A Savage Nature (Warcraft)

Chapter 27: The Skull, the Demon, and the Mage

“The furbolg Chieftain has been healed, Lord Cenarius. And the last pockets of our slumbering fellows have been contacted as well.”
“Well done, Fandral. It is good that the two of you have finished your tasks with such speed… we have need of you on another mission of dire importance.”
Contrary to Rognak’s expectations, he and Cenarius don’t immediately rush off to hunt down the Skull of Gul’dan and Tichondrius so that they can handle what Illidan would have handled if not for his death. Instead, they linger… and the reason why soon becomes apparent when Fandral Staghelm and the other druid, Broll Bearmantle, come upon them.
Rognak can’t help but shift from foot to foot as he listens to the Archdruid and Lord of the Forest talking. The egotistical Night Elf shows no sign of his corruption, and indeed outright preens under Cenarius’ words. Out of everyone in this forest, there’s probably nobody whose opinion Fandral actually cares about besides Cenarius’. Or at least, he does an excellent job of making it seem like he cares about the Demigod’s opinion.
By this point in time however… Fandral was already corrupted, Rognak was pretty sure. From what the second set of memories had told him about the other druid, Fandral would have attacked Malfurion shortly after the Battle for Hyjal and put him in a coma so that his plans to plant Teldrassil could go through unopposed.
With Cenarius alive and Malfurion dead for all intents and purposes, Rognak didn’t know what that would end up looking like when all was said and done. But at least he’d warned the Forest Demigod about Fandral’s true loyalties ahead of time. There was no way the Archdruid would be able to ambush Cenarius as he’d ambushed Malfurion. Rognak wouldn’t allow it.
Of course, Cenarius was MUCH better at hiding the depth of his knowledge than Rognak was. Fandral turns to him after a moment of preening and eyes him up and down, sniffing haughtily.
“You’re the Chieftain of those savages, aren’t you? Poor excuses for druids, one and all. They reflect badly on their teacher.”
Rognak stiffens at that. He’d heard about the confrontation between the Night Elf Druids and his Orc Neophytes of course. He hadn’t been sure what to do at the time, so he’d let it be. There had been more important things to worry about, or so he’d figured. But now Fandral was addressing him directly and insulting him to his face at the same time. He’s trying to instigate a fight, likely seeing Rognak as nothing but a ‘savage’ like all the others.
Unfortunately for him, Rognak isn’t about to pick a fight he’s not sure he can win, even if the Archdruid has just woken up from one of those centuries-long naps the Night Elves are so fond of. That doesn’t mean he’s not entirely above stooping down to Fandral’s level, however.
“They are neophytes and young yet, aye. I wonder if you were half the druid you are now at only twenty years of age.”
Fandral stiffens at that, clearly not expecting Rognak to bite back with such succinct speech. However, before the Archdruid can respond, Cenarius steps in. Rognak notes that he does so only after the orc has had a chance to speak and feels a wave of appreciation towards the Forest Demigod for that.
“Enough. Infighting will not serve us here. And take care of your words, Fandral. Chieftain Rognak’s students are MY students as well. Would you say they reflect poorly on me, Archdruid?”
That certainly gets the cantankerous Night Elf’s attention, his eyes widening as he immediately tries to backtrack.
“Of course not, Lord Cenarius! I only-!”
Beside him, Broll Bearmantle snorts, cutting him off.
“Quit while you’re behind, Fandral. Quit while you’re behind.”
At being ganged up on three-on-one, the Archdruid falls silent, scowling mightily. But then, he has every reason to want to avoid rocking the boat too much here and now. So long as he doesn’t truly piss Cenarius off, he’s a shoo-in for taking Malfurion’s place as the leader of the druids and co-leader for the Night Elf people as a whole. In fact, that’s exactly what the other memories tell Rognak would have happened, albeit with Malfurion still alive but in a coma and Fandral being the one who put him there.
… That said, Rognak can’t help but glance curiously at the other Night Elf Druid in the clearing. Broll Bearmantle… isn’t someone that Rognak’s second set of memories recognizes. And yet he’s clearly a big deal if he’s able to shut down Fandral like Rognak heard he had back during the first confrontation. And for him to be with them now, he has to be fairly strong and important, right? So why does Rognak not recognize him? Is the second set of memories… incomplete in some way?
“As I was saying, we will all be working together on a mission of grave importance. The source of Ashenvale’s fel taint has been made clear to us. A dreadlord known as Tichondrius the Darkener uses a terrible artifact known as the Skull of Gul’dan to spread his corruption throughout the Felwood. If we do not destroy him and the Skull once and for all, then the Defiler’s forces might be too much for us to overcome in the long run.”
