A Savage Nature (Warcraft)

Chapter 42: Astranaar Reborn

Astranaar. Admittedly, Maiev had not visited the small lake town in quite a few years before now. But that didn’t make the change from a town to a city any less shocking to witness. Especially since she was given to understand that this had not been the result of years, possibly even decades of growth, but only the work of the past several months.
The old Astranaar was damn near raised to the ground by Archimonde and the Legion in their single-minded pursuit of Tyrande Whisperwind. Countless loyal Sentinels had laid down their lives to give first the townsfolk, and then Tyrande herself, the opportunity to escape. And yet… the people of Astranaar had put true to the words that a town was nothing without its citizens. The buildings themselves might have been destroyed, but the civilians had returned… and with dogged focus, rebuilt.
More than rebuilt, for Astranaar was now the center of Night Elf Civilization in all of Northern Kalimdor. Once a small town built on an island within a lake connected only to the rest of Ashenvale by a pair of bridges… the place had been transformed into an entire city in the past few months. The center island was now dominated by a large, gorgeous Temple to Elune, while all along the outer edge of the lake, buildings had sprung up, practically overnight.
Of course, with the correct druidic influence, it was possible for Night Elf buildings to sprout up overnight quite literally. All it took was a connection with Nature and a will to see it done and the trees of Ashenvale Forest would work with you so long as you weren’t complacent or rude. Or so Maiev had always been told. She was not a druid herself, after all. She had never spoken to the trees and coaxed them to grow a certain way or give up some of their precious wood in the way a druid could.
Though, with the losses that the Night Elves had taken when it came to their druid population, one might wonder where the ability to create such a gorgeous city so fast had come from. But the answer was right in front of them… the Night Elves were not alone in their new Capital.
Maiev could see orcs dressed in leather robes working alongside Night Elves clad similarly, communing with Nature together in order to make growth happen at an accelerated rate. And indeed, it wasn’t just orcish druids who comingled with the Night Elves of Astranaar. There were other orcs as well who were clearly less druids and more warriors, walking around wearing armor and wielding large weapons of war.
They went unhindered, and indeed caused no trouble in turn. And the orcs weren’t the only non-elven race in the city either. Humans and Tauren could also be found, though in far lesser number. There were even a troll or two here or there, though they definitely had the lowest representation. That didn’t surprise Maiev too much… Night Elves and Trolls had long found themselves clashing and rubbing themselves the long way.
The Trolls would claim it was because the Night Elves refused to acknowledge that they were themselves descended from Trolls eons ago. But privately, Maiev had always believed that to be bullshit. In the end, their ways of life, while similar in some ways, were just too… different for peaceful coexistence to last long. Certainly, Maiev and her Watchers had had to handle a couple of Troll Warlords in the last ten thousand years. To say nothing of what their Witch Doctors could get up to if they got the wrong sort of Voodoo going.
And yet, despite ten thousand years of experiences telling her that elves mingling with other races was a Bad Idea… Maiev doesn’t find the sight as offensive as she would have thought. But then, she knew why that was, didn’t she? Rognak. The Warsong Chieftain had managed to get under her skin. She actually found herself respecting the orc druid more than she cared to admit.
In point of fact, she knew deep down inside that he and his race were the impetus for all of this. Maiev’s people had been slow to grow and damn near stagnant for centuries… no, for millennia. Even the destruction of Nordrassil likely wouldn’t have been enough of a shock to the system to force through the cultural change they needed in order to adapt to the rapidly altered world they found themselves in.
… But the orcs were just what the Priestess prescribed, weren’t they? The creatures, savage and noble that they were, did not stop for nothing. They just kept going, and in doing so they had managed to set an example for Maiev’s people to follow. That wasn’t to say the Night Elves were becoming subservient to these orcs, thankfully. No, the younger races still had much to learn, and Maiev’s people had much to teach. But… there was something to be said about the knowledge to be learned going both ways.
Of course, she wasn’t about to say any of that out loud. Stoicism was the name of the game, especially given where they were now. Standing in the upper tier of the Grand Temple of Elune erected on the site of Old Astranaar, Maiev finds herself alongside Naisha in the back, essentially out on a balcony of sorts as they watch Lord Cenarius and the Warsong Chieftain explain everything that has happened to High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and Sentinel Captain Shandris Feathermoon.
As the two Night Elf women grow increasingly more concerned with every word that passes from the mouths of Rognak and the Forest Demigod, Maiev finds herself nudged in the side by her mate.
