas’ eyes widen slightly at this, not enough to be noticeable to those watching hopefully, but it still happens. He manages to avoid gaping like a fool though, even as internally he’s baffled.
Green and red energies flow out of Rognak, the orc bastard grunting as a pool of power begins forming at his and Anveena’s feet. No… rather, it begins appearing OUT of Anveena’s feet. Starting at the bottoms of her soles and slowly rising up… the young woman slowly begins to unravel. She does so with a smile and a look of supreme satisfaction and contentment on her face, but she unravels, nonetheless.
There’s too much power in her to keep her mortal guise any longer. She’s not just the Avatar of the Sunwell’s remaining energies… she is the Sunwell Reborn. Or she will be in just a bit more.
Except… Rognak’s presence within the newly constituted Sunwell is clearly changing things. He looks uncertain of how to proceed, and deeply uncomfortable as though the experience is far more intimate than he would prefer. In fact, it probably IS more intimate than he would prefer, given that Anveena, as the unraveling of her body reaches her torso, leans up and plants a kiss on Rognak’s lips.
They continue kissing right until she’s gone and the Sunwell is fully remade. At which point… well, the fact that Rognak is taking a damn bath in it becomes more and more ludicrous by the moment. And even if it weren’t absolutely ridiculous, it would at the very least be sacrilegious! But then… the personification of the Sunwell herself had been the one to invite him in. So even if he was Prince, Kael’thas didn’t exactly have room to complain, did he?
Finally, Rognak slowly climbs out of the Sunwell. He stands there for a moment looking down at himself… and then he looks to Sylvanas, the strange Nature-Infused Undead stiffening as the Archdruid’s eyes fall upon her. The Banshee Queen doesn’t have any time to react before Rognak reaches out to her and a stream of power from the Sunwell itself reaches up and grasps hold of her. Not that Kael’thas expected Sylvanas would be willing to fight back in the first place. The so-called Dark Lady had been intriguingly docile ever since she and Rognak had arrived.
An almost blinding glow surrounds the pair and Kael’thas focuses back on the matter at hand, paying them no further mind as he instead focuses on what’s right in front of him… the Sunwell herself, reborn. Reaching out to it, the Sunstrider Prince’s breath hitches as he reconnects to the font of power that had served their people well for thousands upon thousands of years.
However… it feels different now. Not a bad different… but definitely different. There’s a playfulness to it that was never there before. As well as… the smell of crisp autumn and a blooming spring. Of hot summers and cool winters. Kael’thas stiffens as he feels Nature itself intermixed among the Arcane Light of the Sunwell.
He wouldn’t have thought it possible… but there it is. He also wouldn’t have been very happy about it… but Anveena herself had made this choice, hadn’t she? Using Rognak as a conduit to add this new element to the Sunwell. Nature and Arcane power both flow through the font of power now. What that means for the future of his people, Kael’thas knows not. He does know one thing, however. At least his people will HAVE a future now.
Speaking of which…
“I imagine you are all beginning to feel it by now, as I am. The Sunwell is returned to us. Perhaps not as it once was… but better! Through the help of our distant kin, through the hard work of your stalwart magisters… we have done the impossible. Rejoice, Quel’Thalas! Rejoice, Silvermoon! Rejoice, my Blood Elves! For today is the day that we regain so much of what we have lost! Bask in the Sunwell’s Radiance once more! Become as one in its power! We are REFORGED!”
With that final key word, Rommath waits a couple more seconds, allowing Kael’thas to sweep his gaze back and forth across the space in front of him as if looking down on everyone watching with a fatherly expression on his face. Then, the Grand Magister ends the spell, letting out a shallow breath and wiping his brow with the back of his hand. Of course, immediately after that, Rommath’s eyes suddenly alight with a golden glow as HE reconnects to the Sunwell as well. That spell he just finished was the last he would cast without the Sunwell’s immense power backing him up.
While Rommath exults in his return to power, Kael’thas turns back to see the glow around Rognak and Sylvanas has faded. The Sunstrider Prince eyes widen at the impossibility that he sees. Somehow… somehow Sylvanas Windrunner stands before him, resurrected entirely. The Ranger-General of Silvermoon walks the world once more, no longer reduced to a Banshee puppeting her own corpse, nor even that half-life that Rognak’s druidic magic had seemed to force her into.