To their credit, Fandral and Broll both straighten up at that, becoming filled with purpose as they listen to Cenarius intently. Continuing on, the Lord of the Forest gestures to Rognak.
“As it so happens, it was Tichondrius’ plan that this brave young orc foiled in the first place when he stood against first his Chieftain and then against the demon Mannoroth as well. They meant to kill me, to lure me into a trap and utilize fel-empowered orcs to slay me for their purposes. Without Rognak’s interference, I would not be standing here before you today.”
Not entirely true, Rognak can’t help thinking. Knowing what he did now, if he hadn’t acted to stop Grom… then Cenarius probably would have done something else to still avoid his demise. All the same, Rognak HAD pretty much foiled Tichondrius’ and Mannoroth’s plot, hadn’t he? As Broll looks at him with respect and even Fandral gives him a begrudging nod, the young orc druid can’t help but feel a swell of pride in his chest. It was nice to be reminded of the good he’d done since arriving on Kalimdor.
“Now, with that out of the way… come. We must move with both great speed and great stealth. If the Darkener is allowed to realize that we are coming for him, then he will flee with the Skull of Gul’dan and we will lose our one opportunity to remove both him and the artifact from the field. Right now, our only hope lies in secrecy. He believes that his presence in these woods is still hidden, but now that we know he is here… his time has become quite limited indeed.”
As Fandral and Broll both nod their agreement at that, Rognak can barely contain his excitement. At long last, he’s going to get to see firsthand how Cenarius does it! How the hell does a creature as big as the Lord of the Forest manage to be so damn stealthy?! Ever since he’d first snuck up on Rognak at the forest’s edge all those weeks ago, the orc had been wondering! And now… now he would get to experience it personally from the stealth side!
As they begin to move, Rognak watches intensely, committing this moment to memory. At long last, one of life’s great mysteries would be solved.
“We are here.”
… Huh, so that was how Cenarius did it. Interesting, but Rognak shakes himself out of his moment of awe and focuses on the matter at hand. True to his word, the Lord of the Forest had led them right to their quarry… specifically, the Skull of Gul’dan lay in the clearing beyond, surrounded by Satyr and other lesser demons. Nothing all that special, really.
As they lurk in the shadows, watching their unsuspecting prey, Cenarius turns to the three of them and nods.
“We must move quickly. I shall prepare to destroy the Skull. You three must handle the others so that they cannot alert the Darkener too early to what is happening here. As soon as the Skull is sundered, Tichondrius will likely arrive, made aware of its removal. You must be ready to strike the moment he does so, lest he try and escape.”
There’s a pause as Cenarius makes sure that they’re all clear on their assignments. Then, Rognak begins moving off from the Demigod with Fandral and Broll, the three of them all spreading out as Cenarius begins focusing on his spell. It takes a little bit, but soon enough they’re all in position. Rognak meets Broll’s eyes and the other druid nods at him… but when he looks to Fandral, the Archdruid just scoffs and lifts his hands, twisting them.
In a heartbeat, roots come out of the ground beneath a dozen of the lesser demons, grabbing them and holding them in place as storm clouds appear over their heads and localized lightning strikes begin coming down on them. At the same time, Broll turns into a full-sized bear, throwing himself at his own portion of the demons.
It’s not quite as timed as Rognak would have preferred it, but he supposes he shouldn’t have been that surprised. With a grunt, he lumbers forward as well, pulling forth his axe from his back. Wolfsong sings silently through the air, cutting through a satyr’s head just as it’s turning to take in Fandral and Broll’s efforts. And then Rognak is among the enemy as well, cutting them down one by one.
The ensuing battle is… messy to say the least. But at least none of the demons manage to get word to their master. As they fight, Rognak’s mind automatically categorizes Fandral and Broll’s respective fighting styles in terms that his second set of memories supplies. Fandral Staghelm is more of a Balance Druid, preferring to rely on both nature and arcane magics. Broll, meanwhile, is most definitely a Feral Druid, switching between animal forms faster than Rognak can keep track of sometimes.
By comparison, Rognak has never felt overly specialized in any one direction, truth be told. As they fight, he finds himself wondering if that might be because of where his powers come from. The number of patrons he apparently has among the Wild Gods of Azeroth is… still somewhat staggering to even think about. To have been given not just Cenarius’ blessing, not just Elune’s blessing… but the blessing of who knew how many nature deities?