“Amazing, isn’t it? What’s been done here in Astranaar. I never would have thought it possible.”
Her first impulse is to tell Naisha to be quiet, to reprimand her for speaking out of turn. But they’re both far enough away that they aren’t interrupting the meeting going on inside, while also close enough to hear every word. And… having almost lost Naisha up in Moonglade, Maiev finds it hard to reprimand her, even if she’s supposed to be the other Warden’s superior officer first and her mate second.
In the end, she just grunts and nods… the best that Naisha is going to get from her in this circumstance. Of course, she can feel her mate’s mischievous energy right beside her. The little minx is going to do something to provoke her any second, isn’t she? She just-
But Naisha never gets the chance, because Tyrande suddenly speaks up, the High Priestess of Elune’s words managing to catch even their attention and hold it fast.
“You are correct. This situation is incredibly dire and must be dealt with sooner rather than later. Lord Cenarius, Chieftain Rognak… our resources are at your disposal. An expedition to Northrend will set out from the port town of Auberdine within the week.”
That by itself was great to hear… but before anyone can really breathe, let alone speak, Tyrande continues on, her eyes blazing with poorly contained fervor.
“Seeing as this Lich King is responsible for the death of BOTH Stormrage Brothers, albeit in a roundabout way… I will be going with you. To settle unfinished business, once and for all.”
THAT is what gets everyone’s attention, even Lord Cenarius visibly surprised, while Rognak literally rears back in shock. Maiev, meanwhile, tilts her head, a little caught off guard by the High Priestess’ audacity… but more amused than anything.
Part of her had been ready to blame Tyrande for all of it when she initially got back to the Barrow Deeps and found out that Illidan Stormrage was not in his cell. She’d always found it suspicious that the Priestess had never visited the prisoner, despite their close connection. Biding her time, perhaps? But no… Maiev’s initial assessment had been incorrect, and she’d been forced to change her tune when she found out that Tyrande had actually had nothing to do with Illidan’s parole. It was all Lord Cenarius and to a lesser extent Rognak in the end.
Ultimately, Maiev’s heart went out to Tyrande. To lose her mate like that… and for that mate to be Malfurion Stormrage, one of their people’s greatest leaders… yes, her heart went out to the other woman. Even still…
“Tyrande… High Priestess! Surely you can’t be serious?! You can’t possibly go… you’re our people’s only remaining leader. They look to you for guidance. We’ve only managed as much as we have in these past several months with you leading the way! If Lord Cenarius is going to Northrend, we need you here more than ever!”
Shandris Feathermoon lays it out pretty succinctly, Maiev feels. While there’s no replacing Malfurion Stormrage… and the death of Archdruid Staghelm so soon after was also highly regrettable, Tyrande had done her best all the same. And looking around them, Maiev was forced to admit that the other woman had really stepped up. Then again, she’d been leading them while Malfurion tended to his duties in the Dream for much of the past ten thousand years anyways. Maybe not well… but she HAD been leading them.
And yet, Tyrande turns to her adoptive daughter and gives the Sentinel Captain a serene smile.
“You are correct, Shandris. With Malfurion’s death, we lost a pillar of our people. Though… Lord Cenarius, am I correct in assuming that your departure means Broll Bearmantle has finally agreed to take on the title of Archdruid?”
The Forest Demigod nods his head as he’s addressed.
“Hm, yes. It took some convincing from his daughter before his ridiculous insecurities and ultimately petty worries about not being ‘good enough’ were laid to rest… but he has finally accepted the title. The Night Elves have an Archdruid once more, else you are right that I would be much less inclined to volunteer myself for this trip to the Frozen North.”
Maiev tilts her head to the side at that, noting how surprised Shandris looks by this new information. Still, she’s quick to rally.
“That’s all well and good Priestess, but even still… Broll, err, Archdruid Bearmantle can’t be expected to do it all on his own!”
Once again, Tyrande remains calm. That serene smile of hers might as well have been permanently etched across her face as she steps forward and places her hands on Shandris’ shoulders.
“He won’t be, my dear. He’ll have you to help him… because as of this moment, I am putting you in charge while I am gone. In my absence, you will handle all of my duties and responsibilities not directly pertaining to the Temple of Elune. The other Priestesses can handle the Temple Business so that you aren’t overwhelmed.”