Indeed, the last of the vines and roots are pulling themselves out of Sylvanas, her flesh knitting closed behind them. Likewise, she seems to have sweated an entire bucket worth of sticky sap onto the ground through the process as well. Kael’thas winces at that, feeling slightly apologetic to the Sunwell Guardians who would eventually have to clean that up.
But regardless… Sylvanas stands whole. She’s alive, something Kael’thas would have thought impossible. The only lingering effect is that her eyes glow with verdant green energy. Not the sickly green of Fel, but the forest green of Nature.
She stares down at herself in wonder for a moment… before throwing her arms around Rognak’s neck and pulling him into a serious kiss. Kael’thas can’t help but blink at that. What was with women and kissing the orc today?
“My Prince…”
No sooner has he had that thought then a hesitant voice speaks up beside him. Liadrin has crept up on him, though she’s not looking to him as she speaks… she’s looking at Rognak and Sylvanas. Suddenly, Kael has an idea. Admittedly a terrible one… but after everything Rognak has done today, he quite literally can’t justify fucking with the orc in any other way. However… it’s not his fault if Jaina finds out Rognak has been unfaithful in his time away, now is it? Rumors abound from all sorts of sources…
“Lady Liadrin. Curious about our savior, are you?”
Liadrin blushes, the High Priestess fidgeting briefly. Kael’thas was well aware that she’d been suffering something of a crisis of faith for years now. He hadn’t been sure what to do about that… but he’d figured having her bear witness to the Sunwell’s restoration might help. It certainly seemed to have done exactly that, and he could feel that she had not only reconnected to the Sunwell, but also to the Light itself. Her Faith in the Light was stronger than ever before.
At the same time… there was something else to her. Something Kael would normally have shut down immediately. However…
“Go to him.”
Her head whips around so fast he thinks she might break her neck as she gives him a wide-eyed stare. But Kael’thas just smiles.
“Please. I cannot chase him out of Quel’Thalas so soon after he played such a large role in our people’s salvation. But he also cannot be seen by the common populace. Act as my liaison, won’t you? Make sure he and… the former Ranger-General are happy. Make sure they want for nothing. I know this will be difficult, given what he is… but I can only count on you for this, Lady Liadrin. Please tell me I am not misplacing my faith.”
She flinches a little bit at the mention of ‘faith’… but also can’t help but nod to him.
“You are not, your Highness. I swear to you… it shall be as you say.”
And with that, Liadrin begins moving off to where Rognak and Sylvanas are… still kissing. Honestly. Kael’thas resists the urge to roll his eyes, even as he turns to Rommath. He and the Grand Magister exchange looks filled with excitement and wonder before both turning back to the Sunwell. The Sunwell was restored and even if it now had an element of Nature to it that it did not have before… it mattered little. With this, their people would not just survive… they very well might have a chance to rebuild.
“S-So big… oooh f-fuck~”
“That’s right you little priestess slut. He’s HUGE, isn’t he? And you’re going to take every last inch of his cock.”
If you’d told Rognak that he’d be watching Liadrin impale herself reverse cowgirl on his cock while a resurrected Sylvanas Windrunner ‘helped’ mere hours after restoring the Sunwell, he would have laughed. And yet… here they were. His large green hands squeeze down on Liadrin’s hips and ass, the latter of which is deceptively large despite her lithe elven body.
Her entire lower body quivers and shakes as she finally reaches the base of his cock. Something Rognak wouldn’t have thought possible before now, but between Liadrin’s eagerness to please and Sylvanas’ insistence on grabbing the Blood Elf Priestess by the shoulders and pushing, the two had made it happen.
Even now, as Liadrin slowly but surely adjusts to his sheer size being engulfed by her soft yet incredibly tight pussy, Sylvanas kneels in front of her, holding her by the shoulders and smiling at her wickedly. Bringing the former Banshee Queen back to life hadn’t completely done away with her sadistic side it would seem, because she’s very much enjoying herself at the moment. Perhaps Sylvanas had always had this side to her, even before her death.
“How does it feel, High Priestess? You love it, don’t you?”