… Well, it certainly reflected in his fighting style. He switched between wielding Wolfsong with deadly precision and casting moonbeams at the drop of a hat. And when he wasn’t doing either of those, he would transform into an animal shape if it would help him kill something faster. Ultimately, Rognak didn’t have one preferred style of fighting. He did what worked and in his experience, whatever he did… usually worked.
He notices Fandral and Broll watching him in the same way he’s watching them. He sees Fandral’s frustration over his chaotic fighting style, and Broll’s confusion. Something tells him that it’s not normal, what he’s doing. But hey, it works for him and it’s not like Cenarius has told him he needs to change it up in any of their lessons so…
Before he can think on that for any longer, the fighting finally comes to an end, the last of the demons guarding the Skull of Gul’dan felled by their combined efforts. And just in time too, for Cenarius steps out into the clearing a moment later, holding a spell-working of great power in his branch-like hand.
“Prepare yourselves. The Darkener will soon arrive.”
With that declaration made, Cenarius thrusts forward his hand… and Rognak watches, clutching at his axe, as the Nature Magic runs right into the evil artifact. The Skull of Gul’dan tries to defend itself, if the shaking is any indication… but in the end, it’s not enough. Given the time to prepare the proper spell, Cenarius’ casting causes cracks to form in the skull, until finally it shatters in an explosion of Fel Energy.
However, Cenarius is ready for this as well. In the other world that Rognak’s second set of memories remembers, that Fel energy is what would have turned Illidan into a demon and given him a serious power-up. In this world, Illidan isn’t here… and instead, the explosion of fel magic is directed UP into the sky, a massive pillar of bright, sickly green power.
Rognak’s eyes widen as he sees it. No wonder Cenarius was so sure Tichondrius would come immediately. And indeed… that’s precisely what happens, the flapping of bat wings signaling the dreadlord’s arrival.
“Who DARES?! Wha- you! No! How did you find this place?! How are you here?!”
At first, Tichondrius looks downright enraged. But as soon as he sees Cenarius, it melts away to be replaced by shock and horror. The dreadlord instinctively takes a step back, only to run into a trick that Cenarius had pulled from Rognak… a wall of brambles formed in only an instant directly behind the demon. It even goes a step further, reaching out and grabbing Tichondrius, holding him in place.
“The ‘how’ is unimportant, demon. After all, why should the dead care about ‘how’ their death came to pass?”
Rognak doesn’t waste time. At Cenarius’ words, he rushes forward and slams his axe into Tichondrius’ chest with all his might. Wolfsong glows with Nature’s Wrath, a bright verdant green in comparison to the fel magic tainting the area. Tichondrius howls, his face twisting into a rictus of pain and agony as he snarls at all of them.
“YOU! No! This was not how it was supposed to be! Mannoroth failed, but I succeeded! I slew the Archdruid in his sleep! I set the Skull upon this forest! Lord Archimonde! I have served you well!”
For a moment, Rognak fears that the Defiler will literally show up to save his minion. But it would seem Tichondrius’ pleas fall on deaf ears by design, as Cenarius strides forward.
“Your Masters cannot hear you here, demon. These are my woods. Your plans have been for naught. Your schemes have been unraveled. Kalimdor rises and the Defiler will soon join you in death!”
As Cenarius thrusts his hand forward, Fandral and Broll join him and Rognak pulls Wolfsong back in order to swing it again. Under the combined might of all four of them… the dreadlord dies and he dies messily, screeching in agony until all that’s left is his armor, the rest of him destroyed.
For a moment, silence reigns over the forest. Then, Cenarius lets out a single sigh.
“Well done, all of you. With the Skull destroyed and Tichondrius gone, Archimonde’s forces are that much weaker. Now… now we might just have a chance.”
More than a chance, Rognak can’t help thinking to himself. He refused to let Malfurion and Illidan’s sacrifices be in vein. Perhaps they weren’t supposed to die here, but then neither was Arthas. In the end… in the end, Rognak decides then and there, staring down at Tichondrius’ empty armor, that he’s not going to let anything hold him back anymore.
With Cenarius on his side and aware of Rognak’s true origins, they can change so much, fix so much… no matter what happens next, he won’t let it catch him off guard. He’ll roll with the punches and adapt, no matter the circumstances.
“Come. We shall return to camp and get what rest we can.”