Alright, now Maiev is a little amused. It’s become apparent that Tyrande has thought this whole thing through… even if Shandris clearly hadn’t. Eyes wide, the Sentinel’s mouth opens and closes like a fish a few times before she finally thinks up a new argument.
“I-I can’t possibly take your place Tyrande! I’m j-just a Sentinel Captain! Surely… surely I don’t have the rank or the pull for such a task!”
And yet, even at that, the High Priestess remains unperturbed.
“You WERE only a Sentinel Captain, Shandris. But if there’s anything that these last several months have taught me, it’s that we grew complacent over the last few millennia. Complacent and slow to adapt, slow to advance. You have held the title of Sentinel Captain for some time now… centuries, if I remember correctly. As such, I am proud to greet you under your new title… General Feathermoon.”
Oh-ho. Tyrande had covered every contingency, hadn’t she? Maiev doesn’t grin… but she wants to. Beside her, she knows Naisha is grinning wide enough for the both of them. This right here? This is peak entertainment, to be sure.
Though, interestingly enough… Rognak in particular jolts at the conferred title’. Hearing ‘General Feathermoon’ almost seems to mean something to the orc druid. Maiev doesn’t know what, but she finds his reaction curious if nothing else. Shandris, meanwhile, is just frozen in place, eyes wide and mouth agape in shock. She seems torn between pleased at having her contributions to their people recognized with the promotion… and horrified at what’s coming along with it.
Placing her hands on Shandris’ shoulders, Tyrande gives the other woman a heartfelt smile.
“I know I can count on you, General. Together with Archdruid Bearmantle, you will be extraordinary. Our people couldn’t possibly be in safer hands.”
Shandris looks like she has several things she wants to say to that, but before she can, Tyrande pulls her into a hug… and in the end, the younger Night Elf simply hugs her back, looking as pale as a spectre and whimpering into Tyrande’s shoulder.
Later that evening, Maiev finds herself on a different balcony entirely, high up in a tree that has been turned into temporary lodging for travelers. She and Naisha have been granted a set of rooms on the third floor, and Maiev stares out over the city that Astranaar has become, watching as even late into the evening, even with the sun set, there’s still plenty of movement to be seen, people moving back and forth with magical lanterns and candles to light their way.
Suddenly, a pair of hands covers her face. Maiev reacts appropriately, reaching up and grabbing her attacker’s wrists and executing a maneuver that puts HER behind THEM before they can react, locking their arms together and ultimately arresting their movement entirely. Of course, there are a number of different ways to escalate the successful counter into a proper string of disabling or even lethal attacks from there… but seeing as her attacker is her mate, Maiev doesn’t go for any of them.
Naisha giggles and relaxes into her hold almost immediately, the other Warden not even trying to fight it as she rests back against Maiev’s chest and lets out a happy little sigh. In turn, Maiev leans her chin on Naisha’s shoulder, accepting the moment of luxury for what it is and acknowledging, at least to herself, that such moments will be in short supply very soon, especially once they set off for Northrend.
Before she can say anything, however, Naisha makes a noise of curiosity in the back of her throat.
“Oh? Look there, Maiev.”
Maiev looks to where Naisha is pointing… and after a moment, makes out the form of one Shandris Feathermoon moving through the city streets. However, the more interesting thing is that she’s not alone, but instead accompanied by a human woman with gold hair of all things. Maiev’s eyes narrow at the sight and her lips pull into a frown.
“Hm. What is our new Sentinel General doing with a human at this time of night, I wonder?”
Naisha lets out a laugh and abruptly breaks free of a distracted Maiev’s hold, though only to turn around in her arms and reach up to grab hold of her face.
“Nuh-uh. I know that tone, beloved. That’s your ‘I want to go snoop’ voice.”
Maiev narrows her eyes even further, though now she does so at her mate.
“I do not snoop. I investigate.”
Naisha just grins and shakes her head.
“Sure. But there’s nothing to investigate here. Save your strength for the battles ahead my love. You’ll need it. Now… quit your pouting and take me to bed.”
Frowning, Maiev does as she’s told, drawing back from the balcony. Though not without firing back one last response.
“I wasn’t pouting. I was scowling. There’s a difference.”
“Of course, beloved. Of course.”
Hmph. She cut Naisha way too much slack sometimes. Still… in this case, her mate was right. Whatever Shandris Feathermoon was doing with that human woman at this time of night? It was none of Maiev’s business.