Moaning, Liadrin nods her head emphatically, bobbing it up and down in response to Sylvanas’ words.
“Y-Yes… so good…”
Suddenly reaching out, the former Ranger-General grabs her fellow elf by the jaw, her fingers digging into Liadrin’s cheeks.
“Why? Why does it feel so good? Explain it.”
Even as Sylvanas demands answers, Liadrin begins to move upon his cock. Moaning and mewling, she starts to ride him and with his grip on her hips and ass, Rognak helps her out while also giving her short thrusts up into her amazingly tight cunt to motivate her. Eventually though, she manages to get the words out.
“It’s… everything. My faith… my faith has been restored… and it’s all thanks to him.”
When Liadrin seems like she wants to leave it at that, Sylvanas scoffs and backhands the Priestess’ tits, making her squeak in response.
“Is it? How so? I want details. I want to hear why you love his big fat orcish cock so much. I want you to sing his praises to the heavens themselves!”
… Okay so yeah, Rognak might have earned Sylvanas’ undying loyalty. Literally at that. She was very, very excited for what they’d be doing next after leaving Silvermoon. Specifically, now that he knew for a fact that he could bring undead back to full, proper life with Sylvanas acting as a test case, Rognak was going to be able to do the same with a good portion of the Forsaken that she had taken under his wing.
He knew for a fact he’d at the very least be able to bring back her Dark Rangers as well as anyone else who still had their bodies… and who wasn’t too far gone. Some would not be capable of being resurrected. Putress for instance would not have been a candidate. Those Forsaken who had truly accepted the darkness in their new states of being, who had embraced undeath completely and utterly and allowed their hatred of the Living to overcome them… they could not be saved at this point.
But everyone else COULD and as soon as they were done in Silvermoon, Rognak and Sylvanas would journey back to Tirisfal Glades to begin the mass resurrection of as many of her people as possible. The Sunwell would help of course… in fact, through his connection with her, he could feel the dispersed consciousness that was once Anveena was excited and even eager to help him carry out his mission.
First though, they had an eager-to-please Blood Elf High Priestess to play with it would seem. And Sylvanas didn’t look like she minded the distraction one bit.
“It… it is through him and our ancient kin that my faith in the Light has been renewed!”
Bouncing even harder on his cock, Liadrin vocally expresses her joyful sentiments, explaining precisely why she’s just so very grateful to him.
“When… when the Traitor Prince and his Scourge Armies f-first tainted the Sunwell, I feared all was lost! I lost my f-faith in the Light and in myself and found myself unable to reach for it or hear it’s call a-anymore!”
Now that she has Liadrin talking, Sylvanas releases the other elven woman’s jaw and leans down, capturing one of Liadrin’s tits in her mouth while sliding her hands down both of their fronts. The hand on her goes to finger her own cunt, while the hand on Liadrin moves to play with the bouncing Priestess’ clit.
“I-I thought all to be l-lost and could not even m-muster the courage to follow Prince Kael’thas to Northrend! I will c-carry that shame for the rest of my, nnngh, d-days!”
Rognak frowns at that but can’t really figure out what to say to make the Blood Elf feel better about herself. In the end, there’s not much he CAN say, is there? All he can really do is give her the good, hard dicking she so desperately wants.
“But then… t-then Prince Kael’thas r-returned with such wondrous t-tidings! The Traitor Prince d-dead… his master the Lich King also removed from p-power! Suddenly, the Scourge in our lands became so much easier to fight! The traitor Dar’Khan was hunted down and killed! And… and the Prince spoke of the Night Elf High Priestess, of Tyrande Whisperwind and her c-connection to the Light. He also spoke of orcs who fought f-for the good of Azeroth, rather than f-for it’s ill…”
Dropping her head, Liadrin suddenly moans as she rather spontaneously climaxes around his cock. Rognak is caught off guard, but maybe he just missed the signs being so thoroughly engrossed in her tale as he was. It was almost too easy to forget that… well, he was currently fucking her. Or rather, she was fucking herself upon his cock.