By the time they get back to camp, the revelry is fully under way and to Rognak’s surprise, the three factions that make up their little army of would-be world saviors look like they’re well and truly getting on for the first time… ever. This, of course, doesn’t sit well with Fandral, who stomps off scowling. Broll, meanwhile, makes his way over to where a group of Night Elf Druids and some of Rognak’s Warsong Neophytes are carousing together.
Cenarius departs with but a single nod of his head that Rognak returns and Rognak… Rognak finds himself at a loss for a moment. Until suddenly, there’s a tug on his wrist and he turns to find Shandris standing next to him. The Night Elf Sentinel doesn’t smile, but the hooded look in her eyes makes it clear what she wants from him. And so Rognak allows himself to be tugged along, figuring that at least this much was pretty clear at this point.
That is… until she guides him into a tent and Rognak finds himself staring into the eyes of one Jaina Proudmoore in a significant state of undress. And suddenly he realizes that nothing is even REMOTELY clear.
Roll with the punches and adapt. That was what he’d told himself, right? Easier said than done…


Shandris had a plan. Well… Shandris had about one third of a plan. And no, it wasn’t a plan to save them all from the Burning Legion or anything like that. She might have been a leader among her Sentinels, but Shandris was perfectly happy to leave the bigger picture thinking to people like Lord Cenarius, who she was confident would lead them to victory soon enough.
In the meantime however, Shandris had to find a solution to the woes that were ailing the High Priestess. Tyrande Whisperwind had suffered attack after attack on her mental state in recent times. First it had been shortly after Shandris left her in Astranaar, when the demons and undead had come sweeping through the town and hunted Tyrande personally for hours before she was able to escape their clutches by the skin of her teeth.
Then, before she could even begin to process that first traumatic event and the tragedy that had come from it, they had arrived in the Moonglade and discovered Malfurion’s fate. Shandris wasn’t surprised that Malfurion’s loss broke her adoptive mother, but she had been hopeful when she overheard Cenarius and Rognak talking that freeing Illidan would give Tyrande something new to latch onto.
… Only, now Illidan was dead as well, and for all that the High Priestess had immediately avenged his death by slaying his killer in turn… Shandris had still put a grieving Tyrande Whisperwind to bed not but an hour earlier. In the end, it was clear to her that she needed to find a way to help the other Night Elf woman get past her grief. Wracking her brain for a time, Shandris had eventually come to a simple conclusion.
There were only a handful of instances in the past several weeks where Shandris herself had been happy… and they’d all involved one orc druid in particular. Rognak was like a rock in a swirling whirlpool, a soothing balm upon Shandris’ soul that she could always rely upon to assuage her hurts and her pain. The Warsong Chieftain was, to say the least, a man who could make her feel things she hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
That said, Tyrande had not raised her to be overly reckless, or to go charging in without planning ahead. The strategy for helping her mother overcome her grief was more than a little unorthodox, and Shandris recognized as much. That was why… she needed to make sure everything would work out like she wanted it to before she tried to implement it.
This was where Jaina Proudmoore came into things. Shandris had never confronted the human mage over her spying, mostly because Rognak hadn’t wanted her to. However, she’d also kept the peeping in her back pocket for a rainy day… and now she was finally putting that information to use. Seducing the human female with knowledge of her perversion had been simplicity itself, especially when she’d offered to let Jaina join in on her and Rognak’s fun.
The human had acted slightly recalcitrant of course, trying not to be too eager… but in the end, it had only taken a small amount of prodding and teasing for Jaina to agree to Shandris’ offer. With her on board, it was just left to see if Rognak himself was willing to entertain the thought of an extra body in their stress-relieving activities.
Shandris figured if the orc druid was willing to have sex with her and Jaina at the same time, then perhaps he would be willing to do the same with her and Tyrande as well. It didn’t have to mean anything beyond sex, really. After all, they were just fuck buddies. There was nothing deeper there.
And so, as soon as he arrived back in camp, Shandris had grabbed him and brought him here… to where she’d prepared Jaina Proudmoore for him. The stage had been set, the human woman submitting to Shandris’ own perverse whims. Jaina needed to understand the pecking order, after all… so Shandris had tied her up a little bit.
Binding and gagging the mage had proven to be quite fun, stripping her down, feeling up her soft body, and then wrapping it in rope so that she was presented in quite the… lewd manner. With her arms tied behind her back, her legs bowed at the knees and strapped in place, Jaina was exposed in a way that made it quite clear her body was on offer in this moment.
Gazing now at her hard work, Shandris smiles in satisfaction, even as Jaina whimpers through her gag, looking past her to Rognak. Finally, the Night Elf Sentinel turns to regard the Warsong Chieftain, expecting to see lust and hunger in his eyes. Instead, he looks surprised and a little aghast.