He’s expecting Shandris to come and visit him. That’s why he waits up for her, relaxing but not letting himself fall asleep despite the incredible comfort of the temporary accommodations he’s been provided with. Frankly, what the Night Elves have managed with Astranaar is inspiring to say the least. It’s both similar and not to what his second set of memories tell him could have been regarding Darnassus. But most importantly of all, it’s not suffering from the problems Teldrassil would have suffered from under Fandral Staghelm’s duplicitous attention.
Still, even as he waits for Shandris’ arrival, Rognak finds himself going over the events of the day in his head. Tyrande had been rather adamant that she would be coming along… and seeing how Cenarius himself hadn’t tried to stop her, Rognak wasn’t about to make a go of it either. If she felt like Broll and Shandris could handle things on Kalimdor in her absence, then who was he to argue?
Indeed, he was leaving his own projects in the hands of equally capable subordinates. Sure, the Horde had Thrall as its Warchief to keep everything on track there, but while a great majority of the Warsong Druids would be coming to Northrend with the expedition, not all of them would. If the worst came to pass and they somehow perished, Rognak wanted to make sure druidism within the orcs did not die off. It needed to continue, no matter what.
Just as his thoughts are turning towards morbid possibilities, a knock on the door startles him out of them. Rognak looks up from his musings and grunts, rising to his feet and moving over to let Shandris in. As previously said, he knew to expect her. However, he did NOT expect who she would bring with her.
Stepping aside to allow them both entry, Rognak can’t help but stare at the smiling human mage. Jaina Proudmoore, Lady of Theramore Isle, slips into the humble accommodations and gives him a nod.
Shandris, meanwhile, scoffs and none-too-gently punches him in the shoulder.
“What am I? Chopped liver?”
Blinking, Rognak flushes and shakes his head.
“Apologies, I just didn’t expect Jaina along with you, Shandris.”
The two women he’d found himself in committed relationships were here at the same time, each clearly expecting his attention. It would be a heart stopping moment if not for a few things. One, they knew about each other. Two, it was actually Shandris who had seduced Jaina into his bed FOR him in the first place. And three, they had both made it clear they didn’t mind sharing him with one another.
Smiling softly, Jaina nods her head.
“Shandris sent me a message. We decided we would share you for the evening, before you had to leave.”
Rognak shifts from foot to foot at that.
“The expedition doesn’t depart for another week, Jaina…”
It’s Shandris who scoffs at that.
“And? You’ll be heading to either Auberdine or Orgrimmar on the morrow to begin making preparations, won’t you? Meanwhile, she’s needed back in Theramore sooner rather than later. And I… hah, I’m a fucking General now. As much as I wish I could promise we’ll all be able to spend every night of the next week together, there simply won’t be time.”
With that decisively stated, Shandris leaves little room for argument, especially when she begins yanking her armor off quite aggressively, stripping naked right there on the spot. Jaina and Rognak share a glance at the slightly irritable Night Elf’s behavior, before both shrugging and beginning to strip out of their own garments as well.
As they do so, a thought strikes Rognak and he finds himself frowning, a little worried as he glances over in Jaina’s direction.
“Jaina… will you be okay, not going with us to Northrend?”
An appreciative smile ghosts across the human mage’s face, along with some pain that she doesn’t quite manage to hide. A quiet sigh leaves her lips, before ultimately she nods.
“I’ll be… fine. Truthfully, my place is here on Kalimdor, with my people. There isn’t really anyone I can truly trust to watch over Theramore in my stead. Not at this critical juncture. And… as much as I want the Lich King dead for what he and the Legion did to Arthas, I’ve moved on. The monster Arthas became… he’s gone now. The Prince of Lordaeron has been laid to rest, in no small part thanks to you. I’m at peace with it, I suppose.”
And then Jaina smirks.
“Besides, I know you Rognak. I know you won’t stop until you’ve successfully ended the threat that the Lich King and these dreadlords pose. I guess… I’m content to sit back this time because I know the mission is in excellent hands.”
A swell of pride fills Rognak’s chest at that… even as pulsing hot blood fills his growing cock at the sight of Shandris and Jaina, both in equal states of nudity and undress now. His eyes roam over their beautiful bodies, the two women very different from each other, but both gorgeous in their own ways. Shandris meanwhile, scoffs at Jaina’s words, cocking out a hip and putting a hand on it as she shakes her head.
“If only Tyrande felt the same way.”