“I-I began to pray again… and the Light answered me once more. My f-faith was… renewed. But until t-today I still had my doubts. I still had my, nnngh, f-fears! No more… no, today I witnessed the rebirth of the Sunwell! I witnessed the salvation of m-my people! And… in the end, it was all thanks to you, Archdruid! Thank you for journeying across the sea to help us! Thank you for being so very GOOD! Please, use my body as you see fit! I am yours to do with as you please and-mmph!”
Rognak watches in amusement as Sylvanas suddenly silences Liadrin with a tongue-filled kiss, the former Ranger-General having left behind the High Priestess’ breast and moved to capture her lips instead. Liadrin moans as they swap spit for a few moments before pulling apart for air, which the resurrected Sylvanas draws in a greedy lungful of before snorting derisively.
“You talk too much, little slut priestess. Tell me, everything you know about orcs… do you really think that they care about flowery language?”
Shuddering, Liadrin shakes her head back and forth.
“N-No, of course not. M-My apologies Archdruid… please, ravish me as you will.”
Taking that as his cue, Rognak reaches up and grabs Liadrin by her ponytail, suddenly yanking her backwards. The Blood Elf Priestess squeaks as he pulls her against his chest, forcing Sylvanas to follow after her and crawl on top of her fellow elf. Effectively sandwiched between them with his cock still buried in her gushing twat, Liadrin wiggles and writhes against his chest, moaning as he continues to thrust up into her with deep, penetrating motions.
“It was a beautiful story, Lady Liadrin. And as for ravishing you… if that is your wish, I would be a fool not to grant it.”
Liadrin blushes and stammers at his complimentary words, but in the end she finds she doesn’t have to respond… because from that point on, Rognak picks up the pace. He turns her into a thoroughly messed up, ruined woman, fucking her so fast, so hard, and so soundly that she doesn’t manage to articulate a single other word. Instead she’s reduced to squeals, shrieks, screams, and cries of exultant jubilation as she’s fucked silly by the big fat orc cock she was so desperate for.
Sylvanas enjoys watching this all happen, the resurrected Windrunner’s verdant green eyes glittering with amusement as she licks her lips and then licks every inch of Liadrin’s front, from her chin to her breasts to her navel and finally her clit. She moves up and down the wriggling, writhing High Priestess’ body with outright glee, playing and toying with Liadrin while the poor dear is already overwhelmed by Rognak and his throbbing mast.
Not that Rognak takes it easier on her as a result of Sylvanas’ actions. No… where would the fun in that be?
The three of them fuck the hours away, only stopping for sustenance in the form of food and water, or for other reasons. Eventually though, after quite a long while where Liadrin and even Sylvanas find themselves tested by Rognak’s literally endless stamina, he brings things to a close. The two exhausted elves kneel side by side before him between his legs, each of them worshipping one side of his cock with their devoted mouths and tongues.
Resting his hands in their hair, Rognak smiles down at them both and then focuses on Liadrin in particular.
“Lady Liadrin… I did want to ask… have you ever considered using the Light in a more offensive fashion?”
Blinking, the Blood Elf Priestess pulls back from his cock and furrows her brow, her eyes glowing golden thanks to her combined connection to both the Light and the reborn Sunwell.
“Offensive, Archdruid?”
Nodding, Rognak’s own eyes twinkle with a bit of amusement as he quirks the side of his mouth up in a half-smile. In the end… he just can’t help himself. Liadrin was such a powerhouse in the memories from his past life. It would be a shame for her to stay an elf of the cloth in this one because of the changes he’d made.
“The humans call them Paladins. They were crucial in the Second War… and fought hard in the Third War but were ultimately overwhelmed. Still…”
Liadrin tilts her head to the side at that.
“Ah… I’ve heard of them. The Order of the Silver Hand. I… hm. I’ve always been rather partial to the sword. Or at least I was in my youth. I gave it up many years ago, when I first became a Priestess.”
Rognak just nods before giving her a full-blown toothy grin.
“Well, just think about it. Besides… I think you’d look particularly stunning in plate armor.”
Liadrin’s eyes widen at the thought and he can see her thinking about it very, very hard as she returns to worshipping his cock. With that seed planted, Rognak feels like his job here in Quel’Thalas might just be done. Now all that’s left to do is fix Lordaeron’s undead problem and he could FINALLY return to Kalimdor and get back home…


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