“Shandris… what have you done?”
What?! Shandris almost sputters, but she catches herself and instead scowls a little bit as she crosses her arms over her chest defensively. Did Rognak really think that she’d done this without Jaina’s consent?!
“Nothing that the human did not want Rognak, I assure you! I offered to let her join in on our fun and she accepted!”
Jaina would back her up on that, Shandris was sure. However, rather than asking Jaina whether Shandris was telling the truth, Rognak instead grabs her by her arm and drags her a little away from the bound and gagged human. When he speaks, he does so in a hissing voice.
“Shandris… we just killed her first and oldest love!”
Shandris’ eyes widen at that and she glances back at the bound mage. The Death Knight? Now that she thought about it, Jaina and the creature they’d named Arthas had exchanged some strangely personal words, hadn’t they? They’d clearly known each other. But still…
“… She could really use better taste in men.”
Rognak growls, his grip on her arm tightening.
“That’s neither here nor there, Shandris. You’re taking advantage of her. She’s in a uniquely vulnerable state and-mmph!”
He’s clearly incensed, but at least kissing him is still enough to shut him up. Shandris maintains the lip lock for only a moment, knowing that the longer she went, the more she risked him ending it on his end. Instead, she cancels it out on her own terms before shaking her head with a scoff.
“You underestimate her desire for you, Rognak. She positively leaped at this opportunity. Ask her yourself if she feels taken advantage of in this moment. I assure you… she WANTS this. She’s wanted it ever since she caught us going at it in the woods. Possibly even before that.”
Rognak doesn’t look convinced. Was it possible he really didn’t understand that the human mage was carrying something of a torch for him? Shandris could scarcely believe it, truth be told. But then… he COULD be remarkably dense sometimes, couldn’t he? Rolling her eyes, Shandris grabs him by the hand and tugs him over. He follows somewhat reluctantly, but at least he doesn’t try to fight her as she moves over to Jaina and uses her other hand to pull the gag from the human woman’s mouth.
“He thinks that deep down inside, you don’t really want this. It’s up to you to convince him otherwise, or it’s not happening.”
Rognak inhales sharply at Shandris’ blunt appraisal of the situation, but she ignores his hissed ‘Shandris’ and stares pointedly at Jaina. She’s not wrong, after all. This only goes forward if Jaina can convince Rognak she wants him to fuck her.
Blushing profusely, the restrained human hesitates for only a moment before speaking up.
“I do want it, Rognak. I want… I want you. I have… wondered if there might be something between us for quite some time. Even if I have to share you, I want to find out if we are… compatible.”
Rognak stares for several long moments at that, and truth be told, Shandris has no idea what’s going through his head. She does notice his eyes traveling along the length of Jaina’s exposed body, taking in her… compromised state. Before, he’d forced himself to keep his gaze above her neckline. But no longer is he ignoring Jaina’s body. Nor is he ignoring her arousal. The human’s nipples are rock hard, and her pussy glistens in the magical torchlight keeping the tent from total darkness. Shandris smirks, as Rognak lets out a shuddering breath.
“… Very well. I would be… happy to find out if we are compatible or not, Lady Proudmoore.”
Jaina bites her lower lip, blushing even harder as she wiggles in her restraints.
“Please call me Jaina.”
“… Jaina…”
Rolling her eyes, Shandris claps her hands together, startling both of them.
“Wonderful! Are we all done throwing ourselves pity parties? You know, I’m the only one here who’s immortal, and yet for some reason you two are the ones taking your sweet-ass time with things! If everyone is satisfied that no one is being coerced, let’s have some fun already!”
Rognak blinks… and then snorts in amusement as he reaches down and begins removing his robes. Seeing this, Shandris grins in excitement and begins stripping naked as well. Jaina… well, Jaina is already as naked as she’s going to get, and in her current state of bondage, she’s definitely not going anywhere.
A few moments later and the Chieftain of the Warsong Clan kneels down between Jaina’s spread, bowed legs, his throbbing green mast slapping down upon her exposed pussy lips. The bound mage gasps as she stares down at his size, and Shandris, who’s taken up position behind Jaina and is now resting the blonde’s head on her lap, runs her fingers through the mage’s hair.
“Don’t fret now. He might look scary… but you can take him. I certainly did.”
Rognak grunts at that.