Before Rognak can respond to that quip, Jaina gets this look in her eye. Suddenly, the human mage whips around and flicks out her fingers, letting loose a spell that neither of the other people in the room had realized she was even casting in the first place.
“What the-?!”
Shandris squawks indignantly as, near-instantly, she finds herself bound in glowing orange arcane shackles. They pull her arms and legs taut in an X, leaving her spread-eagle in midair as she struggles and squirms but to no avail. Restrained, her taut and naked body is on display for both of them as Shandris blushes and scowls fiercely for a moment before letting her scowl turn into a pout.
Jaina, meanwhile, is positively aglow with contentment as her eyes twinkle in mischievous joy.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now. Not too tight I hope, Shandris?”
Rognak lifts an eyebrow, even as Shandris sighs and wiggles for a moment longer before falling still.
“… No. They’re fine.”
Jaina smirks and then flicks her fingers again. Shandris can only gasp as the arcane shackles float her over to the nearby bed. The newly promoted Night Elf General finds herself with her arms coming together over her head, while her legs remain stretched out, showing off her beautifully wet pussy lips. Rognak can’t help but admire the sight. Every inch of Shandris is on display. The Night Elf woman’s incredibly defined musculature flexes as the more feminine parts of her anatomy jiggle and wiggle.
Meanwhile, her captor stalks over… and crawls up onto the bed. Where Shandris is all lean muscle mixed with light curves, Jaina is the opposite. She’s ALL curves, with a body that just screamed pillow princess. Normally, Shandris had no issues physically manhandling the human woman however she wanted. She was just stronger than Jaina, that was how it was.
But right now, Jaina’s magic has given the human mage the upper hand. Right now, despite being a pillow princess, Jaina is the one ‘in charge’ as she leans over Shandris, running her hands up and down the helpless Night Elf’s beautiful figure. At the same time, Jaina wiggles her ass back and forth, swaying her hips from side to side as she kneels there between Shandris’ legs.
Looking back over her shoulder at him while she cups the other female’s breasts, Jaina bites her lower lip, her eyes silently conveying an invitation Rognak simply can’t refuse. Grunting, his cock positively throbbing with need by this point, the orc druid makes his way over to the bed as well.
Placing one knee up on the bed, he rests a large green hand on Jaina’s backside, cupping one of her sizable butt cheeks even as his thick fingers end up fully splayed over that half of her ass as well as parts of her thigh and hip. His other hand takes hold of his cock and places it against her slit, causing her to moan and her lower lips to clamp down on his dick tip in anticipation.
She’s more than wet enough for him, though the size difference is still very much a thing. Fortunately, Azerothian humans are built much tougher than the ones from his previous life’s world. Otherwise, he’s not sure he would have been able to start a sexual relationship with Jaina in the first place.
As it is, he takes his time pushing into her. One of her hands even comes back and she uses her fingers to splay her pussy lips further apart for him, allowing him all the ease of entry in the world. At the same time, her other hand remains affixed to Shandris’ breast, groping and squeezing the bound Night Elf Woman’s chest as she moans wantonly into her face.
Eventually, he’s as deep inside of her as he dares to go. Which is why he’s a little surprised when Jaina insists on pushing back against him, not just bouncing her hips but actively using all of her meager physical strength to force him back. He doesn’t fight her of course, and the end result is him fully standing at the edge of the bed, while Jaina kneels there in front of him… trailing her tongue down Shandris’ taut abs and eventually reaching the bound Night Elf’s pussy lips.
Rognak blinks at this, even as Shandris’ eyes, which had become lidded, go wide the moment Jaina’s tongue touches her cunt. The newly promoted General gasps as the Lady of Theramore Isle begins to eat her out, working that tongue of hers in and out of Shandris’ folds. Rognak just watches the incredibly intoxicating sight for a moment, wondering how he got so lucky.
Then, Jaina wiggles her hips in an insistent manner that reminds him he’s not just some bystander here. No, he has his own duties to be upholding. Chuckling heartily, he grabs hold of Jaina by her hips, his large green hands easily managing to encircle the tight waistline of the beautiful mage’s hourglass figure. Once he has a solid hold on her, he begins to fuck into her, thrusting his cock into her depths and running up against the entrance to her womb itself as he bottoms out inside of her again and again.
The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, cock meat squelching in and out of a sloppily wet pussy, and wanton feminine moans mixed with harsh masculine grunts quickly fills the room. As he fucks Jaina, she in turn eats out Shandris. And Shandris in turn lays back and takes it. Rognak realizes, watching Shandris moan up a storm from Jaina’s oral technique, that this was exactly what the Night Elf woman needed.