“Night Elves are by nature much tougher than humans, Shandris. Which is why I’ll be going slowly at first. Jaina, it’ll be up to you to tell me if I need to slow down even further.”
Shandris just rolls her eyes but also smiles as Jaina nods hesitantly in her lap. Rognak cares a bit too much sometimes, in her opinion. But still, it’s nice of him to be so considerate. Either way, she watches as he puts the tip of his cock against Jaina’s sex, enjoying the way the human mage gasps, her breath hitching as his member pushes against her slit.
She imagines briefly that it’s Tyrande in Jaina’s place, how her mother might react to such an… impressive specimen. But no… the High Priestess is in no state to accept Rognak’s advances at this moment. Not to mention, Shandris suspected that convincing Rognak to give Tyrande a go this soon would be much harder than convincing him to fuck Jaina would be.
In the end though, this is an excellent proof of concept for her plan, which she’s proud to say has graduated from one third of a plan to two thirds of a plan! She’s got Rognak halfway on board, after all!
Jaina, unaware of her status as Shandris’ test subject, can only moan as Rognak slowly, carefully pushes into her. The bound human woman shudders and quakes as Rognak’s immense size slowly stretches her out. Despite Rognak’s words about Night Elves being tougher than humans by nature, Shandris honestly doesn’t quite agree.
She’s seen humans do some amazing things since they became allies. And sure, Jaina was softer than her in physical stature… by a long shot in fact, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t tough in her own way. Shandris could tell that the human leader had gone through quite a lot. Hell, just the act of bringing all of these people across the sea to Kalimdor to save them from the apocalypse she’d heard tale of back in their homeland was… amazing.
Out of everyone Shandris might have wanted to share Rognak with in order to test run whether she could eventually share him with Tyrande… Jaina was the only choice that had come to mind, truth be told. Not just because she was carrying such a torch for the orc druid either, but also because… Shandris honestly greatly admired the human woman and what she’d proven capable of so far.
As Rognak slowly begins thrusting in and out of Jaina, having stopped halfway in and waited thirty seconds before finally beginning to move… Shandris hums and carefully pulls her legs out from under Jaina’s head. She continues supporting the human mage with her hands, even as she shuffles back… and then leans forward.
Jaina’s eyes go wide a moment before Shandris’ lips meet her own, the Night Elf kissing her fellow female from upside down. The human’s lips are actually quite sweet, and though she doesn’t have any fangs to play with, Shandris still enjoys pushing her tongue into Jaina’s willing, accepting mouth as they makeout with one another.
In doing so, she seems to prompt Rognak almost inadvertently. The orc grunts and huffs and begins to pick up speed. It would seem watching Shandris make out with the woman he’s currently fucking is arousing for the Warsong Chieftain. Smirking slightly, Shandris continues to swap spit with Jaina for a little while longer before pulling back and letting Rognak see the flushed, flustered state that she’s left the human mage in.
Jaina’s lips are puffy and her eyes are wide as she gazes up at Rognak. Meanwhile, Shandris looks at him with a savage grin.
“She can take more, Rognak. Don’t hold back for her sake. She wants it. She wants YOU. And let’s be honest… you want her just as badly. You love having that tight human cunt wrapped around your big fat orc cock, don’t you?”
Rognak growls at her for that, but Jaina moans before he can respond, and from the look that comes over the orc’s face, she also tightens up around his cock in a way that most decidedly agrees with Shandris’ words.
From that point on, he doesn’t really hold back. Maybe a little bit, but he fucks Jaina with greater force than before, making the human mage squeal until Shandris shuts her up with more tongue-filled kissing. Until finally, with a loud grunt, Rognak empties his balls inside of the sweaty blonde woman, leaving her satiated and panting for breath as Shandris pulls away from her lips for a second time.
This time however, she doesn’t even fully manage to lift her head before Rognak grabs her by her hair and yanks her forward. Gasping, Shandris’ eyes dance with amusement as he slides himself out of Jaina, still rock hard and ready for more. Looking somewhat frustrated with her, but also horribly turned on at this point, Rognak growls. Shandris responds by reaching out and grabbing his messy cock, stroking it with both hands as she just smirks at him impishly.
“… I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk straight in the morning you mischievous little minx.”
Shandris snickers and makes a show of licking her lips.
“Promises, promises~”
Snarling, Rognak spins her around and all but throws her on top of Jaina’s recovering form. He’s inside of her a moment later, fucking her from behind as she rests on her hands and knees over the bound human mage.
To his credit… he makes good on his promise by the end of the night. She definitely can’t walk straight the next morning.


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