After the day she’d had and the responsibilities foisted upon her by her adoptive mother, was it any surprise that what Shandris needed most in the world was some no-nonsense monkey sex? But more than that, she needed to have any sort of responsibility or duty to the encounter taken away from her. And that was exactly what Jaina had done. By binding Shandris with the arcane shackles, she was keeping the Night Elf from actively participating in any way.
Despite their two distinct body types, it was Shandris who was being treated like the Pillow Princess in this instance, with Jaina nibbling at her clit and swirling her tongue around inside of the other woman’s cunt while Rognak pounds Jaina’s gloriously tight, incredibly soft cunt from behind.
The three of them exult in one another’s company for what feels like an eternity, Jaina’s pussy trying and failing to hold him inside of it, but nevertheless succeeding in eventually managing to milk him of his load. However, by the time Rognak finally seeds the human mage, filling her with his cum, Jaina is beyond exhausted. She’s put her all into this entire encounter, and it shows. As he pulls out of her, the arcane shackles holding Shandris in place fade away, allowing the Night Elf to suddenly wrap her legs around Jaina’s head and hold her to her cunt.
The next few moments are filled with enthusiastic lapping sounds and Shandris’ moans, before finally the toned Night Elf bucks her hips and gasps, squirting her own orgasm all over Jaina’s face. A moment later and Jaina is rolled off onto her side, sprawled out and panting, her face glistening with pussy juices and her cunt leaking thick and copious amounts of orc cum.
Meanwhile, Shandris just spreads her legs wide once more and offers herself to him. Rognak wastes no time in crawling up onto the bed at long last, pinning the beautiful lithe Night Elf down, and thrusting into her ready and waiting cunt. As he does so, she hooks her arms around his neck and lets out a lewd cry as she takes his cock nice and deep.
At the same time however, Shandris looks him in the eye, clearly having something she wants to say.
“Rognak… on this expedition… mm… if you get the chance to b-bed my mother… I want you to take it.”
Rognak blinks at that, caught a little off guard by the demand. He frowns, still fucking Shandris but slowing down a bit as he shakes his head.
“You already tried on that front, Shandris. Tried and failed, if you remember correctly.”
Shandris scoffs, thankfully not overly offended at being reminded of her previous failure. In fact, she even smiles up at him.
“That was then, this is now. The fact that Tyrande has chosen to go on this mission herself… she can say that it’s because she wants to avenge those she’s lost once and for all by taking down the Lich King personally. It’s probably even true. But just because that’s true doesn’t mean she also isn’t feeling restless. Lonely. Tired.”
Grunting, Rognak listens even as he continues fucking Shandris into the bed. Though, he does pick up the pace a little bit… partially out of hopes that he’ll fuck her too hard for her to continue talking this nonsense.
“She’s, mm… still unhappy. I’ve, ah, done my best… b-but I think she’s actually been unhappy for… for a long time. Longer than just Malfurion’s d-death. I’m not saying you have to proposition her, a-ah, over and over again… just be… available.”
Rognak is quiet for a moment, before letting out a growl and pulling Shandris up into a kiss, one of his large green hands on the back of her head. She, of course, immediately goes for the tusk of his that she likes paying extra special attention to. They make out for a few moments, her moaning into his mouth, until finally he pulls back again.
“… Fine. But you have to do something for me as well while I’m gone.”
Shandris blinks, looking curious at what he means. Rognak only hesitates for a moment before outlining to her what he wants her to keep an eye out for. He doesn’t know the exact timeline of events, so its entirely possible this is ultimately going to result in nothing… but hearing Tyrande call Shandris ‘General’ for the first time earlier today had jogged loose a memory from his previous life.
Whether anything would come of it or not, Rognak couldn’t say. But he figured it couldn’t hurt to try. Or rather, have Shandris try anyways.
As he finishes explaining things to her, Shandris takes it all in and then nods decisively.
“I’ll see what I can do, Rognak.”
Chuckling softly, Rognak pulls her into another kiss before nodding his head.
“That’s all I can ask.”
Needless to say, the three of them enjoy each other’s company for the rest of the night. And just as Shandris prophesized, there isn’t a single moment for any of them to see each other over the coming week. They’re simply too busy. And then suddenly… it’s time to leave Kalimdor behind.
Northrend awaits.


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